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open Emerald Wave's Horror

Emerald Wave

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"Look, I am terribly sorry for kind of scaring your sister, for life maybe im not sure but, the minute Lily smacked my face with her hoof was when I just snapped." Night Star exclaimed ashamed." But I have noticed one thing though, you have beautiful diamond colored eyes by the way." Night Star said while chuckling to himself. Night Star just stared at Emerald but quickly looked away knowing that she felt a little bit of sorrow for him and he doesn't want to make her cry." I just don't know what happened to me and why my anger would take me as far to almost kill a pony though." He said.


"Just listen, if you want to ever hear about my life from when I was little, I, I have no problem at all telling you about myself." Night Star said." Also, after, you know, that incident, how has your sister been holding up." Night Star asked Emerald with a sad excuse for a smile, which quickly faded away.


"Oh! And thanks about this morning. Pulling me up, I know you have a side that always likes to help others in their time of need." Night Star said.

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"Oh, heh, thanks," Emerald Wave giggled under her breath. She blushed at the compliment.


"After the incident? Well, she's been okay, a little paranoid at times, but fine really. When I get the chance, I'll tell her you didn't mean it." Emerald shrugged it off. "Don't worry though, she'll feel better. Eventually."


As Emerald Wave and Night Star continued to talk to each other, Emerald Wave got a huge sense of paranoia, but she didn't know if Night Star felt it, so she attempted to forget about it, not wanting to freak her friend out.


"Heheh, yeah, thanks, I know, I try. It's hard trying not to! But why wouldn't I want to? Unless it was Lily, I would help anypony out!" she replied, smirking. "But Lily Blossom, pfft, she can go die in a hole! For hitting you, she DESERVES to die!" she laughed, amusement showing in her voice.


The feeling of being watched grew stronger.


Emerald Wave's smlie faded. "Ugh! I feel like that freak is watching us again!" she groaned. "Do you feel like we're being watched?" she asked. "Or am I just out of my mind?" Emerald Wave looked around, to see nopony out of the ordinary.

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" That was the same feeli g that I had when we were in the cafeteria, you know I could try and help you get your friend back, and I think Lily Blossom won't be bothering you while im around here." Night Star said seein that Emerald was starting to feel uncomfortable.' Man, why is my heart beating so fast right now?' Night Star thought to himself. I truly feel bad for Emerald though, because of me, she lost a good friend of hers.' What should I say right now to her?' Night Star thought a little bit. He then realized that he was starting to feel cold a little bit and them started shivering all the way down to his hooves.


'Why am I so cold all of a sudden? It's like a ghost just went through here a moment ago.' Night Star thought as his teeth were chattering, then he noticed that Emerald wasnt cold and only he was.' What's happening to me?' He thought as he started to almost lay down but tried not to. As he was shivering he began to hear a voice, but it was to messed up to hear what it was trying to say to him.


Then, all of a sudden, Night Star just collapsed on Emeralds lap, laying motionless, feeling really cold on the inside.

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Emerald Wave was horrified, she didn't know what to do. She picked up Night Star and brought him inside.


She sat down on her sofa, holding Night Star on her lap as he lay there motionless. Emerald Wave had locked the door and put a chair in front of it. She had locked all the windows and closed the blinds. She had also turned on the heater and put a comforter on night star.


'God, I hope he feels okay,' Emerald thought to herself, staring down at the Pegasus in her lap. As she continued to stare at him, she was in tears. She knew he couldn't hear her because he was practically out cold but she had to say something, even if he couldn't hear.


"I'm so sorry, you're the best friend I've ever had! I don't care about Lemon Jelly, you're much better!" She continued to let everything she had to say out as she hugged him, still crying.


"Emmy, you're still awake?" whispered a voice, coming from upstairs. "Yes, Symph..," stated Emerald, sadly. Symphony Notes trotted downstairs, and stared in horror at the Pegasus in the mare's arms.


"Why is he still here?!" she stammered. "Symph, he lost it when he almost killed somepony, he's not losing it now. So stop being afraid! It's not like he's gonna kill you!"


Symphony staggered a little closer. She noticed that the Pegasus was out cold. "Emmy, will Night Star be okay?" she asked, looking at Night Star. "I hope so," replied the green mare, staring down at him.

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All Night Star saw was darkness, a never ending dark void into,what, he doesn't know of." Where am I now?!" Night Star said to himself, seeing a faint light ahead.


He decided to walk to it and when he went through, he was actually just a shadow and he knew the year he was in, and that was when he went crazy for the first time. He saw as his past self was just washing his hooves in the bathroom as a bully came in and pushed him, it was in 3rd grade that this has happened to him.


He saw as his past self brutally attacked and has, sadly, successfully killed that young, innocent pony, and that was when he noticed that dark sillhoute of a pony just put his hoove around Night Star as a kid. He was really sad, and that was when he noticed that the dark pony was just staring his way now, with a white, grim smile on his face.


Back in reality, he was just creing because he knew he might die in this insane nightmare and not see anyone ever again for this might be his last time breathing. That was when he just woke up, and then he just hugged Emerald while in tears, creing in front of her sister.

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Emerald Wave saw Night Star wake up, and as he began to cry, he hugged her tightly. Emerald Wave hugged him back, as Symphony Notes watched them.




Emerald Wave heard a knock at the door. She looked up and walked over to the door, opening it.


"What the hell are you doing here?!"


She saw a green and pink mare standing in front of her. "Haven't you caused enough chaos, Lily? One, you've been bullying me since 2nd grade, two, you used to spread rumors of me being a retard, three, you hit my best friend!"


Lily stood there, covered in bandages, staring regretfully at her hooves.


"Look, I'm sorry. I always thought you were annoying, not that I don't still, but he gave me a concussion." Emerald glared at Lily Blossom. "Did you come here to argue with me?" Lily shook her head.


"No, I came here to say I saw that black figure too. It tried to attack me," she explained.


"Why should I care? You hate me. Why shouldn't I hate you back?"


Emerald Wave slammed the door and went back to sit with Night Star.


'Why should I care?' thought the green mare. 'She's mean to me! So why should I be nice?

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"I know you'll be shocked to hear what I have to say but, please be nice to my sister Lily." Night Star admitted with a bit of sorrow." You see, ever since we were separated, me and her have not been the same lately as you could have told from during lunch." Night Star admitted. He was surprised, is every pony soon going to see this dark sillhoute of a pony everywhere?" Also, to admit it to you as you could have told, if not than okay, but I like you Emerald." Night Star announced." And symphony, please dont be scared of me, okay?" Night Star said to Symphony. When he saw that silhouette in his nightmare, he could have sworn that it had tried to say something to him when he saw himself back in the past through his unconscious self.


'Why does this sometimes happen to me, just why?' Night Star thought to himself as he was still at Emeralds house, laying down on the couch.' Okay, what am I supposed to tell Emerald now, besides, im pretty freaked out that I just reaved that Lily Blossom was my sister, but it used to be Lily Star, but that last name pretty much suits me better though.' Night Star thought.

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When Emerald Wave heard the word sister, she froze. Her jaw dropped, and her heart began to beat faster.


"What?!" she gasped, staring at the wall, still frozen with shock. "That- how- but, how does that make any sense?!" Her mind was blown and she was so surprised to hear him say that that her mind couldn't explain what it all meant. Emerald whipped the door open and pulled Lily Blossom inside. "So, the girl you gave a concussion, and the same girl who hit you, and the girl you almost murdered... is your sister?!" Emerald Wave was confused.


"That makes no sense!" added Symphony.


"You LIKE that green thing?!" gaped Lily Blossom, who soon recieved a nasty glare from Emerald Wave in reply.


"I'm NOT a green THING. Plus, you have green on you, too!"


"But mine's the perfect shade."




Emerald Wave and Lily Blossom both turned to see an angry Symphony glaring at them.




Suddenly, Emerald Wave got a stinging headache. "GAH!" she yelled, clutching the sides of her head.


"Emmy, are you okay? Did I yell too loud?" asked Symphony. "Nah," replied Emerald, "Probably just from hitting my head during the fight."


The headache wasn't the worst, eventually, her whole body felt sore. She sat down on the floor, holding her head.


"Emmy!" cried Symphony Notes, rushing to help her sister.


Emerald Wave thought she saw a shadow move across the room.

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"Okay, Lily, One, Stop being a jerk to Emerald for goodness sake already! Try and get along! Two, yes Emerald, the same girl i gave a concussion to, the same girl who hit me, and sadly yes the same girl i almost murdered is my sister, and Three, can you wait here, I-I have to go check something out really quick." Night Star said as he rushed into the kitchen.' Okay, think Night Star think, where is it that out of this WHOLE house can a dark silhouette of a pony hide?' Night Star said to himself.


As he kept searching and searching, he heard something scrape across the floor that sound like- and that was when a knife flew through the air and almost hit him.' I said to kill them now did i not!' The dark pony came out yelling at him.' I always told you that there is nowhere to hide from your evil past and me Night Star! Just give in to the violence and be the pony that you were supposed to be born and raised as.' The dark pony yelled.


As Night Star grabbed the knife from the wall, the pony came quick to the point and stabbed Night Star in the stomach and left him to bleed out.' Well, now you get to join your mother at least now right?' The dark pony said with a sickining laugh.

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Emerald Wave sat on the floor, wondering where he was. It had been ten minutes, and he still hadn't returned. As painful as it was, Emerald staggered to her feet and walked into the kitchen. He wasn't there. She heard voices coming from upstairs. She dragged herself along as fast as she could, but wasn't very fast. She nearly tripped and fell, but caught herself by the railing.


"Emmy?" A sweet voice came from the bottom of the stairs.


Emerald Wave looked to the bottom of the stairs to see Symphony standing there. "What are you doing?"


"I'm looking for Night Star," replied the green mare.


"Can I help?" asked Symphony.


Emerald wave sighed. "No, you might get hurt."


Suddenly, she heard a sickening laugh. She didn't care if her legs hurt, she had to get up there. So she galloped, her legs burning with exhaustion. As she bolted into the attic, she saw the black silhouette stabbing Night Star.


"AHH!" she shrieked, bolting back down. "GUYS, IT'S MURDERING HIM!" she hollered, grabbing Lily and sprinting back into the attic to try to help.

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"Why.. Why is it that I feel like I have seen you somewhere before.?" Night Star said in a soft raspy voice." Im surprised that you still don't remember me by my voice do ya?" The dark silhouette of a pony said aloud." I mean, wouldn't you recognize the same pony that YOU murdered in 3rd grade?" The dark pony said. That was when he realized it WAS the pony he murdered, just by the voice and the way he had his mane set." Why would you, you do this?" Night Star said through a raspy voice." Ha! For the sweet revenge of course! Besides, didnt you said that it was the most fun stabbing someone in the eyes?!" The dark pony yelled." But don't you worry poor, poor Night Star, I will take care of Your friend Emerald Wave and do as she dreamt a nightmare about, trap her little sister, I believe by the name of Symphony in a corner and making sure that all Emerald sees is her sister cry, then die!" The pony said. That was when Night Star didnt care anymore, what set him off was hearing that he would harm Emerald and Symphony, and that was what gave him the motivation to try and fight him trough the hard, piercing like pain.

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Emerald Wave listened closely to the conversation coming from the attic, jumping when she heard her name. She hugged Lily Blossom for comfort, something she thought shed never do. Symphony hugged Emerald, creating a huge huddle.


"He's gonna put me through the nightmare again!" she whispered. Symphony began to cry loudly when she heard he was going to kill her. Emerald Wave covered her mouth with her hoof.


"Shh," she hushed. "He might hear us."


Lily Blossom was horrified as he went on about his plot, hugging Emerald tighter, as Symphony hugged Emerald tightly. They stood there in silence, until they heard banging. Emerald Wave snuck to the attic door and peeked at what was going on. She let little Symphony on her back so she could see, and Lily Blossom watched as well.


"They're fighting," whispered Symphony, watching them attack each other. Emerald Wave nodded and began to pray under her breath. "Dear Princess Celestia, please let Night Star win the fight. Dear Princess Celestia, please let Night Star win the fight. Dear Princess Celestia, please let Night Star win the fight." she repeated, sweating a lot.

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" Come on Night Star! Let ALL that anger from all these years out already! Oh, and you know why you and Lily were separated? Because your mom died, oh yeah, because of me!" That drove Night Star into a dark side that even HE didnt know he had in him.' Come on, this is for everyon, mom,Symphony,Lily, and Emerald." I! WILL! NOT! LET! YOU! HARM! THEM!!!" Night Star yelled through pain and anger.' Ha! I have been waiting for this day Night Star! All those things that happened to you, I led you throughout those events and all this craziness for your whole life.' The dark pony said.' If it wasnt for YOU coming here, this wouldn't be happening to Emerald or her sister. Or maybe, I will torture that poor young pony named Symphony! When im through with you, I'll take her through all of the hatred and anger you went through!' The pony yelled aloud. As Night Star fell, about to give up, he saw Emerald and poor little Symphony and that encouraged him to push." You will never, EVER! Hurt anyone, ever again!" Night Star yelled feeling all the strength pour into him and the pony was surprised by this unfortunate turn off events.' Finally! Some fun at last!' Yelled the pony.

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Emerald Wave was in so much rage words couldn't explain it. "YOU RE A REAL FU-" she was cut off by a hoof over her mouth.


"Don't say that!" hushed Lily Blossom. Symphony was in tears, Emerald was in rage, and Lily was in shock.




"He said he's gonna torture me!" whispered Symphony. "He will not touch you, I won't let him!" hollered Emerald Wave.


As the fight went on, all the things the black pony said to Night Star, it made her face turn red. Eventually, her whole body was red.


"Emeralds are supposed to be green..," reminded Lily.


As Emerald Wave looked at herself, she noticed her anger was boiling up. She almost bashed into the attic but Lily and Symphony grabbed her tail and pulled her back.


"You're gonna get hurt if you go in there!" reminded Symphony.


"WHAT ABOUT NIGHT STAR?!?!" she hollered, and attempted to run in again. They missed her tail this time, and she went speeding into the attic.


Emerald Wave came running at the black pony at full speed. She rammed right into him, knocking him against the wall, dropping old books from the shelf above. A few landed on her head, but she didn't care. "I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" she shouted, chucking the big book aimed at his head.Notes and Lily Blossom watched in awe at what Emerald Wave was doing.


Symphony was getting really nervous, but eventually let out an encouraging smile. "GO EMMY! RIP HIS HEAD OFF!" she chanted, trying to keep her sister optimistic.


Lily, who looked at Symphony with a startled look, eventually gave a smile and began to encourage Emerald Wave even more.


"KILL HIM! RIP OUT HIS EYES!" she called.

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'Ha! I knew you would come out eventually Emerald, but my work here is done so I will be off.' The dark pony said as he disappeared.' But I will help help myself to a present if you don't mind me saying so.' He said as he tried to grab Symphony from behind her, but Night Star just rammed him down the stairs trying his best to keep them safe.' You won't give up, even with a huge amount of blood loss dear boy?' Night Star heard from him as he realized that everything was going dark, his grip loosened up on the pony.' Now that is much better. Now, One, how can you kill something that is already dead, and Two, how are YOU weakling going to rip out my eyes when I have none anymore?' The pony said as he reveled two white eyes filled with, nothing at all. You ponys can touch me, but Night Star is the only one that can harm me, besides, I only want revenge on him, and then after that, maybe I will have some fun with you three, right!' He said with a twisted smile.' No... This cant be happening, I need.. To... Get... Up there...' Night Star thought to himself as he started walking back up, in bad condition.' Will you never give up with th-' The pony stopped at mid sentence and looked at the three pony's.' Ahhhh! So these three keep you fighting, well, lets just remove ONE of them from the equation, shall we.' The pony said.' Well, while YOU, try to get up here, in the mean time, I'll start my plan early with these three, shall I not?' The pony said with a smirk as he turned around to face Emerald, Symphony, and Lily.

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Symphony began to cry as the black pony faced them. She hugged Lily tightly. Emerald Wave stood in front, giving the pony a nasty glare. "Get. Away. From. My. Friends. You. Will. NOT! Touch. THEM!" she said between clenched teeth. She then noticed Night Star attempting to climb the stairs.


Symphony was bawling loudly. LOUDLY. Lily was hugging her tightly, attempting to comfort her, but to no avail. Emerald was face to face with the black pony. "You and your stupid pinhole eyes! Leave Night Star and my friends alone!" She swung her hoof at his face. "I don't care what happens, just LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Emerald Wave hollered.


"Emmy, what if he takes you?"


Emerald turned around to face Symphony. "I won't care as long as you guys are safe." She then turned around to face the black pony.


"You deserved to be murdered. Whatever the hell you are, you are insane and I can tell." She backed up and blocked him from touching Lily Blossom and Symphony Notes.


"And no matter WHAT, I will NOT let you lay a hoof on them!" she snarled fiercely, giving him a dirty look.

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'Ha! As long as Im alive, I can do whatever I please! You know when Night Star almost murdered you Lily? I told him to do it countless of times. And YOU Emerald.' The Dark pony said.' I told him specifically murder you and your sister, but looks like im going to do it myself.' As he started to walk towards them.


Night Star heard Symphony bawl loud. He kept on forcing his hooves toward the pony through the pain until he was behind him.' What am I going to do? I can hardly stand straight to see where anyone is.' Night Star said in his mind.


The dark pony shoved Emerald to the ground.' Well, I will be taking your sister, Symphony now if you do not mind.' The pony said. Then, he felt a presence right behind him and knew.' Come on already Night Star! Just give up on them and your pathetic life already!' The pony yelled as he turned around to face Night Star.


" If YOU think that im going to give up that easily, then you are surely mistaken then." Night Star said, almost falling but catching himself before he fell.


'Well then, looks like no pony will be seeing YOU tommorrow than Night Star.' The pony said as he disappeared for now, and Nigh Star fell.

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Emerald Wave rushed over to help Night Star up. "Are you okay?" she asked, giving him a look of concern in her eyes. The green mare noticed how damaged Night Star was. "You have to take a break from fighting, because if you don't, you won't be around when we really need help. I'm getting worried you might get something that could prevent you from helping us."


Lily Blossom nodded. "Emerald has a point, Night Star. What if he actually DOES take one of us?"


"It sounds like he's mainly after Symphony now, and that's NOT good. She's the most helpless here," reminded Emerald.


Symphony nervously hugged Emerald. Emerald Wave hugged back. "What will happen if he does take me?" shivered Symphony.


Lily Blossom sighed and looked down at her hooves. "He said he'd put you and Emerald through Emerald's nightmare again."


"How did your nightmare go, Emmy?" asked Symphony, looking up at her sister curiously.


Emerald Wave let out a long breath and began to explain.


"Okay, so I was walking down a long corridor with wooden walls. At the end of the corridor, there was a teddy bear behind a candle. Then I heard Symphony yell 'Emmy!' I looked down where the teddy bear was and I saw her sitting where the teddy bear was. She began to disappear. I then felt like there was something behind me and when I turned around, I saw Symphony, now just a black figure with the same pinhole eyes and the other black pony blocking me in the corner..," she explained.


"EEP!" shrieked Symphony and buried her face in Lily Blossom's fur.

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" He is only after her because he wants to make all of us suffer, and the only reason why he is targeting Symphony is because he wants to make you suffer Emerald." Night Star said, spitting some blood out of his mouth at the process.


"Okay, maybe, maybe your right. Maybe I have to take a break from fighting." Night Star admitted it." But still, I have to protect ALL of you, especially you Symphony." He said staring at her." All I know, is that I don't care what happens to me, as long as you are safe." Night Star said with determination.


To the dark pony, he was wondering why in the name of, well, whatever would Night Star help out those pathetic little pony's. Oh well, because in a couple of minutes, from all that blood loss, he will be going to the hospital and then nothing could ever stop him from accomplishing his mission!


As Night Star was talking with the others he wondered to himself' Why would he want to go after Symphony instead of him or Emerald?'" I just don't know what to say anymore, besides..." And then, without being able to finish his sentence, he realized the small pool of blood under his feet, and then collapsed.

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Emerald Wave shrieked. "NIGHT STAR!" She picked him up. "Come on guys!" Emerald, Lily, and Symphony bolted outside into the darkness, running towards the direction of the hospital.


They eventually reached the hospital. As Emerald stepped in along with Symphony and Lily, she saw a nurse rush into the room with a stretcher. The nurse gently put Night Star on the stretcher. She then scampered off down the hall.


The mares then sat down on the blue waiting room chairs when the nurse was gone.


"Do you think he'll be okay?" asked Lily Blossom, tapping her hooves nervously.


Emerald Wave shrugged and looked at Lily with a look of horror. "I don't know..," she shuddered. "I hope so..." She was nearly in tears, but Lily gave her a pat on the back.


While she waited, she carefully observed the paintings on the wall. One was a supernova, a beautiful death of a large star, and another was of the ocean, and there were many more.


Eventually, the nurse came back. "Well? Will he be okay?" asked Emerald, giving the nurse a look of desperation.

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'Im glad to say this but he will be okay, it is just that with the large amount of blood loss, he will have to stay in the hospital for how long yet, we do not know of.' The nurse explained to the three mares making sure not to leave anything out.' Also, if you want to visit him here, you will have to sign your names in and the name of your friend beside all of your names so we will know where to direct you to the room that he will be currently be staying at for now.' The nurse went on still explaining to them.' But since the police need to know what happened last night, you have to tell them or we cannot keep your friend in the hospital, and since you are just kids still, we are only asking so we can have him here and yes, it will be free, no charge what so ever for you three and him.' The nurse explained, finally.' And if you want, you can sign up right now so you can see how he is doing, but he is currently asleep and so any loud noise will wake him up and he will feel alot of pain for until we come in.' The nurse explained, finishing her information finally.

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Emerald Wave nodded. She gave a faint smile. "Thank you so much!" The three mares signed their names and went to visit Night Star.


As the ponies slowly stepped into the room, they saw Night Star, with a few tubes running into his body. Seeing him like that made Emerald feel sorry. "I'm sorry, get well soon," she whispered into his ear, giving him a kiss goodbye. The three mares signed out and left, walking back home together in the night, looked down on by millions of stars in the black sky.


When they returned home, they went straight to bed. Emerald tossed and turned in a nightmare, one just as horrifying as the last nightmare she had.


In her nightmare, she was banging on the door of Night Star's hospital room. It wasn't opening. She heard Night Star yell, then the black pony laugh. "Who's gonna save ya now, Night Star? Huh? Nopony! Not even your sweetheart, Emerald Wave!" Emerald bashed into the door and screamed when she saw the black pony stabbing Night Star. "NO!"


She woke up, breathing heavily. She quickly turned on the lamp to make sure she was still in her room.

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'Well, he didnt die as expected to me.' The dark pony said to himself.' But there is one thing that I CAN do though, when I see that they get in the hospital, all that I could do is lock everypony in there, and then I could just kill all the pony's, including Night Star.' The pony said as he chuckled.' And then, I can just simply take Symphony away from Emerald and torture Emerald by doing her nightmare, no acceptions.' He said to himself.


As Night Star woke up, seeing through the window, he saw the three mares walk back to their houses. He then went back to sleep but it was truly hard. As he slept, he actually had his first nightmare since ever. It went like this to be precise.


As Night Star was still in the hospital, he noticed when he came out of the bathroom to pay in bed, someone was trying to open the door into his room. As that happened, he saw the dark pony get over him and started stabbing him, as that happened, he heard Emerald cream "NO!" And then he woke up sweating with his heart beating really fast, he truly was worried about Emerald, Symphony, and Lily.

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Emerald Wave looked around her room nervously. She began to sing part of a song that she could relate to her life. "You'll never let them say you'll never get that far," she whispered under her breath. She realized it gave her more courage to say that. "Here's to the girls on their boards with bruises and scars. Here's to the girls whose fingers bleed from playing guitar. Here's to anyone who never quit when things got hard. You'll never let them say you'll never get that far! We are fire inside, we are an army asleep. We are a people awaking to follow their dreams! We don't have time for your games! We have our own goals to score! There are trophies to win instead of being one of yours!" she sang. She then began to wonder if the black pony was listening. She smirked cockily at the thought. "Pfft, I hope he is listening!" Emerald Wave stood up and decided to check on Symphony.


As she tip toed into Symphony's room, she saw that she was sleeping, but tossing and turning nervously. Emerald stood next to her bed and ducked by her ear. "Don't worry, sis, he won't get us. I won't let him touch you." She then went back to her room to sleep.

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'Well, Emerald is lucky until I get her and the other two into the hospital, and then, I can make sure she see's me kill, her poor, defenseless and helpless little sister Symphony.' The dark pony said. The pony kept thinking about how Night Star keeps fighting against death itself, but since he is in the hospital, it'll be a piece of cake now.' The pony said with a smirk.


As Night Star tried going to sleep, he had remembered that he had remembered a song that he could just sing to himself.' Show me how to lie you're getting better all the time your turning all against the one is an art thats hard to teach...' And he just fell asleep feeling a bit happier now for once. The only problem is that, why can he harm the pony but not kill it.' Oh, yeah because he is already dead.' Night Star thought to himself. He then remembered how he just killed him back then and was very sad about it, but now he didn't even care about him dieing anymore and was glad he had murdered him back then when he was little. He was very worried about Emerald and he could not stop thinking about her and Symphony, being hurt.

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