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private Fairy Tail Crossover RP

Alex Kennedy

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@@Alex Kennedy, @, @,


((I think you might have to roll for it.... Or use the name pick thing....))


Minath thought.


"So the possible competitors for our team are myself, Sole, and Diamond."




Iron nodded. She guess Flint was going to be the one to go into the labyrinth, but was it wise? Flint seemed kinda.. dim... and labyrinths normally required intense mental skill. Then a certain pony came to mind.


"Regal would be great for this. Mental skill and the ability to lay traps? We would all be idiots not to send him"

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((I think you might have to roll for it.... Or use the name pick thing....))


((Actually, Sole just dropped out of contention OOC in a PM. He's going to be busy and unable to do it today.))


@, @, @


Rambler shrugged. "Alright, somebody has to make a decision, and it might as well be me. Sole, frankly I don't think you have the right temperament for a maze. So it's between Diamond and Minath. As much as I'm biased towards Minath for... obvious reasons, I think Diamond might be a better choice. She can move quickly and stealthily in her smoke form, and she certainly seems smart enough to be able to figure out a maze. Does anybody object to sending in Diamond?"


((I rolled for it, it's Diamond.))



@, @@synangel,  @@Snowy Storm,@,



Flint looked disappointed when someone else was suggested. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Regal, do you want to go?"

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@@Alex Kennedy, @,


"I think sending Diamond would be a great idea. I would've only went if somepony more... qualified, wanted to go. Her intellect is going to come in handy for figuring out the labyrinth, no objections here. Only praise." She smiled at Diamond, hoping she didn't seem to soft to her teammate.

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@@Alex Kennedy,




Diamond nodded and smiled. "Alright then." She said, ignoring what Sole had said...he was really starting to get on her nerves.

She lit another cigarette and stepped out closer to the center of the arena.



Fire patted Diamond on the back as she stepped out the turned to look at Minath and Rambler. "We should play some poker to see who gets to go tomorrow." She joked.

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@,@, @,


Rambler nodded. "Excellent. I have total confidence in her. I just hope I get picked for the battle round. I'm itching for a good fight."



The audience cheered as Diamond stepped forward. "From Fairy Tail A Team, Light Diamond!" Moments later an extremely muscular, if rather unintelligent-looking back stallion stepped forward. "From Quatro Pu- Cerberus, Striker!" All eyes were no on Fairy Tail's B Team, waiting for the final champion to step forward.

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Regal smiled, as Flint talked about him.

"Well I guess I should. My runes should be me the biggest advantage then any other on our team" Still Regal was to sure he should be going. -Well I guess it's me or one of the others who will more then likely lose- he thought to himself.

"Alright I'll jump in to action. Don't worry I won't be the first to drop" Regal dropped his smile. He wasn't going to let his arrogance get in the way. He would take his challenge.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


Flint nodded and brightened up, seemingly having already forgotten his disappointment at not being the one chosen. "Alright then, good luck."



The audience roared in applause as the last challenger stepped forward. "Last but not least, representing Fairy Tail's B Team, Regal!"


((I'll begin the challenge later, I have a few other things I need to do first.)) 

@,@@Snowy Storm,


Once all the competitors had assembled, the host came before them and began to explain the challenge. "The goal of this challenge is simple-kabo: You will be released into a maze, and you must find the exit as quickly as possible. Naturally, this is no ordinary maze. It will be filled with traps and runes to make things more difficult. There are also special "battle chambers"  in the maze. If two or more wizards meet in one of these rooms, they will be sealed in until only one is left standing-kabo. You will be ranked and awarded points in the order in which you finish, or if you fail to finish, how long you lasted before being defeated. Without any further adieu, let us begin-kabo." In a flash of light, an enormous maze appeared in the arena. In addition to encompassing the entire ring, it appeared to go underground as well. "Each team has a designated entrance. The game begins as soon as everypony sets hoof in the maze. And one last thing- we are not responsible for any injury or death of wizards involved in the games."

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"Really? They're going to runes against me?" Regal sighed. -As long as I can see the unwritten word I should be able to abuse the runes-

(OOC: I'm sorry but this challenge looks like it might give Regal one of the biggest advantages in the game. You might want to word the runes a little clear and in ways that Regal won't be able to find holes that he can abuse. This is his magic after all)


Regal didn't have a lot of notes on the others that he would face, but judging them from their names could give him a base of what there talents and magic maybe.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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((I'm baaack! Man, I thought i'd be left behind, what happened?))

Sole was less then happy about not getting any action, but quickly got an idea "hey rambler, there's gonna be a one on one fight today too right?" He asked excitedly "can I do that? I know I could do well in a brawl!" He said confidently.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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(OOC: I'm sorry but this challenge looks like it might give Regal one of the biggest advantages in the game. You might want to word the runes a little clear and in ways that Regal won't be able to find holes that he can abuse. This is his magic after all)


((The runes aren't going to be that big an aspect of it. Basically, they're just there to keep people from blatantly cheating. Mostly, anyway. The actual traps and things are mostly going to be mechanical rather than magical.))




((By the way, I'm just waiting for you two to say that you reached your designated entrance so I can start.))


Most of the other guilds had already found their entrances to the maze, except for Striker, who was too busy repeating the traditional Quatro Cerberus chant of "Wild!... Four!" to realize the competition was about to start. Most of the audience had already reached the conclusion that he was kind of an idiot.





Rambler shrugged. "I don't have any control over who fights, so I guess you'll just have to wait and see." 

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((The runes aren't going to be that big an aspect of it. Basically, they're just there to keep people from blatantly cheating. Mostly, anyway. The actual traps and things are mostly going to be mechanical rather than magical.))




((By the way, I'm just waiting for you two to say that you reached your designated entrance so I can start.))


Most of the other guilds had already found their entrances to the maze, except for Striker, who was too busy repeating the traditional Quatro Cerberus chant of "Wild!... Four!" to realize the competition was about to start. Most of the audience had already reached the conclusion that he was kind of an idiot.





Rambler shrugged. "I don't have any control over who fights, so I guess you'll just have to wait and see."


sole sighed in dissapointment "well, how do they choose the fighter?" He asked impaitently "cuz I've got a LOT of stress to relieve on some poor bastards face!" He said with a cocky grin, letting lightning danve around him threateningly "I hope I'm the fighter." He said excitedly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Rambler thought for a minute. "Come to think of it, I'm not really sure how they choose the fighter. Something to do with sponsors, I heard, but I couldn't give you any more details than that. I guess you don't really have any more of a chance than anyone else, but I can understand how anxious you are to compete."


((Your eagerness has been noted.)) 

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Rambler thought for a minute. "Come to think of it, I'm not really sure how they choose the fighter. Something to do with sponsors, I heard, but I couldn't give you any more details than that. I guess you don't really have any more of a chance than anyone else, but I can understand how anxious you are to compete."


((Your eagerness has been noted.))


sole groaned "aw, c'mon, that is so unfair!" He complained "they shoud let the team leaders choose!" He said in annoyance "or better yet, let the guild agree, like we do with this!" He said, pointing at the stadium. "Besides, they look really strong, and I wanna be the first to show them how a dragonslayer says hello in a fight!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Alex Kennedy,



Diamond nodded and walked towards the entrance of the maze...but not before pulling off her hat and taking the cigarette from the cigarette holder...she put the cigarette back in her mouth of course.
Her horn glowed and both those things appeared on Rambler...the hat on his head and the cigarette holder in his mouth. She winked at him before walking to the place she was supposed to enter at, lighting a second cigarette as she went so she had two in her mouth.

Edited by ~Fire Sky~

Something something something something


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@@Alex Kennedy

Regal walked towards the entrance and took in account of the ponies entering. This maze would be full of unexpected things and he would not like to get trapped in any thing. Pulling out his quill that he used to write runes he activated a rune on it and it became a rapier.  -A fine weapon for a gentlecolt like me- He thought to him-self.

Regal took a running start into the maze with his rapier next to him. As long as I can write this fight is mine.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Rambler chuckled as Diamond's hat landed on his head. "Thanks, but-" He took the hat off and put it on Minath. "-I don't think I really have the face for it." 


@@Snowy Storm,@,  


Shortly after Diamond and Regal arrived at their entrances, Striker finally realized the competition was starting and after searching for a minute, found his entrance. The host spoke one last time. "Now that everyone has arrived at their entrances, the challenge begins!" With that, everyone heads into the maze.


As you enter the maze, you find it to be even bigger than it looks on the outside. Almost immediately upon entering, your paths take steep downward slopes before branching off in several directions.

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"Well this is a lot bigger then I thought" Looking around he couldn't see anything, but walls. he inspected the walls and floor looking for anything out of place. He didn't notice too strange or out of place.

"This place looks normal. Nothing to do here, I need to keep moving" Regal was again sprinted ahead with his rapier ready to go.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


Sprinting ahead, you eventually reach a large, open area. Aside from the way you came in, their are three other ways out of the room. In the distance, coming from your left, you hear shouting and what sounds like rock being shattered. These sounds seem to be quickly drawing closer.

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"That isn't good" looking around Regal saw the other exits. Should I move ahead or stay and fight. I have to get to the end and if I fight I'll be far behind. 

Shaking his head Regal looked the right and ran towards it. He would avoid all battle if he could plus he didn't want to waste his good runes if he could.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


Leaving the room, you can still hear the sound of smashing rock and shouting behind you. If you were to look back, you might have noticed a very large figure entering the room perhaps ninety seconds after you left. As you hurry down the path to the right, you see a figure in the distance. A much smaller figure than the one behind you.

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@@Alex Kennedy,



The second they were aloud to enter, Diamond turned into her smoke form and darted into the maze, moving much faster than a normal pony could on their hooves. *Alright, quick and speedy to the center...don't fall for any traps.* She thought, billowing forwards deeper into the maze.



Fire watched closely and cheered loudly for Diamond.

Edited by ~Fire Sky~

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Lycan watched the entrence of the maze with a worried look, "come on diamond.....kiçk their asses.....win this for fairytale!" Said lycan quitely before quickly putting in his headphones and turning up the music to try and relieve his stress by listening to his favorite song.

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"To heck with everything!" he stopped long enough to set a trap with runes so that the thing behind Regal with be hit. The rule of the trap was that the person or thing that sets it off will be forced to stay until a new opponent comes to fights it.

"Now time to deal with the thing in front of me. Pain!" Regal used his magic to inflict the spell of pain on the target in front of him.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Rambler shook his head. "I don't know. That wizard from Quatro Cerberus was pretty big, but I don't think any ordinary pony could smash through rock like that."





As you hurry through the maze, you soon find yourself in a large, open chamber. No sooner do you enter than the wall slides out to block the path you came in from. On the other side of the room you can see a figure who seems to be in the same predicament, looking behind them to see the entrance to the room is no longer there. The figure turns and slowly approaches you. As he does, the temperature in the room begins to drop.



@@Snowy Storm,


The spell hits the figure, which then collapses to the ground, screaming and writhing in agony. Judging by the voice, the victim of your spell is a mare, and a young one at that. 

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