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ooc [Private] Outcasts of the Everfree Forest OOC Thread

--Thunder Bolt--

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Hm, I'll give it a read after the work. Right now something nasty is happening here x_x


In any case, any ideas on when would we start with the roleplay?


I would assume we're going when everyone is ready and has five minutes to sit down and write it up X3

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All right then. I'll sit here patiently until that time :P


Anyway, I live on GMT+8, so when everyone on US is asleep I would be toiling my butt off in my office. I gotta go around this time everyday. See ya later!


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All right then. I'll sit here patiently until that time tongue.png


Anyway, I live on GMT+8, so when everyone on US is asleep I would be toiling my butt off in my office. I gotta go around this time everyday. See ya later!


And I get to sit down and have lunch, followed up by bleaching brain because today's blog entry. Awkwardness is awkward.

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The In-Character Thread is up!  I've started out with a post for Sunyatay.  She's approximately halfway between Ponyville and Zecora's house.


Side note, the new blog is up when you get the time. Oh god I still feel incredibly awkward for writing it sleep.png


Edit - As a quick headdy uppy, the "mole" on Atlas's side? That's not his real Cutie Mark X3

Edited by Gabriel Smith
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The In-Character Thread is up! I've started out with a post for Sunyatay. She's approximately halfway between Ponyville and Zecora's house.


Yay :3


I'll get a reply coming up soon. Anyway, would you like to use the character code feature? It can change our displayed usernames and avatars to that of our OCs, and a custom title too




As a quick headdy uppy, the "mole" on Atlas's side? That's not his real Cutie Mark X3

I guess it's just a huge smudge then? :o


Also, is Atlas eating the trees right now?


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Yay :3


I'll get a reply coming up soon. Anyway, would you like to use the character code feature? It can change our displayed usernames and avatars to that of our OCs, and a custom title too


How does that work?  Does it just work in the RP thread, or does it change our avatars and usernames throughout the Forum?

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How does that work?  Does it just work in the RP thread, or does it change our avatars and usernames throughout the Forum?


It will only work in the RP thread that has the code attached, so there's nothing permanent. You can easily edit it as much as you like :P


If you want to try it out, just copy and paste this text file to the 1st post in the RP thread. Make sure the spoiler is located at the very end of the post.


ccode everfree.txt


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It doesn't seem to be working.  Is it too late to do it now that you and Starshine have posted, or am I just doing it wrong somehow?  Do I need to edit so the first post is just the code, and put Sunyatay's post in later?

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That's weird... It seems to be working from my side :wacko:


Try to refresh the thread maybe? The code should work just fine attached to a RP post, as long as it is located at the end of the post and in a spoiler tab.


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Yay, the code works! :lol:


Anyway, @@Gabriel Smith, since Sutra and Starshine are pretty much occupied in her hut, maybe you could make an appearance nearby? The ground shaking from your hoofsteps should be enough to take their attention.


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Yay, the code works! laugh.png


Anyway, @@Gabriel Smith, since Sutra and Starshine are pretty much occupied in her hut, maybe you could make an appearance nearby? The ground shaking from your hoofsteps should be enough to take their attention.


That was the idea X3


I guess it's just a huge smudge then? ohmy.png


Also, is Atlas eating the trees right now?


Actually, THIS is the Cutie Mark (see attachments - the forum doesn't like PNG. Y'know, despite the fact that anyone using JPEG to upload images really needs to be shot).



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Actually, THIS is the Cutie Mark (see attachments - the forum doesn't like PNG. Y'know, despite the fact that anyone using JPEG to upload images really needs to be shot).

PNGs can be rather huge, and the uploader in this forum is kinda weak for anything that is larger than 1mb




he was constantly being put off by the fact that little loose items - food, pens, just about anything not nailed down really - seemingly jumped.

Actually... That's my job to notice such events. You can just write Atlas walking around looking for something, and I'll react accordingly due to his presence.


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PNGs can be rather huge, and the uploader in this forum is kinda weak for anything that is larger than 1mb


Hence it's now an attachment. Because reasons and stuff.



Actually... That's my job to notice such events. You can just write Atlas walking around looking for something, and I'll react accordingly due to his presence.



To quickly use a britishism - OH BUGGER -_-

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To quickly use a britishism - OH BUGGER sleep.png

Easy peasy. It's nothing major :P


I think I'll wait for Sunyatay to reply before posting my reaction. Starshine is currently rummaging through her personal belongings after all.


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Easy peasy. It's nothing major tongue.png


I think I'll wait for Sunyatay to reply before posting my reaction. Starshine is currently rummaging through her personal belongings after all.


I really, really maybe probably shouldn't be making this joke, but I absolutely cannot resist this:



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he one he was currently looking at was captioned, "Ennea. as path in icosa space." The animated drawing started out with the appearance of an icosahedron1 in outline. Then each vertex of the figure was linked to its neighboring vertices by lines crossing through the interior. The figure rotated, then stopped. A set of lines changed color, revealing an enneagram. The other lines faded, and the image rotated to reveal the enneagram shape as a three-dimensional form. A colored ray reverberated around it, following the lines in sequence. Magically important ratios and numbers like phi or the square root of 3 appeared briefly as the ray passed their locations in the figure. Finally, the lines of the first path turned violet. The figure rotated again, highlighting a second enneagram path as seen from the new direction, and again, illustrating the geometric and mathematical relationships between the paths.


Bloody nelly..

I have not a single idea what the hay was that XD


Sorry it took me so long to reply, I'll write something real fast


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So while we are waiting on Starshine, here's some nonsensical nonsense to pass the time with.




This has been a quick, time passing image dump. Or if you want to talk RP while we wait, I can do that too X3

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He then watched as the Unicorn...did things the narrator cannot describe here because that would be godmodding now wouldn't it? And now the Narrator is just padding for space and time.


Um... what o_o


Describing things and events your character saw is hardly godmodding. As long as everything that would be described in a post is strictly from 1st person view, it's okay


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Um... what o_o


Describing things and events your character saw is hardly godmodding. As long as everything that would be described in a post is strictly from 1st person view, it's okay


I was leaving it open ended to allow Starshine to act. Also, you yelled at me for doing something like this last time.

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I was leaving it open ended to allow Starshine to act. Also, you yelled at me for doing something like this last time.


That was because you wrote things happening around my character without moving your own, those stompy bits back there were pretty much causeless because you didn't write Atlas walking around nearby. You should focus on your character's actions and reactions to outside stimuli rather than indirectly describing what happened to those that around him.


Also, I didn't yell at you :/


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That was because you wrote things happening around my character without moving your own, those stompy bits back there were pretty much causeless because you didn't write Atlas walking around nearby. You should focus on your character's actions and reactions to outside stimuli rather than indirectly describing what happened to those that around him.


Also, I didn't yell at you :/


Well, yell, telling off - same difference really. I suppose we should just chalk that wording up to my own Social Awkwardness.


In more directness however, I mostly left that open so Starshine could act a little more. It'd have worked a little better without these damnable Character limits X3


EDIT - Don't tell me the RP is dead already... -_-

Edited by Gabriel Smith
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