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private Pony University (Romance//Sol)


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Rambler smiled. "I'm glad you like them. Don't forget, I said was going to make you a big romantic dinner tonight, and I intend to keep that promise. Anyway, let's get going. Maybe if we're lucky we'll be able to sit in back so the teacher won't notice if we just make out the whole time."

Edited by Alex Kennedy

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Windy stood, mouth agape, and his eye twitched slightly. "What.... What... WHAT?! He just DUMPED her not ten minutes ago, and now they're back together?? Mares....... Not to mention that I'm now friendzoned!? Nopony friendzones Windy Runner! That's it, i'm out of here..." Stopping before flying out the window to mumble an insincere, "yeah, sure, great to hear it, congrats." Windy pushed the window open and flew out into the evening sky, looking for something to take his mind off of what had just gone down. Hearing a pounding beat from one of the (Not the Deltas) frat houses, Windy flew towards the sound. The Sigmas were throwing a rave, one that was just getting warmed up, apparently. Touching down in the yard, Windy grabbed a drink immediately when it was offered to him, and tried to lose himself in the mass of bodies and booze.

Minty felt pretty left out in the party. Chase just ditched her to go to Todd, and she doesn't really want to drink. And not to mention that Chase made her look completely different to fit in with the frats and sorority mares. She was, apparently, wearing a short skirt, a black t-shirt, and a leather jacket. Plus a little headband and a messy bun. She was practically unrecognizable. She didnt prefer this sense of style, but anything for Chase. She trotted around and eventually tried one shot.

Edited by Shaymin


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@@Alex Kennedy,


"Oh yes! Romantic dinner, can't wait!" Neon smiled "Oh, that sounds like a good plan" She laughed "But how bout a nice kiss before we go, encase the teacher doesn't seat us together" She kissed him then stopped and walked over to her dresser where she had left her lucky bracelets "Alright, ready?" 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Rambler grinned and kissed her back. Really, he'd take any excuse to do that. shrugged. "I guess I'm ready. I mean I don't really need a whole lot in the first place. I'd like to take a shower, but we don't have time for that, and I can always take one after class anyway. Anyway, lets go, shall we?" He held the door for her and extended a hoof.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Throwing back yet another drink, Windy looked around at the party goers to see where all the rowdiest dancing was. Getting into the mosh pit of grinding in the middle of the room, he noticed a very attractive green mare standing around, facing away from him. "Damn! She's a hottie! I always loved a mare in black, and what can I say? I'm a sucker for leather. Maybe she can help get my mind off of Minty...." swaggering over, he wrapped his hooves around her waist and began dancing with her, not even bothering to look at her face before he started. 

Edited by Windy Runner
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Throwing back yet another drink, Windy looked around at the party goers to see where all the rowdiest dancing was. Getting into the mosh pit of grinding in the middle of the room, he noticed a very attractive green mare standing around, facing away from him. "Damn! She's a hottie! I always loved a mare in black, and what can I say? I'm a sucker for leather. Maybe she can help get my mind off of Minty...." swaggering over, he wrapped his hooves around her waist and began dancing with her, not even bothering to look at her face before he started.


Minty instantly blushed when a stallion started to dance with her. 'Was it Chase?' She started to dance with him, but didnt notice his face in the darkness of the party. She didnt decide to speak. What if it was a random stallion? She thought it would remove the embarrassment of being a loner in the party, so she decided to stick with him.


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@@Alex Kennedy,


 "Alrighty, lets go then!" She walked out the door then grabbed onto Ramblers hoof and pulled him with her as she trotted to their classes. When they got there she looked at the time "Pretty late...But whatever" She laughed 


(OOc: So, skip to after classes then start the drama?)


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Smiling in a wolfish when he noticed that the mare wasn't objecting at all to his approaching her, he began to make the dance a bit more intense, bending her forward and beginning to move in a more suggestive way.


((What would happen if Chase were to walk over now.......... hm, now THAT would be weird!)) 

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(OOc: So, skip to after classes then start the drama?)



((Yeah, I'll get on that.))


After another day of classes, Rambler returned to the dorm with Neon to find that he had a letter waiting for him. "Hey, Neon, it looks like my half-brother is coming to visit. I haven't seen him in ages. Um... It looks like he's coming tonight, though. I guess we might end up having someone barge in on our romantic dinner... again. I'm really sorry. I had no idea he was coming."


((Don't worry, I have more drama planned than him kind of messing up our date. That would be pretty weak.))

Edited by Alex Kennedy

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Denim levitates her cards before her, hitting twice before she was satisfied with her twenty.


"Wow... He completely missed your insinuation. Not sure if you're lucky, or unlucky there Den."

"OK, mental image, done. Now for taste," she giggles, "Yeah, Unfortunately I don't have a memory spell.."


"OK, that was flirting.",


She smiles, trying hard to keep her blush down, "Well.. You. Just, you. Who you are as a pony, all of that," her blush grows - "Moment of truth, Den" - "To put it in simpler terms, I suppose you could say that I have a bit of a crush on you," she looks up at him and quickly adds, "If you don't feel the same way, that's fine! I won't be hurt."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Smiling in a wolfish when he noticed that the mare wasn't objecting at all to his approaching her, he began to make the dance a bit more intense, bending her forward and beginning to move in a more suggestive way.


((What would happen if Chase were to walk over now.......... hm, now THAT would be weird!))


((Good idea, but not yet. ;) ))

Minty noticed that he was dancing with her a little rougher, and was tempted to break away. She said in a voice that wouldn't give her away, "Um.. my coltfriend wouldn't really l-like this.." She was wearing blue contacts, so her eyes didnt give her away when she looked up at Windy.


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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon finished her classes and went back to the dorm with Rambler. She sighed "Too. Much. Classes." She laughed a bit then sat down. She watched as Rambler read a note "Your half brother? Oh, i didn't know you had a half-brother...Its alright that he'll be coming tonight. We are in the same dorm together, i think their will be a lot of times when you can make me a romantic dinner" She smiled 


(OOC: Thought so)


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Royal nodded. "Probably for the best. I wouldn't want you running around my memories."


He turned to her, still a small smile on his face. "Denim." He said calmly, grabbing her by her shoulders with his hooves.

"It's alright." He said, choosing his words carefully. "Your fine. I feel the same way." He chuckled. "There's no need to be so nervous."

For good measure, he pulled her in for a hug.

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Smiling wider when he heard the mare had a coltfriend, Windy disregarded her words and continued grinding with her. "This mare has a coltfriend, huh? Well, stealing her away from her coltfriend, if only for a night, will make me feel better about losing MY marefriend to that douche!" "Aw, don't pretend you don't like what I'm doing honey. And what your coltfriend don't find out about can't hurt him, now can it?" he said, continuing to press his body into hers, bending her over even farther so her hooves were practically on the floor. 

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Smiling wider when he heard the mare had a coltfriend, Windy disregarded her words and continued grinding with her. "This mare has a coltfriend, huh? Well, stealing her away from her coltfriend, if only for a night, will make me feel better about losing MY marefriend to that douche!" "Aw, don't pretend you don't like what I'm doing honey. And what your coltfriend don't find out about can't hurt him, now can it?" he said, continuing to press his body into hers, bending her over even farther so her hooves were practically on the floor.

"I d-don't.." She half-whimpered, half moaned. She pulled away from the stallion, and realized in horror it was Windy. 'If he doesnt recognize me, there wouldnt be any trouble later..' She let out a forced laugh. "Heh.." She backed up and bumped into Chase.

"Runner, what're you doing with my mare friend? Miss her already?" Chase asked Windy.


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Realization cut through the haze of alcohol in Windy's brain. "That's Chase... and that's his marefriend... which means that I just got down and dirty with MINTY!! Sheesh, I was wondering why that flank felt so familiar! I need another drink.." Scowling at Chase, Windy laughed rudely, "Miss her?! I didn't even know it WAS her! And you might want to keep her on a shorter leash, dickhead, she was lovin' what I was givin' her! She couldn't stop moaning!" Windy said, grabbing a random drink off the table and downing it in one pull.




A few frat houses down at the nearly empty Delta House, Todd broke the padlock on the fraternities' wet bar, and yanked out a fifth of Jose Cuervo. He had never been a pony to solve his problems by drowning in a bottle, but, given how his father was acting, maybe being totally plastered was the best thing to be for the foreseeable future.... Opening the top, he began drinking.

Edited by Windy Runner
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Rambler sighed. "Yeah, and I mean I'm happy he's visiting, but... To be perfectly honest, I was kind of hoping tonight might be the night we... you know, do what we almost did last night. But with him here it's probably going to ruin the mood. Oh well, it meant it when I said  I would wait for you as long as it takes. It doesn't really make too much of a difference in the long run, I guess."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Realization cut through the haze of alcohol in Windy's brain. "That's Chase... and that's his marefriend... which means that I just got down and dirty with MINTY!! Sheesh, I was wondering why that flank felt so familiar! I need another drink.." Scowling at Chase, Windy laughed rudely, "Miss her?! I didn't even know it WAS her! And you might want to keep her on a shorter leash, dickhead, she was lovin' what I was givin' her! She couldn't stop moaning!" Windy said, grabbing a random drink off the table and downing it in one pull.




A few frat houses down at the nearly empty Delta House, Todd broke the padlock on the fraternities' wet bar, and yanked out a fifth of Jose Cuervo. He had never been a pony to solve his problems by drowning in a bottle, but, given how his father was acting, maybe being totally plastered was the best thing to be for the foreseeable future.... Opening the top, he began drinking.

Minty looked at Windy sadly. She mouthed "sorry" and was pushed behind Chase.

Chase growled at Windy, and bucked him in the stomach. "She's my marefriend now." He smirked at Windy, and Minty looked at Windy from behind Chase. She had a apologetic look, and she sighed. She regretted not listening to Windy.

Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon smiled "Oh...well its alright, like i said we are living together in this dorm...We have a lot of days to have as much romantic dinners as we want...and to do whatever we want after them" She laughed a bit. She kissed him on the cheek then looked at him "So, when will he be here?" 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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To say that Denim was happy would be an understatement. Her expression grew from nervous embarrassment to unbridled joy as Royal spoke. When he began to pull her in for a hug, he continued towards him, wrapping her for legs around him, not giving a single rip about her blush. Denim gives a small sigh, still hugging him, "Well, that's a load off my chest," she releases Royal, looking him in the face, "You have made me a very happy mare, y'know that?"





Fraternity raves. Not the ideal hangout for the Pegasus writer, but the antics of ponies drunk off their heads were both amusing, and interesting. Saronyx found that drunk ponies are almost always very honest about things. Not to mention, they were willing to pay out the nose for his hangover pills, though he usually handed them out for free to those he recognized.


The navy Pegasus had two other motives for being at this particular rave. One, Delta Frats were there, so that gave him an excuse to knock some heads. And two, Windy was there. Mix the two, and Saronyx easily had an excuse. He had been hovering above the mosh pit, so as not to get swept up in the drunken mass. Despite having an impressively high alcohol tolerance, he preferred only to be inebriated in the presence of ponies he trusted. He saw Windy dancing with a mare he didn't recognize, and it was pretty obvious the Pegasus was a little inhibited. Then Chase showed up, said something about the mare that Windy had been dancing with being his marefriend - which led Saronyx to deduce it being Minty - and promptly kick Windy in the stomach. Saronyx flew over, landing between Windy and Chase, chuckling, "Well, I've been looking for a chance to help Windy out in a fight. It only seem right that it's against you, Tails."

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Royal chuckled. "I saw a bit of your struggle. I figured i would release you from your torture before you would." He winked.

"It helps that you're such a cute mare, though." He laughed. "I suppose i'll have to start looking out for your brother, now, won't i?"

He looked over her face. "You know you don't have to blush anymore, it's okay to flirt now."

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@, @@00Pony


Windy reeled back from the hit in the gut, and up came all his booze on the floor. Staggering backwards, he gagged on his vomit, and leaned against a table for support. When he saw Saronyx show up, he smiled broadly. "Couldn't have timed it better Saro! Now Chase, I don't think you want to take us both on. But, since you so kindly threw the first hit, I think you're fair game." He drawled, staggering menacingly towards Chase with Saronyx, cracking his hooves.  

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@, @@00Pony,


Windy reeled back from the hit in the gut, and up came all his booze on the floor. Staggering backwards, he gagged on his vomit, and leaned against a table for support. When he saw Saronyx show up, he smiled broadly. "Couldn't have timed it better Saro! Now Chase, I don't think you want to take us both on. But, since you so kindly threw the first hit, I think you're fair game." He drawled, staggering menacingly towards Chase with Saronyx, cracking his hooves.

Minty looked at Windy, and smiled that he was about to win the fight. She frowned and her ears flattened against her skull when she saw two buff ponies come over and take Chase's side. She tried to trot out away from the fight, but by now, the whole party was watching the fight, so she couldn't move. She silently said, "Um.. can we not fight..?"

Chase gave a glare at Minty that said "Shut up" and her eyes widened. She bit her lip, frightened.

Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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She blushes even harder at his compliments, and pulls her scarf up over her face, "I know I don't have to blush about flirting anymore! I'm just not used to being complimented by a stallion I like that's not related to me!"

She giggles, "But give me a day or two, I should have my face under control."


Denim laughs, answering his earlier question, "I don't think you'll have to worry about Ami. If you ever meet him, he'll probably try intimidating you, but I figure if he knows that I chose you of my own accord, then you must be alright." She removes her scarf from her face and smiles at him, "So what now? Do we continue our little blackjack game, or did something else come to mind?"

The suggestiveness of the question seems to go right over Denim's head, despite her being the one to say it.




Saronyx chuckles in response to Windy's comment, "I like to be convenient. If done right, it makes you seem really badass."


He looks back at Chase and notices the two ponies who joined him. Saronyx laughs, hovering a few inches off the ground, "Now it's almost fair! How 'bout it Windy? Wanna have a bit of fun with these jokers?"


His voice takes on a noticeably different accent, that of a (whatever the Equestrian Scotland is) as he asks this.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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She blushes even harder at his compliments, and pulls her scarf up over her face, "I know I don't have to blush about flirting anymore! I'm just not used to being complimented by a stallion I like that's not related to me!"

She giggles, "But give me a day or two, I should have my face under control."


Denim laughs, answering his earlier question, "I don't think you'll have to worry about Ami. If you ever meet him, he'll probably try intimidating you, but I figure if he knows that I chose you of my own accord, then you must be alright." She removes her scarf from her face and smiles at him, "So what now? Do we continue our little blackjack game, or did something else come to mind?"

The suggestiveness of the question seems to go right over Denim's head, despite her being the one to say it.




Saronyx chuckles in response to Windy's comment, "I like to be convenient. If done right, it makes you seem really badass."


He looks back at Chase and notices the two ponies who joined him. Saronyx laughs, hovering a few inches off the ground, "Now it's almost fair! How 'bout it Windy? Wanna have a bit of fun with these jokers?"


His voice takes on a noticeably different accent, that of a (whatever the Equestrian Scotland is) as he asks this.

@Windy Runner, @00Pony

Minty looked at Saronyx unsure. She trotted over, asking, "Are you sure..? It's okay.. you don't need to fight him.. What if you or Windy got hurt because of me.. I'm the reason this whole fight started anyway.." Minty said guiltily. "I'll um.. be quiet now.." She said, catching Chase's icy stare.


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