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private Hoofstomp High (Romance/SOL)


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As Sterling became more and more confident about asking Octavia some questions, some of the other students in the large classroom began to wonder when class would be over. It felt like an eternity since Sterling began to ask questions about Octavia. One thing was certain, they knew Sterling's huge passion for music. Maybe it was a good thing for Sterling to keep asking questions so that they could get to the end of class without homework. At the same time, they still thought of Sterling as a musical geek and a biological nerd deep in their hearts. 


The clock continued to tick slowly as Sterling began to run out of questions to ask. He too was wondering when class would be over, 'Geez I can't keep asking questions all day right? How close are we to the end of class anyway? And the other students don't look too pleased at my barrage of musical questions...'

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Corona was getting ready to read the paper when it was magically levitated away and towards some of the bullies that she was sitting behind. They read the note and turned back to Corona, "Who'd wanna be friends with a mare as ugly as you?" they exclaimed. "Look at you with you're ugly grey coat of yours. No stallion would want you." Corona had always been very self contious about her grey coat and years of bullying finally hit a boil. Tears welled up in her eyes and Corona ran out of the room crying and out of the school taking to the sky. The bullies laughing before getting sent to the principle.


(OOC: figured the bullies should have one victory on the first day so far from what I remember we've all had someone protecting them.)

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Flare was taking notes when he just noticed something: How is he in a AP class. "How close is it till Class is over and I can head to music...gladly I know how to play one instrument but im not sure if that's what they have" Flare thought as he looked at the clock.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Star Rain looked on with pure horror at the scene that unfolded before her. How could they be so cruel?! It's unbelievable! Star wanted to chase after her, but she had no idea where she could've went. She turned toward Ruby, one of the few smarter bullies who didn't join in, and Ruby whispered,"You're next Star Rain." 

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(OOC: I'm really running out of ideas here. I would really like to end the school day here...)


After Octavia noticed that there were no more questions being asked Mr. Fasthooves gave the class a pleasant surprise: "Class since I don't have anything else planned for today, I'm going to let you all off early. Don't expect this to happen everyday though." Sterling and the class were delighted that they were let go early. Still, when he walked out of the class, some delinquents and bullies were waiting in the halls for him... They were much larger than he was, and they meant trouble. Sterling could tell they were from Manehattan with their accents.


They decided to start poking around with him with some taunts, "Hey... youse name's Stewling eh? well... here's a warm welcome from us..." They then proceeded to throw some pieces of crumpled paper at him, to which Sterling couldn't dodge. The bullies also pushed him around without end! He had to rush out of here, but the bullies were making it really hard because they began to surround him! "Oh don't worry Stewling, we'll let you go. But first, lemme ask youse sometin'. Why would youse hang out with a wimpy, grey mare like uhhh... what's her name? Cowona! Dat's it! If youse don't want to be beat, don't be wid mares lyke her. We'se be watchin'." They then let Sterling go on his way, and Sterling then proceeded fearfully to the library.    

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Corona flew through the city and landed on one of the few clouds that the pegasi had left out for the day. She laid down on it and just continued crying. "It's not fair I didn't think that it would be like this. Why does everypony have to be so mean to others like me." Corona sunk herself into the cloud hiding herself from the world as best she could.


Meanwhile the bell rang at school signaling the end of the first day of school. Luckily not much homework was given out...well except for math. The students were also lucky that since school started on a friday for finishing construction reasons they all had a easy weekend ahead of them.


(OOC: Thought I'd set us up for some free time before going right into school again. We'll add more classes if you guys want but for now I'm going to keep it to just these four until we get a good rotation going ok. Oh and we have a new stallion in the mix, Snowy Storm as Regal hopefully he'll be posting here sometime today.)

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling reached the library in fear, realizing that if something was too good to be true, then it was too good to be true. It was quite a sour ending to his school day, even if they were let go early. He felt some pain on his back because of all the pushing around the bullies did to him. Sterling also thought about what the bullies said about Corona, 'Why is Corona such a big target here? Yeah she's got a grey body, but does that really mean anything? Personally, I don't really think much about her grey body. In fact, I think more about her blue tail and her nice mane... That part's really colourful.' Sterling suddenly stopped. Wait... he was thinking about a mare's body and mane? Unthinkable! Sterling continued to trot but he became more and more confused...


'Wait, why am I thinking about a mane's body? I've... I've never considered how nice a mare's mane was, let alone her body! No... I can't be... On the first day? Impossible! But still, what am I going to do? She's become a potential best friend here! I can't just leave her! But I don't want to get beaten up every day by those bullies!'


Sterling's thoughts were mired in confusion as he entered the library. It was a much larger library than the ones he passed through in middle and elementary school in Manehattan. There were books of all kinds. History, fiction, science, English, you name them! It left Sterling pretty amazed to say the least. Sterling then looked around to see if there were any study tables available for working on his math homework. He sat down at one of the empty tables fit for one pony and got to work.


It was easy homework for Sterling. In fact, he finished it by the time the bell rang for the end of the school day. It left Sterling less than impressed. He chuckled to himself, "This is easy math homework! All you have to do for these factorizations is just copy what our really strict math teacher did! It's a piece of cake, to borrow the colloquialism!"


Then it struck him. The bell already rang for the end of the school day, but Corona was nowhere to be seen. That left Sterling annoyed. "Wait, where's Corona? I thought we were hanging out after school, especially since it was a Friday... My dad's waiting for me to walk me home, and yet I was going to hang out with Corona... what am I going to say to my dad?" complained Sterling as he walked out of Hoofstomp High for the weekend.

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona was crying into the cloud the after effects making it rain from that single cloud she was on. The unfortunate reality was that it also happened to be the cloud that Sterling walked under. Getting hit by the rain and was very confused with no rain scheduled today at all. Looking up he saw a blue tail sticking out from the cloud. Corona's crying was quiet but the cloud was showing her anguish.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona was crying into the cloud the after effects making it rain from that single cloud she was on. The unfortunate reality was that it also happened to be the cloud that Sterling walked under. Getting hit by the rain and was very confused with no rain scheduled today at all. Looking up he saw a blue tail sticking out from the cloud. Corona's crying was quiet but the cloud was showing her anguish.



Sterling walked out of the school annoyed that Corona was nowhere to be seen. Just as he walked out, he felt some rain splash on his head! 'Oh great! Just when my day was going really well, I get bullied AND someone decides to rain on me as a prank!' Sterling was getting increasingly annoyed at how sour his day was becoming. Just then however, he looked up and noticed a blue tail sticking out of the cloud. Upon seeing the blue tail, Sterling began to frown and wondered, 'Could... could that be Corona crying?' He knew it would be a huge risk, but he wanted to take it. He had a feeling Corona was a mare of her word, and something probably happened that left her sulking and crying. He called out to her, making sure none of the bullies looked, "Corona... is... is that you?"

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Flare packed all of his stuff into his saddlebags and headed for the library. "Now its time to help Star with the math homework...and Ruby also but so far it seems like they both hate eachother so ill help one today and the other tomorrow or at a different time" Flare said to him self.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Regal was a transfer student just getting off of the bus.

"So this is my new school... i guess it looks ok" Being from a high end of society he decided to try the lower end with out the support of his parents. So far he found it both fun and strange in many ways.

He chuckled to himself. "Well i least i won't have to go to school until Monday" He began to walk around town until he came across a pegasus causing rain to fall on another pony. he could see the other unicorn was trying to speak with the pesasus in the cloud

"Um, hey you in the cloud, could you stop making it rain. it's not suppose to rain today." Regal didn't know what to say or do.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona slowly stuck her head out of the cloud tears still in her eyes. She flew out of the cloud and landed next to Sterling and the new pony that just showed up. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...sniffle...make it rain." Corona whipped her cheeks and hid her face as best she could. "Sorry Sterling I didn't mean to make you wait like that."


(OOC: Won't ba able to post till later tonight cause of work bye for now will check in periodically.)

Edited by Quilava

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona slowly stuck her head out of the cloud tears still in her eyes. She flew out of the cloud and landed next to Sterling and the new pony that just showed up. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...sniffle...make it rain." Corona whipped her cheeks and hid her face as best she could. "Sorry Sterling I didn't mean to make you wait like that."

Sterling frowned sadly at Corona. He didn't want to see a mare cry... ever. He saw Corona jump down from the cloud she sat on, still in sniffles. He didn't want to ask, but at the same time, he felt that he had to. He asked cautiously, "Corona... why... why were you crying? Did... the bullies make fun of you?"

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-oh Celestia she is crying- Regal never knew what to do when people started crying.

"Um well you know things will get better. Um just keep you head up and look towards the brighter side of things..." - I pick the worst time to met new people- he thought to himself. "Sterling was it?" he said to the unicorn. "um nice meeting you. I suppose. Bullies?" he snorted "Bullies are are just thugs plain and simple."

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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-oh Celestia she is crying- Regal never knew what to do when people started crying.

"Um well you know things will get better. Um just keep you head up and look towards the brighter side of things..." - I pick the worst time to met new people- he thought to himself. "Sterling was it?" he said to the unicorn. "um nice meeting you. I suppose. Bullies?" he snorted "Bullies are are just thugs plain and simple."

Sterling noticed the other pony's response to Corona's crying. Needless to say, Sterling was slightly annoyed at how he seemed to brush off bullying so easily. Nonetheless, he kept his composure and greeted him, "Umm yes it's Sterling. P-pleased to meet you too. Umm I never caught your name."

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(OOC: I come back from school and I get all of these posts... what the heck...)


Star Rain packed her stuff up and hurried over to the library, dodging objects and students and avoiding anypony who might pose a threat to her. She walked into the library and saw no pony in sight, only a middle-aged green unicorn mare who happened to be the librarian. She went over to one of the tables, plopped her saddlebags down, and browsed the library a little bit until she came across some interesting stories.


She picked two and looked around somemore until she came across some spellbooks. "Oh my gosh, spell books!" she exclaimed, quickly picking one that had to do with the four elements: water, earth, fire, and air. Star then checked the books out and sat down at the table again and waited for Flare to come.

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Flare arrived at the library. "Finally here...hopefully I havent kept Star waiting for long"  Flare said as he entered the library and saw Star Rain sitting at a table reading a few spell books. "Oh good shes here still" Flare said as he went to the table Star was at and sat next to her. "Sorry if I kept you waiting Star"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Star Rain looked up and was startled for a moment, then she relaxed and smiled. "It's alright Flare! Now um, shall we start?" she said cheerfully, levitating her three pages of math homework out. Unfortunately, Ruby sashayed in and stood forcefully in front of Star. "Hey Flare, what's up? Ready to start on homework?" How she manages to flirt with Flare and glare at Star at the same time, Star will never know.

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"Um...I guess you, me and Star Rain can work on the homework together" Flare said to Ruby as he got out the 3 pages of math homework. "Strange how Ruby appears every time im near Star and when I talk to Star also" Flare thought an he pulled up a chair for Ruby to sit in as he was between both of them



Edited by ~Dishonored Luna~

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Star Rain slouched down on her homework, clearly uneasy by the presence of her enemy while Ruby scowled and took out her homework. 


The homework was filled with one-step and two-step equations, as well as a couple very unfamiliar geometry problems. Star xould easily do the one-steps and two-steps in her head, but it was the "Show your work" direction that threw her off. And Ruby glaring at her and twirling her mane at Flare at the same time wasn't really helping. 


In fact, Ruby lied about her homework. She always asked her mother for homework, but this time she decided to come to Flare for homework mainly to flirt with him. And if that dork wasn't there, then it would've been very easy.

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"one-step and two-step equations are easy to do and also the geometry ones..." Flare went on and on on how to do the problems and did a few as an example on how to do them properly with each of them. "Thats how you do them think you two can do a few on your own" Flare said as he looked at them both.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona whipped the tears from her eyes but more just popped up and ran down her cheeks. "Some ponies in our liturature class said I was ugly cause of my coat color." Corona sniffled hiding her face behind her wings. "I'd understand if you didn't want to be around me because of it Sterling." Corona didn't know what to do, she hadn't felt this bad about herself in a few years.


(Just so everyone knows I'm certain that Snow's internet has fallen apart so I'm not sure when she'll be posting again.)

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona whipped the tears from her eyes but more just popped up and ran down her cheeks. "Some ponies in our liturature class said I was ugly cause of my coat color." Corona sniffled hiding her face behind her wings. "I'd understand if you didn't want to be around me because of it Sterling." Corona didn't know what to do, she hadn't felt this bad about herself in a few years.


(Just so everyone knows I'm certain that Snow's internet has fallen apart so I'm not sure when she'll be posting again.)

(OOC: This will be my last post for today. I'll post again tomorrow morning Actually I may have time for one more post...)


Sterling couldn't help but notice the continual flow of tears from Corona's eyes. He frowned, knowing that he never saw anypony this sad, let alone a mare! It left him perplexed to say the least, 'Oh... what would my dad do in these situations? He never told me, especially since he wanted me thinking more about my studies... ok think... my dad would always hug my mom whenever she's crying about something... maybe I should do that, even if my dad would probably frown on me for it.'


Sterling knew it would be a very risky venture to hug Corona, but he just couldn't handle her tears anymore. He saw his dad approaching him with slight impatience, but Sterling knew this was the right thing to do. With that, Sterling approached Corona cautiously, and then gave her a comforting hug. As he hugged, he noticed something, 'I'm hugging her, and it... it... feels great... I don't want to stop hugging her. I want to comfort her, even if my dad might not approve. Besides, I really like her mane...' It was at that moment that Sterling wanted to whisper something to Corona. He whispered carefully into her ear, "Corona... don't worry about your body. Your mane is already really nicely coloured, and it's more than enough for me to say you're pretty."


After the hug, Sterling suddenly felt a sense of energy. It was a feeling he never felt before. He felt like bursting into the sky uncaring of all his worries. His mind was travelling to all sorts of wonderful places. The one that stood out to him most was being in a gondola in Veighnice with Corona on a clear night. On the background was a violin playing a piece he loved very much: "Love's Joy". One thing was certain: Sterling was definitely feeling love's joy after the hug. Between you and me, let's just say he's developing a strong crush on Corona.




(OOC: Here's "Love's Joy" on the violin by Fritz Kreisler. Start at 4:06)




Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@Sterling Crimson, @@Snowy Storm


Corona felt Sterling hugging her and she just let herself go into his neck her tears flowing into his crimson coat. It was when she heard his kind words to her that her tears started to subside. Nopony had ever complimented her on any of her looks, her mane and tail were the things she had so much pride for since they stood out from her grey coat. Corona could feel her heart beating faster as she was hugged by Sterling. Finally the hug ended when she saw a stallion walking over that had to have been Sterling's dad. "Um...Sterling if you're able to...stop by my house..." Corona stuttered writing down her address on a scrap of paper. "There's something I wanna show you ok." For now Corona was going to show this new stallion around the town or at least what she knew. Corona started walking away, looking back she stopped for a moment tears running down her cheeks again with a smile. This time though they were of happiness as she mouthed the words "Thank You" to Sterling.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Sterling Crimson, @@Snowy Storm


Corona felt Sterling hugging her and she just let herself go into his neck her tears flowing into his crimson coat. It was when she heard his kind words to her that her tears started to subside. Nopony had ever complimented her on any of her looks, her mane and tail were the things she had so much pride for since they stood out from her grey coat. Corona could feel her heart beating faster as she was hugged by Sterling. Finally the hug ended when she saw a stallion walking over that had to have been Sterling's dad. "Um...Sterling if you're able to...stop by my house..." Corona stuttered writing down her address on a scrap of paper. "There's something I wanna show you ok." For now Corona was going to show this new stallion around the town or at least what she knew. Corona started walking away, looking back she stopped for a moment tears running down her cheeks again with a smile. This time though they were of happiness as she mouthed the words "Thank You" to Sterling.

(OOC: Ok, This definitely is last post for tonight. I'll post again tomorrow morn.)


Sterling noticed Corona walking away with another stallion to show him around town. He was wondering why she walked away from him after the hug, but nevertheless, he listened as Corona stumbled through her words after the hug. He noticed that Corona wrote something for Sterling with her address on it. He was surprised to say the least that a mare would want to show something to him. He felt his heart racing again, pondering why it was so, and especially what exactly Corona wanted to show him. 


His father approached Sterling with some indignation as he wondered what Sterling was doing hugging a mare. He asked sternly, "Sterling... what were you doing with that mare?" Sterling stuttered slightly in fear as he hid the note Corona gave him, "D-d-dad... that was my friend. Her name's Corona. She was bullied about her grey mane today and I had to comfort her." When Sterling's dad heard his explanation, he was stunned. Sterling caring for a mare? Unthinkable! And to think he and his wife gave a lot of advice to Sterling on how to love a mare and wondering whether Sterling would actually remember.


It... it was such a proud moment for his father. He said with pride, "Sterling... I would never have thought you would go through great lengths to comfort a mare. You're... you're growing up. I guess all that mare advice your mom gave you actually paid off... I'm... I'm proud of you son." Nonetheless, Sterling's father warned about relationships, saying that they were huge responsibilities that he shouldn't take for granted as the two began to walk home for the weekend.  

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