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Aurora Lights

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Aurora shook his head and smiled,quite evilly too,he made a low,eerie laugh as he slowly walked towards the changling,it looking almost terrified as Aurora didnt even limp from his gnarled shoulder,Aurora dashed forward and stabbed the changling once more,laughing in the creepiest of ways as he stabbed and sliced the screeching,paining changling,Aurora finally ended its suffering with a knife in the skull,but not before he let the thing wollow in its own blood,it shreeking in agony and pain as Aurora laughed darkly,he then moved on with his dark knife,still dripping with blood,slowly walking towards the other pegasi but he stopped and went to te armory and got a pistol,a scary looking one too,he slowly walked with the knife on his side and the gun held by his wing,all the changlings that landed got shot,he didnt kill them on purpose,he slowly hurt,tortured,the changlings before he would kill them,he was...different...the red in his iris'...it took full control of Aurora's mind...IT...was in control.

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"Wait Aurora! No! Stop being so merciless to these creatures! They don't deserve to be treated with such brutality. Thunder Dash noticed a changeling right next to him that was struggling very hard. It looked at Thunder Dash with a "please help me" look on it's face. Thunder Dash gently picked it up and sat down. He then let some of his healing current run through the changeling's body. The changeling looked at Thunder Dash. It started to wimper a bit. Thunder Dash saw it. A tear fell from the changeling's eyes. "If only they can understand, understand why you're doing this...you just want to be loved, which is why your leader did what she did..." Thunder Dash said looking at the changeling.



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Aurora stood on top of a mass of bodies and started laughing menically "ALL SHALL FEAR MY NAME!!!"he bellowed out,but he saw a survivor squirm among the bodies,he blinked and slowly,menacingly walked towards it,a dark,war like tone in the background as he had a small evil laugh "...changeling..."he growled with a smile,then he saw it...it was so small...so...helpless...Aurora fought for his control,and soon got it,he blinked and looked at the mound of bodies,he gulped and looked back to the changeling,Aurora saw its face,it looked to be pleading to spare it Aurora looked at his gun and slowly put it away,he softly nudged the small body,it whimpered,scared out of its mind,then Aurora looked at the bullet wound in its flank,he looked at the changeling shaking in pain and fear before his iris' turned blue and he started to heal himself and the changeling "...I'm sorry..."he whispers to it. The changeling gulped and stared up at its once killer,it knew he had changed,in some way... Aurora blinked and softly picked it up,the dark mass unable to move out of fear,paralyzed.

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Thunder Dash saw Aurora with the scared changeling. He then looked around and saw all of the bodies of the dead changelings. He gently picked up the changeling he had helped and walked over to Aurora. "All they need...is love and compassion, just like we do." Thunder Dash explained as he sat down and began to cuddle the changeling. The changeling made little squeaking sounds of delight as Thunder Dash continued to cuddle. it.   

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Aurora blinked at the changeling in his hooves,he sat down with it as the changelings started to retreat,but something stopped these two,Aurora stared down at his,his eyes changing to thier original colors,the changeling watched as his iris colors slowly moved and rotated,going over one another and shifting positions,he smiled kindly at the still scared little thing,he sighed and looked at the mass of dark bodies,soon ponies were hauling them away,Aurora sighed and said softly "I'm...so...so sorry..."he says softly and sadly,he then hugged the changeling,its bat-like wings flapping and fluttering quickly before it softly hugged back.

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"Maybe...we should...keep these changelings. Show them what love really is because...their leader...I don't think she shows them any love. She just sends them out to attack. Love and attack...two different things, very opposite in nature. I don't get it, if changelings feed off love, then...why would the the leader have them attack and invade in the first place?" Thunder Dash asked. 


(OOC: Hope that doesn't change the plot that much)

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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((OOC: not at all,infact I was considering giving each one a pet.))


Aurora blinked and nodded as he cuddled his "...maybe...she wants them to attack and force everypony to love her?"he asked and shook his head and yawned softly,then he looked at his purring changeling in his hooves,cuddled up to him,after a short investigation,he found out his was female.

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Sparjkshower had run to get reinforcemetns but heard Auroras shout of all shall fer my name" and turned back. When she got there she saw the rpegasi tand tthe changlings curiouly she walke over. " ive always wonde4ed how they would react if they were shown. Loe in their true form." She saw auroras face. " you okay? "" she asked.

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Aurora blinked and looked up at Spark "...yeah...I'm...just...I..."he says quietly and depressedly as the changeling cuddled into him and fell asleep. Aurora sighed and looked down "...I'm...a...a killer...a monster...I couldnt control myself...I killed all those innocent changelings...I tortured every one of them till they died...I'm such a horrible pony...I...I shouldnt be alive..."he says before he closes his eyes,warm,soft teard dripping off his chin onto the chengeling's forehead,but it just shifts positions and wipes her face in his forearm.




Sparkshower Edited by Aroura Lights
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Sparkshowers head snapped up. " you are not a monster! Youre not a rrible pony and you v3ry well should be alive. Vyou just have a broken past its enough to drive anyone myad at times. " she sighee " a monster never regg3ets the damage he does. A monster would never tshow kindness.you are anything but a gmonster."

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Sparks looked up at him kindly. " Youre going to changc the world aurora, when the changelings learn tha4 they zcan ea&n love without stealing it. It twill create a whole new age. " she shook her head. " only you Aurora, you and 5hunder. We can make a better place."

  • Brohoof 1
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Aurora blinks and blushes at her comment "Change the world?..."he asks softly,a bit confused,did she really think that highly of him,to say HE would change the whole of Equestria?..."I thought Equestria was as good as its going to get-.......if that were true...why do we need the RGA or the RGAF...is there something the ponies back on the ground don't know? The civis?...whats going on Spark?..."he asked,seeming inquisitive and concerned.

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" what i mean is.. the changelings arent treqted very welll. Mostly tbecause they dont treat ohers 2ell, but rchange that and a whole new lvel of peace is acheivd. Well still need all the military byecause eviyl will always exist for there to be balance4, but thats a whole race re5ormed and 4enewed. Tell me that wouldnt change the world"

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Aurora blinked and looked at her and looked away at the clouds "...when do I start my Night Guard training?"he asked before he looked back,a detirmined look in his bright eyes. If all else,he would DEFINATLY become a soldier for Luna. He walked to the edge of the clouds and looked down,looking at Canterlot, "...may I see Luna? I know you have a connection with her."he says with a look on his face,his eyes unreadable.

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" Well have to get you accustomed to being awake at night first, wer goinhg to go to bed early tonitghtt. Ill see what I can do about Luna.. she might be busy for a litle while tho. Ido agree you sqhtould speak to her, especially about thre discovery you and thunder made. Ill senyd hr a letter in the morning."

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Aurora shook his head "I need to see her NOW..."he says in an urgent tone,the changeling on his back shifting in her sleep. Aurora looked at Luna's tower and blinked before he spread his wings "I-I have to go now...I have to see her."he says and walks off the side of the cloud,free falling for a time before opening his wings fully and gliding into the balcony of Luna's castle nd he walks in,nocking on he door a couple times.

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Sparkshowe telkepo@ed into Lunas study. " Auroras on his way he needs to speak to you and its massively important." Soon came the knock on the door Luna cross3d the space and oppebned the doo4. " You bring nyews Aurora lights? " she noticed the changeling zon his back. " i pesume it involves the recent changeling atttack?!"

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Aurora blinks and looks past her to see Spark,he then walks in and places the changeling on Luna's massive bed "I need to talk to you...alone."he says ad looks directally into Luna's eyes,he was a little taller than her. Aurora swallows softly before looking to the still snoozing changeling.

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Sparkshower took the hint anda telepor#d away. Luna went andw sat down at her deskkk. " Come and sit down aurrora, i have a feeling this will take awhile."



Bacck att the training acility sparkshower paced. She needed aa distraacttioon. She lloooked back at the feather on her b3dstand perfect she thought picking up the feather a d teleporting away.

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Aurora sighed and sat down,"Luna...earlier today...I...I slaughtered...I killed many Changelings...I...I had no control over myself..."he says,looking ashamed of himself as he looks down,ready to take some flak,"...I...I...didnt...even let them die quickly...I just...I...I tortured them..."he says with a look of depression and shame on his face.

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Luna lif ted his chin up. " Aurrora did you know that everybody, everysingle creature has a dark side. Th# more powerful a cr3ature is the more prominentt 4he darkside. Eve4ypony at some point gives into it. Even if oonly for a second. Use this as a tlesson and a drive not to give in again."

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Aurora blinked and looked up at her,he blushed lightly and nodded "Ok...I will...now onto my main reason..."he says and wakes up his little Changeling friend,she yawns and squees in joy as she rushes over and cuddles into Aurora,purring loudly "...They aren't bad...they...they only have a bad leader...if you gave these little things a chance...I'm sure you will know the difference..."he says as the little changeling rubs up against Aurora,smiling happily.

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" This is ve4y interesting observation. I always wondered as much And as for Que#n Cryssalis @hat do you expect from someone who knows not the meaning of love. In light of this discovery i will call an emergeqncy council would you mind brinvging the changeling back tommorow to presen4 to the council?"


Meanwhil# sparks knocked on Zecoras door. "Zecoora can I ask you a favor?. .. later she 4eturned wi4h the feathher on a necklac@ it woukd ale4t hh&r if Autrora we4e in danger.

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Aurora nodded and smiled "of course."he said looked down at his little friend,then he looked up at Luna and smiled "I...also want to show you sometihng."he says and smiles as his iris' start to be consumed by blue,then green,then orange,then red,pink,yellow,and back to normal "I have special powers..."he smiled and hugged Princess Luna tight. 

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