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private Fairy Tail Crossover RP

Alex Kennedy

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@@Alex Kennedy,

((I think that was the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me when it comes to dice rolling in RP's...seriously...that was crazy img-1598298-1-blink.png ))


Diamond stopped running then looked around...she had made it.
She was leaning over panting, but after realizing it was over, she quickly stood up straight regaining her usual elegant aura.
The two cigarette butt's that had been sitting in her mouth burnt up in a puff of smoke as she brushed herself off. "Well...Regal is going to die." She muttered.





Fire cheered loudly and hugged the nearest pony...who happened to be Minath. She quickly let go and blush. "Sorry...just...uh...excited...and stuff." She said, scratching the back of her head.

Edited by ~Fire Sky~

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Regal shook his head at the lighting pony appeared.

"Yo stupid! i'm the one who messed you up the entire game"  Regal shouted to the pony. Even if he couldn't keep his promise he would at  least try to have fun now and give Scout second place. Third would have to do. Placing one final rune on the ground he trapped every pony, execpt scout, in the room in a fight that only after a pony fell the trap would go down. 

Pretty much there are three ponies in the trap the one diamond tripped,Regal and the lighting dude. only after one is unable to fight the trap would go down and the other two would be able to escape.

"Scout Run! Second place is yours!" Regal smiled and turned to face the lighting pony. 

"you must be tired" Regal said smiling. "So did you have fun with my traps?" Regal said with an evil smile.

(OOC: this is my last post. I'll be up tomorrow morning)



(P.S. Regal most likely will be beaten to a fine pulp now that he is fighting two other ponies in his own trap at the same time)

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Sole was so happy as he watched diamond cross the finish line and win the race, that without thinking about it, he released a lightning dragon's roar into the sky "woops..." he mumled under his breath, as nearby ponies freaked out "uh... go fairy tail!" He said, less loudly this time.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Lycan cheered loudly as diamond exited the maze in first place, but facehoofed and blushed in emberressment as he realized that he had been cheering for diamond the entire time instead of his team mate, "oh shit......regels gonna be pissed.....dammit! Why do I have to fall for a pretty face so easily!?" Thought lycan but blushed and banged his head against the guardrail as he realized he had just called diamond pretty again.

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@@Snowy Storm@,


Scout ran for the exit and quickly took second place. She then hurried over to Diamond and congratulated her. "Good job. You know, your magic is really cool."


The lightning wizard was not amused. "Your riddle was foolish, your traps mediocre at best. All you've done is reduce this to arena combat. And I don't intend to lose. But I like to know the name of my opponent before I fight. I am Blitzkrieg of Lamia Scale. Who are you, rune wizard?"


The earth wizard Diamond had tripped was still sulking about how close he'd come to victory.





Rambler gave Fire a brief and vaguely suspicious glance. He'd speculated before that she might go for other mares, but... no, that was just silly. Besides, even if she were putting the moves on Minath, he was confident enough in their relationship that he knew she was wasting her time.


((I'm not really sure why i bothered adding that last part.))

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@@Alex Kennedy,

"My name? I am Regal" He said bowing. -I just have to defeat one of them and I can run towards the exit-

"And I am from Fairy Tale" Still if Blitzkrieg's magic was anything like Thunder's magic then Regal had a plan to deal with him. -Too bad I had to throw my Rapier- He thought sadly. He wasn't out of tricks.

"Every pony has his Fears, So tell me what is yours?" A rune on regal neck glowed and disappeared.Regal casted Fear as fast as he could on Blitkrieg.

If it hit that should cause him to lose his will, If not Regal will wait until blitkrieg cast his lighting magic and Use Reflect to aim it at the down pony to take him out. either way Regal will run as soon as his trap goes down.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


The spell hit. Blitzkrieg's will was strong, but he'd already been through quite a bit in this challenge. He was able to focus long enough to counterattack with a bolt of lightning, but it came nowhere close to hitting. It was at this point that the earth wizard finally stopped sulking and got up to fight, striking Blitzkrieg with an earthen spear. Unable to take anymore, Blitzkrieg collapsed.

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Regal was looked towards the earth wizard.

"Thanks for that" Regal was impressed with himself that he made it through this whole challenge without getting hit once. Regal took his time and walked towards the exit instead of running.. It didn't matter to him any more. Third place was good enough for now.  He saw his Rapier stuck in the wall where it should have hit Diamond. Pulling it out Regal sighed. 

"I hope Diamond forgives me" looking over his rapier to check for scratches.

Regal walked out of the maze.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Diamond smiled at the young pony. "Thank you, Sweetie. Did you get second? Because I must say for a mare of your age that is impressive...very impressive. You've got allot of potential." She said, patting the mare on the head.



Fire shuffled away from Minath, still a bright shade pink.

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@@Snowy Storm,


If he had been paying more attention, the earth wizard probably would have tried to beat you to the exit. But at this point he was too disheartened to bother. He left the maze shortly after you, taking fourth place. Not long after, the slender mare from Lamia Scale's B Team came out and claimed fifth. With the other three eliminated, the challenge was now over.




Scout scowls at you. "I'm not a little kid! I'm just as powerful as anyone else in my guild!" Her expression softens a bit. "Still... thanks."




Flint turned to Iron. "I guess Regal didn't do quite as well as we thought. Anyway, let's get going." He led her into the arena to the team's locker room, and to the showers. Since the wizards were required to be present during the events, and everyone would still be watching the official scoring, it was abandoned. "It's not the classiest place perhaps, but it's away from everyone else."

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Sole was happily cheering as he ran up to diamond "great job! Now we're in the lead!" He said with excitement. But his smile soosn turned into a scowel as he saw flint and iron leaving together... "what do I care... its not like she likes me anyways." He mumbled, as he turned back to the group, a little less happy.

Edited by drocsid-soahc


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Alex Kennedy,



Diamond laughed. "Well you're younger than most...which is nothing to be ashamed of. Catch ya later." She hoof bumped the mare before walking over to Rambler, Fire, Sole and Minath. "Thank's, Sole." She replied, smiling.


Fire hugged Diamond tightly who hugged her back. "That was awesome, Diamond." "Thanks Fire." Diamond let go of the mare before she pulled her hat from Minath (Who was wearing it...right?) and looked at Rambler. "Where's my cigarette holder?"

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@@Alex Kennedy,

"You're welcome" said Regal as he walked out. Still he wasn't too upset, rather he was happy. sure his team will not be happy with third place, but to heck with them he at least tried to keep his promise. -I bet they were rooting of Diamond- he thought darkly to him-self.


Hey Diamond sorry about throwing my rapier at you earlier" He shouted. Regal then turned his rapier back into a quill and began to rewrite the runes he had wasted. While the pain of writing them on his flesh was great, it was a lot faster then writing them in the air and stuff. Plus even though they saw most of his runes, He had one last one that he had hidden under his chest shirt that was meant only as a last resort,


He saw Iron and Flint. He smiled. -That succubus better eat his heart out- Regal regained his posture, dropped his smile, and turned to face everyone.


"Sorry team. I lost" he said

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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(Who was wearing it...right?)


((Probably...? I said Rambler put it on her and then it was never addressed again until now.))


Rambler shrugged and pointed to Minath. "I gave it to Minath for safe keeping. She stuffed it in her armor somewhere. Anyway, congratulations! Now we have the lead going into the battle round."


@@Snowy Storm,


Scout nodded and hurried back to her guild, who congratulated her on coming in second place. Manticore Fang had never even qualified for the games before, and they were proud to be anywhere close to the top of the scoreboard. 

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Rambler shrugged. "I don't know exactly, but it shouldn't be more than a few minutes. Just sit tight for now. Fortunately, our group is supposed to go first, so you won't have too long to wait."



((Your eagerness has been rewarded.))


A few minutes later, there was an announcement. "Attention everyone, the battle rounds are about to begin. For the first match: Sole from Fairy Tail A Team VS Earthbound ((Video game reference not intended)) from Blue Pegasus."

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Rambler shrugged. "I don't know exactly, but it shouldn't be more than a few minutes. Just sit tight for now. Fortunately, our group is supposed to go first, so you won't have too long to wait."



((Your eagerness has been rewarded.))


A few minutes later, there was an announcement. "Attention everyone, the battle rounds are about to begin. For the first match: Sole from Fairy Tail A Team VS Earthbound ((Video game reference not intended)) from Blue Pegasus."

((thanks!)) sole broke into a large grin, lightning danced around him in anticipation "haha, what luck!" He said happily, as he walked toward the arena "I'm even the first one to fight! This is gonna be awsome!" As he arrived in the arena he paused "wait a minute... which one was earthbound again?" He mumbled.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Diamond ignored Regal, she would deal with him later. She turned to Minath and smiled. "Could I get my cigarette holder back, hon?" She asked, holding out her hoof.






Fire heard the announcement and smiled as she turned to look at Sole. "Looks like you get to go out there and show off your talent...go kick some ass." She said, patting Sole on the shoulder. *I wanna fight.* She thought, looking at her whips.

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A large and incredibly handsome ((this is Blue Pegasus after all)) grey stallion walked into the arena from the opposite side and bowed his head respectfully. "I suppose you'll be my opponent, then? Well, go ahead and make the first move whenever you're ready."

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A large and incredibly handsome ((this is Blue Pegasus after all)) grey stallion walked into the arena from the opposite side and bowed his head respectfully. "I suppose you'll be my opponent, then? Well, go ahead and make the first move whenever you're ready."

sole smiled at the large pony "this should be great, were the first fighters of the games." He said excitedly "I want you to fight at your fullest!" With that, he suddenly shot forward and punched at his head with an electrified fist "yeah, let's start this! Round one of the games!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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As you begin to charge forward, Earthbound seems to remain completely calm and motionless. The closer you get to him, the more difficult moving becomes, your movements slowing as your body feels heavier as if something is pulling you down. However, it's not enough to keep you from landing your punch successfully, much to your opponents surprise, and he is knocked to the ground. 

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As you begin to charge forward, Earthbound seems to remain completely calm and motionless. The closer you get to him, the more difficult moving becomes, your movements slowing as your body feels heavier as if something is pulling you down. However, it's not enough to keep you from landing your punch successfully, much to your opponents surprise, and he is knocked to the ground.


sole smirks as his hit connects, but quickly looks at his body in confusion "damn, why does it feel like my body just got a lot heavier..." he mumbled "is it his magic?" Sole quickly shook his head and got back in the fight, charging at his opponent again and kicking at his chin, in an attempt to get him airborn.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Your kick launches him high into the air, much higher than you might have intended, but he doesn't seem phased at all. Moments later, he comes crashing down directly on top of you with a powerful body slam, knocking you into the ground with such a forceful impact that it produces a small crater around you. 

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Your kick launches him high into the air, much higher than you might have intended, but he doesn't seem phased at all. Moments later, he comes crashing down directly on top of you with a powerful body slam, knocking you into the ground with such a forceful impact that it produces a small crater around you.


sole didn't expect the attack, and cursed in pain and anger as the stallion landed on him "gah, what the hell?!" He growled, but instead of knocking him off, he wraps both his arms around him and grinnes mischeviously "eat this!" He says quickly, as he charges lightning through his body.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Earthbound howls in pain as the electricity courses through his body. He tries to wriggle free of your grasp unsuccessfully and is so distracted by the pain that his magic seems to have released you, as your body no longer feels unusually heavy. 

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