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Noon's cheeks flipped to a light pink at the mention of that. After thinking for a few seconds with a playful smile on her face, the mare spoke. "If... If you must know, my special talent is observation." She quickly glanced at her cutie mark and back to her friend's face. "Given a few clues, I can learn all about a pony - where they're from, what they do for a living, their personality, that sort of thing. It's very helpful, actually." The white pony threw three bits on the counter. "Give me a Black-Briar, please." She said to the bartender.


((Let's play spot the Skyrim reference!))



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Darkshift sat down with his lovely food and took a bite out of the nourishing breakfast,before letting of a nice sigh of tastiness.Darkshift glanced up to notice Pink was in the food area,he was about to signal her to come over but decided to wait until she had her food with her.

@Pink Mist,

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Windy laughed nonchalantly, but his laugh was tinged with a bit of nervousness. "She knows... everything about me? That's kind of worrisome... Oh well, just play it off, don't worry about it." Offering Noon a falsely cheery grin, Windy turned to the bartender. "Well, if she's having Black-Briar, then I'm having a Colovian Brandy." Deciding the best way to keep his concern about how much Noon knew about him at bay, he decided to poke a little fun at her, all in good fun, of course. "So, you say observation is very useful, huh? Hehe, it must be real useful when checking out stallions you like, isn't it?"     

Edited by Windy Runner
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((Prepare for wall of words. Also new signature! :D))


Noon took a sip of her drink and smiled. "Oh," She stopped herself for a second to swallow the liquid, which she forgot to do before she spoke. "Especially with the stallions." Her ears picked up a small hint of nervousness in his voice. "Don't worry, it's not like I can look into your past or anything. Here, let me give you an example." She put her arm around Windy's neck to turn their faces towards a younger, teenage-looking mare sitting down at a booth, all by herself. "You see her? Yeah, her. Here's what I'm getting from her." The white pony thought for a second before quietly talking into Windy's ear, still eyeing the girl. "First of all, she's wearing contact lenses. Based on the reflection shifting and pupal distortion, I'd say her eyesight is significantly impaired. Glasses would have been better, but she chose contacts. Why? Because she's nervous about her look. Her mane is styled, I'd say, weekly, and she frequents Picture Perfect magazine, based on her outfit. Her parents are rich, but she's not necessarily spoiled, despite what you would instantly think." Noon turned and looked into Windy's eyes closely, keeping the same expression on her face. "You know how they say the eyes are the window to the soul, right? Well, it's true. You'd be surprised how much you can learn from a person just from those two optical sensors in your head. There's pupil dilation, sclera discoloration..." She giggled at the stallion's confused expression. "I'm nerding out a bit here, aren't I?"

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"B-but... it's true..." Sunset murmured, inaudible even though the cafeteria was quiet. She stayed down at her hooves. Emerald had said that she wouldn't try to hurt her... And she had listened to her basic story and obviously didn't like that she was putting herself down... Maybe she could be trusted.

Reaching a decision, Sunset sat up more.

"U-umm... Can I t-tell you something? Um... But c-can we g-go somewhere more p-private?"

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Emerald glanced around again: she had been thinking that somewhere quieter might be better for some time, so when Sunset brought it up she was all for the idea.


"Of course you can, as much or as little as you like. She said warmly. "Is there anywhere you have in mind? I think I saw a reading room back by the pool that I imagine would be empty, or I can walk you to your room if you prefer?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Windy shook his head, a bit confused. "Well, I'd be lying if I said I understood all of what you just said, but that doesn't mean that what I did understand wasn't super cool sounding!" After a pause, he smirked. "So, eyes are the windows to the soul, eh? Alright Noon, how about you pick my brain? What did you 'read' about me since you've met me?" he asked, locking his aqua eyes on hers. 

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Noon smiled mischievously. "I was waiting for you to say that." She put her hoof to her chin and thought for a second. "Well, I know for one thing that you like soccer. Your initial posture and facial expressions when helping a drunk mare to her room helped me solidify that you can be cocky, impatient and sarcastic, but trustworthy and loyal. You were born in Manehatten, but moved to Ponyville at sometime during your life. As you said before, you tend to put a lot of effort into getting in bed with mares." She tried to keep and straight face as she said that last bit, which was not exactly easy. "Not that there's anything wrong with that. You are a stallion, anyways." After taking another sip of her beverage, the mare turned to Windy. "So, anything I missed?"

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"Well, I would have put it a little less.... bluntly, but I think you got the gist of me." Windy said, inwardly glad that Noon hadn't dug too deep and found anything she found to be bad.  Finishing his drink off, he signaled for another one. "So, it seems everypony here on the island is here for a vacation of some sort, so, is that why you're here Noon? To have a bit of fun, relax, unwind?" Windy asked, pulling his second drink towards him and taking a sip. 

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Noon shrugged. "A friend of mine gave me a ticket for the farrey to get here, saying something about me needing to 'chill out'." She to a swig from her bottle and swallowed, the alcohol starting to cause a small change in her behavior. "Like I need to chill out." A hint of attitude found its way into her voice and facial expression. Noting this, he checked the label on her drink. "Dammit, they always make it differently somewhere else." She sighed and put the drink back onto the counter. "So, what about you? Why're you here to do?" She rolled her eyes at herself. 'Frickin' grammar.'

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"She's a lightweight.... big time.... Like, worse than Emerald!"


Answering as neutrally as possible, Windy said, "Well, its not like we couldn't all use a little chilling out, I wouldn't take it personally. As for me, I guess I'm here to just kick back, relax, have a good time, and maybe meet a special somepony." 


"And you might be a strong contender for that, right up there with Emerald...." he added in his head. 

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Noon put on a stoner-like face, grinning as if to say, "You like Krabby Patties, don't you Windy?" She took another gulp out of her drink, completely forgetting about trying to keep herself away from it. "Well, I hope you fare well in your plunder....ventures." The mare blinked, trying as hard as she could to remain a normal pony. "Sorry, I just thought out loud there. Oops. Hehe. HEH. As I meant to say, I hope you have good fortune in looking for a special somepony." Noon shook her head at herself, pushing the drink back at the bartender. "Take it." She said, before turning back to Windy. "Sorry you have to see me like this. Apparently Black-Blabbidy-Briar's drinks vary from place to place."



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"U-umm... I think the r-readng room would work... " Sunset slowly started to get up, legs stiff from being curled up in such a tight ball. She ruffled her feathers and waited for Emerald to get up.

"U-um, you'll have to show me wh-where it is, I haven't really l-looked around much..."

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Standing, Emerald shook her mane and motioned for the pegasus to follow her.


"If what I've seen of this place is anything to go by, I don't suppose many of the other ponies have even noticed it." She explained as she walked. "So it should be nice and quiet."


As they rounded a corner just before reaching the pool she approached a very underused door and cracked it open, peering inside. Comfortable chairs and shelves lined the walls as a fan spun overhead on the ceiling. The clear class windows were half-obscured by white curtains.


"As I expected: I'd guess that no more than a hoof-full of ponies have been in here all day..." She smiled. "... how's this?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Shrugging, Windy grabbed the partially empty drink from the bartender and started drinking it. "No point in letting good alcohol go to waste, right?" he said, regarding Noon with a curious eye. She certainly seemed drunk, but hadn't even drunk very much. "So, now that you've had your drink, well, some of it anyways, what do you want to do?" he asked, scooting a little closer towards Noon and flexing his wings slightly. 

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Sunset nodded. It would work, and she would have to remember the way. They had a few books here; she wanted to take a look. 

She sat down on one of the chairs and thought for a moment. She hoped Emerald wouldn't overreact or think she was lying, as so many ponies had. 

Sunset looked up a bit, facing Emerald.

"U-um... S-so you've probably already noticed my s-scars," she said, lifting a hoof timidly to show her in case she hadn't. "M-most ponies want to know why I h-have them. Most th-think that they're from cutting. Th-they're not... A-anyway, th-they were part of the issue with the pony earlier... U-um..."

She trailed off, wondering how to continue. She probably seemed to be acting weird.

"I-I feel like I should tell you h-how I got them... U-umm... W-well... I-I-I was an orphan. O-on Prince Blueblood Island. Wh-when I was little, some sort of g-group bought out the place, but kept us all there. Th-they beat the other f-fillies and colts, a few different p-ponies every day... B-but me... The-they found me e-every day... "

Sunset choked up a bit, but she refused to let herself cry. It was embarassing enough that Emerald had found her during her little episode, she didn't want to cry in front of her. 

"Th-they were there for th-three or four years. A year or so in, they would occasionally stab me w-w-with a  knife... N-not deep enough to make me bleed to death, but enough to cause pain. It's how I got these scars."

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Noon gave the pony a look of annoyance. "Yeah." She got down from the chair and wobbled slightly. "Yeah nice tryyy." Turning back to the stairs, she spoke over her shoulder. "You got keys? I forgot mine.. eh..." The mare blinked lazily, her will to stay regular having finally faded away. 



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"Oh my..." Emerald raised a hoof to her mouth: she had seen some terrible places, had the displeasure of meeting some vile ponies but this was...


"That's awful my dear!" She said, almost losing her composition. "And this is why the pony you mentioned...?"


She shook her head, desperately wanting to try and comfort the winged mare.


"My dear, that's no reason to be ashamed, you should be proud of yourself! Going through all of that..." She allowed her eyes to visibly flicker over the scars for the first time. "You're a stronger pony that I am."

Never quite forgotten.

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Not deterred by Noon's annoyance at him, Windy shrugged. "Keys? Well, sure, I got 'em. To my room that is. I don't know about yours. I mean, you could always crash in my room; I'll sleep on the couch and let you have the bed, if you want." Windy said, keeping his voice sincere and his tone neutral.

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"I-I don't know about that..." Sunset mumbled. After what she'd been told her entire life, she'd come to believe the hate comments. It was going to take her a lot more than what Emerald said to coax her out of these beliefs-not out of stubbornness, she just truly believed it all -, but it was nice to hear after giving this story for once.

"A-and... with the pony... h-he saw th-this," Sunset lifted up her bangs to reveal the left side of her face. Emerald already knew her story, what else was there to lose? "A-and I guess I panicked."

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The worst of the scarring: it really was terrible, though probably not to the degree that the poor thing thought it was.


"Listen..." Emerald said softly.


"That's quite understandable my dear, you were embarrassed?" She smiled again. "You should never be embarrassed by who you are. It's terrible what they did to you but what's worse is that you're still letting them hurt you, all this time later."


It was a difficult situation: the scars seemed a lot more than just on her body, they were deeper - in her mind. She wasn't going to just accept what she was told. On top of that was the fact that Emerald was used to dealing with political issues: not self esteem.


She had an idea, it was a gamble: but the mares self image couldn't get any lower and right now she was willing to try anything to help the shy pegasus.


"Dear, I know a spell that I'd like to show you. You'll have to trust me, is that okay?

Never quite forgotten.

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((Sorry about all these late posts. My notification thingy is jacked up.))


Noon let out a happy smile. It was a sort of tired smile, one that a joint would give you. "Sure." She said, completely forgetting about Stone Heart. "Whenever you're feenished with yo drink. I'm ready when you are." The mare yawned loudly, disregarding the annoyed faces of ponies around her.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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((you've pegged Sunset. I'm curious to what the spell is but not sure if I should make her say yes... Ah well, whatever. I accept xP ... If it's to try to get rid of her scars, I just want to say that I'd prefer for it not to be permanent, but I could be wrong. i probably am. Meh.))

Sunset wasn't sure if she should accept, but she thought that since she had told Emerald most of her story, she hadn't started hating her, and Emerald seemed to trust her, she should trust the mare back. 

"U-um... Okay...

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((Nothing as impressive I'm afraid, more of an illusion, nothing permanent. Emeralds magic is a bit limited, but useful.))




Smiling gently, Emerald explained what she was doing.


"I have a peculiar skill. I can't change how something is, but my magic... It helps others to see things where they might miss it otherwise."


Well, it worked when she used it on herself that morning, though it was starting to wear off. There wasn't any reason she shouldn't work...


Closing her eyes, a jade light shin brightly from her horn. She poured in the remainder of her energy: it was an exhausting spell at the best of times and the fading hangover wasn't helping. As the spell faded she motioned towards a mirror at the far side of the room.


"I cannot change what happened to you, and I'm no healer. But maybe you can see past those scars. Take a look."


Short lived as the spell was, she had put her all into it. It ought to last a while.


'It never ceases to amaze me how useful a Glamour can be. Hopefully it might give her a little more confidence, if nothing else. Celestia knows she deserves it...'

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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((Its cool, no biggie))


Casting an odd look at Noon, Windy downed the last part of the drink, tossed down some bits to pay for their drinks, then left the bar with Noon in tow. "Jeez, I drank triple what she did, and look at me! Not even a little intoxicated! Well, maybe a little.... But still, she hardly drank anything and she's totally hammered! Talk about a lightweight..."


Stopping in the lobby, Windy offered the same thing to Noon that he had offered Emerald the night before. "Alright Noon, so, we can try and go up the stairs and see just how bad your coordination is, or you can fly up on my back. What do you want to do?" he said, spreading his wings and pumping them a few times on the spot.

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