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open Rise of the aura

Drago Ryder

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"Well me and Dash are in love, Blade Retired form Royal Guard to a Farmer with his love Applejack, Skull is marry with Futtershy and helping her with the animals too." FIreblaze saying as he was looking at Tempest. "So that Black Allicorn dose he look like Treik since Treik can control anyone like he did?"

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Sole grinned at tempests question, but was a little bit confused by stone's behavior "well... I guess ya could say that..." He said slowly, before pulling stone into a hug "me and stone are getting married!" He said happily "I dunno when we'll actually have the wedding, but it's gonna happen eventually!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest was slightly surprised by this. "I guess a lot can happen I'm a year and a half." He said, smiling slightly. The cyan pegesus was slightly jealous that most of his friends were getting married, but he just shrugged it off. "I might try to rekindle my relationship with Ivy." He muttered to himself.

Edited by Dark Opal
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"Synangel, was it? I can help you, but you need to relax and let me tend to you" Icy looked around. -This pony seems well, but there's something about her that I can't help her with. Maybe I can find somepony else who can- Icy thought to herself.

"I don't know ponyville every well. Is there anyone I can get? Like a friend or family member?"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Synangel, was it? I can help you, but you need to relax and let me tend to you" Icy looked around. -This pony seems well, but there's something about her that I can't help her with. Maybe I can find somepony else who can- Icy thought to herself.

"I don't know ponyville every well. Is there anyone I can get? Like a friend or family member?"

Synangel froze "n-no, my family hates me, it's the reason why I went to the hospital, I don't want to go back there" she said mumbling "I WON'T LET THEM" she screamed, and all of the dust, and all of the rock particles seemed to defy gravity and floated up as she screamed, letting out enormous amounts if energy that could be felt in the air. Then when she stopped screaming all the particles fell back down to the ground, and the energy could be felt no more. "I.....I don't....wanna go there..." She started to tear up while she leaned back and forth in her fetile position.


There was one weird thing about ponyville, it was covered in a thick fog.

Edited by synangel


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Crimson stood in the training arena of the canterlot royal guard barracks, sparring with multiple guards in sword combat, crimson easily parried a swordstrike from a guard before hitting him in the head with the pommel of Helios, knocking him unconciess, crimson sighed as he looked around at the many groaning and pained guards spread out around the arena, crimson chuckled, "you may want to work on your swordsmanship skills..." Said crimson before sheathing Helios and walking out of the training arena.

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Tempest sensed multiple aura's appear out of nowhere and sighed. "What in the name of Luna is Nibiru up to?" He thought. The cyan pegesus then flew into the air and headed towards the island of the aura. He wanted to do some reconnaissance, before he had to fight Nibiru.


Luna noticed Tempest leaving and glanced at Crimson. "We should wait until Tempest get's back to decide on a plan for taking down Nibiru." She said.


Nibiru sensed Tempest's aura appraoching him and he smiled. "It seems like somepony is foolish enough to come and fight me." He said The black alicorn then laughed darkly from his throne.

Edited by Dark Opal
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"Where did this fog come from?" Icy said out loud. Things were weird and she didn't like it. she looked down at the mare on the ground. Something had to be done about this one.

"Look and get a grip on yourself. You're not making things better. Do you think crying will make things go away? No it won't" Icy disliked emotions, with emotions rational thought goes out the window. Icy looked around and sighed. That did sound a little harsh.

"Come on, just relax. I want to help" Icy said trying to be friendly again.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Where did this fog come from?" Icy said out loud. Things were weird and she didn't like it. she looked down at the mare on the ground. Something had to be done about this one.

"Look and get a grip on yourself. You're not making things better. Do you think crying will make things go away? No it won't" Icy disliked emotions, with emotions rational thought goes out the window. Icy looked around and sighed. That did sound a little harsh.

"Come on, just relax. I want to help" Icy said trying to be friendly again.

Synangel looked up to icy "d-do you?" She said asking seriously. "B......because I don't think you wanna.....I...I..I killed somepony....because he was trying to hurt me" synangel said. She looked up into icy's eyes and gave her a memory of what happened.


The stallion made fun of her, then through her against the wall and held her by the throat. Then the synangel became covered in a black energy, and she made black tendrils rip apart the stallion, leaving guts and blood everywhere and synangel just sat there crying. Then reality came "do you still want to help me now?" She asked.


Sole grinned at tempests question, but was a little bit confused by stone's behavior "well... I guess ya could say that..." He said slowly, before pulling stone into a hug "me and stone are getting married!" He said happily "I dunno when we'll actually have the wedding, but it's gonna happen eventually!"

Stone blushed as she was hugged tightly.

Edited by synangel


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"Well Dash let go to Applejack and Futtershy place since our palls will be there. Then tell them about the date plan." FIreblaze saying as he hugging Dash again. Then began to Fly off to Applejack place and let them know.


Then Blade with Applejack while they keep working get there Harvest ready.


Skull keep feeding the Chickens and was thinking too.

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Dash smiled slightly and flew after Blaze. "Wait for me." She said. The rainbow maned pegesus then sped past Blaze.


Tempest landed near the island of the aura and noticed that the ancient civilization was rebuilt. "This is interesting." He thought. The cyan pegesus then donned a cloak, as he trotted into the city.

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FIreblaze flying after Dash, while looking at her and smiles while he was looking at her. Then he keep on flying next to her while he smiles and they going to see Applejack also Futtershy too. "We are fastes pegause in the world."


After Blade get finishes with the harvest with Applejack and then looking at her. Then he looking to his brother and sister in law Big Mac and Applejack. "So love how Granny doing?"


Skull was with Futtershy as he drinking Tea and smiling to her. Then his pet Butter a Female bunny was sharring a carrot with Angel.

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Tempest felt a blunt pain in the back of his head, as he fell to the ground, unconcious. When he woke up, he was chained to a wall.


Nibiru walked in and simply smiled. "It really isn't a surprise that you would come here. Before I kill you, though, I want you to watch as Equestria and the crystal empire fall." The black alicorn then laughed as he exited the dungeon and started flying towards Canterlot.

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Tempest felt a blunt pain in the back of his head, as he fell to the ground, unconcious. When he woke up, he was chained to a wall.

Nibiru walked in and simply smiled. "It really isn't a surprise that you would come here. Before I kill you, though, I want you to watch as Equestria and the crystal empire fall." The black alicorn then laughed as he exited the dungeon and started flying towards Canterlot.

Crimsons eyes widened as he sensed nibiru's aura speeding towards canterlot, "luna...go get the others then hide somwhere...now..." said crimson shakily before igniting his body in flames and looking up at the night sky, "GO NOW!!" Said crimson hurridly to luna.

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Luna nodded. "Be careful." She said, before flying to go find the others.


Tempest struggled against his chains. "I have to get out of here." He thought.


Nibiru soon landed in Canterlot, only to see Crimson, and simply laughed. "Are they really counting on one pony to defeat me?" He asked. "That really is a brass move."

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Luna nodded. "Be careful." She said, before flying to go find the others.

Tempest struggled against his chains. "I have to get out of here." He thought.

Nibiru soon landed in Canterlot, only to see Crimson, and simply laughed. "Are they really counting on one pony to defeat me?" He asked. "That really is a brass move."

Crimson scoffed at nibiru's comment, "I may be one pony, but I'm pretty damn strong in my opinion, and I'm pretty well known too, let me introduce myself, I'm captain crimson grinn, pirate captain extrordonair..." crimson then tilted his hat up and smirked at nibiru, "and I'm gonna be the one to kick your ass!" Said crimson confidently.

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Nibiru rolled his eyes. "I might as well entertain tha pt little notion of yours." He said. "To be fair, I'll let you throw the first punch." The black alicorn then smirked.


Luna noticed Dash and Blaze. "The alicorn is back." She said, flying next to them. "We have to get the others."

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"What Great." Then he Turn to Dash. "Love let put our date on hold since this Date Crasher Nibiru want to fight again. So let go get our pals and beat Nibirus. Also watch out for his Aura spears they can control anyone and since I See Dark was under his control too." FIreblaze saying.

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Nibiru rolled his eyes. "I might as well entertain tha pt little notion of yours." He said. "To be fair, I'll let you throw the first punch." The black alicorn then smirked.

Luna noticed Dash and Blaze. "The alicorn is back." She said, flying next to them. "We have to get the others."

Crimson smirked, "your acting pretty cocky for a guy who's about to get his ass kicked, but what the hell, I'll do it...just don't blink..." said crimson darkly before flitting next to nibiru and kneeing him in the jaw before spinning in mid air and hitting him with flaming roundhouse kick to the face, sending him flying a few feet away.

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"Yes I would. Everyone has a chance to redeem themselves. I should know I got the chance to change my views" Icy looked up to Canterlot and noticed the darkness around it.

"Look I'm going to Canterlot. Join me if you want a chance to escape this life" Icy turned away from Synangel. Making a large Ice tower rise from the ground Icy ran towards it.

"Just jump through it" Icy said before disappear into the Ice tower.


A large shard of ice appeared from the ground and Icy came running through it.

"Did I miss anything?" Looked around and saw Nibiru.

"Hey you were the one pony I saw earlier in the castle"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Dash nodded. "Let's go." She said. "Speaking of which,Dark should be in her cave."


Luna smiled. "Thank you." She said. "I'll head back to Canterlot to help Crimson." The blue alicorn then turned around and flew back to Canterlot.


Nibiru hit a wall and simply stood up. "Really? That's the best you got?" He asked. The black alicorn then sighed. "I was hoping that this would be fun. Oh well." The black alicorn then fired several aura spheres at Crimson, which exploded on impact. He then noticed Icy. "Yes. I am." He said, darkly as his aura surrounded him.

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"Good Ideal love and let go to her first. Also I hope she remember not to be in Nibiru power too and she need to dodge it." Then FIreblaze went with Dash to Dark Cave as they plan get her help to defeated Nibiru Then Fireblaze thinking and was looking at his love too. *I Hope Tempest get here too and we need his help*

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Dash nodded. "Let's go." She said. "Speaking of which,Dark should be in her cave."

Luna smiled. "Thank you." She said. "I'll head back to Canterlot to help Crimson." The blue alicorn then turned around and flew back to Canterlot.

Nibiru hit a wall and simply stood up. "Really? That's the best you got?" He asked. The black alicorn then sighed. "I was hoping that this would be fun. Oh well." The black alicorn then fired several aura spheres at Crimson, which exploded on impact. He then noticed Icy. "Yes. I am." He said, darkly as his aura surrounded him.

Crimson grunted in pain as nibiru's aura spheres hit him, sending him flying into a wall, crimson wiped some blood from the corner of his mouth before spitting out some blood and glaring at nibiru, "don't underesrimate me...AND DONT YOU TOUCH HER YOU TRASH! VOIDSTAR!!" Said crimson angrily before as black flames covered his body, before flitting above nibiru and grabbing him by the head, slamming it into the ground before releasing 50,000 lbs of pressure into his skull.

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"Oh no you don't" Icy wasn't going to let this pony who attack her teacher off so easily.

Icy froze the ground in front of her slid on it faster then she could run. Turning around and rising her back hooves delivered a powerful back kick to his stomach. Black Ice formed in her front hooves and she placed them both on the ground made a sharp claws for front hooves.

"Two vs one. The odds are in our favors" she said.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Dash nodded and then looked into Dark's cave, "Hey Dark, you in there?" She asked.


The black dragon growled as she exited her cave and then noticed Dash and Blaze. "So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?" She asked.


Nibiru smirked and made a spear of aura pierce through Crimson's leg and threw him at Icy. He then fired more aura spheres, and a few bursts of magic at the two. "Did you honestly expect that to work?" He asked.

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