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private Hoofstomp High (Romance/SOL)


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@EVERYONE except Quilava


As Sterling and his family walked happily after eating their hearty lunch, they set their eyes at the park for a day with family. After all, it was the first weekend in Baltimare. When they approached the park, Sterling's parents noticed all the fighting between a group of mares and stallions that overcrowded the serene atmosphere emanating from the birds and trees. Bubble Gum asked in wonder, "Oh dear... What could possibly be happening to cause such a ruckus? Any ideas Sterling?" Sterling inspected the group to see if there were any ponies he knew. Not surprisingly, he noticed that pony who went with Flare and was up to no good and Snow Dream, a friend he met at the grocery store the previous day. Sterling replied, "Huh Mom... I think one of the clique ponies started the fight again... There isn't any point in mediating the argument. They wouldn't listen and things would only get worse. Let's just move on to a quieter area in the park ok?" Sterling's parents looked at him with slight intrigue as Sterling explained the situation, but they agreed. They wanted to enjoy themselves, not be involved with the argument, so they moved to a different area of the park.

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"I'm sorry Star I didn't mean to startle you like that" Flare said apologizing to Star Rain for making her jump. "Next time I should be a bit more gentle to somepony drifting off" Flare thought as he looked at Star. "Anyways I was just wondering if you were okay" Flare said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Corona flew home with great haste and managed to give all of the food she'd bought to her parents. "Corona this is quite a bit more that what I asked for dear." Cloud looked at her daughter with obvious confusion on her face. "Well mom I was wondering if it's alright. Would I be able to have my friends come over for the cookout tonight too. I mean I know we're having her come by tonight and everything but I really want her to meet my friends and especially Sterling." Corona's father looked at her with a questionable face. "You're wanting us to change our plans with our guest just like that for a big party?" "Oh please dad she doesn't come over very often and when she does it's so well...boring my friends would love to meet her." With a sigh Corona's father relented and gave the approval. With that Corona took off to find all of her friends,


Corona managed to find Star and Flare at the museum together and invited both of them before flying off again. This was a big night for her and her parents, Corona would be in the house helping her mother make the dinner for the night while her dad put together the table out back. Corona found Sterling at the park and stopped to give him the news but she was keeping one fact from everypony and that was who the special guest was. The last ones Corona found were Regal and Ruby apparently having some sort of fight with another pony who'd intervened. Corona took a step towards Ruby "Back off ruby just go home and pout like a little filly." Corona stood her ground and hoped that Ruby would back down.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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When Corona invited Sterling over to her so-called "cookout", Sterling was excited. He nodded to her and spoke gladly, "Sure I'll come! I asked my parents right away and they approved, especially since I don't have any extra homework and because the cookout was at your place." He them gave Corona a wink before he left with his parents. Once he got home from a joyful afternoon at the park, he knew he had to make himself look neat for Corona. Corona told him that there would be a special guest, but he was never told who it could be. It left Sterling wondering... 'Who... who could this special guest be? Maybe... maybe... she already has a coltfriend and that I'm just... a normal friend to her? But... why would she tell me she liked me a lot then? Well... I... I guess I'll find out!' He also made sure to pack up the Wonderbolt suit he won at the arcade today to make it as neat and pretty as possible. That was especially considering the fact that it would be a huge surprise for Corona tonight...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@Snowdream,@@00Pony, @@Snowy Storm@@Quilava,


Ruby stopped fighting when Snowdream teleported away from them. She smirked evilly and regarded the stallions with a flirtatious, yet sinister look like what those mares from those spy TV shows would give to their hostages. It then disappeared when Corona appeared. "You should run Corona! Star Rain won't-"


"Is something the matter here?" asked a green, grown-up stallion with eyes like Star's. 




"N-no, it's ok, I'm ok," Star Rain said at a fast rate of speed. She then noticed the big squid that Flare pointed out and said,"Ew. That's kinda gross..." She followed with a screwed-up, grossed-out face that was meant to be humorous.







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Saronyx regards Ruby with a look that could only be described as disdain, "Great. She's one of those ponies then."


He looked over to Corona, "So these two know each other... Enemies, from the looks of it."


Another stallion's voice was heard, and Saronyx looked over to him, "I'm kind of in the dark myself about all of this."

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Flare laughed a bit at the face Star Rain made then smiled at her. "Is there any thing you wanna see in the museum Star" Flare asked as he stretched his wings. "Now I know why some pegasi don't like being inside placed for so long" Flare thought as he closed his wings.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Slowly Regal started to wake up. he works himself up to where he is setting and looks around. He sees Snowdream is gone and that Corona is here and Ruby is still here.


"Hey Corona. Good to see yah" Regal looks to Ruby. -That mare I will have to watch out for- Face still in pain Regal rest on the grass. his head is still trying to remember what happened. "This party was boring without you" he said trying to be funny.


"Ruby" he called out to the mare. "Who got me from behind" Regal already was looking at Ruby's clique and trying to guess who got that cheap shot at him. "And where is Snow?"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,@@Quilava, @@00Pony,


Ruby cowered at the sight of the adult stallion. "Well, well, um... I-I was talking to my good buddies! But I have to leave now, so bye!" With that, she and her clique left as quickly as they could.


The green stallion went up to Regal and examined his wound. His horn glowed cyan, the same color as Star Rain's magic, as he eased the pain in his jaw. "We'll have to get you to your parents."




"Hmmm, well, there's this exhibit called the Hope Diamond here. It's a necklace that's said to have brought bad luck. Have you seen it?" Star asked, examining a map she grabbed on the way in. 

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Regal Looked away.His jaw still hurt a lot even with the healing. -Snow where did you go- he thought to himself

"I don't have parents... I'm living on my own" Regal had promised that to him-self he didn't need them. 

"Thank you for healing my jaw, but i have to find someone" Regal stood up and tried to walk on his own. He was still dizzy from the punch. 


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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 Saronyx flapped his wings once as Ruby and her clique darted off, "Just like the antagonist..."  he thought, before turning to the adult. He gave him a short nod, "Well, at least they have some respect for those older than them," He holds out a hoof, "Name's Saronyx. You are?"


@@Snowy Storm,


The navy blue pegasus glances over to Regal when he mentions living on his own, "You're not alone in that respect, friend." He says simply. The circumstances to this stallion's living on his own were unknown to Saronyx, who merely had a paper signed to allow him to move out before he was eighteen, but all the same, this stallion was a kindred spirit. OK, not really, but still, the guy thinks like a writer, it kinda comes with the occupation. 

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"The Hope Diamond...never heard or seen it before" Flare said. "Also with a name like that it should cause good luck not bad" Flare said as he went next to Star Rain and looked at the map with her. "Lets go see it" Flare said wanting to know more about the necklace.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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While everypony was still enjoying themselves at their respective areas, Sterling was still at home trying to make himself look neat. Not surprisingly, it was for Corona. 'I'm not normally this conscientious about my hygiene and cleanliness in front of anypony... But still! This is different! I need to make myself neat for Corona! I can't let her special guest be disgusted by my appearance, but at the same time, I have to look natural! I can't make myself too uncomfortable! Ugh!' thought an indecisive Sterling as he tried his best to make himself presentable to Corona in front of his bathroom mirror.


He took so long at the bathroom that his parents were beginning to worry about Sterling. "Honey! What's taking you so long in there?! I know you have to look neat for Corona, but you can't be this crazy! Corona likes you for you Sterling, so you don't have to worry THAT much!" shouted a concerned Bubble Gum as Sterling finally walked out of the door. He was wearing his best tuxedo again and also overly combed his black mane. It was obvious that Sterling wanted to make himself look... REALLY... neat... for Corona. 

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 "Hey Corona. Um would you like to join me? I need to see if Snow is ok" The pain was slowly fading and Regal could finally walk in a straight line. 


"Um I never got your name. I'm sorry if this is rude, but I have to go somewhere now" He felt bad for not being able to get to know this stallion better. He stopped and thought that he should at least tell him his name

"I'm Regal and a pleasure it is to meet you" Regal bowed to the pegasus and began walking towards Snow's home.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm, @@00Pony


Corona watched as Ruby left once the adult Stallion came to their aid. She was really grateful that there were two ponies that intervened when they did. She wasn't sure how things would've turned out had they been left alone to fend for themselves. "Saronyx thank you for coming to help when you did. My names Corona I'm one of Regal's friends. It would mean a lot to me if you would come by my place there's somepony you should meet. That goes for you too Regal, I want you to come by too." Corona handed them a slip of paper with an address on it. It was then that she saw Snowdream's bag on the ground, looking it over she noticed a address. "Sure Regal I wanted to invite Snow anyway."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Snowy Storm,


"Saronyx," he said, returning the bow with one of his own - his wings outspread to accent the gesture - he stood straight as nodded as Regal turned to leave, "Go do what you have to do."




Saronyx turns his attention to Corona, giving her the same bow, seeing as how he had already started doing that again, "Corona? It's nice meeting you," he took the slip of paper, looking at the address on it before nodding, slipping it into his saddlebags, "Sure, I've got time. I'll probably stop by," the navy pegasus smiles, "Thanks for the invite."


He glances over in the direction that Ruby had run off in, "Now if you don't mind my asking, who was that mare? Does she normally cause trouble like this?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"Right then. To Snow's home then" Regal said with a smile. -At least with Corona around Snow might feel better- 

From the park Regal walked back to Snow's place. Following the address that Corona had found, Regal was able to find Snow's house.

Regal stood at the door unsure if to knock or not. He managed to hear something from the door. Listening closely he could hear crying. "No" Regal said softly under his breathe -I broke my promise to her- He wasn't sure if he should even be here now. He hesitated and thought about what he should do. Making up his mind he knew what to do. -I promised that I would be there for her- Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door.


"Snow" he said as he knocked on her door. "Snow it's me Regal" 

"Snow I'm sorry for what happened. I came to check if you were ok" Regal stood at the door and waited for something to happen. He closed his eyes and hoped that Snow could hear him.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Right then. To Snow's home then" Regal said with a smile. -At least with Corona around Snow might feel better-

From the park Regal walked back to Snow's place. Following the address that Corona had found, Regal was able to find Snow's house.

Regal stood at the door unsure if to knock or not. He managed to hear something from the door. Listening closely he could hear crying. "No" Regal said softly under his breathe -I broke my promise to her- He wasn't sure if he should even be here now. He hesitated and thought about what he should do. Making up his mind he knew what to do. -I promised that I would be there for her- Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door.


"Snow" he said as he knocked on her door. "Snow it's me Regal"

"Snow I'm sorry for what happened. I came to check if you were ok" Regal stood at the door and waited for something to happen. He closed his eyes and hoped that Snow could hear him.

Snowdream jumped as she heard a knock on the door. It was what followed that scared her though. Regal's voice sounded through the door.


Your sorry? Why are you sorry?! What do you have to apologize for? Snowdream thought as she rolled off the couch.


"I have to make things right." She said to hersf, sniffing and wiping away her tears. She took a moment to stop her crying, and dried her tears before opening the door.


As soon as she saw Regal, she burst into tears again.


"I'm... S...so sor..ry Regal! It was an acc...ident! I'm so sorr...y..hey.hey!" she sobbed uncontrollably.

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"My name is Ginseng and you're welcome," he said to both of them. Ginseng turned toward the direction Ruby's clique retreated in. "Star Rain told me all about them," he said cooly.




"Well maybe it's called the "Hope Diamond" because when ponies wear it, they HOPE they don't get any bad luck!" Star Rain said jokingly as she lead him through the dinosaur exhibit. She paused a couple times to view the skeletons before moving on up the stairs.

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""Please don't cry Snow, I would never blame anything on you" Seeing Snow cry was almost enough to make him cry. Regal did the only thing he thought of. He hugged Snow.

"Snow don't blame your-self, it wasn't your fault" Regal was nearly crying now. "Hey at least you taught that mare, Ruby, that you are one heck of a puncher" He said trying to smile. "I'm grateful that I have a friend like you. Now please stop crying"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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""Please don't cry Snow, I would never blame anything on you" Seeing Snow cry was almost enough to make him cry. Regal did the only thing he thought of. He hugged Snow.

"Snow don't blame your-self, it wasn't your fault" Regal was nearly crying now. "Hey at least you taught that mare, Ruby, that you are one heck of a puncher" He said trying to smile. "I'm grateful that I have a friend like you. Now please stop crying"

Snowdream hugged him back.

"Thankyou Regal." She whispered in his ear, not wanting to end the hug.


Eventually she had to let go. She sniffed and dried her eyes with her hoof. It was only at that point she noticed bruises on her body legs, and she could feel one on her cheek. They were only from when Ruby had jumped on her and pinned her down. She didn't want to think of the injuries Regal probably had, from both Ruby and herself. A fresh wave of guilt washed over her, but it just felt like a dull ache in her heart.

Edited by Snowdream
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"Your welcome" Regal said with a smile. He looked around and saw Corona was still here. Regal turned a little red because she just saw what happened. -Well this is a little weird- he thought to him-self.


"Hey um Snow, Corona is here. I think that she had something to tell you" Regal took a step back to allow Corona room.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Heh yeah...why would a necklace give bad luck anyways" Flare said as he followed Star Rain. to the exhibit. "Wonder if the bad luck only happens when its being worn...hopefully that's it and its not giving bad luck to ponies around it" Flare thought as he stood there in a different world it looked like

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Star Rain kind of wandered off into the gemstone exhibit before looking back and noticing that she was alone. She launched into panic mode galloping back to where she had left Flare. It wasn't easy, considering it was quite crowded on the second floor that also overlooked the floor below with that big skeletons. It wasn't any more easier when more more than half of those ponies were standing around. But she eventually reached him and gave him a poke on the shoulder. 

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"Huh...oh Star Rain...sorry I spaced out of a bit" Flare said as he looked at Star Rain. "Anyways we should get going...before I space out again cause this museum always causes me to space out in wonder of all these exhibits" Flare said as he rubbed his head. "But if you want to stay a bit longer we can"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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