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private Hoofstomp High (Romance/SOL)


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"Not too late you say? um, well most of the fun happens at night." He said.

"Well i'm still new to this side of town so you'll have to lead me around. So tell me something though, where is the Library? I do enjoy reading and if i'll be living here i would like to know where it is."


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Sterling Crimson


Sky Streaker sat there and listened to Sterling's father with a raised eyebrow. Then a grin formed on his lips and he started to chuckle. "It's good to see another father around these parts with convictions like me. I do apologize but in this day in age a father must be like a manticore protecting their daughter. I do hope you can understand where I'm coming from, they're both at that very confusing age." Corona's father then extended his hoof. "Please don't take any ill offense to what I said earlier. I could tell right away that your son was a gentlecolt. I needed to gauge how you were, but let me assure you that Sterling is more than welcome in this house from now on."


Corona sat at her desk in her room and pulled out her math book and the work that she'd already gotten done. It wasn't much, she had a basic idea of what to do but some of the things just seemed too hard for her. "Here Sterling I'm having trouble with these. I can't seem to solve for x for some reason." Corona could hear laughing coming from downstairs and figured that their parents had finally settled things out for the better. Corona on the other hoof was happy being with Sterling. Just the fact that she was with him again made her heart jump for joy. She was a little embarrassed by her room all sorts of wonderbolt posters and gear including one picture signed by none other that RD and Spitfire sitting on her desk.



Sterling's father suddenly took his tone of voice down a notch when he heard Corona's father listen to reason. He realized that her father, Sky Streaker, also had the same convictions as he did, which was very comforting indeed. He extended his hoof and gave a friendly shake to Sky. "I apologize for not introducing myself properly. I'm Front Page. I'm a newspaper journalist who just recently moved to Baltimare. I understand your convictions very well, and I apologize for snapping at you like that. I myself had the same fears you had today. I just hope my son really doesn't get himself into trouble, especially with Corona. I'm still worried about him to be honest. Let's work together to make sure they don't do anything crazy ok?"


While their parents were reconciling differences and becoming friends, Sterling was helping Corona with her math homework. He noticed her asking him a question about one of the tougher questions of the assignment. It wasn't normal for him to give help to other students on homework, since nopony really cared about their homework when he was in middle school. He responded kindly, "Well you've got what looks like a quadratic equation. It's different from the other equations you had to solve. See, with those types of equations, you can have two answers..." 


Sterling continued with his explanations, his heart also beating really hard as he began to stutter through his explanation. 'Oh I hope Corona understands as I explain... she's the first mare I've ever had to explain math homework to...' thought a nervous Sterling as he  pressed onward. After finishing his explanation, he felt his heart rushing, not only because of his nervousness, but because he wanted to know what exactly Corona wanted to show him. He noticed all the Wonderbolt pictures and autographs on each one. In particular, he noticed that she got signatures from Spitfire and Rainbow Dash of all ponies! 'Wow... she's a HUGE fan-girl of the Wonderbolts... I'll never be as athletic as them... what if she expects me to be like them? I'd never be able to match their agility and prowess... What if all this was what she wanted to show me?' thought Sterling sadly as he looked around her room. He couldn't take the suspense anymore, so he asked quietly and carefully, "C-C-C-Corona? Umm... what... did... you want to show me?"

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@@Sterling Crimson


Star Streaker nodded in agreement and decided it best for tonight to keep Sterling's father over until they were done with their homework and whatever Corona had to show Sterling. Corona listened as Sterling explained to her what she was supposed to do, at first it was just a bunch of question marks to her. But soon she started to understand what Sterling was saying. "Ha there I got it all on my own that time. Thanks Sterling." Corona smiled at Sterling, her ears perking up when she heard his question. Corona looked outside her window, seeing the beautiful crescent moon in the sky. "Hmm yeah I think it's dark enough. Come out back with me Sterling." Corona could tell he was nervous and in honesty so was she, but she wanted to show him this. Once they got outside they could see a few clouds in the sky and Luna's beautiful moon. "Have you ever seen something strange happen to the moon on rare occasions Sterling?"

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Sterling Crimson


Star Streaker nodded in agreement and decided it best for tonight to keep Sterling's father over until they were done with their homework and whatever Corona had to show Sterling. Corona listened as Sterling explained to her what she was supposed to do, at first it was just a bunch of question marks to her. But soon she started to understand what Sterling was saying. "Ha there I got it all on my own that time. Thanks Sterling." Corona smiled at Sterling, her ears perking up when she heard his question. Corona looked outside her window, seeing the beautiful crescent moon in the sky. "Hmm yeah I think it's dark enough. Come out back with me Sterling." Corona could tell he was nervous and in honesty so was she, but she wanted to show him this. Once they got outside they could see a few clouds in the sky and Luna's beautiful moon. "Have you ever seen something strange happen to the moon on rare occasions Sterling?"

After Sterling asked Corona about the note, she led him out of the house to her backyard. She pointed at the clouds in the night sky and Luna's moon. Sterling was awestruck at the sight; he had never seen the night sky like this ever! The bright lights in Manehattan often masked the night sky from its glory. While he was still observing the night sky, Corona asked him about an occurence on the moon. He replied to Corona's question sadly, "In Manehattan, I've... I've never seen the stars at night like this; the bright city lights mask the night sky. What... is this really strange event to the moon you speak of?" 

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona giggled telling Sterling to wait and see. With that Corona took off into the sky and started breaking the clouds apart pulling the water from them. She flew as high as she could and around the circumference of the moon spreading the water out as a light mist. When she finished and landed what was left was a silver ring around the moon. "That's what I wanted to show you. It's my special talent and I only do it when I'm really happy about something. Like...being around another pony I like...l.l.like you...Sterling." Corona looked at the crimson stallion her cheeks blushing a deep red. The moment was set and the mood was perfect. All Corona could do was stare into Sterling's eyes, before she knew it she felt herself leaning in closer and closer to the stallion.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona giggled telling Sterling to wait and see. With that Corona took off into the sky and started breaking the clouds apart pulling the water from them. She flew as high as she could and around the circumference of the moon spreading the water out as a light mist. When she finished and landed what was left was a silver ring around the moon. "That's what I wanted to show you. It's my special talent and I only do it when I'm really happy about something. Like...being around another pony I like...l.l.like you...Sterling." Corona looked at the crimson stallion her cheeks blushing a deep red. The moment was set and the mood was perfect. All Corona could do was stare into Sterling's eyes, before she knew it she felt herself leaning in closer and closer to the stallion.



Sterling began to watch in awe as Corona created what looked like a halo around the moon. His mouth began to gape as Corona whisked through the skies with amazing agility and flair. After she landed on her backyard, Sterling was left speechless. He didn't know that to say. His mind was a flurry of thoughts finally making the connections, 'Wow... Corona... she... she was... amazing... No wonder she loves the Wonderbolts... and that... explains her cutie mark too...'


While he was still thinking about what Corona showed him, she began to lean really closely towards him. He also heard everything Corona said... her revelation to him left him reeling even more. He didn't know what to make of it! His mind was flying everywhere, filled with positive thoughts! He really wanted to catch up, but he couldn't! He was in the roller-coaster ride of his life, and he wasn't even on one! He was like Romeo, and Corona was like Juliet, even if they weren't banned from being together. He began to imagine a song he always listened to on the radio...




(OOC: If you want the cutesy love theme, go to 7:45. If you want the passionate one, go to 13:32)




One thought stood out though: 'Corona... she... she... really likes me! WOW!!! I'm in heaven! She is so beautiful! I don't care about those bullies! I've found somepony to care for! And I'll make sure she doesn't get hurt by anypony, even the bullies!'  Sterling noticed the loving stare Corona was giving. He approached her ear slowly and calmly. He then whispered, "Cowona... I... really like you too. You're so pretty, I don't care what the other ponies say."  Sterling then proceeded to carefully hug her, making sure her parents didn't think it was too intimate for their liking. After letting go, he asked, "Umm... Cowona? Can you come over to my house sometime? I'd like to show you something too..."



Edited by Sterling Crimson
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"You like books, too? What do you like to read?" Star Rain asked, having never met anypony who was interested in books like she was. Her mind then wandered to the spellbook in her saddlebags. I know he's a pegasus and all but... is he interested in magic? Deciding to test to see if it's true or not, Star's horn began to glow cyan and a small tornado appeared on her outstretched hoof. She then shot out a small jet of blue sparks that got caught in the twister and swirled around in it. It was like she had tossed glitter into the small twister she had created on her hoof, except the sparks weren't flying out.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona's heart beat faster and faster feeling Sterling hugging her close. Corona felt like she was on cloud nine, the words that he spoke were so honest and true she knew he wasn't lying to her. Cloud Dancer had excused herself from the conversation and had seen the two out back from the kitchen. It warmed her heart seeing her daughter falling in love with somepony she knew would treat her right.


Corona scooted back when their embrace had to end her cheeks very flushed, but got even redder when she heard Sterling's question. "Uh...uh...yeah of course, I can come by tomorrow at some point. I'd love to see what you've got to show me...um....that's not what it seems...I mean...I do want to see your thing...." Corona's face turned a deep red and hid it behind her wings. "I'm just... going to stop...talking now."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona's heart beat faster and faster feeling Sterling hugging her close. Corona felt like she was on cloud nine, the words that he spoke were so honest and true she knew he wasn't lying to her. Cloud Dancer had excused herself from the conversation and had seen the two out back from the kitchen. It warmed her heart seeing her daughter falling in love with somepony she knew would treat her right.


Corona scooted back when their embrace had to end her cheeks very flushed, but got even redder when she heard Sterling's question. "Uh...uh...yeah of course, I can come by tomorrow at some point. I'd love to see what you've got to show me...um....that's not what it seems...I mean...I do want to see your thing...." Corona's face turned a deep red and hid it behind her wings. "I'm just... going to stop...talking now."

(OOC: Last post for tonight. Will post again tomorrow).




Sterling noticed that Corona was getting really nervous. He wanted to make her fell more comfortable around him, but at the same time, he couldn't force the issue so early on. He knew the trust and comfort had to build slowly but surely. Still, Sterling gave her a loving smile and spoke, noticing her very deep blush, "Corona... it's ok. In all honesty, I... I get nervous talking with pretty mares like you. When I first approached you about Mr. Grey, my body was shaking! If you want to come, just come tomorrow. Our house is just a block down from here. We'd love to have you, especially me..." Deep inside, Sterling was considering giving her peck, especially curious at what it would feel like. However, he didn't want to ruin his parent's trust, so he respected her space as he continued to give her a side hug.  

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Night had fallen and Regal still wanted to stay out.

"Well I still haven't found the library. It's getting late..." Regal pulled out his map from his bag. Regal was checking where his new place was. Only while checking his bag did he realize he had forgotten something.

"My blanket!" he said. "I must of have left it somewhere, but where?" he thought back to when the bullies were shooting spitballs at him and his new friends. - I must have left it there-  Still Regal had other things to think about, he was on his own, he promised himself that he would not rely on his parent's money or his sibling to help him. he had to survive on his own.

"Well i could buy a new one, but i am low on money" he thought about it "well it's more then likely someone took it already" Regal began to look at the map and see where he was.

"Uh. looks like the library is closer then i thought to my new place. i'll go see what books they have" he placed the map back in his bag and walked over to the library.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona could just sit there with Sterling all night looking up at the moon. But much like the ring around the moon faded the night was starting to get late. "I'll come by sometime tomorrow ok Sterling so we can see each other again ok." Corona gave Sterling a kind smile, walking him inside and to his father. Corona properly introduced herself before Sterling and his father had to leave and head home. Corona's father making a mention to Sterling that he's more than welcome in their house anytime.


Corona waved goodbye to Sterling and as soon as the door shut she was off and in her room. Corona giggled and bounced on her bed with joy and excitement. Cloud Dancer standing in Corona's doorway. "Looks like somepony has a special somepony now." Corona blushed a deep red, she couldn't hide it from her mother. Corona was in love and she wasn't trying to hide it from them. "Yep and I can't wait to go see him tomorrow."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Regal found the library to be smaller then he thought it would.Regal walked up the step of the library and stopped at the entrance

"Well it is getting very late. I should just go home for tonight. It'll still be here tomorrow"

Regal was done for the day and was going home.

Has he opened the door and walked in he saw that most of his stuff was still in the boxes. He had yet to buy food, So he was going to bed without food tonight, -Need to remember i don't have anypony to cook my meals for me anymore

As he pulled some sheets from a box and through himself on top of his bed he thought to himself. -I need to learn to cook tomorrow-, before failing asleep.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Thats pretty neat..I can do magic myself..like this" Flare said as his wings got as sharp as steel. "its nothing special really but it come in handy when I need to shield myself" Flare said as his wings went back to normal. "I like magic...make me wish I was a unicorn at times to tell the truth" Flare said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona could just sit there with Sterling all night looking up at the moon. But much like the ring around the moon faded the night was starting to get late. "I'll come by sometime tomorrow ok Sterling so we can see each other again ok." Corona gave Sterling a kind smile, walking him inside and to his father. Corona properly introduced herself before Sterling and his father had to leave and head home. Corona's father making a mention to Sterling that he's more than welcome in their house anytime.


Corona waved goodbye to Sterling and as soon as the door shut she was off and in her room. Corona giggled and bounced on her bed with joy and excitement. Cloud Dancer standing in Corona's doorway. "Looks like somepony has a special somepony now." Corona blushed a deep red, she couldn't hide it from her mother. Corona was in love and she wasn't trying to hide it from them. "Yep and I can't wait to go see him tomorrow."



Sterling began to leave soon after the hugging was over. It looked like their parents were finished talking inside the well-sized living room, clearly having a good time. 'Well things went much better than expected on that department' thought a relieved Sterling as he began to walk away with his dad. He was ecstatic that Corona was looking so happy as she waved her goodbyes before coming over to his house tomorrow! 


It was a quiet but relaxing walk for Sterling and his father. He gave Sterling a grin, knowing that Sterling now had somepony to take care of. "Sterling. Normally I'd say no to having a special somepony by your side at this early a stage, but this case is an exception. Her family is a wonderful bunch, filled with principle. Also, I'm noticing that huge blush of yours right now..." as Front Page began to chuckle, Sterling's face felt an even greater blush as he struggled to contain it. As they returned home, Sterling's mother was excited to hear how the visit went. Sterling left to his room, sighing happily, while his father told everything. Needless to say, his mother giggled throughout the speech, finally telling Front, "Oh honey... Sterling finally has somepony to love. See? Now you can teach him about being a mature stallion right now! He needs us more than ever! Let's not be too authoritative though; he needs to learn for himself too." 


While his parents were discussing happily about Sterling, Sterling rushed into bed, clearly tired but delighted at how things went at Corona's place. "She... actually likes me! The way she said it was SO CUTE and IRRESISTIBLE! She was like, 'I only do this to ponies I like... and I like you...' HEHEHEHEHE!!! Now I have somepony to love! And all this happened on the first day of classes!" As Sterling continued to speak of his new-found love, he began to doze off to sleep for the night...      

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Corona flew around her room multiple times thinking of Sterling over and over. She had felt his heart beating when he was hugging her and it made her own heart soar. She couldn't wait to go to Sterling's house tomorrow and see him and what he wanted to show her. As it got later and later Corona's flying lessened before she collapsed on her bed and fell asleep. Cloud Dancer came in and tossed a blanket on over her daughter, wishing her sweet dreams for the night.


(OOC: So welcome Raven played by IncognitoKiwoy. Also the end of this day will be soon so once everyone gets a post in I'll start the next day.)

Edited by Quilava

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Snow dream said goodbye to Regal and trotted home, avoiding the more dodgy area of town like dark alley ways and shady corners. She reached her house and unlocked the door. After telling her parents about her first day she ate supper and headed off to her room for the night. She lay in her bed, just thinking about the day and what the next one may have install for her.

Edited by Snowdream
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Star Rain began to walk in the direction of their homes and looked with surprise at his wings. "That's awesome! I practice magic alot on my own. I own lots of spellbooks if you'd like to read some!" she offered, immediately regretting what she said. Oh no, did I make him jealous? Oh please no! She shifted her hooves uncomfortably 

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"No I dont think spellbooks will help me out but I like reading them" Flare said as he put the book in his saddlebag. "Now shall we get going to home before it gets too late" Flare said seeing the moon rise. "Well im gonna be yelled at by my parents" Flare said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Oh, sorry about that," Star Rain apologized. I'm lucky my father's on call at the hospital! "Well, let's just hope that we don't get teased again, alright?" she added hopefully. However, she was filled with anything but hope. Yeah, right. They're just going to keep teasing you and calling you a dork and every other name they can come up with.


But I've got somepony now and he's really sweet! She unknowingly blushed at that fact and turned toward Flare.

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"Its okay really no need to apologize" Flare said as he smiled at Star Rain. "I dont care what people call me I will be there for her but if anyone tries to hurt her these wings will be at the neck of the pony very quickly" Flare thought as he walked Star Rain home. "I guess ill see you tomorrow at school"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Star Rain smiled shyly. "Yeah," she said before trotting toward her home. She levitated her keys out and used one of them to unlock the door. After feeding herself some ring-shaped noodles from a can(Spaghetti-o's), she showered, brushed her teeth, and got under her dark blue blanket. She never felt so relaxed in her life, and that relaxation came from another pony. Sleepy, she closed her eyes and slept. 

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Flare arrived home and put his saddlebag in his room. "I finally met somepony...shes cute also" Flare said as he went to his bathroom and brushed his teeth when he finished he grabbed the book he got from the library and started reading. "Tomorrow will be a good day...im sure of that"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Ok we are now into the first weekend of school :P yep I did it like that. Once we've done more for this day I'll make another jump maybe a few days and introduce the clubs)


Corona woke up with the sun shining right in her face. Letting out a groan she quickly covered her face with her wings and tried to go back to sleep. The first day of school was yesterday and they were already on their first weekend from it all. Yes it was Saturday and it was also the day that she was going to go see Sterling and spend more time with him. Corona got up and rubbed her eyes with her hooves before slowly walking downstairs and getting some breakfast. Corona was never really a morning person she preferred the night much to her parents disagreement.


After finishing eating and getting cleaned up Corona threw on her saddlebag and left the house. It's true that she wanted to see Sterling more than anything else right now. But the adventure of the city called, since she hadn't gotten a chance to look around before starting school a Saturday was the perfect chance to do so. This is going to be so much fun today. I wonder if I'll see any of my friends from yesterday around. Maybe I'll run into Sterling. *squee*

Edited by Quilava

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Regal had awaken from his sleep. A lot of his stuff was still in the boxes. yawning Regal tried to get up.

-I don't want to get up... might as well get up now- Regal forced himself off thee bed and check his room. Nothing is set up and mostly everything is still in boxes.

"I'll deal with that later. I should go into town and buy food" Regal took his bag and headed into town.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Flare woke up with the sun shining in his eyes. "Dear Celestia put out the sun its too bucking bright" Flare said getting up and out of his bed and into his bathroom to his his mane is a mess. "Well at least I dont have school today to tomorrow.." Flare said as he brushed his mane to look better and thought about going outside.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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