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Hello, I am starting my rp about middle school through high school life about ponies that turn human. Its not Equestria Girls!! These ponies all come from another dimension parrelele of Equestria. Some have suffered bullying, been the bullies, or have just been bystanders. This is the story of their lives, school experiences, and how they all intertwine.





1. Only up to 10 characters for this Rp. I call  three.


2.  Alex Kennedy is my Rp buddy 2-3 for him


3. Really only looking for one or two other people


4. Be active!!


5. Have fun and be orignal!!


(btw, how do you make an rp private?)

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(btw, how do you make an rp private?)


When you make the RP, the option to make it private should be available as a tag or prefix or something like that. I don't remember exactly, but it isn't hard.


Do you want these OCs to be original for this, or can we use ones we already have? 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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I was going to sign up but I decided against it. No offense, I'm just Ina lot of RPs and your plot kinda confuses me.

Edited by Silent Dawn
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Question: Does magic exist in the HumanVerse we'll be going to, or is it a Realistictm  world, or even our Earth (with our history, cultures, etc.)?

I'm going to go ahead and sign up with Sunyatay Sutra.  Here is her human appearance:




If there's no magic in the HumanVerse, then her invisibility/intangibility effects will cease when she's there as a human.  She is 14 13 for this RP.

Edited by InvisiblePinkUnicorn
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I am making up one more rule and changing one thing around. It will be a junior-high school setting. And you can control another persons Oc as long as you stay in character. Have fun an lets Rp!!

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OK.  Do you have a link to the RP thread? 


Edit: Found it.  Link is here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/64469-acerwoods-academy/#entry1586704


Also, can the ability to control another player's OC be limited to fairly obvious/unimportant actions, and not include the ability to make decisions for that character?  I.e., "I opened the door for her, and she walked through" but not "I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she said 'Yes, I'd love to!'"  I'd really rather not have anyone else write dialogue lines for Sunyatay, make decisions for her, etc., and I don't want to do that for other people's characters.  My idea of what's "in character" for them might not match their player's idea of what's "in character."  I don't have a Pinkie Sense for that. img-1587150-1-laugh.png

Edited by InvisiblePinkUnicorn
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OK.  Do you have a link to the RP thread? 


Edit: Found it.  Link is here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/64469-acerwoods-academy/#entry1586704


Also, can the ability to control another player's OC be limited to fairly obvious/unimportant actions, and not include the ability to make decisions for that character?  I.e., "I opened the door for her, and she walked through" but not "I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she said 'Yes, I'd love to!'"  I'd really rather not have anyone else write dialogue lines for Sunyatay, make decisions for her, etc., and I don't want to do that for other people's characters.  My idea of what's "in character" for them might not match their player's idea of what's "in character."  I don't have a Pinkie Sense for that. img-1587150-1-laugh.png

Agreed. That is, after all, the main difference between roleplaying and just writing a fanfic or something.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Hello, I am starting my rp about middle school through high school life about ponies that turn human. Its not Equestria Girls!! These ponies all come from another dimension parrelele of Equestria.


From the way you wrote the starting post in the RP, it seems like you mean that we take our pony characters and assume they've been human the whole time, rather than being yoinked out of Equestria and finding themselves in human bodies?  For one thing, if the Academy is an exclusive, expensive private school, the characters would have to have parents who enrolled and more importantly, bankrolled them, in order for them to get in.  If they're just trotting through a meadow one moment, then "AAAAAAAAAAH!  What AM I?!?!" the next, it would seem difficult to figure out how to get them into the school.


Maybe they could all be humans with memories of human lives, but all have "weird" dreams of being ponies, sometimes briefly see their ponyselves in the mirror, etc., and later in the RP discover that they're really ponies? 


Also, one suggestion: in the original post you portray Violet Sky (is that Cece Sky's character, or another character of yours?) entwine wings with your character.  You might want to edit that out, because a) if Violet Sky is someone else's character, they might not want her becoming your character's girlfriend, and b ) it constrains your options; in roleplay, it might turn out that your character hits it off better with someone else!


Edit: *rereads RP post*  OK, it looks like Violet Sky and Cece Sky are not the same.  Sorry I got them mixed up because they both have "Sky" as their last name, and Cece's OC is pretty close to violet on the color wheel. :) 


There's a line in your RP post where you say "I had my 'friends' get in to" [sic].  Does this mean that we all already know each other and that somehow your character paid for all of ours with his scholarship?  I think it would be more fun for RP purposes if we start out not knowing each other, so we get to roleplay meeting. 

Edited by InvisiblePinkUnicorn
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Eh....... Maybe I'm just bettr off with making Tis a fanfic, to be quite honest. I'll change some of the characters around. I'd fail on my part. No more Rps for awhile.

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You don't need to give up and run off so quickly.  Why not take this as an opportunity to learn RP'ing?  ;)  We all start out somewhere.  I think this can be a good RP.  We could start out not knowing each other.  Each of us is a human starting the school year at the Academy, and each of us has a secret: weird "pony" dreams, of living in a different world, as ponies, with wings, magic, etc.  Sometimes, we feel as if...that's who we really are and where we really belong.  Then, as the characters meet and get to know each other, somebody mentions a pony dream, or says, "Would anypony like to go to... *realizes* ...uh...the skate park after school?"  But instead of getting weird looks, they get shocked stares, because for some reason, "anypony" sounds familiar, and right.  The characters take turns spilling out their "pony dreams" and weird experiences.  Then they have to try to solve the mystery...and find their way home.


If you like, I would be willing to help you GM, spawn plot ideas, etc.

  • Brohoof 1
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You don't need to give up and run off so quickly.  Why not take this as an opportunity to learn RP'ing?  wink.png  We all start out somewhere.  I think this can be a good RP.  We could start out not knowing each other.  Each of us is a human starting the school year at the Academy, and each of us has a secret: weird "pony" dreams, of living in a different world, as ponies, with wings, magic, etc.  Sometimes, we feel as if...that's who we really are and where we really belong.  Then, as the characters meet and get to know each other, somebody mentions a pony dream, or says, "Would anypony like to go to... *realizes* ...uh...the skate park after school?"  But instead of getting weird looks, they get shocked stares, because for some reason, "anypony" sounds familiar, and right.  The characters take turns spilling out their "pony dreams" and weird experiences.  Then they have to try to solve the mystery...and find their way home.


If you like, I would be willing to help you GM, spawn plot ideas, etc.

I'm all for that. I don't really have time to GM much, but I'll try my best to help when I can if necessary.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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I just posted in the main thread.  @@twilight24, I hope you will stick around and RP. smile.png  If you prefer not to, I hope you don't mind if I control your character long enough to get through the interaction--assuming the other players want to continue. 

Edited by InvisiblePinkUnicorn
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blonde-ish tall girl with scruffy, kind-of unbrushed hair, wears jeans. looks more masculine in arms and legs, small delicate pretty face that barely fits the rest of her. scruffy. name is jewel. in pony world is a blue pegasus. that looks a heckava lot better than her human. pony name is lightning runner

Edited by whitewater lightning

hi so i have a few OCs because im new and have an OC for each of the three -might soon be four- RP's im in sooo..

OC#1(lightningrunner) : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-runner-r3713

OC#2(jenny): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

i dont think the lightning runner link is working if you really care that much go on the database and search it.its sad because i like her best...

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Can my OC be in this? Here's her profile http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pink-mist-r3726 She's an adventurer and can get along with anyone, but in this high school setting she's nice but can stand up to bullies when necessary. 


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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@, Accepted!  Welcome to the game.  Kindof a tangential question: in her bio you indicate that her cutie mark is something to do with tech and/or mystery.  By "mystery," do you mean of the Sherlock Holmes sort, or the unexplained in general?  Her CM won't necessarily figure directly in the RP at first, but it would probably help you round out her character if we could help you figure out what it is and how she got it (in her Equestrian life).  Does she investigate mysteries that capture her attention?  What sort of mysteries, and what equipment does she use?  Does she build or repair technological objects, and if so, what sort?  Judging by what we see on the show, her tech should probably be Steampunk (clockwork robots, steam-powered jumping boots, tech like you find in Jules Verne or Wild, Wild West) or Dieselpunk (~1920's - 1940's sci-fi tech).  IOW, cell phones and personal computers are not canon for FiM.


In a nutshell, I'm volunteering to help you figure out Pink Mist's cutie mark. :) 

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Thanks so much. I would really appreciate the help! The type of mystery she likes is a mix of the unexplained, and Sherlock Holmes type murder mysteries. For the purpose of the RP that would just be her favorite book genre. She loves to read and at a school that's a bonus. By tech it could probably be something like clockwork robots, and stuff like in the movies you mentioned. fixing is more her thing.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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@@whitewater lightning, for future reference, when your character is talking to another player's character, please do not reply on their behalf.  That makes it harder for the other player to respond to your post (and vice versa, if they do your character's talking for her).  Instead, you can just stop there and leave the opening for the other player to respond.  The other player should do the same for you.  This makes conversations and other RP interactions more real, since the other player's character has the option to do or say something you don't expect (and vice versa), just like interactions with people in real life.  Taking control of another player's character and writing their dialogue and/or actions is called "godmoding," and it's almost always frowned upon in RP's. 


Another thing to avoid is "railroading," where a player doesn't directly take control of the other player's OC, but writes their post in such a way that the other player doesn't have choices in what their character says and does if they want their response to fit with the railroader's post.  Something like this:


"So, are you going to the big Barn Dance at Applejack's?" Sunset Sparkle asked.  "Great!  Me too!  Is there anypony you'd like to go with?" she asked, winking at Autumn Frost.  "Ooooh, somepony's got a crush!," Sunset said with a chuckle.  "But you're right, Thunder Steed is really cute!  Not my type though.  Good luck!"


Think of it as like a "turn-based" game.  Your character gets an "action" (a chance to say some dialogue and/or do something, like hit a ball in a tennis match), then the other character gets an "action" (their chance to reply and/or react, like hitting the ball back, or missing).  If there's more than two characters in the interaction, it's good to give each player an "action" and let them post before you post your next "action," that way nobody gets left behind.

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@@whitewater lightning, for future reference, when your character is talking to another player's character, please do not reply on their behalf.  That makes it harder for the other player to respond to your post (and vice versa, if they do your character's talking for her).  Instead, you can just stop there and leave the opening for the other player to respond.  The other player should do the same for you.  This makes conversations and other RP interactions more real, since the other player's character has the option to do or say something you don't expect (and vice versa), just like interactions with people in real life.  Taking control of another player's character and writing their dialogue and/or actions is called "godmoding," and it's almost always frowned upon in RP's. 


Another thing to avoid is "railroading," where a player doesn't directly take control of the other player's OC, but writes their post in such a way that the other player doesn't have choices in what their character says and does if they want their response to fit with the railroader's post.  Something like this:


"So, are you going to the big Barn Dance at Applejack's?" Sunset Sparkle asked.  "Great!  Me too!  Is there anypony you'd like to go with?" she asked, winking at Autumn Frost.  "Ooooh, somepony's got a crush!," Sunset said with a chuckle.  "But you're right, Thunder Steed is really cute!  Not my type though.  Good luck!"


Think of it as like a "turn-based" game.  Your character gets an "action" (a chance to say some dialogue and/or do something, like hit a ball in a tennis match), then the other character gets an "action" (their chance to reply and/or react, like hitting the ball back, or missing).  If there's more than two characters in the interaction, it's good to give each player an "action" and let them post before you post your next "action," that way nobody gets left behind.

oops sorry. im kinda new and a bit absent minded so i dont think ahead like that. i should have put a thingamabobber there. but there is a minimum of 800 characters in the RP posts, so i kinda had to run it along like that. thanks for telling me, and should i change anything in it 'cuz i didnt mean to D: sorry.  and the should i change anything includes twilight24


Edited by whitewater lightning

hi so i have a few OCs because im new and have an OC for each of the three -might soon be four- RP's im in sooo..

OC#1(lightningrunner) : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-runner-r3713

OC#2(jenny): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

i dont think the lightning runner link is working if you really care that much go on the database and search it.its sad because i like her best...

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I just had Sunyatay bump into Pink Mist, so I think we should wait until her player has a chance to post before going to a time-skip.  Also, I think it would be better to skip to lunch (so the characters have time and chance to interact) before jumping to the next day.  Otherwise, I'm fine with a time-skip if everyone else is.

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  • 2 months later...

I dont know why the RP stopped for such a long time?

hi so i have a few OCs because im new and have an OC for each of the three -might soon be four- RP's im in sooo..

OC#1(lightningrunner) : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-runner-r3713

OC#2(jenny): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

i dont think the lightning runner link is working if you really care that much go on the database and search it.its sad because i like her best...

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