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open Rise of a Lunar Republic

Drago Ryder

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Tempest landed near the front of the base and entered. He went to the kitchen and got something to eat. He then sat at one of the many tables and relaxed. "I better go make sure Dark is ok. My 'death' most likely hit her the hardest." He said to himself.


Celestia's eyes flashed and the stone around the mane six disappeared. She then looked a Blade. "That is ok." She said. "We will free the, eventually,but right now, we have to plan on what to do next."

Fireblaze waking up too was hurt but he was sad since he fail protect Dash, then looking at Celestlia too while he was looking down and wasn’t happy since he need get stronger beat Crimson too. Also he need to beat Sole and he plan to train more.


“One thing what dose Luna want with your Student Twilight Sparkail? There something going with a plan she may use and also if they got two of the Element of Harmony then we need make sure 4 are protected since they can’t use that weapon since Twilight and Rainbow Dash are gone.” Blade saying.

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Luna rolled her eyes and levitated Crimson to one of the spare bedrooms in the castle. "You alway did find some way to get yourself into to trouble." She said.


Tempest stood up and walked out side, to a nearby cave. "Dark, are you in there?" He asked.


Said dragon came out of the cave and glanced at Tempest. "It's good to see you again. Don't you dare do that to me again." She said.


Dash glared at Sole. "What do you want?" She asked.


Celestia nodded. "I also have to find out how Tempest was able to get out of his statue. Even if he had Discord's help, he shouldn't have been able to break free."


(I might as well control the mane six,as well.)

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Sole grinned, happy to see a familiar face, as he walked through the barrier and hugged her. But he quickly jumped back to avoid any retalliation "I'm glad your okay dash, but I'm also disappointed in you." He said seriously "you used the elements to assist in a civil war." He said in annoyance "they're the elements of HARMONY dash, not the elements of war!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Thunder watched celestia, she got up and walked toward her "is there anything you'd like me to do...your highness" she said bowing her head slowly. She acted different around celestia, she didn't want to act rude to her, or offend her in any way. She was a loyal dog to her.


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“I Hope Dash will be ok Princess Celestia, I don’t want her be turn evil and if Sole get her to believe him. Means we going have two problems on our hands. I know Luna and Crimson have Twilight too. If Luna try to convinced Twilight then it going to be over soon.” Blaze saying.


“Fireblaze we will get Dash and Twilight back so belevie in yourself. You not done yet and you can turn into a Dragon even the odds too.” Blade saying.


“I need to train become a dragon and use it aid Princess Celestia in battle, give Sole and Crimson a beating of there lives.” Blaze saying.


“Applejack are you ok since you were stone and I want to give you sunglasses if Crimson try to turn you or anyone into stone again because Mirrors can reflect like Percuies use his Shield to turn Medusa into stone.” Blade saying.

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Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "At the time, it was necessary." She said. "How do you know that pegesus didn't start all of this?"


Applejack nodded. "That could work." She said.


Tempest smirked. "I promise that it won't." He said, putting a hoof on the dragon's snout.


Celestia glanced at Thunder. "For right now, I have no need for you, but that is likely to change in the future." She said.

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Sole just sighed and scratched the back of his head "I don't even care who started it" he said in a bored voice "but you should be ashamed of yourself, you could've permanently trapped somepony in stone." He said quietly, as he went into the kitchen and came back with a sandwich. He reached through the barrier like it wasn't there and handed her the food. "Now, give me a good reason for you to fight against luna and those who side with her. I'm neutral, so you can stop being so defensive." He said, as he sat in front of her.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Dash took the sandwich and ate it. She then looked at Sole. "Honestly, turning that pony into stone probably wasn't the best choice." She said. "Luna committed treason by starting this rebellion."


Tempest took his hoof off of Dark and went back into the base. He went into his room and meditated.

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Sole rolled his eyes "no, really?" He said sarcastically "and I think luna and celestia are both acting like childeren." He sighed before smiling "but you can help me make all of this right" he said slowly "we can unite equestria under one banner once again. We can bring back harmony." He said encouragingly "we've just gotta make both the princesses see sense. So, are ya with me dash?" He asked.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "At the time, it was necessary." She said. "How do you know that pegesus didn't start all of this?"


Applejack nodded. "That could work." She said.


Tempest smirked. "I promise that it won't." He said, putting a hoof on the dragon's snout.


Celestia glanced at Thunder. "For right now, I have no need for you, but that is likely to change in the future." She said.

Fieblaze then looking outside as he was thinking and was looking down on himself while he was thinking. *Dash please be ok for me and I hope you find a way get out of this someway too*


“I will go and help you set up the mirrors around your barn Applejack and also make some mirror armor too.” Blade saying as he was getting up and trying get his tail blades back in order too.

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Dash sighed and facehoofed. "I might as well." She said. "So, what do you have in mind."


Applejack nodded. "Let's go." She said. The orange pony then headed towards the train station.


Dark sighed and flew into the air. She doubted anypony would see her, and she hadn't flown in a while.

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(THAT WAS THUNDER, THAT WAS STONE, such a bad mistake.)


Stone sighed "well....is there anything I can do...or do you want me to just roam around canterlot." Asked stone heart. She didn't care what she did, though it didn't really matter if it was fighting investigating, or simply rebuilding the barriers that where now down.


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Sole grinned "that's the spirit dash, I knew you'd come around!" He said happily, as he lowered the barrier without hesitation. "And first off, I wanted to try and convince some members of both sides of the rebellion to see sense and help us." He said qith a grin "I'm pretty sure crimson will agree, but the others... not so much." He said disappointedly "first up is dark opal, we need someone with her skill, and she could likely convince tempest given time." He grinned and walked toward the door "okay, let's go dash!" He said happily, as he flew out.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Blade went with Applejack to the train station, then he took out a picture of his mentor with an apple cute mart on his rear while he was happy and now helping Celestia bring down Luna.


Fireblaze went to train as he wasn’t happy, then he was looking at the sky while he need some time alone and plan go visited the dragon kingdom for some advice too. Then he keep training and want to become the best while try to turn into a dragon.

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Dash simply facehoofed. "What did I get myself into." She muttered to herself. She then flew after Sole. "So, what can I expect form your friends?"


Applejack boarded the train and looked out the window. "I can't wait until this is all over." She said to nopony in particular.


Dark Opal smiled as she flew through the sky. "I honestly should get out more." She said. The black dragon was so lost in thought, that she didn't notice that she had flown above Canterlot.

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Crimson groaned as he got up from the bed luna had put him in, he looked around the room and scratched his head, "huh.....I guess luna put me in here after I passed out.....I should thank her for that......but I'll do that later, first I've gotta talk to twilight...." said crimson before walking out of the room and after a few minutes of searching, crimson had found twilight in the throneroom, crimson smiled wryly, "hey twi, how are you feeling? Look......before you scream at me and hate me for turning you into stone....I just want you to know that I'm tryi g to end this war.....without being on either celestias or luna's side...." said crimson.

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Then Fireblaze went to Celestia and bows to her. “Princess Celestia I am going to the Dragon Kingdom for some advice and I will be back soon.”


Blade sit next to Applejack as the train began to move and then he looking at her. “Hay Applejack do you know a Wister Apple?” While he was looking at her and was thinking.


(Maybee Sol that Fireblaze can meet sol in the Dragon Kingdom and hear out what Sol have to say to him too)

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Sole shrugged "you've already met most of them" he said simply "like crimson and tempest. But I guess you havent met dark opal yet, don't freak out, she's a fully grown dragon." He said with a smirk. Even though he'd searched everywhere, he couldn't find dark. So they went to tempest's room instead and snuck in to talk to him. "Hey tempest, we need to talk. And yes dash is here, but she's cool okay!" He said quickly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Arrow Head was walking around in a patrolling fashion around canterlot. His own customized conjured bow levitating next to him and a quiver on his back filled with arrows. Never thought of signing up for the solar empire. He thought to himself as he looks at his red and black colored bow. "Hmph..." He huffed thinking about how combat would be in a one on one situation.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Tempest opened his eyes and glared at Sole. "No." He said.


Dash was surprised. "How is there a fully grown dragon in Equestria, and Celestia not know about it?" She whispered, so that Temlest couldn't hear.


Celestia nodded. "You may go." She said. The white alicorn then glanced at Stone. "I assume that you will be able to take Filreblaze's place?"

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Then Fireblaze bows as he went out the door, then fly towards the dragon kingdom while he keep flying and thinking about something. *Dash please don’t do something stupid and I care for you* Then he keep flying as he past the evefree forest and heading towards the Dragon Kingdom.

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"Shes very good at hide and seek." He whispired to her as he smirked "I knew you'd say that" he said cockily "that's why we're here to convince you." He flew directly in front of him. "We go way back dude, wouldn't you like to stop all this fighting and war?" He reasoned "we can do it together, luna and celestia can rule together, as sisters, like old times!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"P-place....what was his place again..."she asked celestia because she didn't know what fireblazes position was. But she would do it, given the time.


Blue frost grew tired of her new playmates, and killed them off with a flick of her hoovs, breaking their fragile bodies.


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Tempest sighed. "I would, but I doubt this war will end that way." He said. "As for Dark Opal, I raised her from when she hatched as an egg."


Dash was suprised to say the least.


Celestia sighed. "In that case, I hope you like espionage.I want you to infiltrate the NLR, and relay any information you find out." She said.


Dark Opal landed outside the castle and laid down at the mouth of the cave she had claimed.


Applejack glanced at Blade and shrugged. "I honestly haven't tried one before." She said.

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Sole grinned at rainbow dash's suprise "yes, yes it can." He said defiantly "if we work together, if we get enough support, we can do anything!" He said encouragingly "the first step to harmony is with your help. Your influencial, you've got connections and freinds in high places." He smiled happily "tell ya what, if this doesn't work out, you can fight like idiots all you want!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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