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private Hoofstomp High (Romance/SOL)


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Corona was flying into town landing just on the outskirts of the market. She started looking through some of the venders trying to find some good stuff for dinner tonight. Corona wasn't paying to much attention when she got to the candy booth. Her punishment was that she walked right into a pink made knocking both of them to the ground. "Ow.....oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't even see you there are you alright?" Corona asked panicking.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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After a seemingly okay day of school yesterday, she kicked off the weekend by going to the market for some decent lunch today. After buying a few recipes made to make her favorite sandwich, she headed of home. When seemingly out of no where, so bumped into a flash of feathers.


"Oh, ow, ow..." she groaned, annoyed. She looked up at her crash partner. It was a distressed visibly healthy mare simply horrified.


"Oh, sorry," Whimsey chuckled, "My apologies. I'm so rude. I should've looked where I was going," she wobbly lifted her body off of the ground.


"I'll be fine," she beamed.

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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As Sterling walked down the stairs on a fine Sunday morning, his parents were already down preparing breakfast for the family. They noticed Sterling's frown and messy hair and looked at him with worry. Bubble Gum, Sterling's mother, approached Sterling calmly, giving him a hug to wish him good morning. She then asked lovingly, "Sterling... What happened? Did you have a good night's rest?" Sterling nodded in response, but had this to say, "Yes Mom I had a good night sleep. It's just... that I had a terrible dream is all." Upon hearing that Sterling had a bad dream, Front Page then asked, "Son... what was your dream about? It looked like it shocked you terribly." 


Sterling really didn't want to say... but at the same time, he couldn't help but shed a tear. When his parents saw his tears, they both gave him a warm hug before Sterling explained his dream. After explaining his dream, he spoke in tears, "It was terrible! I don't know what to say... All the bullies kept on making fun of her because she was grey! They were threatening me too! It was so frightening! Why make fun of a beautiful mare like her just because she's grey?!" His parents continued to hug him when Front Page replied, "Son it's times like those where Corona will need you most. Its up to you to show you love her not because she looks nice or because you desire the pleasurable things that come with it. You need to show you love her because she's herself. At the same time, you want to complete her too not by force, but through attachment." Bubble Gum agreed heartily as she continued to hug Sterling, "Son, we love you. If there's any bully who's threatening you or Corona, let us know. We'll make sure things gets settled right away. Nopony should be sabotaging your friendship with her."


As Sterling's parents finished their comforting of Sterling, Front Page said to him heartily, "Now come and eat breakfast! It's ready for enjoying! We made your favourite today Sterling. Chocolate Belgian Waffles." Sterling loved the sound of that as he licked his lips with his tongue and sat down for breakfast.

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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"Gooood morning, Nopony!"


Was the cheery waking call of Saronyx. The blue pegasus stretched, smiling in satisfaction as his joints cracked. He climbed out of bed and made his way downstairs, conversing with himself, "Hey! Good morning Saronyx, how was your evening?" He changed his voice slightly when addressing himself, turning the accent into that of a moderate Scottish(not sure the ponyverse term for Scottish).


"Oh, hey 00Pony! My evening was great, how about yours?"


"Eh, it was decent. I had been having a stroke of creative genius yesterday but it was interupted by some mare crying. I decided, 'hey, I'm fairly new in this town, why not go talk to her, see if she's alright?' So I did."


"Well, what happened?" Saronyx asked himself as he reached the bottom of the stairs and walked into his kitchen, rummaging through the refrigerator for something worthwhile to eat as he continued to speak to himself, "We'll, I landed next to her and asked if she was alright, and you know what she did? She just brushed right past me! I didn't pry, obviously. She'd never met me before, and I didn't want to be rude or overtly creepy, so I just went back to my cloud and finished my story entry."


"Well hey, you did the right thing 00. This isn't the biggest neighborhood around, though it is bigger than Mareheim obviously. I'm sure you'll run into her again. And if you don't, oh well." Saronyx pulled a bowl of sliced strawberries out of the refrigerator and sat down at his counter to eat it. After he finished he dumped the bowl in the sink and trotted into the living room, grabbing his saddlebags which held his writing supplies before walking to his door and opening it. He heaved a sigh, finishing up his one-sides conversation, "You know, while living alone is pretty cool, and still being in touch with your family is nice... Who knew that emancipation could be so lonely?"


Saronyx shrugs as he lifts himself into the air and makes his way towards the market, "One stop there to grab a few more supplies, then off to the park to find a cloud and finish this book. Or maybe I'll just end up meeting a few ponies around town. Sure, I'm only 17, so I still have highschool tomorrow, plenty of time to socialize there... Though it would be nice to know at least one pony that goes there before tomorrow. Meeh, we'll just have to wait and see what happens." - "And I really have to stop talking to myself, that's going to scare ponies off." he shook his head at himself, chuckling.


After a few minutes of flight, he landed in the market place and began to trot towards the store that carried his supplies, quietly humming to himself.

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Regal awoke late that day.

-Now what?-  he forced him self out of bed and into the living room. He still had yet to unpack.

"I should unpack... Maybe when i get back later today" He though it over "Yeah I'll do it when I get back" He gather his stuffed in his bag and left the house. -Well I should go to the library- 

Off trotted Regal to the library.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,



Snowdream woke up to the sound of her mother banging on the door.
'Snow dear, you need to get up breakfast is on the table. Your father and I need to go to Canterlot for two days, your grandmother is ill.' Her mother called through the door.

Snowdream got out of bed and opened the door.
"I hope she gets well soon. Tell her I love her." Snowdream said with a smile.

Snowdreams father appeared from another room.

"Now Snowdream you are a sensible mare, but I am just warning you, you are not to bring any stallions home. Your in high school now and stallions only think with their-"

"OKAY dad, jeepers! Too much information, just.... No...!" Snowdream said with a fake gag.
"Okay, I'll be good, no one will enter the house except me. See ya in two days." She said kissing her parents on the cheek. She waved goodbye to them and went to the kitchen. As promised breakfast was waiting for her. She ate it quickly and went back to her room. It was then she realised she had to do her homework today.

"I'd better go to the library and get some books out to help me" she thought to hersel.


Snowdream entered the library and to her surprise saw Regal there.

"Hello Regal!" She called as quietly as one can in a library

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Regal had thought to spend the day way from other ponies and focus on his studies and improving his magic. He was reading a book about how to cook when Snow called out to him. He gave a small jump and turned to see who had called him.


"Um Snowdream?" he said. he closed the book and hid it behind behind another book.

"Hello" He said giving a small smile. "You surprised me. I didn't think any pony would be at the library today" regaining his senses quickly, he flipped his mane as if he was in some movie and gave a smile.

"So may I ask what brings you here today? If I may be so bold"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


"Well, I was going to get some books to help me study and finish my homework, but to be honest, I really can't be bothered." She said with a smile.


"What are you reading?" She asked, having noticed him quickly hide another book, but not wishing to pry on things he wished to remain secret.

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Flare has two thoughts on mind. One was to go and see Star Rain at her or head to the park and rest in a tree. Flare did the former and flew towards Stars home and landed in front of her house. "Hopefully I'm not too early" Flare said as he walked up to the door then hesitently knocked on the door.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"What I'm reading?" he looked at his books. Should I tell her the truth? She might think I'm lame or something.

"Well I was reading a book a friend said was good and..." Regal trailed off. -who am I kidding- 

"Truth be told I was reading this" He pulled out the cooking book and showed her.

"I never learned to cook so I thought I could learn how to be reading" he was turning a little red.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"What I'm reading?" he looked at his books. Should I tell her the truth? She might think I'm lame or something.

"Well I was reading a book a friend said was good and..." Regal trailed off. -who am I kidding- 

"Truth be told I was reading this" He pulled out the cooking book and showed her.

"I never learned to cook so I thought I could learn how to be reading" he was turning a little red.

"You never learned to cook?" Snowdream said, noticing he was turning red.

"That is nothing to be ashamed of, but you could have always asked, i'd be happy to teach you if you want me to, I know a thing or too about it from my mother, she is a great cook." Snowdream said with a warm smile.

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"Sure that sounds like a plan" He said with a smile. He gathered his items and stored them in his bag.

"I still have some troubles getting used to this new life, but i'm grateful to have some pony like you to help me out" he said with a smile.

"So want to do something, like hang out? Or would you rather just start teaching me right away" he said. 


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Sure that sounds like a plan" He said with a smile. He gathered his items and stored them in his bag.

"I still have some troubles getting used to this new life, but i'm grateful to have some pony like you to help me out" he said with a smile.

"So want to do something, like hang out? Or would you rather just start teaching me right away" he said. 

"I'm pleased I can help you out." She said


"We can hang out a bit if you want." Snowdream said walking towards her house. She opened the front door to her house, her fathers words sticking in the back of her mind. She felt bad for ignoring him and breaking her promise to not let anypony in the house, but Regal was a friend.


"Make yourself at home."

Edited by Snowdream
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"Thank you" Regal was standing at the entrance. "Your house is very welcoming" He looked around and found it be rather silent much like his current home.

"So do you live here on your own?" he looked around and was careful not to touch anything he wasn't supposed to.

"it's a little quiet here. Not that's a bad thing"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Thank you" Regal was standing at the entrance. "Your house is very welcoming" He looked around and found it be rather silent much like his current home.

"So do you live here on your own?" he looked around and was careful not to touch anything he wasn't supposed to.

"it's a little quiet here. Not that's a bad thing"

"My parents left this-morning to Canterlot, my grandmother is ill so they are visiting her. Due to school I couldn't go with them." Snowdream explained.


"Yeah, I guess without anyone else in the house it is quiet." She said leading him to the lounge room. She took a seat on the couch and gestured for him to do the same

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"Sorry to hear that" Regal said. "I'm from Canterlot as well. Would that mean you are also of nobility as well?"

he took the seat. -Well this could be worse- he thought to him-self. Regal was out of things to say. He thought of something to say, but nothing come to him.

"So tell me something about yourself" he said.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Sorry to hear that" Regal said. "I'm from Canterlot as well. Would that mean you are also of nobility as well?"

he took the seat. -Well this could be worse- he thought to him-self. Regal was out of things to say. He thought of something to say, but nothing come to him.

"So tell me something about yourself" he said.

"Umm... I'm from Canterlot... if that's what you mean." Snowdream said with a slight giggle.


"Um something about me? well, um... okay the first thing that springs to mind is my magical ability. I specialize in ice and snow spells, I can make it snow, make it stop snow, all sorts of things, I guess anything to do with ice, I can do it." She said.

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(OOC: Sorry if I haven't replied week. I'm surprised I'm still in.)


Star Rain woke up with a big cramp on her shoulder, so she had some difficulty getting up and out of bed. She stomped on the ground to shake it off, but it only worked for a little. Trying to ignore the pain, Star walked out of her room for breakfast and discussed her plans today with Ginseng.


Toward the end of that meal, they heard the door knock and Star herself answered it. "Oh hey Flare! You ready to go?" she asked cheerfully. She looked wildly around her and rushed off to fetch her saddlebag(it had her wallet, house keys, colored pencils, and a sketchpad in it) and a light, slightly-transparent scarf that was colored a soft lavender color. Star rushed back and said while panting,"Alright, I'm back. Ready to go?"

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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After eating his wonderful breakfast of chocolate Belgian waffles, Sterling wasn't sure what to do. Corona was probably busy today, so he couldn't really hang out with her, even if he wanted to. Plus, she was practically the only friend he knew and loved. The only other activity he could think of right now was just to shoot some hoops at his backyard with his basketball. He didn't like basketball very much, but he did enjoy physical activity, so he went out to his backyard to play on his own. 

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"Yeah im ready to get going" Flare said smiling at Star Rain as he walked with her. "Listen Star, I'm still sorry about yesterday I feel like it was mostly my fault for what happened" Flare said as the vent form yesterday wouldn't leave his mind alone.


((@Streling Crimson: Creepy dream sequence btw))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"So you can control snow" Regal seem to be off thinking about something.

"That's cool. I would love to be able to do magic like that. Well it may not be much, but I can cause things to change colors a little. I know my magic is lame, but I can do most other things with it to" His horn started glowing, and his mane became black. "So lame, right?" he said smiling at Snow.

"That reminds me have you seen my blanket? I seem to have lost it the day I first met you and Corona"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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(OOC: It's called REM sleep xD You're supposed to have creepy dreams. Besides, there was a point behind the dream)


As Sterling continued to enjoy practicing his free throws and layups, he couldn't help but wonder what his parents meant by loving her because she was herself. 'If I like her a lot for many things she has, doesn't that already count? They're a part of who she is, like her love of the Wonderbolts, her speed and agility, her prettiness...' thought Sterling philosophically as he continued to play. His sweat was beginning to show as his exercise became more and more vigorous. Nonetheless, he was enjoying it, especially since he got the chance to feel the adrenaline as he scored a long distance shot.

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Corona stood up slowly rubbing her head. "No it was my fault please let me make it up to you." Corona started thinking and then she got the best idea yet. "Hey how bout you come to my house. We're having a grill out with a very special guest. Oh silly me where are my manors I'm Corona I'm pleased to meet you." Corona smiled at the new mare, hoping she would accept the invite.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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As Sterling finished playing basketball for today, his parents called for him. They looked like they had happy news to share to Sterling because of the smiles on their faces. Bubble Gum started, "Sterling. We're going to enjoy a day at the local arcade today! Just for you! We know it's been tough adjusting to life in Baltimare and we're really sorry you had to go through all the difficulties in adjusting to life here. Because of that, we were hoping you find some friends at the local arcade today!" 


Sterling was slightly cheerful at the news, but at the same time, he didn't want to meet any bullies... who knows? Maybe they would also play at the arcade today. Sterling's mother then continued, "Well Sterling, you look really sweaty from all that exercise. Why don't you go and bathe now so that we can go to the arcade sooner together?" Sterling nodded in agreement as he walked upstairs and began his shower.

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It still disturbed Star Rain that Ruby would just proclaim Flare as her colt friend right then and there from how he described it, but she just gave him reassuring shrug. "It's alright really! Why not just quit worrying and do... something today." She hadn't really figured out where exactly they were going and she hadn't thought about to do other than eat somewhere.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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