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private Pony University (Romance//Sol)


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@@Alex Kennedy,


"Yea, its a nice little place if you just want to relax and have a drink...every once in a wile i like to go to places like this" Neon said looking around "Really? Thanks! I never say no to a free drink!" Neon laughed "So, you like to travel? What kind of places have you traveled to?" 


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MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"Oh, I go to all sorts of different places really. I've been to Canterlot, Manehattan, Appleloosa, I've spent a fair amount of time around the edges of the Everfree Forest, and I've even been to the Chrystal Empire a few times. As soon as I figure out a way for an Earth Pony to get there, I'd like to go to Cloudsdale as well." 

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"Wow, that is really cool! And to think you have been doing that all this time wile all i have been doing is partying" Neon laughed "But, i don't mind...partying and DJing is what i love to do!" Neon and Ramblers drink was ready so Neon took a sip "Mmmm, that's good!" 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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(OOC: that wasn't an insult..... He was litterally doing that out the goodness of his heart.)

Blaze took his behavoir oddly. He pulled his bag over to him and took the photo out of it, which was now broken. He looked at it for a moment before putting it down and rolling over himself.

*Gee. He was behaving oddly. I mean if I think I know what this is is about he's treating it like were little fillies fighting over a toy. No matter. Take this as he may I don't plan on being better than him. Just myself.*





A flash of anger and annoyance twisted Windy's face into an aggressive scowl for the briefest moment, before he managed to suppress it and put on a falsely happy face.  "Is this a challenge? Is this twerp trying to one up me and make me lose face? I mean, he had a lot of sarcasm dripping off of that comment... Easy Windy, it wouldn't be prudent to call him on it or dignify his petty attempts to show you up. He's just jealous because he can't get out a coherent sentence around Minty without stammering and blushing redder than a tomato. Don't be the one to escalate this. If he wants to act like an immature little colt, that's his own damn business."


Forcing his voice into a non-belligerent tone, Windy adopted a barracuda smile as he spoke to Blaze. "Wow, thanks bro. Glad to see that there are still selfless ponies in this world. It absolutely warms my heart." he said, his voice taking on an icy tone when he said the last part. Walking over to where his stuff was now piled at the foot of what had been Blaze's bed until very recently, Windy accidentally kicked Blaze's bag. "Oh, oh, my mistake man. I didn't see where my hoof was." Climbing into the bed and pulling the covers up, Windy called out in a falsely chipper voice, "Hey, thanks again for the generosity Blaze, but first thing tomorrow I'm getting the RA to give our room a new bed. I wouldn't want you to have to endure any undue suffering on MY behalf." Rolling over and drifting off to sleep, Windy had only one thought on his mind...


"Blaze had better not insult or try and one up me again..."


((Well, that escalated quickly... But what can I say, insult Windy and you invite a whole different, hubris drunk side of him to come crashing down on you.))

Minty woke up as the dawn sun shined on her face. "Mor--" she stopped mid sentence as she saw rubble and broken shards on the floor. "What happened here?" she thought to herself. "Must've been a earthquake." She shrugged it off. She'll ask Blaze and Windy later. She went downstairs for breakfast after she brushed her teeth, without letting the others know.


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Minty woke up as the dawn sun shined on her face. "Mor--" she stopped mid sentence as she saw rubble and broken shards on the floor. "What happened here?" she thought to herself. "Must've been a earthquake." She shrugged it off. She'll ask Blaze and Windy later. She went downstairs for obreakfast after she brushed her teeth, without letting the others know.

Fortunatley for him, blaze never needed to sleep unlike other ponies. "Mornin' minty. "He said as he pretended to yawn. "Did you umm. Did you sleep well last night? You know uhh, just asking and all. "He muttered as he pulled himself off the sofa.

(OOC: this may be me but isn't it actually smarter to brush after breakfast rather than before? It's just me isn't it?)

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Kit arrives at the new Pony University.He decides to go to his dorm room and set up his stuff. He then sees that his new Roommate is named Shade Bluewind.With a smile, he takes a sip of his Hot chocolate, and gets to gaming.He thinks about his roommate, Thinking who this pony is, and he hopes they will become good friends.He goes back to playing Minecraft

(he doesnt know that his roommate is a girl yet img-1535035-1-smile.png )

Shade was still playing with the tiny green flame when her roommate entered... She looked over at him playing minecraft... "You play minecraft?" She said as she extinguished the flame. She got up from her bed and goes over to him. "Names shade, what's yours?" She asked.



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Fortunatley for him, blaze never needed to sleep unlike other ponies. "Mornin' minty. "He said as he pretended to yawn. "Did you umm. Did you sleep well last night? You know uhh, just asking and all. "He muttered as he pulled himself off the sofa.

(OOC: this may be me but isn't it actually smarter to brush after breakfast rather than before? It's just me isn't it?)

"I'm going to get breakfast.. And yes, I did get a good sleep." She smiled. "Can you let Windy know so he's not worried?" She went out of the hotel room and into a cafe nearby the college. 'Wasnt Windy on the couch last night..? Or was it Blaze? We're they fighting..? No, they wouldn't, Minty. They would never do that. They're too nice to fight. But even if they were fighting.. What would they fight about..?' She thought to herself as she took the breakfast to-go to her dorm. Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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"I'm going to get breakfast.. And yes, I did get a good sleep." She smiled. "Can you let Windy know so he's not worried?" She went out of the hotel room and into a cafe nearby the college. 'Wasnt Windy on the couch last night..? Or was it Blaze? We're they fighting..? No, they wouldn't, Minty. They would never do that. They're too nice to fight. But even if they were fighting.. What would they fight about..?' She thought to herself as she took the breakfast to-go to her dorm.

Blaze nodded lightly. "Alright then. I'll umm. I'll tell him when he wakes up." He walkes into the kitchen just as she walkes out and makes himself a few slices of toast and a coffee *So what am I going to do today? Wepl I know I'm getting coffee later. Perhaps I should do a bit of psycology. That sound interesting.*

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Well, as long as you're enjoying yourself, that's all that really matters in the end, whether you're travelling or partying or whatever else." Rambler took a sip from his drink and nodded. "Yeah, this stuff is really good. I'd say this place definitely gets my stamp of approval. So... how long have you been DJing?"

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Blaze nodded lightly. "Alright then. I'll umm. I'll tell him when he wakes up." He walkes into the kitchen just as she walkes out and makes himself a few slices of toast and a coffee *So what am I going to do today? Wepl I know I'm getting coffee later. Perhaps I should do a bit of psycology. That sound interesting.*

"Hey, Blaze..!" Minty says, plopping the food onto the coffee table. "Here's breakfast," she said."What happened last night? I woke up with a bunch of stuff on the floor and shards of this family picture. Why are these on the floor..?" She asked suspiciously. She hoped they weren't fighting. Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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"Hey, Blaze..!" Minty says, plopping the food onto the coffee table. "Here's breakfast," she said."What happened last night? I woke up with a bunch of stuff on the floor and shards of this family picture. Why are these on the floor..?" She asked suspiciously. She hoped they weren't fighting.

"Well umm, after windy allowed you to have the bed, I thought that he could have the other one. So I moved my stuff and said he could sleep there. But I umm, I think he thought I was trying to be better or something so he "Accidently" kicked my bag." Blaze replied as he picked up the photo and looked at it for a second. It was a photo of him and his father in his military uniform. He missed his dad. "Father..." He whispered, running his hoof down the photo before coming to his senses. "Erm uhh yeah! I-I didn't need this photo anyway! Not at all!" He lied sadly.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Well umm, after windy allowed you to have the bed, I thought that he could have the other one. So I moved my stuff and said he could sleep there. But I umm, I think he thought I was trying to be better or something so he "Accidently" kicked my bag." Blaze replied as he picked up the photo and looked at it for a second. It was a photo of him and his father in his military uniform. He missed his dad. "Father..." He whispered, running his hoof down the photo before coming to his senses. "Erm uhh yeah! I-I didn't need this photo anyway! Not at all!" He lied sadly.

Minty smiles. "It's okay, I know that your father was special to you..I wish I can say the same. He abused me when I was little.." She sighed. "He never cared for me." She looked down sadly. "I still have nightmares about it." She looked up. "Oh, you wouldn't care about my past, huh? I know."


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Minty smiles. "It's okay, I know that your father was special to you..I wish I can say the same. He abused me when I was little.." She sighed. "He never cared for me." She looked down sadly. "I still have nightmares about it." She looked up. "Oh, you wouldn't care about my past, huh? I know."

"N-no It's that he went off to fight about a year ago in a place I donvt want to say and, well he went missing along with everypony else who went." He shook his head lightly and then went over to comfort minty. "No no, no. It's alright. You're not boring at all. "He looks at her reassuringly even though he knows his face is bright red.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon smiled at what Rambler said "Yes, i'll be coming here again!"  Neon said then took another sip from her drink "How long have a been a DJ? Since i was about 16, i started DJing when i moved to Ponyville...I was a classical musician when i was younger, never really liked it but kept doing it cause my parents wanted me to but when i found out about DJing i loved it! And left home to become a DJ"


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"N-no It's that he went off to fight about a year ago in a place I donvt want to say and, well he went missing along with everypony else who went." He shook his head lightly and then went over to comfort minty. "No no, no. It's alright. You're not boring at all. "He looks at her reassuringly even though he knows his face is bright red.

Minty smiles. She messed up Blaze's mane. "But were you two fighting..? I don't really like it when ponies fight., it makes me uncomfortable." She sighed. "Then I'll have to move out. I don't want to do that, though.. I don't want to leave you two.." Minty looked up at Blaze for a reassuring glance, and sure enough, his face was stil red.


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Rambler smiled. Really his own story wasn't all that much different. "That's really interesting. I was kind of the same way with my parents. That's why I left to go traveling where they couldn't control me. How do your parents feel about you being a DJ? Do they still want you to become a classical musician?"

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Minty smiles. She messed up Blaze's mane. "But were you two fighting..? I don't really like it when ponies fight., it makes me uncomfortable." She sighed. "Then I'll have to move out. I don't want to do that, though.. I don't want to leave you two.." Minty looked up at Blaze for a reassuring glance, and sure enough, his face was stil red.

Blaze shook his head. "N-no, we weren't fighting. I think he just took something the wrong way but, everything is alright. Uhh I mean betwwen me and him, as in he is probabaly OK now. I hope. I-I don't like seeing ponies sad. Especially umm... Umm, y-you." He averted his eyes again. "I'm not good at this talking thing when it comes to mares.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon smiled back at Rambler. Neon frowned a bit at Ramblers question, She looked down then looked back up at Rambler "They never liked it...they always wanted me to be a classical musician, cause its sorta a family tradition" Neon sighed "But, i never even liked classical music! Once i saw a DJ that's what i wanted to do"   


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Rambler nodded. "It's good that you're following what you want to do instead of what your family has planned out for you. If being a classical musician wouldn't have made you happy, then you shouldn't have to dedicate your life to it. Hopefully your parents will realize that someday."

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"Well that's a good skill to have. Always be prepared, and always have a plan B. That way when something goes awry, you have something to fall back one." Denim says, smiling and leaning her shoulder into him in a friendly kind of way, "Glad to see they paired me with a stallion who actually has a clear head on his shoulders and is respectful, instead some meat head that was only interested in sharing a bed." She makes a face after she realizes what she said. Denim chuckles nervously, stepping back to where she had been, "That was a bit to much running of the mouth there, huh?"


She looks ahead of her, glancing around the hallway they had entered for a second before taking a left turn and heading down another one. She had no idea where they were going, but she was determined to find out.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Royal chuckled a bit before deciding to respond. 

"You never know with these places. I was afraid of the same thing." He stopped for a second before he corrected himself.

"The disrespectful meat head part, not the share the bed." He laughed a bit, knowing that it could have been possible that'd be true too.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


 Neon smiled at Rambler "I hope so too" Rambler was so sweet, what he had said made her feel better...she always got sad thinking about her parents, and how disappointed they were of her not wanting to be a classical musician. Neon slowly scooted closer to Rambler then looked up at him, she kissed him on the cheek "Thanks" 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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For a moment Rambler was too stunned to really respond. "O-of course. I just said what I've always believed. If, um.... If you ever want to talk about it, I'm always here for you." He scooted even closer to her until they were touching and wrapped a foreleg around her. 

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"Thank you" Neon smiled at Rambler then looked down at her drink and took another sip, it was now half gone. Neon noticed Rambler scooted closer to her, much closer she couldn't scoot any closer to him or else she would be on his lap. Neon looked back up at Rambler, into his eyes then kissed him, this time on the mouth. 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Rambler kissed her back, wrapping both his forelegs around her and holding her in a tight embrace. After a few seconds he let her go and broke off the kiss, smiling warmly. That may have been the best kiss of his life. "Well, I guess the two of us don't waste any time, do we? Does this mean we're, like, officially... together?"

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