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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

open the blood bath


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Wonder took up position by the window where Goldie was. He'd hack, slash and shoot any one of the creatures that got too close. "Tempest, go help them. Give Thunder his medicine. I can handle myself." He shouted at his friend. He severed the leg of one of the vamps, and kept fighting.

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Tobi bent backwards like he had no bones, he used his hind legs to grab sole and did a front flip and made sole go face first into the ground.

Thunder fell to the ground, everything became black and white in his vision, but he felt stronger, and faster, but he also felt like he was fading away. He got up to quick, and grabbed crimson and put his head through the wall, and then he jumped back and coughed out an enormous amount of blood. Right then and there, he knew he was dieing. But they didnt understand. All he needed was food, he didnt want to hurt anypony.

sole growled and instead of letting go, he grabbed his legs and swung him through the air before slamming him into the ground and throwing him. "Eat that, lord vader!" He shouted.

((Sorry for not posting sooner guys. I'm taking exams this week, so I don't have much time this week.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson grunted in pain as he pulled his head out of the wall, he then looked at thunder with a look of sadness, "you haven't fed.....have you..." crimson then lowered his hoovs, and sighed, ".sorry thunder....its for your own good.....we will cure you, then we will cure everyone else.....so don't complain, just thank us..." said crimson sadly, before shooting a large fire ball at an oncoming zombie, burning it to ash.

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Tempest nodded. He soon found Thunder and the others. He pulled out a syringe containing the serum and didn't hesitate to inject it into Thunder. "Now, take your bloody medicine like a good vampony." He said. The cyan pegesus then looked out one of the front windows to see more vamponies. "Every vampony from the crystal empire must be here." He thought. The cyan pegesus then sighed as he entered the lobby. "Get the others out of here and finish the cure. I'll try to hold the, off." He said, while fencing off the blood-suckers. "If I die, then so be it."

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Golden Age ran back to his post. "Thunder is under control" he said to wonder with a smile, pouring more shards of glass into the barrel. He aimed for large clusters of vamponies, turning a single shot weapon into a shotgun. "I'm not sure how much more of this she can take" he said to Wonder, pointing to the musket.

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Wonder stepped back, but instead of being disheartened. "Ha, you're too stubborn to die." He grinned and handed Tempest his gunblade. "I named her Blazefire, after my mother. Use her to take down a few. You'll be back, you always find a way to come back and bug me." He smiled and headed to the ICU. He gathered the essentials for his research and headed for the AP.

"Any hospital personnel are to fall back behind the hospital." He said and began running.

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Thunder broke the syringe before it touched thunder. then he took the blood, his site went back to normal. He felt a tad but better, his instincts where easier to control now. But thunder had control of his body again "YOUR ALL IDIOTS" he screamed out loud. He was so pissed off. His stomachs growled, and his leg healed.


Tobi put both his hoofs in front of his body and landed flawlessly. Then he turned around and slapped sole in the face. "Stupid griphon" he said jumping back and staying away from sole. Then he took a new, more childish stance.


(This fight is going to be a WHHHHILLLLE)

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Tempest smirked as he sheathed one of his swords and held the gun blade. "It's a bit heavy, but it'll work." He thought. The cyan pegesus then glanced at all of the vamponies charging at him. "All right you blood sucking freaks, welcome to your nightmare." He said. The cyan pegesus then charged and started knocking out Vamponies, in his own special way. "You shall not pass." He yelled. The cyan pegesus then laughed like a maniac.

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Golden Age ran back towards Thunder and pulled him up off of his feet "Aye we're idiots, yer the one who tried to open a door with yer bloody head" he said mockingly before walking towards the exit way towards the back of the hospital. He grabbed a last handful of glass and nonchalantly walked out of the hospital.

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Thunder broke the syringe before it touched thunder. then he took the blood, his site went back to normal. He felt a tad but better, his instincts where easier to control now. But thunder had control of his body again "YOUR ALL IDIOTS" he screamed out loud. He was so pissed off. His stomachs growled, and his leg healed. Tobi put both his hoofs in front of his body and landed flawlessly. Then he turned around and slapped sole in the face. "Stupid griphon" he said jumping back and staying away from sole. Then he took a new, more childish stance.

(This fight is going to be a WHHHHILLLLE)

sole held his face for a moment before he smiled, flitting behind tobi "tricks are for kids." He finished, bringing both wings down toward his head.

((I know, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love fighting scenes in rps, its one of my favorite parts about them.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson grinned as he stood in the hall with a crowd of vampires rushing towards him, he merely stood there calmly, before running forward at full speed, igniting his body and rocketing himself rorward like a missle, before crashing into the crowd of vampires with a large explosion, sending vamires flying in all directions, now charred and burned, looking around at his handiwork, crimson grinned evilly, "ssstriiiike!!" Said crimson, before noticing more vampires heading his way, and rushing at them on fire, laughing like a battle crazed maniac.

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Tempest laughed as he cut down the vamponies. "Come on. Is that the best you can give me!" He yelled. The cyan pegesus then turned around and stabbed a vampony in the chest. "I could do this all bloody day." The cyan pegesus then stabbed a vampony with Wonder's gun blade and threw the dead vampony into three other vamponies coming at him. The cyan pegesus wouldn't give up. He had to wait until he couldn't smell Wonder or the others. Until then, he would keep on fighting.

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Tobi blocked the hit and jumped back, he then laughed. An explosion appeared in front of sole. "Paper bombs" he smiled.


Thunder got up shaking his head, "you guys attacked me, tried to Stab me with needles, starved me. Then I was bitten and drained of almost all my blood because I fought back!?" He said furiously. "I can't believe...." He opened his wings and left then behind. Flying out a window and going for the crystal kingdom.


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"What the devil is taking them so long?" he wonder furiously. He looked back into the hall to see Tempest dismembering vamponies. He smiled.


Golden Age ran up to Wonder "Wonder! Crimson and Tempest are still in there, should we go ahead and leave or stay here and mop up?"

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Wonder broke out of the building. "No we've got to go." he said. He thought of a new hiding place. He left another riddle paper.


'I got groceries from the town CENTER. This is an old fashioned TOWN. So mind your MANOR.' "Come on. They'll regroup eventually." He knew that they could get this. Time to head home.

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He sighed "Buck this"


He loaded his musket than walked back in next to Tempest. Once he was out of the way he fired into the horde of vamponies. "Tempest, get yer bloody arse out of here!" he said, jamming another load of glass down the barrel. He fired again into the rapidly decreasing blood-thirsty mob. "Go!"

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Sole bursed through the explosion and punched tobi in the face with a roar "do you really think that would put me down?" He said, smirking "I've sparred with crimson, compared to his flames, these things are harmless!" He said, with his feathers and fur slightly singed, and bleeding above his right eye.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest smirked. "I've been in worse situations." He said. The cyan pegesus then stabbed at a vampony that was about to bite Golden and threw it at a group of vamponies charging at him. "You should go with Wonder and the others. They'll need your fighting experience if the vamponies find the group again." The cyan pegesus then extended his wings and flew into the air. "Come and get me you blood sucking freaks." He yelled. For this to work, Tempest had to get into the upper atmosphere. His enhanced speed defiantly helped.

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Golden Age sighed Euer wollen ist tod 


He ran out and headed for the manor. He put his musket to the half cock and put it on his shoulder, the heat of the barrel was almost intolerable at this point. 


He climbed the stairs up to the front door "Bloody aristocrats..." he mumbed under his breath.


"I'm here Wonder!" he shouted once entering the building

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Crimson grinned as he incinerated a crowd of unlucky vampony, he then stood next to a window breathing in the fresh air, "almost done here!" Said crimson happily, but stopped as he noticed tempest outside fighting a crowd of vamponys, he was doing quite well until a vampony tried to sneak up on him, crimson growled and shot a fireball at the vamony, burning it to a crisp, crimson grinned, "consider us even!" Said crimson happily, before turning around to see a large crowd of vamponys approaching quickly, crimson smiled evilly, "GIVE ME A REAL CHALLENGE WEAKLINGS!!" Yelled crimson, before igniting his fists oncemore and charging the group of vamponys.

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When Tempest reached his highest elevation ,he looked straight down and dove. He shielded his face and extended his swords as he approached the surface. The cyan pegesus then kicked at a pole, causing him to ricochet off the structure and fly through the vampony hoarde. Tempest simply laughed as he did this. "This is to easy." He thought.

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"I know it's much, but it's the safest place left for us right now." He said coming down from the main staircase. "Once everyone gets here, we can turn on the security system." He said. "You can make yourself comfortable here. This place is almost impenetrable."

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"Can do" he said with a smile. He placed his musket by the door and threw hardee hat on a coffee table. He then proceeded to collapse on the sofa that was next to it. "Wake me when they've all gotten here" he said in a sleepy manner before turning his head away to go to sleep

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Wonder smiled and went upstairs to work on the virus a little more. "Hmm, it attaches to the cells but doesn't destroy them." He examined the particles closely.


((And then I realized that the only female characters in this RP are the mane 6. It's a sausage-fest in here.))

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Tobi finally took the hit. He slid back, he then kept his face down, his mask was completely shattered, and it was crumbling off his face. He still didn't show his face. He kept it down, he laughed. And laughed, louder and louder. The room echoed with his voice.


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