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private Fairy Tail Crossover RP

Alex Kennedy

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@@Alex Kennedy,


((Working on it, but I think Iron and Flint might be awhile....))


Minath was asleep before long too, her gentle snores adding to the sounds of the inn around them.




"Well that's cool. I can only manipulate the shape and solidity of fire." Iron said. She had miniature Iron and Flint walk over to the life sized one. After a moment of concentration, the flames grew steady.


"You can touch them now. They're mostly solid, and I cooled them down so even if you didn't have immunity to other fire-users flames you can touch them and not get burnt." She had them walk around his head, as if evaluating him.

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Flint watched as they circled his head. "And you can make them look like whoever you want? You could really screw with people's heads with those things, you know?" He walked over and sat next to her on the bed. "So... is this all you had in mind when you invited me to come up here?"

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"That's why I love them so. That's the main reason I have them, is to mess with ponies. I consider it a life-long character study. And you should know better than to say that's the only reason I invited you up here. I do that as kinda like a 'heya'. I just think the mare should never be in the dominating role, no matter how much she loves it." Iron said, leaving that thought to be interpreted as Flint pleased.

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Flint grinned. "Well, I certainly don't have a problem with that. So... were you expecting something a little like this?" He wrapped a forehoof around her shoulder, pulling her close. He leaned in and started kissing her, letting his tongue slip into her mouth. 

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@@Alex Kennedy,


((So sorry for making ya'll wait!))


"Mmmhmm" Iron said into Flint's mouth, and quickly reciprocated his tongue movements. Iron let Flint be the dominate one, she'll take control *ahem* later. She enhanced the whole experience by sliding her hoof up and down his back. They were both going to enjoy what's going to come.


((EEEEEEEWWWWWWWW I can't believe I wrote thaaaaaaaat. Admittedly I can write erotica well, I just never post it online. I can write way more *ahem* sensual things. Did any of you notive the play on words that a 14 year old should never write a play on words about? Last line....))

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Did any of you notive the play on words that a 14 year old should never write a play on words about? Last line....))


((Oh... Now I see it... that's just horrible.))


Flint couldn't believe his luck. He barely had to speak with her and already he was in her bed. Yeah... he was definitely glad he'd finally come back to the guild.


*Obviously necessary time skip to the morning of the long awaited second day* 


Flint woke up the next morning. That was a night he wasn't going to forget any time time soon.



Rambler woke up, happy to be lying next to Minath. He didn't want to disturb her, so he just sat there and watched her sleep for a while.

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((Oh... Now I see it... that's just horrible.))


((MWA HA HA!!!))


Iron woke up, sore all over. Flint was still next to her, which she was kinda surprised about. They normally didn't stay.


"Mornin'" Iron said with a giant stretch and a yawn.




Minath woke up next to Rambler, feeling his unmistakable body warmth next to her. He was always so warm....


Minath opened her eyes and smiled, leaning up to give Rambler a kiss.


"Mornin'" Minath said, hugging him close.

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Sole sat up and cracked his neck "'man, I fell like I slept on a rock..." he looked down to realize he'd done just that "oh..." he mumbled, as he flew back to the hotel to talk to the others. First he wanted to talk to iron. He quickly went up to her door and knocked loudly "hey iron, you up?!" He asked.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Diamond woke up quite early that morning.
That's when she started her morning routine, before brushing and styling her mane, she walked to the center of the room and started doing a workout...yep.
She did some push ups, sit ups, practiced her magic before going to the bathroom to clean up.

She trotted out moments later looking like her usual elegant self. She grabbed a pack of cigarettes, her cigarette holder, and her sunhat, before walking out of her room and towards the arena, lighting a cigarette as she went.

Fire groaned as her alarm went off...she just hit the snooze button and went back to sleep.

Something something something something


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Iron heard Sole knock on her door, and went to answer it, mane still in a mess.


"Yeah?" She asked as she swung open the door, seeing Sole had more likely than not just woken up too.




Minath got out of bed and went to clean up. She took a shower and brushed her teeth, wondering if it was too early to drink. Rambler would say "it's never too early for a drink!" or something of the sorts, she knew. She sighed and went up to Rambler to snuggle some more before having to get up for the day.

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Rambler kissed her back. "Good morning, beautiful. Ready for the first day of the games?"



Flint turned to Iron. "Last night... I can barely believe it really happened. You were incredible." He heard a knock on the door, followed by a voice- a male voice. "Um, you.... you don't have a coltfriend, do you? Should I make myself scarce?"

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"Ready as I'll ever be." She thought for a split second, the decided to add something cheesey. "But how could I be unprepared with you by my side?" She added.


Yep, cheesey as heck she thought to herself.




"No, no colt friend. Doesn't matter. It's just Sole" She said to Flint over her shoulder while still standing at the door.

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Iron heard Sole knock on her door, and went to answer it, mane still in a mess.


"Yeah?" She asked as she swung open the door, seeing Sole had more likely than not just woken up too.




Minath got out of bed and went to clean up. She took a shower and brushed her teeth, wondering if it was too early to drink. Rambler would say "it's never too early for a drink!" or something of the sorts, she knew. She sighed and went up to Rambler to snuggle some more before having to get up for the day.

sole was smiling, about to make a joke about her mane... until he spotted flint. "Hey iron..." he said calmly, hiding his anger "just wanted to wish you good luck at the games... should be fun..." he mumbled, as he turned to leave. He was so angry, lightning began to dance around him as he walked.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Iron was confused. What got his jimmies in a twist?


"Uh, you too, I guess...." She said, giving a confused look as Sole walked away, lightning dancing around him as he left.


@@Alex Kennedy,


"Well that was, uh, interesting? You're a dude, enlighten me to what just happened." Iron said, confused. 

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Sole flew away quietly, still covered in lightning "I'm such an idiot, just concentrate on the games... for fairy tail..." he said quietly, as he waent to train... again. "Just as long as I don't have to see that guy again... I'll be fine..." he mumbled, as he landed in the training grounds and got started.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Lycan snored slightly as he laid in his bed, still asleep, after a few moments of silence, his alarm clock went off and he instantly woke up, and smiled as he absorbed the sound waves, fully energizing his body, "hell yeah, breakfast in bed!" Said lycan with a slight chuckle before finishing his noisy meal and hitting the snooz, "even better than coffee..." said lycan happily before jumping out of bed and walking out the door to go for a morning walk around the arena.

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Flint got up and approached the door as Sole was leaving, eager to meet another one of his guildmates. "Hey, I don't think we've had a chance to meet yet. My name's Flint. I take it your a friend of Iron's?" 



Rambler smiled. "It's good to hear you say that, but I can't guarantee that I'll be with you for the whole tournament. During solo battles and challenges, you're going to have to take care of yourself. But don't worry, I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, and I won't let anybody seriously hurt you, no matter what."

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath scoffed.


"For them to hurt me they would have to touch me first. Flame Empress Armor, Speed Armor, Pain Armor, Purg Armor, the surprise for later, I think I'm good." Minath said. "And who could resist this feminine charm?" She added jokingly.


Minath took her magic and used it to put on her slate colored armor. When she had most of it on, she said "Hey Rambler? Can you get this clasp between my wings? I can't see it."

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Diamond eventually arrived at the Arena and made her way to the training grounds.

Fire's alarm went off again and she groaned...but this time she sat up and stretched. "Oh buck what a rough night." She muttered, hearing several satisfying cracks as she got out of bed and stretched again.
She smiled and went into the bathroom.
A few moments later she came out and grabbed her bag. She wanted to go check out the arena.

Something something something something


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Woke up from the sofa that he was sleeping on.

"Hey Sole you here?" Stretching out his body he notice the house was silent. Forest walked to Sole's room and saw it was open. walking in he look at the photo he had. 

"I wonder who this is" he said as he put down the photo. "Well i should get going to the Arena" walking up to the roof Forest opened his wings and flew to the arena


Finally the pain ended. Regal got up and moved to check if everything was good.

"So I wonder who will be able to get in" Regal still felt sore and bad from late night, but he was willing to fight if he was able to still get in.Walking outside Regal looked down the hall. 

He was able to see sole walking away mad from Iron



(Sorry I can't mention for some odd reason)

"Iron what you say to him" said Regal


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Well, I know I certainly can't." Rambler laughed and nuzzled her. "Oh yeah, sure I can help you. And, um... just let me know if you need any help getting out of your armor, eh?" He grinned mischeviously.


((I've decided this is an RP where wearing clothes is the norm. It makes flirting so much easier.))

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@@Snowy Storm,


"That's the thing, I don't know. He came here, wished me luck, then left all peeved." Iron said, still with a confused look on her face. What did she do? Was maybe it something she said.... something she did....?


"Maybe you could enlighten me, Regal?" She asked, really confused.

@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath elbowed him, blushing furiously. She decided to give up and just grab a drink.


"I need a beer. You coming with? You know what, I'm not getting a beer." She said, then reached into her pack to produce a almost-full bottle of vodka. She took a large gulp, feeling like fire was at the back of her throat. But a good fire.

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Regal yawned and placed his hoof in front of his mouth.

"I don't know what happen so i can't say what..."Looking into Iron's room he saw the other stallion. Regal shook his head

"Iron I can't believe you haven't figured it out yet" Regal smiled "Well I'll let you figure it out" Regal said smiling as he walked away.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Flint got up and approached the door as Sole was leaving, eager to meet another one of his guildmates. "Hey, I don't think we've had a chance to meet yet. My name's Flint. I take it your a friend of Iron's?" 



Rambler smiled. "It's good to hear you say that, but I can't guarantee that I'll be with you for the whole tournament. During solo battles and challenges, you're going to have to take care of yourself. But don't worry, I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, and I won't let anybody seriously hurt you, no matter what."

sole turned to flint with a glare "sorry dude, I'm not in a very good mood. In fact, I'm gonna go destroy something..." he mumbled angrily, as he flew away, resisting the urge to beat the crap out of flint. He needed to train. ((Jjust ignore my last post please, this is more interesting!))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Snowy Storm,


"Figure it out?! Hey! Get back here and tell me what I'm supposed to 'figure out'!" Iron yelled. Men are so frustrating! Iron thought to herself. Simple desires make everything so much easier.




Minath turned her ear to what appeared to be Iron's angry yelling. Somepony was having an interesting morning

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