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Frozen Equestria RP


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Cleo whipped around, her ears twitching. She got out her two weapons and loaded, pointing in the general direction where she had heard the noise.


" Who's there? I'm giving you one chance to get out before I start shooting. And since I can't see you, it'll be a rather painful death."


Signature by Azura

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Iris stuttered as she said, "I-I'm Iris, I don't bring any harm. I just want somewhere to stay for awhile." The unicorn used get magic to pull off the hood of her cloak, and hoped that death wasn't calling her name. "I'll only kill if I have to. Please, d-don't hurt me."

Edited by LadyButterfly


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"I'll only kill if I have to. Please, d-don't hurt me."


Cleo narrowed her eyes, but didn't lower her weapons. " Fine. I won't kill you. Not today, anyways. If you even try to pull anything, the wall get get a brand new coating of red. Now, what do you want, and why were you following me?" Cleo's tone was accusing and sharp.  


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"Usually, I'm not the type of pony that will be very social, but I needed a place to stay, and I've been traveling for weeks, but all I've found were small warehouses and sheds, and I can barely get any sleep in there because of the tin roofs. So, yesterday, I found a trail, and followed it here, tip Manehattan. I saw you, and froze. When you left, I tried to sneak in to get some shelter for the night, but you caught me." Iris' voice calmed as she finished the story.


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Cleo sighed, massaging her head. " I was planning to loot some supplies then head back to my camp. If you want, you can follow me, if not, I'll point you in the general direction of the camp and you hope that you make it there in one piece. Your choice."


She tapped her hoof against the cold icy ground, waiting for her choice.


Signature by Azura

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(Straight's story continued)


Evading bandits was easy enough. They were just trying to find supplies, Straight was looking for Heartbeat.

"How could she survive with all these ponies around?" It was puzzling, using the detect spells Straight kept investigating single life signs. He didn't find much. Just a scared old pony, a loner who shot at him. No trace of Heartbeat.

"Dammit. She must be with someone. Wait, what the?"

His layout and detect life spells must have been acting up, because one life sign, a life sign in the largest group (about 16 ponies) was shining brighter than the others. The voice came back.

"I'm here. Come find me."


"Dammit this is bad. If I need to spring her from a group if bandits I'm gonna need a better weapon."


(Red I hope you don't mind if I add Heartbeat to your group of bandits. I just hope they don't get wiped out soon. I'm on mobile so when I get to a computer I'll get you an OC link.)

Edited by Throttlesky
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Iris took a moment to think of over, and said, "Show me to your camp, could you?"She asked Cleo. She hugged the fabric of her cloak as the cold and wind fought on, freezing the world even more. 'If it ever gets warmer, hopefully I'll live for it,' thought the white unicorn, her golden hair flying in the wind.


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Cleo pointed somewhere south. " There. Have fun, and word of advice. Try to not die on the way."She smirked before leaving into the opposite direction.




Lyona sat in their camp, eating the soup the Blue had made. -This soup's horrible, but beggars can't be choosers.-


Signature by Azura

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Iris waved to Cleo before heading in the direction that she pointed to. It was quite dark, and Iris had to squint her eyes to see, but she headed to a dim, quite small light, and made it to Cleo's camp. She heard voices, but saw nopony. She smiled, because even though she didn't like most company, it was the first time she'd seen other ponies for weeks, maybe even months.


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Lyona saw Iris from a distance and flew over to her.


" Who are you?" She demanded. " If you're one of them bandits, go back the way you came." All her weapons were loaded and ready to fire. -Can't be too careful. They might've sent her to spy on us, and we definitely don't want that.-


Signature by Azura

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Three earth ponies sat around the fire warming themselves as Straight watched through the hole in the ceiling. One had an assault rifle, another had a pistol and the last one had a wicked knife. The knife was for stabbing and slashing not like his throwing knives.

"Time for a distraction" Straight thought. Flashing his horn. A board broke to the left of the fire and all three turned to look. The knife floated out of the holster and up to Straight.

"Time to strike"

Straight blinkeddown behind the pony with the pistol. A single stab to the back made the earth pony go down with a yelp. The pony with the AR turned to fire but Straight was already on him. Three throwing knives flew into his chest. The impact made the pony spray some shit up into the ceiling. By the tine the recently disarmed knife pony had realized what was going on, he had a pistol in his face. Either because he was really smart or really dumb, the last pony made a break for the AR in the floor, which Straight responded with a single shot. The voice came back to Straight.


"What are you waiting for?"

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((I love how noone gives a damn about Acid leaving xD))


Acid woke up. It was cold.

"Hmph... looks like they don't care after all. Just what I thought."

He walked down the stairs, then outside.

"Brr... alright... they have pretty much no food back at the train, so it's only a matter of time until they start scavenging"

Acid wandered far away from his shelter, looking for food.

"I wonder if there's more survivors besides bandit's here..."


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Cleo had come back after looting. She hadn't found too much, but more than what she had found in Ponyville. -We need more food. What I found isn't too good.- 


She frowned. -Where the heck am I?- Shading her eyes and squinting didn't help at all. She was lost in a strange city, alone. -Like always.-


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Blue made his way to the house and picked up his helmet of stew and carried it with him,

"where'd that kid go? Red, do I have to bury you myself?" Blue placed Red's remains down and used his magic to bury Red.

"am I the only one who gives my condolences to the dead?" Blue looked around ... the group has disbanded mostly. Blue chuged down his stew and started wondering around looking for loot, Blue searched house to house, building to building, he restocked on food by a dozen of cans.

"everypony else is always at conflict with eachother.... its a wonder why none of us are doing too well"

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Iris stared at the pegasus and stated, "Your friend Cleo showed me top over here, said that I could stay awhile. I wouldn't hurt you unless I have to. I'll even give you a loaf of my bread, I promise I'm no bandit." The cold bit at the unicorn's face, so she put the hood of her dark cloak back up, hoping that it'll help.


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" Cleo does not have any friends here. But, we do know her and she's a part of the group. Fine, you can stay. Keep the bread for yourself, you'll need it." Lyona pointed away her gun, but kept the other one loaded and ready. Just in case


She pointed to one of the houses. " There's a campfire in that house. Go, and warm up."


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Blue went back and found that bandit mare (hopefully you guys didn't forget bout her) 

"where do you think your going? your coming with me to the university" Blue cuffed the mare and dragged her towards the university not caring about her broken leg, Blue readied his revolver "A cold day like this is a good day to serve some revenge" 

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

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Blue went back and found that bandit mare (hopefully you guys didn't forget bout her) 

"where do you think your going? your coming with me to the university" Blue cuffed the mare and dragged her towards the university not caring about her broken leg, Blue readied his revolver "A cold day like this is a good day to serve some revenge" 


The mare shook her head.

"Are you just going to run into a bandit nest like that? And aren't I supposed to be the other stallions prisoner?"

Acid spotted the university.

*Maybe there's a library in there... I kind of wanna read some books... plus, books make great fire material.*

Acid saw something through the window. It was a pony, bandit possibly.

*Heh... Cleo and Jonny are gonna find themselves in a real pinch here...*

He turned the corner and saw Blue drag the mare towards the university.

*Shit! Uh... hide!*

Acid jumped into a trashcan, making tons of noise. He spied Blue from one of the bulletholes that were on the can.






"I could blow up their train."

"Heh... go for it."

The green pony teleported behind the train and started sticking explosives to it.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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( Sorry about the lack of posts from me, internet's been acting up)


Raze quietly followed the group, not saying a word, until he  saw movement from a nearby trash can. He raised his rifle, but slowly put it down. He  had a good guess as to who was hiding inside...


"C'mon, kid, I know you're in there," Raze said.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"Raze, if you know its the kid then lower that gun of yours" Blue chuckled and pushed Raze's barrel down, "come out kid" Blue chuckled again and put the hostage down "don't try to run away, I'll just catch you again" Blue walked towards the trash can and opened the lid "peeka boo!"

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

Check out my drawings! ^^^

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"Y'know, after what happened to him, I don't think he's actually in the mood for that," Raze said to Blue, looking back towards where he carried the mare.


"Also, shouldn't you be watching your little captive over there instead of playing games with Acid?" he sighed.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Lyona was in the house near the train, not having felt safe there. She chewed on some food.


" I have no idea where I am." Cleo muttered to herself as she wandered the streets of Phillydelphia. She had stopped in several houses for some loot, and found some medical supplies as well as food. 


How the heck am I supposed to find my way back to camp?


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Iris thanked Lyona and went to a lit up house, with a warm and toasty fire inside. The slender mare sat down on a cleared spot on the floor. Feeling such warmth made Iris happier than she'd felt in a while. It was nice for once to be around ponies instead of being alone.


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Johnny didnt say much upon hearing the university was some kind of gang hideout, he was angered, he decided it was time for a gang clearout, he looked around for cleo, he didnt find her, he looked around the train and saw some bandit planting explosives on it, thinking quick he shot a powerful electric, bolt immobilizing the pony "Stop right there!"@@RedStorm

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Johnny didnt say much upon hearing the university was some kind of gang hideout, he was angered, he decided it was time for a gang clearout, he looked around for cleo, he didnt find her, he looked around the train and saw some bandit planting explosives on it, thinking quick he shot a powerful electric, bolt immobilizing the pony "Stop right there!"@@RedStorm

The pony casted a shield spell around himself.

"Hahaha! Too weak!

The bandit shot a frost spell towards Jonny.

"Let's see you dodge that!"

He laughed.

"How's the Red guy doing? You haven't heard the latest news? He was shot in the head like a dog BY ME!"

The bandit was now laughing like a maniac.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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