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Frozen Equestria RP


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Cleo made a bit of a face in Blue's direction before turning away. -I don't like him that much. I'll just stay away from him for now.-


" For what it's worth, thank-you Siris. " Lyona told the stallion. -Now, we all have weapons so bandits will think twice before attacking us.-


Signature by Azura

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Blue finished loading his rifle, "so where you guys off to?, I'll tag along and cover you if necessary"

Blue strapped the rifle under his belly "if you guys plan on going somewhere, tell me, I'll go first and set a sniping location and cover you"

Blue tightened the springs on his bipod and snapped it open, "I'll be miles away and covering you guys before any bandits get close" 

"I'll need a bigger gun soon" Blue picked up a revolver "22. revolver, I got a lot of 22.s in my bag but never had the right gun to use em" Blue packed the revolver into his saddlebag

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Seeing that Red had taken the food and supplies made Siris more pissed off than he had ever been. He was about to do something, but Raze quickly intervened. He took his sword and used to block Siris's way, quietly shaking his head no. Siris grumbled a bit, but then tried to calm himself down.


"If you're done, I'm gonna show you the way out of the territory now," he said as he walked out of the warehouse.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Redstorm laughed as he saw Raze block Siris's way.

Turning back to Raze, he chuckled.

"Heh... I don't know. I don't really mind if you 'tag along' but I don't know about others... Cleo hates everything and everyone for example."

"I'd like if he'd come along." Acid said.

"That makes two votes. Anypony else?" He asked, turning to the group.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Johnny packed away some food, he heard red talking to some other pony "me and cleo will be heading to the university pretty soon here, you wont have to worry about us" he said checking the sights on his new weapon "however i wish you luck on your travels"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"That makes two votes. Anypony else?" He asked, turning to the group.


" Meh. I don't really care, since I'm leaving with Johnny anyways." Cleo shrugged, admiring her new weapons. She loaded both of them, wanting to be ready for anything. 



" As long as he doesn't kill us in our sleep, it's fine." Lyona joked, smiling a little. " Name's Lyona, by the way." She introduced herself to the stallion.


Signature by Azura

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Blue nodded and grinned at Lyona taking the joke lightly, "you have not much to worry about" 

"Excuse me for a moment" Blue walked into the storeroom to have a moment to himself, he locked the door, pulled a radio out of his bag and raised the microphone to his face "Fluro here, please respond" the radio crackled with static "Fluro here, please respond" the radio crackled again.

"This is Fluro, I'm not sure whats happening there back at home, if you can hear me, please let my family know I'm alright"

Blue packed the radio back into his bag and made his way back out

*its been a year since I lost connection with them* Blue thought to himself 

"I'm ready for moving, say the word and I'll be first out" Blue sheepishly grinned

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Suddenly Siris remembered something, and returned inside the warehouse. 


"Before I forget," he said as approached the group, "I have one thing I'd like to give to Raze specifically."


Raze looked at Siris in confusion, but went along with it. Siris went over to a small shelf at the top right hand corner of the warehouse, levitated two things with his horn, and came back. He carefully set the objects on a nearby table, which to Raze looked like just normal tin can.


"This is a tin shrapnel bomb." Siris said to Raze, explaining about it. "Works just like a hand grenade. You pull this cork off the explosive device I've attached to the can, and throw it. It's the same device I use for my tripwire explosives, only this time I took the liberty of modifying the explosive so you get more time to throw it. Oh, and here's some stuff and the instructions you'll need to create it."

Siris handed Raze the bomb, plus a bag of shrapnel and some explosive devices, along with plenty of tin cans and the bomb recipie. Raze carefully took the bomb and parts and placed them in his bags. "Thanks, Siris."


"Whatever you say," he said, looking away. "Now let's get going. The sooner you guys are out of here, the better."


(So yeah, it's not a nail bomb, it's a shrapnel bomb. Had to change it up a bit; otherwise I'd feel like I'm stealing ideas from Naughty Dog :P)

Edited by ~Twisted Genius~

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"Where ever you guys are going I'll follow you, I'll use the rooftops to get around, I like doing parkour and I can provide sniper support from above"

Blue flipped is sniper around onto his back, "Its easier to follow you guys if I'm on the rooftops" Blue pulled out his icepick and prepared for travel 

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((I am back... and stuck with a computer that's only good for playing old games like Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics... anyway...))


Redstorm nodded.

"We should get back to the train. I think it's safe to call it home, right? So, let's get going. I'll race ya Acid!"

Acid laughed and started racing Redstorm. The two got pretty far from the others.

"Okay, buddy... slow down a bit. Don't want you running on any bomb-"

A large explosion echoed through the city. A bandit, that they didn't see had thrown a grenade. A second later, he was gone. Acid could only see his lime green coat and grin. (He's a big part of the plot, don't kill him yet!)

"Red!" Acid yelled, tears running down his eyes. His red buddy had lost his front leg.

"The fucking irony....."

His eyes closed, leaving Acid crying.

"I-if... I see... that p-pony... again... he's so d-dead!" Acid muttered through his crying.

"Red would... do... the... s-same..."


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Cleo had run outside just in time to hear Red's last words. She looked in horror at Red's dead body.
-Holy fucking shit.- She ran to Acid and grabbed him, holding him close. Cleo then placed him onto her back and galloped to the warehouse.


" What happened? Acid, are you hurt?" Lyona was flew over to them, eyes wide open in alarm. " Where's Redstorm?"


Signature by Azura

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Acid struggled when Cleo picked her up. After a while, he gave up and just stared infront of him.

They finally reached the warehouse. It seemed such a short time...

"I'm ok..." He muttered bluntly.

"Redstorm.... Redstorm- the green pony did it..." A tear rolled down his face.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Siris saw what happened to Red, and hurried back over to him. He quickly took a splint and a bandage, and wrapped it around the place where Red's front hoof used to be. Raze was surprised.


"Had a change of heart, huh?"


Siris grumbled a bit. "I don't let people die..." he looked at Red. "No matter how much I might hate them..."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Blue watched the bandit run off into the distance "Hold on guys I see him!" Blue dropped down and scoped in.

"This if for Red"  Blue fired 2 rounds and missed both of them "Fuck!, guys I'm coming down" Blue jumped and slid down a pipe through an air vent "hes heading south east, lost track of him though" Blue trotted towards Redstorm and opened his saddle bag "I think I got some pills for you"

Blue opened a small bottle of aspirin and fed them to Redstorm,

"stay in there man, Redstorm don't die, there cant be a Blue without a Red" 

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Redstorm swallowed the pills. He was barely alive, too weak to talk. Acid ran over to him.

"Oh no... this is bad..."

He didn't know what else to say besides that.

Red opened his eyes halfway.

The only sound he could make was a small squeak of pain.

"Is he going to be fine? He is isn't he?" Acid asked a question, that he knew the answer to. It was a solid "no" and nothing would change that.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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"I guess its just Blue now... Red wont last long" Blue came up with an idea

"hey there's some tar or grease in the storage room, we can use hot tar to seal up his wound to stop blood loss, but its gonna be painful"

Blue put on his saddlebag on and left the bottle of pills on the table next to Red

"If he gets worse, feed him the pills, I'll explore the nearby area, I'm pretty sure there's a pharmacy not far from here" Blue picked up his revolver and trotted towards the door "maybe I can find something useful"

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Redstorm sighed as he heard something about sealing up his wound.

"Fuck no..."




"So? What happened?" One of them muttered to the green pony that had walked in.

"Give me a break, Steel. I barely got out of there!"

"Well there's more to that to come..." Steel laughed.

"What do you have in mind?"

"You know the train these bastards came with? I bet they have shitloads of stuff in there."

"So that's where we're going?"

Steel nodded. "They're too busy mourning the lost ones. We're storming in the train with the gang."

"How did you know about the explosion?"

"The grenades make alot of noise, if you didn't know yet."

Steel grabbed his assault rifle and gave orders to the other bandits.

"If they're coming, show no mercy!"


Name: Steelhooves (Link in description)

Warm items: His vest and boots

Weapons: An assault rifle and a knife

A strong stallion, who's pretty good with guns as well. Also a leader of a gang in Phillydelphia. The lime green pony is his right hoof. His name is unknown.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Iris was trotting in the bare cold. She had been doing this for what seemed like forever, and didn't want to stop. The white mare's saddlebag had barely anything in it. There was a week's worth of food if she rationed it, her Auto-5, a Katana, and a thick wool blanket. She wore her black cloak, and covered her saddlebag with it. A lock of Iris' mane hung from her hood, and her hoofprints made tracks in the white snow. The cold flicked at her legs, slowing the white unicorn down a notch. 'Keep going, you need to find a place to rest.' Iris kept on, struggling to stand straight. She stopped as a small storage room ahead and voices coming from it.

A lump formed in Iris' neck, as it always does with people nearby. She scooted closer to the warehouse, and kept still. "Maybe I can find something useful," she heard a male's voice. "Hello?" Iris whispered, but then regretted. 'You idiot! He's probably a bandit!' Iris walked closer to the warehouse, hoping that the male wasn't a bandit.


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"Is he going to be fine? He is isn't he?" Acid asked a question, that he knew the answer to. It was a solid "no" and nothing would change that.


" Don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answer for. " Cleo muttered. She approached Redstorm.


" Do you want to live or not?" She spat, eyes blazing. " Accept this chance before you die, idiot."



-Sewing that up is going to be impossible. - Lyona thought. She heard Blue say something about going somewhere.




I'm pretty sure there's a pharmacy not far from here"


" Careful. The bandits might still be around." She warned.



Signature by Azura

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"Don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answer for. " Cleo muttered. She approached Redstorm. " Do you want to live or not?" She spat, eyes blazing. " Accept this chance before you die, idiot."


Acid sighed.

Redstorm saw Cleo approach him.

"Give me a fucking break, bitch..."

He turned himself into a more comfortable position.




Steel climbed inside the train.

"Check every wagon... kill everypony that's still here."

The bandits nodded and started stealing the supplies.

After a while, they got pretty much everything.

"There's still some stuff left."

"Whatever. We got everything that we need."

The bandits started to make their way back to their hideout, laughing and chatting. They were glad they got so much stuff.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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"Give me a fucking break, bitch..." He turned himself into a more comfortable position.


" I'm trying to keep you alive, asshole. " She snapped back. Cleo nosed through her saddlebags for something, and came out with a half-filled plastic bottle of alcohol. She tore off Red's bandages and poured everything in the bottle on it before wrapping it up again.



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" I'm trying to keep you alive, asshole. " She snapped back. Cleo nosed through her saddlebags for something, and came out with a half-filled plastic bottle of alcohol. She tore off Red's bandages and poured everything in the bottle on it before wrapping it up again.


"Ow... that's really helping, thank you." Red muttered sarcastically.

"Why would you want to keep me alive anyway? You must be glad that both of the guys that hate you are dead soon." He said slowly.

Acid in the meantime had wandered into the warehouse, looking for some medical stuff.

"Nope... nope... not here..."

He then heard somepony ask about them being bandits.

"We're not bandits? Are you?" Acid said, readying his gun.


Edited by RedStorm


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Johnny looked over at the group, Red was in stable condition for the time being, even near death he was unfriendly to cleo, which surprised johnny, he shook his head and looked over at a map, trying to find his location so he could find the quickest route to the university 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Ow... that's really helping, thank you." Red muttered sarcastically. "Why would you want to keep me alive anyway? You must be glad that both of the guys that hate you are dead soon." He said slowly.



" I have my reasons. " She muttered darkly. The pony then shook her head and muttered something incoherent.


" Now, stay still." Cleo tore off a piece sticky tape and fixed the bandages in place. " They'll have to make a fake leg for you later on... Here's your chance to look like a pirate."

Edited by LittleRawr


Signature by Azura

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" I have my reasons. " She muttered darkly. The pony then shook her head and muttered something incoherent.


" Now, stay still." Cleo tore off a piece sticky tape and fixed the bandages in place. " They'll have to make a fake leg for you later on... Here's your chance to look like a pirate."

"Now I see... you wait me to get stronger, so you can shoot out my eye. I actually should have an eyepatch back at the train... speaking of it, we should get back to it? Anyone? I'm kind of freezing..."

Redstorm tried to get up, but failed.

"Guess I just gotta crawl back to it..." He muttered


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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