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private Fairy Tail Crossover RP

Alex Kennedy

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Iron woke up to Sole shaking her, but she never remembered passing out. It was like she blinked her eyes and now she was here. D*** her loosing.


"So, I guess I lost, huh?" She said nonchalantly. She got up off the ground, dusted herself off, and headed into the hotel. "I'm hungry. You coming?"

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Iron woke up to Sole shaking her, but she never remembered passing out. It was like she blinked her eyes and now she was here. D*** her loosing.


"So, I guess I lost, huh?" She said nonchalantly. She got up off the ground, dusted herself off, and headed into the hotel. "I'm hungry. You coming?"

((I was gonna do something else. I thought she'd just keep sleeping))

Sole facepalmed "you just pass out on the ground, then casually go inside for a meal?" He said incredously "what's wrong with you? You could be hurt or something!" He grinned "and also, your even cuter when your sleeping, like an evil puppy!" He said jokingly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Thunder shrugged. "Don't mention it" he said before walking up the stairs. He looked at the picture he had in his room. It was him, and his sister. "I will make you proud, sorella" he said putting the picture into his nightstand.


(WELL, I needed a reason why a shy dude like him would be in a guild to begin with, motivation, CHECK)


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Rambler smiled. It was good to see Minath had calmed down after being so terrified before. That, and she really was cute like this. Sleeping, curled up in his arms, she looked so peaceful and content, her slight snoring only making her seem that much cuter.


He would lay there with her, all night if necessary, and make sure she was safe. He couldn't bare to let anything disturb her peaceful, slumbering form.

Edited by Alex Kennedy

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((Since I don't feel like reading two pages of two people talking...I am going to just post. If I missed something important...sorry))


Lycan looked at diamond and shook his head slowly, "that's not a good habit to get into......trust me....I should know....but just to warn you.....if you ever do find sompony you really care about.....make sure you TRULY love them.....don't make the same mistake I did.....over and over again..." said lycan slowly, with a bitter smile, "well.....here I am rambling on.....you probably want to get back reading your book.....so I can leave jf you want..." said lycan quitely.


Diamond shook her head. "You're not bothering me. I'm happy to have something to do. Anyway...at the moment there is no pony I love. If somepony were to come around who I do love, I would probably ignore it because there are more important things I can do." She said.

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((Since I don't feel like reading two pages of two people talking...I am going to just post. If I missed something important...sorry))




Diamond shook her head. "You're not bothering me. I'm happy to have something to do. Anyway...at the moment there is no pony I love. If somepony were to come around who I do love, I would probably ignore it because there are more important things I can do." She said.

Lycan chuckled, "that's odd.....I've never heard of a mare ignoring love before.....well, I suppose its your lovelife, so you do what you want I guess.....like I said, many ponies have found true happyness through love, but there have also been many that have found happieness through a hobby.....kinda like how I like music, or.....wait, do you even really LIKE smoking? Or do you do it just to help your magic?" Asked lycan curiously.

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Lycan chuckled, "that's odd.....I've never heard of a mare ignoring love before.....well, I suppose its your lovelife, so you do what you want I guess.....like I said, many ponies have found true happyness through love, but there have also been many that have found happieness through a hobby.....kinda like how I like music, or.....wait, do you even really LIKE smoking? Or do you do it just to help your magic?" Asked lycan curiously.


Diamond chuckled. "I like smoking. And it helps my magic. Its a win win. And I have had several ponies ask me if it effects me the same way as a normal pony...and no, it doesn't. Smoke is pretty much air for me." She said, smiling and exhaling more smoke, making sure none of it floated to Lycan.

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Diamond chuckled. "I like smoking. And it helps my magic. Its a win win. And I have had several ponies ask me if it effects me the same way as a normal pony...and no, it doesn't. Smoke is pretty much air for me." She said, smiling and exhaling more smoke, making sure none of it floated to Lycan.

Lycan grins, "wow, interesting.....so its kinda like how I can listen to music and noise as loud as I want it to be without my head exploding? Wait, I just noticed.....your actually smiling.....and its not becouse I said somthing to sound like a jackass! You know, you should smile more often, it makes you look cute..." lycan stopped himself and blushed, before beginning to sweat, "uh....I mean....I didn't mean it like....oh crap..." said lycan in a stammer.


((Lol, sorry if this sound WAY too mushy, but I just wanted to see diamonds reaction to this, but sorry if its a bit awkward or out of line...))

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Lycan grins, "wow, interesting.....so its kinda like how I can listen to music and noise as loud as I want it to be without my head exploding? Wait, I just noticed.....your actually smiling.....and its not becouse I said somthing to sound like a jackass! You know, you should smile more often, it makes you look cute..." lycan stopped himself and blushed, before beginning to sweat, "uh....I mean....I didn't mean it like....oh crap..." said lycan in a stammer.


((Lol, sorry if this sound WAY too mushy, but I just wanted to see diamonds reaction to this, but sorry if its a bit awkward or out of line...))

((Its fine derpy_emoticon2.png ))


Diamond's smile faded slightly and she gave Lycan a quizzical look. "Um...thank you?" She said, unsure how to reply.

She didn't really know what to say after that so she just stood in the doorway shuffling her hooves. "So...anyway..." She said, wanting to make things a little less awkward.

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((Its fine img-1559708-1-derpy_emoticon2.png ))


Diamond's smile faded slightly and she gave Lycan a quizzical look. "Um...thank you?" She said, unsure how to reply.

She didn't really know what to say after that so she just stood in the doorway shuffling her hooves. "So...anyway..." She said, wanting to make things a little less awkward.

Lycan was still blushing and struggling to think of an escape from the awkwardness, suddenly, lycans eyes lit up, "I got it!!" Thought lycan before smiling at diamond, "speaking of jackasses, how would you like to see one?" Asked lycan mischeviously before using his changling magic to transform himself into sole, he then smiled with his toung sticking out like an idiot and crossed his eyes, "yeah! I'm the strongest ever! I'm gonna kick all your asses! I'm totally overcompensating!" Said lycan in his best sole voice impression.

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Lycan was still blushing and struggling to think of an escape from the awkwardness, suddenly, lycans eyes lit up, "I got it!!" Thought lycan before smiling at diamond, "speaking of jackasses, how would you like to see one?" Asked lycan mischeviously before using his changling magic to transform himself into sole, he then smiled with his toung sticking out like an idiot and crossed his eyes, "yeah! I'm the strongest ever! I'm gonna kick all your asses! I'm totally overcompensating!" Said lycan in his best sole voice impression.


Diamond couldn't help but laugh. "Impressive." She said, giggling. "That was a good impression but I think Sole just acts tough on the outside to intimidate others...I'm rarely intimidated so...I don't really care." She said, glancing into her room. "Would you like to come in? I was thinking I may order some tea." She said, stepping into her room and flicking her tail at Lycan as if telling him to follow.

She used her magic to levitate some air freshener from the nearby bookshelf. She sprayed it around the room before putting it back. "Hopefully that will get rid of the smokey smell." She said.

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Lycan chuckled before turning back into his changling self, and grinning widely, "sure, I like tea I guess, but don't worry about the smokey smell, I'm already used to it, just as long as you don't mind me playing my music, then we'll be just fine..." said lycan nonchalantly, before walking into her room and beginning to play the song, "let's be freinds" by elvis.

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Lycan chuckled before turning back into his changling self, and grinning widely, "sure, I like tea I guess, but don't worry about the smokey smell, I'm already used to it, just as long as you don't mind me playing my music, then we'll be just fine..." said lycan nonchalantly, before walking into her room and beginning to play the song, "let's be freinds" by elvis.


Diamond ordered some tea before she sat down on one of the two chairs in the corner of the room. "Good song...not really my cup of tea, but still, its not bad. And I usually try to make other's comfortable so...if the smoke bother's you, I can open another window..." She said.

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Diamond ordered some tea before she sat down on one of the two chairs in the corner of the room. "Good song...not really my cup of tea, but still, its not bad. And I usually try to make other's comfortable so...if the smoke bother's you, I can open another window..." She said.

Lycan chuckled, "no really its fine, smoke doesn't really bother me, not much does......besides insults, bullies, and motion sickness that is.....but besides that, I'm usually pretty mellow, but as you've seen, I can lose my cool pretty quickly in the right situations.....I think that's one of the reasons not many mares like me.....I can be a bit of a hothead..." said lycan with a hint of embarresment.

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Lycan chuckled, "no really its fine, smoke doesn't really bother me, not much does......besides insults, bullies, and motion sickness that is.....but besides that, I'm usually pretty mellow, but as you've seen, I can lose my cool pretty quickly in the right situations.....I think that's one of the reasons not many mares like me.....I can be a bit of a hothead..." said lycan with a hint of embarresment.


Diamond shrugged. "You just gotta learn not to take things so seriously...and be okay with who you are. Don't let other ponies get to you...and if they do get to you, make sure its a time when you can kick their asses...in the right situation of course." She chuckled.

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Lycan smiled and chuckled, "good answer, and good point too, I may be a hothead, but I am pretty skilled in magic, so there aren't many people who's ass I can't take care of in a fair fight! But I'm showing off again arent i? Sorry, I must sound like a real cocky dick, huh?" Asked lycan with a sweatdrop.

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"Of course I look like an evil puppy. I'm an evil mastermind, after all. And an a adorable one, at that." Iron said, smirking. She walked up to the bar and ordered hayfries and a veggie burger. And a pint of beer, too. She sat down at a table and began munching on her food.




@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath awoke to Rambler still holding her. She sat up and stretched. She didn't mean to fall asleep on him like that.


"Come on. Let's go back into town. I've calmed down and I need to apologize to Flint. Although I would pre-warn him about me. I would say he needs to stand a good four feet away. And we can snuggle in the hotel, and this grass is itchy. I'm gonna take a shower in the hotel so that's enough time to talk to him."


She nuzzled his neck and popped her wing joints, ready to head into town again.

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Lycan smiled and chuckled, "good answer, and good point too, I may be a hothead, but I am pretty skilled in magic, so there aren't many people who's ass I can't take care of in a fair fight! But I'm showing off again arent i? Sorry, I must sound like a real cocky dick, huh?" Asked lycan with a sweatdrop.


Diamond shook her head. "No no, you're fine." She said, as there was a knock on the door. Diamond used her magic to open it up. In came a pony holding a large tray with tea and scones. "You ordered tea, Miss Diamond?" Said the mare. Diamond nodded. "Yes thank you. You can just put it here." She said, gesturing at the coffee table.

The mare nodded and put the tray down on the table before trotting out, closing the door behind her. Diamond poured two cups of tea and gave one to Lycan.

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Rambler fake pouted. "Aww, but you look so cute when you're sleeping all curled up like that. Well, I guess I'll go talk things over with Flint. He's a good guy, I'm sure he'll understand. That's one thing you should know about Flint. He's very simple minded, and not the best at reading people, but he's genuinely a nice guy and he doesn't mean any harm." Rambler got up and started heading back towards the town. "If you plan on flying, I imagine you'll arrive well before I do, so you might want to make that shower an extra long one."



Since nobody ever told him where the rest of the guild was staying, Flint had ended up just wandering the city, wondering what was going on with his big brother and that strange, hissing pony. 

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Diamond shook her head. "No no, you're fine." She said, as there was a knock on the door. Diamond used her magic to open it up. In came a pony holding a large tray with tea and scones. "You ordered tea, Miss Diamond?" Said the mare. Diamond nodded. "Yes thank you. You can just put it here." She said, gesturing at the coffee table.

The mare nodded and put the tray down on the table before trotting out, closing the door behind her. Diamond poured two cups of tea and gave one to Lycan.

Lycan grinned as he accepted the cup, "thanks, I don't usually drink tea, but when I do, I drink it with ALOT of suger..." said lycan, before sitting on a couch near the table, "so.....while you have anoather living creature to speak with.....do you have any interesting topics you want to talk about?" Asked lycan as he shoveled suger into his tea.

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Lycan grinned as he accepted the cup, "thanks, I don't usually drink tea, but when I do, I drink it with ALOT of suger..." said lycan, before sitting on a couch near the table, "so.....while you have anoather living creature to speak with.....do you have any interesting topics you want to talk about?" Asked lycan as he shoveled suger into his tea.


Diamond shrugged and tapped her cigarette on the edge of an ash tray. "Anything I suppose. Usually I am just reading...or training. That's a good one. Training...how often do you train and stuff?" She asked, sipping her tea before taking a bite of one of the scones.

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"Of course I look like an evil puppy. I'm an evil mastermind, after all. And an a adorable one, at that." Iron said, smirking. She walked up to the bar and ordered hayfries and a veggie burger. And a pint of beer, too. She sat down at a table and began munching on her food.




@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath awoke to Rambler still holding her. She sat up and stretched. She didn't mean to fall asleep on him like that.


"Come on. Let's go back into town. I've calmed down and I need to apologize to Flint. Although I would pre-warn him about me. I would say he needs to stand a good four feet away. And we can snuggle in the hotel, and this grass is itchy. I'm gonna take a shower in the hotel so that's enough time to talk to him."


She nuzzled his neck and popped her wing joints, ready to head into town again.

sole just shrugged and went with the flow "whatever, as long as your okay." He said noncholantly, as he walked up to the bar and ordered, well, everything. "This is delicious!" He said happily in between bites of food, as he wolfed down everything. "Now if only I could find some lightning..." he mumbled "so, are you ready for tomorrow?" He asked her between bites.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Thunder stood in his room and put his picture frame down. He then got up and opened his roof door. He adjusted his wings, and took off once more. "I think I should head to the hotel....just to see if my room is still open." He then flew toward the hotel. "Hope my guest doesn't wake up and I'm not here" he said


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Diamond shrugged and tapped her cigarette on the edge of an ash tray. "Anything I suppose. Usually I am just reading...or training. That's a good one. Training...how often do you train and stuff?" She asked, sipping her tea before taking a bite of one of the scones.

Lycan shrugged as he took small sips of his tea, "well.....that depends on what you would consider training.....for instance, I train by listening and memorizing as many sounds as I possibly can, usually by sitting in a room full of radios, or taking a walk in the public park.....what about you?" Asked lycan.

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Lycan shrugged as he took small sips of his tea, "well.....that depends on what you would consider training.....for instance, I train by listening and memorizing as many sounds as I possibly can, usually by sitting in a room full of radios, or taking a walk in the public park.....what about you?" Asked lycan.


"Anything that involves working on your magic and making it better. All the time for me. I am rarely not reading about Magic and working on my powers. Sleep and the usual life stuff are the only times that I am not training." She said, sipping more of her tea.

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