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open The war debt RP


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"Um...yeah it's pretty soon" she said sadly while she starred at the ground, with a saddened face.


Thunder had gotten word that sole was now captive. He decided he'd take care if it himself. He thought if he wanted it done right, he'd do it himself. He got a c4 pack, and a sword.


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After a few hours to reflect on what he'd done, he soon began to regret it all. "I'm so stupid... I overreacted and treated everypony like dirt... out of my own depression." With a sigh, he began to bang his head on the wall, emphasizing each hit with "stupid". The gaurds tried to stop him, byt once they realized he wasn't trying to kill himself, they left him alone.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"I'm quite sorry, if there was a way I could stop it I would. Honestly it seems like this war exists just for the sake of making everyone miserable. But I can guarantee it won't be long before ill be on my way there as well" she said quietly. " maybe we should go see whats going on at the castle, something is up"

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Somepony was knocking on Serenity's door, and they wouldn't shut the hell up. She opened the door grumpily and it was a black messenger pony. "Delivery" the pony handed her the letter and ran off. She slammed the door and headed back to her bed. "Who was that?" Asked Faith, her roommate. "Letter" she replied. She opened the top with her claw and pulled out the letter.


'Dear Madam


It seems that you are on the Unemployment plan, and because of this you have a debt to work off. However this debt you have chosen not to work off has reached it's limit and there is only one way to work it off now. You must become a soldier of the Equestrian Army. If you choose not to accept this new job, you will be severely punished. Meet us outside the Canterlot hall, 6 PM sharp. This is where your coronation will begin



The Royal Equestrian Army


Serenity tore the letter to shreds. "Serenity!" Faith yelled at her. "The Equestrian Army sure likes their letters." Faith put her hoof over her mouth. "You mean..." Serenity nodded. "War."


(This happened before now. Now, the clock is about to reach 6PM)

Edited by ~Chaotic Griffon~


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Crimson disintigrated the broom as he walked by and used his magic to materialize fingers on his hoof and flipped tempest the bird, "read between the lines BOSS..." said crimson angrily.


Twinkle sighed, "dammit! I was so close to having a mission, but sole just had to get captured...." said twinkle with a scoff.

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Stone nodded slowly. "Let's hope celestia doesn't send me out already." She said sitting up and getting ready to go with grand.


Thunder shrugged "hey, I can do it with my wing, see, but I can do it two times" he said using both wings to flip the bird at crimson "remarkable isn't it" he said with a chuckle.


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Grand closed the shop and headed to the castle. Quite a crowd had gathered outside of the castle and wounded guards were everywhere. "Wow this must've been quite the fighter. There's rubble all over the place. This is truly a mess" she said, looking at the terrible scene

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Grand closed the shop and headed to the castle. Quite a crowd had gathered outside of the castle and wounded guards were everywhere. "Wow this must've been quite the fighter. There's rubble all over the place. This is truly a mess" she said, looking at the terrible scene


Stone looked at the scene. She looked at the giant whole in the castle. She also noticed the energy marks all over the castle "it was the griffin." She said, she looked all around "he...he really needs to get over me" she said. "You know where you bothered when I said I liked you?" She asked grand.


Thunder walked in front of soles cell "ready to get out" he asked with a raised brow.

Edited by synangel


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Sole calmly stopped hitting his head in mid swing, as he slowly turned to face thunder. "Nah, I'm gonna get out soon anyways..." he said calmly, as he stood up and walked to the bars "but I've gotta tell ya... I'm dropping out of the war. I'm gonna go to a small island somwhere and wait till its over." He said quickly "I hate wars... they've destroyed two of my relationships now. But I'm not leaving yet, not until I do something I've never done before... beg everyone who I've wronged during this war for forgiveness..." he said quietly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Thunder tilted his head "wait, WHAT?" He said with a tilted head "your going to drop out of the war just because if stone, dude she was bound to break up with you man, she's impossible to keep. No stallion, or mare has been able to keep her for long. I should know" he said.


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Sole sighed and scratched his head in thought "well, that is part of it... but its not the only reason. Besides, I love her... that makes two loves I've lost to war..." he said quietly, as he seemed to zone out for a moment, but quickly shook his head "look, war has taken everything from me, and I'm not gonna just let it keep happening, I'm not staying around for this one. Hell, stone broke up with me because I joined the war... so, I'm gonna wait it out, relax for a while." He said honestly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Why of course not! I was quite flattered really, it's simply that in a time like this I find it easier to keep relationships... Simple. I mean no offense, it's just that so much can happen in these times." She explained, a little awkwardly. " I do apologize" she said quietly

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Stone shrugged "oh okay, I understand" in her mind a bomb dropped. 'Damn it, I knew that would happen' she thought. And soon she had a downed facial expression.


Thunder sat down and sighed "...OI VAY....I mean really... You can't just stand here and do nothing when the world is turning, you have to help" said thunder.


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((No one is controlling Celestia))


When Flare found out Celestia or Luna was not here he looked around. "Where the hell are the two princesses" Flare said as he flew around. "Where the hell are the princesses at...did they change location cause if so I need to find them and talk to them about this war"



Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Sole simply shrugged and sighed "sorry dude, but last time I fought in a war I helped destroy half of equestria, and killed thousands if ponies." He said quietly "and in this one I steal from the poor and starving... that's why I'm out." He said, as he walked up to the bars and focused chaotic energy on it, bending the bars and stepping out "doesn't bloch chaos magic." He said with a shrug, as he walked upstairs.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"I would love to be friends though! It's nice to have a friend around, even for only a little bit..." She said sadly. Grand overheard flare yelling about the princesses " oh my, the princesses are missing? Where could they have ran off?" She wondered to Herself

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"Damn it...why were guards here if the princesses are not even here" Flare said as he saw a note on one of the thrones. "What is this" Flare said as the note was in a different language...which is written in a language only griffons can under stand. "Great...I cant even understands this...I wish Equinox was here he would know how to read these thing but this war....he's dead cause of this war..."


((If you roleplayed with me before you will know who Equinox is))


"Damn it..

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Thunder shook his head "sole, you ain't abandoning us just for something this stupid, listen, my plan doesn't involve killing. See the other rebel bases just attack, and attack. I plan on doing something that includes making the system better, so we can go back to our normal lives" he said.


Stone raised an eyebrow "well.....it that a change, no princesses." She said.


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Sole sighed and shook his head "sorry dude, its just..." he hesitated "today, I literally almost killed somepony, and left them hospitalized... and left annother one starving and bitless." He said quietly "and I don't care how much "better" your system is, you can't avoid death in a war!" He said seriously.

Edited by drocsid-soahc


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Grand looked at stone curiously " what are you thinking about" she asked excitedly " you look like your scheming" Grand smirked. She flicked her head towards the castle "should we head in? There's not a lot of excitement down here" she looked at the throne room

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Stone shrugged "maybe we can, I don't know, take the royal money. Use it to help the town" she said with a slight smirk. "Let's go" she said walking into the throne room.


Thunder was sitting down "fine then leave" he said silently. He pointed to the exit door. "If you want to leave just leave, I could care less now man" he said.


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Sole sighed "so, now your trying to make me look like the bad guy about not wanting to hurt innocent ponies?" He said sarcastically, before sighing "I can't fiht in this war... I can't kill..." he suddenly became much quieter "and I can't fight knowing stone is on the opposite team..." he admitted.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"I hope you know the consequences this could cause us" Grand mentioned to both stone and herself. "Death most likely" she mentioned as she stood in front of the safe. " now how are we to get in there?! She huffed. " that damn thing might as well be in the. Center of the earth"

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Thunder shrugged "whatever dude, just leave" he said.


Stone smirked "easy, the safe is made if metal. I can control minerals of the earth. Metal is a mineral." She touched the safe door, and turned it into a ball, then ripped it from the hinges with ease. "And no-" she was stunned by how much gold was in the safe. it was a whole room.


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Sole sighed, suddenly feeling like he was abandoning his friends "well, I hope ya survive..." he said slowly, as he flies out of the dungeon, slowly making his way out of the castle *I thought this was the right thing to do... but why do I feel like I'm betraying everyone?* he thought.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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