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"Just helping out a strange or two." She said. "My horns not still glowing is it? I hate it when it does that, its horrible..."


She looked up angrily towards her horn, it was only faint, but doubtlessly still slightly illuminated. Embarrassing, even if she didn't know why.


"Yeah, he turned up, drank a lot, moaned about not having any fun and left. It was a little awkward around him."

Never quite forgotten.

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Darkshift listened carefully to make sure he didn't miss anything due to her voice being a bit slurred,thanks to the drink."Canterlot's a nice place but then again nothing beats travelling and seeing all over Equestria and beyond" Darkshift commented,he was very intrigued by the fact she was 'kind of an adventurer'

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"Yeah, it was glowing, just a bit..... Its got a good aura color though, much easier on the eyes than some unicorns I know. And I'm sorry to hear about the griffon being a stiff. I hear most of them are like that." he said, inwardly glad that he wouldn't have to worry about competing with a griffon for a mare. After a pause and a long pull from his drink, he asked in an offhoof manner, "Uh, so, what are you planning to do with your time here? Hang around the hotel, see the sights of the island, go to the museums, do some extreme sports.... Actually, that last one sounds more like something I'd want to do. What are your plans for having fun while you're here?" he asked, looking at her slyly out of the corner of his eye. "Wow... She is pretty darned cute... Ugh, focus Windy! Don't lose your head over a pair of goo goo eyes!" 

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"Yup, I feel it's better to see new places and travel then just stay in one place your whole life." She was glad he approved of her traveling. As they neared her hotel room she turned to him. "So this is my room, it was nice spending time with you. Even if I did get a little drunk. Maybe we can hang out tommorrow. We can explore the island together. You can drop by my room anytime. I'll be in there most of the morning, relaxing and recovering." She giggled a little at the last part, she sure could use some recovery. She secretly hoped he would accompany her tommorrow to explore the island. She loved having company on her adventures.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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"I don't really know, I was just coming to relax but I guess..." How was she supposed to word this? 


She raised her glass, showing the slightly luminous liquid to him. "I guess I just fancy having some fun, letting my mane down a bit, you know? I don't even know what this is."


"Everypony else here just seems a lot more... easy going, than I am. Like you."

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Darkshift really enjoyed his time with Pink Mist and was happy that she wanted to spend more time with him."Ok,yeah,so I'll come round tommorow"Darkshift stated trying to keep looking cool when inside he was extremely gleeful.He then departed constantly looking back to see if she was still there until he passed a corner and noticed she couldn't see him.At which point he jumped up in joy before heading to his room.

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"Have some fun, huh? And you want to be easy going? Well, I might be able to help you to let your mane down and have a good time." he said, grinning slyly at her. "I mean, what do you normally do for fun? What... excites you?"


"Wow Romeo, coming in a bit hot, aren't we? Might want to pull up a bit, before you crash and burn! Lay off brain, I think she likes me! And everypony says 'be yourself', well this is me being myself! Mares don't like an overly alpha persona either you dense idiot. Just temper that persona a bit, will you?"

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Pink Mist fell onto her bed smiling like a drunken idiot. "Well duh, that's cause I am." She thought to herself. She was SO HAPPY!! Darkshift had actually accepted her invitation. She couldn't be happier. She had to get ready for her date. Wait was it a date? "Not yet, slow down Pink. It's not officially a date, that comes later. But I still gotta get ready, right after a good night's sleep." She hoped her hangover would pass after some sleep.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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"All very boring things to somepony like you I'm afraid. That's just it, It's all city things, wine tasting, shopping... All things I did to try and fit in with nobility. I've never really got out much, tried new things."


She shot a sideways glance at him.


"Also, can I just point out that your not particularly subtle, Windy. I'm a diplomat, I ready ponies body language and words. It's what I do"


She said, mostly wanting to see the colts reaction to being called out.

Never quite forgotten.

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Sunset hid a bit behind her mane as Windy Runner mentioned that he was late.

"Oh, um...  D-did i keep you? I-I'm so s-sorry...", she said, but she must have been too quiet because he just kept talking. He gave her a hug as he left and she squeaked in surprise. He didn't seem to notice as he continued to trot off. She sighed and checked in. It took her a bit to find her room, but when she did, she closed the door, unpacked, and wpndered what to do next.

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Chuckling sheepishly as his face began to burn in embarrassment, Windy rubbed the back of his neck with his hoof. "Hehe, well if you're good at body language you can read me like a book, one with lots of pictures and few words. I know I'm not exactly subtle; somepony once told me I was as subtle as a rock hammer. Let's blame it on the alcohol and move on, shall we?" he said, talking another large drink to emphasize his point. "And in a totally not conversation changer aside, I actually do think the city life would be really cool! Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Las Pegasus, you know, the roaring nightlife, the cool party scenes, so many ponies to meet and greet! I actually envy you a lot for getting to live that life Emerald." he said, doing his best to maintain a straight face and not crack under her piercing stare. 


"Jeez.... She's running circles around me in the wit department! I guess my only option is to be outright and straightforward in my interactions with her; I doubt she would fall for my charm and not consciously notice my 'subtle' flirting. This is no simple mare... Good thing I always loved a challenge!"   

Edited by Windy Runner
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'Not running yet? Maybe there IS something to this colt. Maybe.'



"You'd think, wouldn't you?" Emerald said - the alcohol hadn't really affected her composure or intelligence, but it had started to chip away at her noble accent. "No, I've always been in the... more uptight circles. Never got to see the city like the visitors did. I'm not complaining but..."


But what?


"Ok, I might be complaining a bit. Still, I guess thats your answer: I'm here to get away from it all for a while. Only, I guess I realized that 'Getting away from it all' might not mean what I thought it did."


She was about to stop, let Windy speak at last before one last thing popped into her head.


"Is it just me, or is everypony here prancing around like fillies at a Wonderbolt show? All 'gazing into each others eyes' and... and... other stuff like that. Not a bad thing I guess, just seems a little odd."

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At hearing Emerald's words, Windy decided it would be prudent to stop looking at her eyes, hard as it was to look away. Finishing his drink, he said nonchalantly, "I dunno, must be something in this waterfront air; has everypony in a romantic frenzy like its the day before Heart's and Hooves Day. And since it seems I can't get any sembelance of 'subtle' flirting past you, I'll just say it: I don't get why they're all 'gazing into each other's eyes', like you said, because I see only one pair of enchanting eyes in this room, and the only one gazing at them is me." he said, instantly regretting his upfront approach.


"Celestia and Luna above Windy! I said tone DOWN the alpha flirty personality, not dial it up to eleven! Take it easy brain! I can't think straight looking at those eyes! They must be hypnotic or something, making me act like an idiot! You don't need hypnosis to act like an idiot Windy, you do just fine all on your own...."  

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Synangel sat in her room. "I should probably try to have at least one more spa break before I go, it will be a long flight" she said all sad. She wiped away her tears and went to the spa room and sat down in a mud bath, since she didn't do it beforehand might as well do it now.


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'And he was doing so well, it's always the eyes... '



Emerald turned to the bar and placed the empty glass down.


"You know all of the lines, don't you?" She said coolly, winking to show that she wasn't being  completely serious. "So, my eyes tell me my glass is empty - whats good to drink? Wine is really the only drink I've had for quite a while: I'm not wrong in assuming you might know a little more than me about places like this, am I?"

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Pink Mist couldn't go to sleep because of the throbbing headache that tormented her. After hurling a little she decided to go down to the spa for one more relaxing mud bath, that would probably help. When she got there she noticed a sad mare in one of the mud bath stations. "Hey you ok over there?" She asked the mare.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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"Heh... Yeah, you could say that..." he said, breathing a discreet sigh of relief at Emerald not storming off after his tactless remark. She actually was being a pretty good sport. "If you're looking for something a bit more interesting than wine, I think we should have two extra strong margaritas; we are at an island paradise, after all. Its only fitting." he said, signalling the bartender.  

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Pink Mist couldn't go to sleep because of the throbbing headache that tormented her. After hurling a little she decided to go down to the spa for one more relaxing mud bath, that would probably help. When she got there she noticed a sad mare in one of the mud bath stations. "Hey you ok over there?" She asked the mare.

Synangel jumped "um....n-no.....just,...it's a lot of things,.." She said with a shrug. "Theres a stallion who I probably just hurt, and I can't let him know my secret, if I do. I'll just loose another friend like always" she said in a depressing matter. She just sunk deeper into the mud.

Edited by synangel


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"Extra Strong?" She raised a brow. "Well, it would be rude of me to refuse. Anyway, they cant be much stronger than whatever that stuff was that the bartender gave me."


As the drinks were brought out to them she lifted it and took a sip - It reminded her of some of the kinds that some of her friends had enjoyed, except much more potent.


'Maybe a bar wasn't the best choice of meeting place.' She thought as more of the alcohol entered her system. 'Make this your last Emerald, before you end up saying something stupid.' 

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Sole was sick of exploring, and he was now bored out of his mind. "Alright... I think I've had more fun in Armageddon's dungeons." He said in boredom "lets check the scenery shall we?" He said to himself, as he flew out of a window, and toward the roof. As he landed, he smiled "I guess it's not so bad up here." He mumbled, as he watched the clouds float by. He laid down on his back with a grin and sighed.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"You wanna talk about it? I'm a good listener, and I'm really good at keeping secrets, protect them with my life. Sometimes it's better to talk about things then keep them inside." She hoped the mare wouldn't feel so sad after talking. Pink Mist didn't like seeing people sad. Besides she could tell her situation was really bothering her.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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"You wanna talk about it? I'm a good listener, and I'm really good at keeping secrets, protect them with my life. Sometimes it's better to talk about things then keep them inside." She hoped the mare wouldn't feel so sad after talking. Pink Mist didn't like seeing people sad. Besides she could tell her situation was really bothering her.

Syn sighed "ok...j-just don't run when I tell you ok?" She asked. She then took a deep breathe "I was from canterlot, and I was picked on a lot you see, they always called me sinner, and devils spawn. Because of my cutie mark" she got up to show her flank, which beared a black X with black paint dripping off of the X. She sat back down " I got it when I did my first wrong, it represents every ponies not perfect, and I understood that, while many didn't, and I could accepted that, and no one did" she sighed. "The bullying got worse, I was punched, shoved...and other things...." A tear rolled down her face. "Then I got so Angry, and depressed, no one helped me not even my parents. Soon I took it out on myself, I started to cut myself" she showed the scars on her hooves, "and soon I was sent to the mental hospital.....for Ten years I stayed there, till I was eighteen. Then I broke out. And his at ponyville, when this vacation came into view, it was my chance to get out of ponyville....now here I am.... If I tell that colt all this, he'll just think I'm a freak" she started to cry.


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"Oh, you'd be surprised how strong these things are. The regular margaritas just don't do anything for me. Its weird, I know." taking a long pull from his drink, Windy looked around the bar at the other ponies, trying to keep his eyes off of Emerald's. Rather unsuccessfully, but he was doing his best. Smiling as the effects of the alcohol began to effect him, Windy glanced over again at Emerald, wondering how willing she'd be to let him buy her another drink by the time this one was gone. After a few moments fairly comfortable silence, he spoke up. "Emerald, you mentioned you were a diplomat. So what exactly do you do, do you work in Canterlot?"   

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((I'm making Sunset go to the mud bath so she and Synangel could meet somehow. they're both depressed, shy, and quiet, and have dark pasts, so I think they should become friends.))

Sunset's wings were still aching from being trampled on, so she decided to go to the spa and maybe see if they had a way to make them stop aching. She left the room and found the spa fairly quickly. She went to the counter and asked,

"U-um... I-is there a way to get r-rid of aches or something...?"

"Oh yes, miss. Massages work very well. If you dislike massages, an alternative is the mud baths, very relaxing."

"U-um... Okay... Thank y-you..."

Sunset hated ponies touching her and being in close proximity, so she decided to just hope that there was a vacant station and have a mud bath.  She trotted of in the direction of the mud baths. There were a few ponies there, but luckily there was a free station. She slipped into one, thankful that it would cover her scars, save for the shallow ones on her face and neck. 

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"Oh, that?" The dark mare stalled, surprised that the pegasus had even been paying attention, let alone remembered what she said.


"Yes, I always found reading ponies body language, their tone of voice, particularly easy. That and I can be quite persuasive." She explained, possibly being a little less guarded as she normally would have been as she took another drink.


"I travelled a lot then, but it was all strictly business."


She laughed a little.


"And then, here I am. Owner of a successful jewellery store, drinking margaritas. My parents would kill me. "


She paused, wondering if she had said too much. Of course she hadn't, words were her speciality, she reminder herself mentally.


"What about yourself? Pegasus, well built, not scrawny enough to be an acrobat: your an athlete, of some kind?"

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