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private Hoofstomp High (Romance/SOL)


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Once again Snow had manage to surprise him twice in one day.

"You know if you keep this up you could be a ninja of sorts" Regal smiled and looked around.

"Well it is a nice day to be at the park" I wonder if this would be overkill- He thought to him-self -I'll never know unless I try- 

"May I have the pleasure to escort you around the park, malady" He said as he placed one hoof in front of his other hoof and lowering his head.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Flare almost fell over when Star Rain bumped into him and heard her say sorry. "Its okay im just glad to be with you" Flare said as he smiled at Star Rain. "Besides its better to be with someone then to be alone" Flare said as he saw the museum in the distance.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Once again Snow had manage to surprise him twice in one day.

"You know if you keep this up you could be a ninja of sorts" Regal smiled and looked around.

"Well it is a nice day to be at the park" I wonder if this would be overkill- He thought to him-self -I'll never know unless I try-

"May I have the pleasure to escort you around the park, malady" He said as he placed one hoof in front of his other hoof and lowering his head.

"Could be a ninja? Could? I already am a ninja!" Snowdream joked


Snowdream giggled. "Last one to the oak tree's a parasprite!" She challenged, taking off at a gallop.


Snowdream's horn started glowing and she teleported to the base off the tree and announced herself the winner.

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Regal saw Snow run and chased after her. As he saw her horn glow Regal knew what she was going to do. Thinking quickly Regal's horn started glowing. and he slowed his pace having a smug smile.

"Um Snow" He started "I thought you said Oak tree, not a Red tree" Regal had changed the color of the tree to red. He slow turned to the nearest tree and colored it oak. He placed his hoof on it.

"Looks like I win. Don't you just love how magic works?"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Regal saw Snow run and chased after her. As he saw her horn glow Regal knew what she was going to do. Thinking quickly Regal's horn started glowing. and he slowed his pace having a smug smile.

"Um Snow" He started "I thought you said Oak tree, not a Red tree" Regal had changed the color of the tree to red. He slow turned to the nearest tree and colored it oak. He placed his hoof on it.

"Looks like I win. Don't you just love how magic works?"

Snowdream dumped some snow on Regal.


"Yep, I sure do love how magic works!" She giggled.


"See, didn't I tell you your magic was cool?" Snowdream said with a smile.


Snowdream helped him out of the snow and have him a cheeky smile.


"I think we can call us even now." She said

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"Ok my magic it's with out it's perks" As Snow helped Regal out of the snow. Regal pulled her into the snow pile with him.

"Now we say we are even" he said smiling . -Wow this is fun. Snow is really one of a kind- he thought to himself

"hey do you mind if i ask you a question? I would like to know how you discovered you talent of snow"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Ok my magic it's with out it's perks" As Snow helped Regal out of the snow. Regal pulled her into the snow pile with him.

"Now we say we are even" he said smiling . -Wow this is fun. Snow is really one of a kind- he thought to himself

"hey do you mind if i ask you a question? I would like to know how you discovered you talent of snow"

Snowdream laughed uncontrollably as she was pulled into the white powdery goodness with Regal.


Her smile vanished immediately after he asked how she discovered her talent.


"I...I was playing in the snow, with my brother, St-St-Sto..." She paused and took a deep breath, emotions hitting her like a train at full speed.


"...Storm Twister. He was teaching me how to form snowballs, he himself was very good with magic to do with snow. And... I don't... I don't know what I did... What I didn't do or what I did wrong or anything, but a...as soon as I tried the spell he was teaching me, a blizzard came out of nowhere and surrounded us. I lost sight of him... And... And I panicked. I called his name, but he couldn't hear me or see me or anything. I just... Just started crying and laying there. I must have passed out or something I don't know, but I woke up... At home in my bed with a cutiemark, but Storm Twister had disappeared, my parents told me. I..I never saw him again..." Snowdream finished the story in a whisper, tears flowing from her glassy eyes.

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Snowdream laughed uncontrollably as she was pulled into the white powdery goodness with Regal. Her smile vanished immediately after he asked how she discovered her talent. "I...I was playing in the snow, with my brother, St-St-Sto..." She paused and took a deep breath, emotions hitting her like a train at full speed. "...Storm Twister. He was teaching me how to form snowballs, he himself was very good with magic to do with snow. And... I don't... I don't know what I did... What I didn't do or what I did wrong or anything, but a...as soon as I tried the spell he was teaching me, a blizzard came out of nowhere and surrounded us. I lost sight of him... And... And I panicked. I called his name, but he couldn't hear me or see me or anything. I just... Just started crying and laying there. I must have passed out or something I don't know, but I woke up... At home in my bed with a cutiemark, but Storm Twister had disappeared, my parents told me. I..I never saw him again..." Snowdream finished the story in a whisper, tears flowing from her glassy eyes.


"I...ah... sorry I shouldn't have brought that up. I... Please don't cry. If it makes you feel any better No matter what happens i'll be here for you" Regal placed a hoof Snow's head. "I promise you that"

"Life is full of mistakes we can't dwell on our past. Here let me try something for you" He gathered his magic once more and levitated as much snow as he could. Slowly, but surely the snow began to change color. The sky in front of them became a rainbow of colored snow . Letting go of his magic, the snow fell back on them, instead of just plain white snow falling it was now a rainbow falling on them.  -I wasted a lot of magic, but for her I would do anything not to see her cry again-


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"I...ah... sorry I shouldn't have brought that up. I... Please don't cry. If it makes you feel any better No matter what happens i'll be here for you" Regal placed a hoof Snow's head. "I promise you that"

"Life is full of mistakes we can't dwell on our past. Here let me try something for you" He gathered his magic once more and levitated as much snow as he could. Slowly, but surely the snow began to change color. The sky in front of them became a rainbow of colored snow . Letting go of his magic, the snow fell back on them, instead of just plain white snow falling it was now a rainbow falling on them. -I wasted a lot of magic, but for her I would do anything not to see her cry again-

Snowdream felt comforted by his words.


"Sorry, old memories bring back the pain." She said wiping the tears away from her eyes.


He watched in awe as he chaged the colour of the snow and smiled through her drying tears at the beauty of it. Not knowing how to react she did one thing that she felt was right. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.


"Thankyou." She whispered

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(OOC: Random fact, I'm basing this museum off of the one in D.C. !)


Star Rain agreed and smiled back, which was pretty strange since a few mornings ago, she thought just the opposite and was perfectly happy just being by herself.


The two got there after a couple more minutes or so. Much Star's delight, it had no entrance fee and was free to go into. They had to go through a bag check first, which Star willingly went through. Looking around, there were many exhibit halls to go into. She always liked checking out the ocean hall and the Hope Diamond exhibit, but she decided to let Flare chose. "Well? Where would you like to go?"


@@Snowdream,@@Snowy Storm,



Unfortunately for this lovely pair, Ruby and her little group was nearby. She was confident in thinking that she killed off any chance of Star and Flare reconciling, but she still had that score to settle with Corona for what she did yesterday. And what better way to do it now, she thought, than to go after one of her friends who was just nearby? She saw that they were playing with snow, so she used her magic(yes, she's a unicorn) to melt it while it was all over the stallion she was with. 


"Why, if it isn't Snowdork herself! And oh! I'm sorry! It looks like your coltfriend decided to dye his mane a rainbow color today!" she laughed, the others in her clique laughing as well.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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After Sterling walked away from the group of ponies, he continued to win at many of the arcade games and as a result amassed a lot of tickets. He walked over to the arcade's prize shop and wondered, 'Hmm... maybe I could get Corona something from this arcade...' Sterling looked around with a lot of intrigue at some of the many prizes that towered above him at the arcade's many shelves. One particular prize Sterling noticed was a Wonderbolt suit, apparently signed by Soarin' himself! 'Wow... I can actually afford that with all I've won at the luck based games! Sweet! I'm going to get that for Corona! She LOVES Wonderbolts memorabilia!' 


With happiness in his face, he asked the clerk to pass him the Wonderbolts suit, to which he did with a very surprised look. He was probably wondering how Sterling was able to amass all those tickets as he took the suit and gave it to Sterling. When Sterling received, he squeed with joy as he ran out to meet his parents. "MOM! DAD! I won so many tickets I was able to get this for Corona!" Bubble Gum was very impressed to see what Sterling held out and responded lovingly, "Oh wow... Sterling... You must be a very lucky stallion to get such a nice suit! And it's for Corona! Why honey?" Sterling replied with a smile, "Well you see, Corona's a huge fan of the Wonderbolts, and this suit was signed by Soarin'!" Front Page looked at Sterling with an intrigued look, taking the suit to examine the signature... he replied, "How did... an arcade get such a suit? Yes... this really is an authentic signature from Soarin'! Most impressive find Sterling! I think Corona will enjoy this very much!" With that, Sterling and his family walked happily to their lunch at a nearby restaurant...

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Regal look at the group of ponies that had just came. -You guys are a pain- he thought to him-self

"Her name is Snowdream" he said getting up "And I am Regal" he said trying to be nice, but his charm and such was gone.

"Leave her alone. I won't allow you pick on her" Regal wasn't pleased with how this mare acted.

"I'm willing to bet if you didn't have your clique with you wouldn't be bothering us" Regal thought for a moment

"So if you want to be friends then stay, but if you're just going to be a pain, then leave" Regal hoped that his could be resolved with words.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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((I been to that museum before))



"How about the Ocean hall" Flare asked as helooked around the place. "Last time I was here I was just a little colt...it hasn't changed a bit" Flare thought as he walked to the ocean hall with Star Rain. "I probably need to apologize to the others when I see them again" Flare said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Regal look at the group of ponies that had just came. -You guys are a pain- he thought to him-self

"Her name is Snowdream" he said getting up "And I am Regal" he said trying to be nice, but his charm and such was gone.

"Leave her alone. I won't allow you pick on her" Regal wasn't pleased with how this mare acted.

"I'm willing to bet if you didn't have your clique with you wouldn't be bothering us" Regal thought for a moment

"So if you want to be friends then stay, but if you're just going to be a pain, then leave" Regal hoped that his could be resolved with words.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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(OOC: Random fact, I'm basing this museum off of the one in D.C. !)


Star Rain agreed and smiled back, which was pretty strange since a few mornings ago, she thought just the opposite and was perfectly happy just being by herself.


The two got there after a couple more minutes or so. Much Star's delight, it had no entrance fee and was free to go into. They had to go through a bag check first, which Star willingly went through. Looking around, there were many exhibit halls to go into. She always liked checking out the ocean hall and the Hope Diamond exhibit, but she decided to let Flare chose. "Well? Where would you like to go?"


@@Snowdream,@@Snowy Storm,



Unfortunately for this lovely pair, Ruby and her little group was nearby. She was confident in thinking that she killed off any chance of Star and Flare reconciling, but she still had that score to settle with Corona for what she did yesterday. And what better way to do it now, she thought, than to go after one of her friends who was just nearby? She saw that they were playing with snow, so she used her magic(yes, she's a unicorn) to melt it while it was all over the stallion she was with.


"Why, if it isn't Snowdork herself! And oh! I'm sorry! It looks like your coltfriend decided to dye his mane a rainbow color today!" she laughed, the others in her clique laughing as well.

what do you want with us? Why can't you just leave us alone? Snowdream thought.


She was in a fragile mood because of re telling her cutiemark story. She couldn't stand to see Ruby hurling insults at her, her friends, and to tip her off the iceberg, Regal.


She completely ignored Regals attempts to fight back with words, and literally took in into her own hooves.


She walked swiftly up to Riby and raised a hoof. Snowdream hit her with all her might, right on her face.




Unfortunately It didn't have the affect. Instead of scaring her away, it just seemed to anger Ruby.

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@@Snowdream, @Snowy Storm, @MagicalStarRain,


The park. What should be a place for ponies to come, relax and have fun, which was what Saronyx had come to it for, had seemed to turn into something of a battlefield. He'd had watched Snowdream and Regal's displays of magic with interest, and amusement. Coming from a family with three unicorns, he was used to seeing such things, but the wide range of spells possessed by different unicorns still fascinated him. And besides, they gave him writing material.


When Ruby arrived and began causing trouble for the couple, Saronyx's smile had turned to a small frown of disapproval. So, we have the protagonists, and then the antagonist, and their minions. Or to put it otherwise, we have the bullies, and then their prey. Back home, Saronyx had served as something of a 'big brother' to those commonly plagued by bullies. Because who's going to mess with the stallion who's oldest brother is commander of one of the most elite divisions in the Euqestrian Air Guard, and does military excersises for fun? Granted, these ponies he was trotting over to stand up for we're closer to his age than before, so they probably wouldn't appreciate it as much, he quite frankly didn't give a dang.


And now it has escalated to physical contact. Brilliant. He assumed a tone of voice that one would expect from a police officer, "Is there a problem here?"


"Now that I think about it... I don't really have any right to do this. Well, I've already stuck my hoof in the room, might as well follow through."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Regal had thought this could have ended with out violence. Seeing Snow stand up and smack Ruby in the face stunned Regal.

-Ah. Well that throws diplomacy out the window-  Regal Didn't want to see Snow get hurt and Ruby would most likely hit her back. He put himself in front of Snow and Ruby. He rather get hit then see Snow get hit. 


Regal saw another pony too. This pony seemed like he might help, but then again who knows.

...This isn't going to end well...


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm@@00Pony,@@Snowdream,



Ruby readied herself to strike back, but then she looked around and smirked. "Looks like Little Miss Magic Girl isn't here to save you now!" With that, she punched at Snowdream, only to hit Regal in the head really hard.




(OOC: Huh. So have I!)


Star Rain smiled at him and continued toward the Ocean Hall with him. When they got there, they were greeted with that big right whale(I believe that's what it's called) model in the center of the place. It was quite pretty, with almost everything taking on some shade of blue and being patterned with the water's shadows. She had been here not too long ago, but being with Flare just seemed to make it even more beautiful. 


And then she kind of drifted off to space there.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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@@Snowy Storm, @@00Pony,@@Snowdream,



Ruby readied herself to strike back, but then she looked around and smirked. "Looks like Little Miss Magic Girl isn't here to save you now!" With that, she punched at Snowdream, only to hit Regal in the head really hard.




(OOC: Huh. So have I!)


Star Rain smiled at him and continued toward the Ocean Hall with him. When they got there, they were greeted with that big right whale(I believe that's what it's called) model in the center of the place. It was quite pretty, with almost everything taking on some shade of blue and being patterned with the water's shadows. She had been here not too long ago, but being with Flare just seemed to make it even more beautiful.


And then she kind of drifted off to space there.

"Regal MOVE!" Snowdream shouted little to late. Ruby hit him in the head at great force.


"Regal, stay out of this." She said pushing him to the side.


Please stay back, I don't want you to get hurt! she thought.


Snowdream took another swing at Ruby, decking her in the face for a second time.

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"Flare looked at the whale in the center and smiled as he looked around seeing all the different thing there. "Hey Star come look at this" Flare said as he pointed at a really large squid((which I forgot about)) then noticed Star rain was drifting off. "Star...are you tired" Flare asked.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Snow stop" Regal was dizzy from the punch. "Snow I won't let them hurt you" Pushing pass Snow again he tensed himself for another blow.

-Heck, better my face get smashed instead of her's- 

"Heck Scars on a stallion make them look tough" He said smiling back at Snow.


Is He just going to stand and watch this? 


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Star Rain jumped and shouted a bit, attracting some laughter from a group of kids who were nearby. They were fillies and colts around kindergarten age, so they meant no harm toward the pair of high-scholars. "Oh geez, Flare! You startled me!" she said, gasping a little.


@@Snowdream,@@Snowy Storm, @@00Pony,


Ruby smiled darkly at the hit and launched herself at Snowstorm, pinning her down on the ground and lighting her horn up as if she was going to fire a magic blast at her. Truth be told, it was just to look intimidating, as she doesn't really know any combat spells.

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"Snow stop" Regal was dizzy from the punch. "Snow I won't let them hurt you" Pushing pass Snow again he tensed himself for another blow.

-Heck, better my face get smashed instead of her's-

"Heck Scars on a stallion make them look tough" He said smiling back at Snow.


Is He just going to stand and watch this?


She pushed Ruby off her and lept back, somehow landing behind Regal


"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Snowdream shouted, throwing a punch at Regal, blinded by her rage towards Ruby.


Hoof connected with jaw as Snowdream hit Regal.


It was at that point that she snapped out of her enraged trance, realizing who she had hit, what she had done. He jaw fell open and she gasped, covering her mouth with her hooves, completely in shock.


"I...I..I" she whimpered, her eyes welling with tears. She shook her head and instantly teleported back to her house. Completely exhausted by the amount of magic she had used, and the emotional chaos that was taking over her head, she flopped onto the couch and burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

Edited by Snowdream
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@@Snowdream,@@MagicalStarRain, @@Snowy Storm,


(OOC: Dangit, Ninja'd)


Saronyx grunts in slight irritation as the blows continue. The unicorn stallion had become collateral damage as the mares fought, and it looked like it was going to continue to escalate, the mare who'd been defending him even having struck him. Saronyx stepped in between the warring ponies, taking any more blows that were being thrown for himself. He held Ruby back with one wing, "Enough!! Do any of you care to explain to me just what the hay is going on here?!"

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Snowdream, @@MagicalStarRain, @@00Pony,

Regal didn't see Snow's punch and wasn't ready for it. Next thing he know everything was spinning around and going dark. Oddly enough his jaw started hurting.

"All hail me" he said before falling to the ground unconscious. .........

.... -At least I tried- ..... Regal passed out.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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