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Emerald hesitated for a minute. "Wait... you couldn't actually program it to have emotions, could you? Like, not real emotions like we have, anyway. Because aside from being an incredible scientific breakthrough, that's just a scary thought." He shuddered. "Anyway, I suppose I should introduce myself, my name's Emerald. I'm new in town, and honestly I don't know how long I'll be staying. My dad is supposed to come for me eventually, but that's probably not going to be for a few weeks, at least. He's rather... unusual that way." He extended a hoof courteously.

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"Friend of mine, she likes... This kind of stuff. I don't really understand it all. Science and technology and stuff: it's too delicate for me." He motioned around the displays.


"Sorry, names Scribe. That Fire stuff you mentioned, that sounds like something I can understand."

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Spark thought for a moment.


"If I tried hard enough and analyzed pony's brains when they feel certain emotions, then studied those parts of the brain's nerve endings, I  could re-create a brain and have the emotions triggered when it's appropriate. But that would take years of study and equipment I don't have. I'm Spark Craft, by the way."




"Greek Fire? It's basically a highly volatile combinations of elements that resemble napalm, but require no ignition. It reacts like 'sticky fire', and I created the jar it's in so the G.F., short for Greek Fire, can't escape and destroy something. Like every form of fire or napalm, after a while it looses it's potency."

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Emerald just stood there for a moment, not sure how to respond. "Wow... that's... um, wow. If you could really do that, it would be pretty incredible. I would still be terrified by it, but it would be an incredible feat nonetheless. No offense or anything, but what exactly do you do? I mean, robotics, chemistry... do you just invent whatever you feel like? It seems like you must be talented in all kinds of different fields." 

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"Oh, I'm just an all around inventor, chemist, basically a jack-of-all-trades. I just kinda make it up as I go, drawing on other ponies work when I'm doubting my own. And I wouldn't trust a sentient robot, either. If they develop emotions that leaves a possibility for resentment. I personally have no plans to look into sentient robots anytime soon." Spark said, and chuckled lightly.

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Scribe stared blankly at the mare for a moment. He had heard some of those words before...


"Sticky fire, got it." he nodded. "sorry, I'm having to translate everything you say into idiot before I can understand it."


He grinned nervously. Well, at least they couldn't think much less of him now...

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Emerald chuckled along with her. "Well, I guess that's a relief. Hey, um... you seem pretty nice, and I'm guessing you know your way around the city. You think maybe when you're done with your work here you could do me a favor and show me where there's a good restaurant or something? I'd love to treat you to lunch or something." 

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Spark nodded.


"Oh, uh, yeah. I forgot not everyone can understand me when I go into geek-speak mode.


The things it's made up of is pretty close to the explosive napalm, but G.F. doesn't need to be lit up. The jar it's in makes it so it can't get out on accident. And like fire, eventually it goes out."


@@Alex Kennedy,


"Sure, I know some good places. I don't really go out much, though." Spark said, and blushed.

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Scribe looked between the two ponies, suddenly realising that he was in the middle of a somewhat awkward situation.


Excusing himself, he found Orion out again.




"I think that these two are... Indisposed. Think we should leave them be? I can always come back to grab some of the fire stuff."

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Orion gave the jar and the substance inside of it a really good look. He was pretty impressed on how exact Spark had created the legendary greek fire. He wanted to talk to her more, get to know more about her ideas, goals, and perhaps see more of her inventions. Seeing how well adept she seem in the fields of chemistry, robotics, and engineering, she would be of great help to Orion's plan for total change.


He put the jar away on one of the nearby shelves and turned to face her once again, but this time she seem in the heat of another conversation, with another stallion. Orion started feeling a bit odd, he was feeling strange and confused, but he quickly brushed off this feeling and noticed how Scribes wanted to leave.


"Well Sparks, it seems me and Scribes are running low on time. Maybe I'll see you again soon, and then I'd be more than happy to consider sharing my own ideas with you. Hopefully you would like them just as much as I enjoyed your fair share of ideas."


"Come along now Scribes, we still have a few more blocks to go."


As Orion began walking out the door, he looked back at mare and gave a soft smile. He then made his way out on the streets and continued walking along with Scribes right by his side.


What just happened? 

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"Hey, are you feeling ok?" Scribe asked, cocking his head to the side at he followed Orion down the street. They had gone a little way in silence. "Your looking a little... Off. Something wrong?"


He might not be great at Science or Magic, but he knew ponies well enough to tell when something was bothering them.


"Lost the spring in your step, come on, what's bugging you?"

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Orion turned to face the now curious and concerned unicorn next to him. He didn't think his 'odd feeling' would be that obvious. He was not even sure how the hay he could describe it.


"Well nothing's really bugging me. It's kind of confusing. I think it has something to do with that mare... It's certainly a feeling unlike anything I have felt before. "

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"Oh?" Scribe said, traces of a grin flickering on his face. He could tell that he had surprised Orion.


'Should I be offended by that? I'm not completely vacant...'


He shook his head to clear his thoughts.


"The other inventor? Is that right..." he looked thoughtful for a minute.


He had an idea to find out exactly what was wrong, it was a little risky... If he had judged this colt wrong he might well lose the closest thing to a friend he had here. Still, he had got by on sheer dumb luck and terrible ideas all of his life and things had a way of working out for the best...


"Pretty little thing, wasn't she?"


He paused, waiting for Orion's reaction.

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Emerald smiled and noticed the other two leaving. "Great. I can't wait. I guess we can leave as soon as you're ready then. I'm not in any hurry or anything, so take your time. I wouldn't want to disrupt your work and cause a robot uprising that dooms all of Equestria." He laughed.

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Orion's eyes widened a bit and turned to look at Scribes. He didn't expect such a comment. He thought for a bit on how to respond to that, and then gave a slight smile.


"I guess she's kind of pretty."


Orion thought about what he said for a moment before realizing what he was truly feeling.


"Oh you got to be kidding me...I have a crush." Orion said to himself. "All my life I've been trying avoid one, knowing how much of a distraction they can be and ironically it comes and hits me...in the one area of interest I least expected! Yeah, well my feelings ain't gonna get the best of me! 


"I ain't going for it if that's what your thinking Scribes.." Orion stubbornly responded.

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"Sure you are!" Scribe chided "Why wouldn't you?"


He neglected to mention the past two years that he had been unable to say more than three words to Twilight without excusing himself - despite living less than ten minutes away. He also neglected to mention the amount of grief he got from Cinder because of that fact.


"Come on, I've known you for what? An hour? If it was so easy for me to see then you cant seriously be trying to dismiss it? Take a chance! Live a little!"

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Dust snorted. "Believe me ah don mind. Sometimes ah ramble on too. So um... How have ya been doin?" Dust felt a little awkward. He was having breakfast with somepony he didnt even know! He was trying to make conversation, but the didn't really know what to say.

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"Scribes...I just don't know if I can. I've never really been in good shoes when it comes to mares. I mean I never truly got along with Twilight. We still keep in touch and act nice to each other but that's it really." Orion replied and sighed a bit. "And then there was this rainbow maned pony but in college...whose conceitedness made me feel like socking her."


Orion gave a little unsure laugh. 


"Don't worry I never punched her. It wouldn't be gentlemanly of me but I was sure as hay frustrated. Anyways, the point is, I don't think I want to take my chances and get involved."


Orion then gave a good glance at Scribes.


"Have you ever felt strange like this Scribes?"

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"Nng... Nope. No. Never." Scribe blundered over his words.


"Nope, nothing interesting like that. Nothing at all. I'm a loner, but you..." He made a wide motion overhead with his hoof. "... you are going to do this, because you've found something worth holding onto. This time you're going to take that chance."


'That was inspirational... right?' He wondered.

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Orion gave Scribes a quizzical look. Throughout his entire life he had been notable for his extremely detailed analysis and observational skills. He shot a puzzling glance at Scribes, trying to read any signs of nervousness and tension, anything to see if what he was saying true.


The way he stumbled over his words. The lack of eye contact. His repetition of words. Somethings up.


"Well Scribes, you should know that my observation skills even surpass Twilight's OCD." He laughed a bit to himself on that comment. "So I find your choice of words untrustworthy...however, I'm not going to make you say anything you don't wanna say."


Orion then thought for a bit on what his friend said last. He was trying to give him words of motivation, despite Orion's lack of motivation. He had already witnessed the odds he was up against. But he knew this unicorn's pestering wasn't going to stop until he agreed.


"And I'll consider hanging out with her again.."

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"Uh.. Great!" Scribe said, relieved that Orion hadn't pressed the subject. "Choice of words? If I chose my words I probably wouldn't get into half as much trouble because of them."


Laughing half-nervously, he motioned ahead.


"Anyway, she makes creepy inventions that threaten to take over Equestria... you make creepy inventions that threaten to take over Equestria... Your made for each other!"

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Spark chuckled.


"Don't worry, Rernad is just a prototype. The only one of his kind. Powered by my own magic, and he can't create any more Rernads because he would need magic to power them. Not taking over the world any time soon. I'll just flip the sign and... done! C'mon, there's this little Irish pub down the way that is amazing!" Spark said, and led Emerald out her door and started walking down the street.

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Orion shot another glare at Scribes upon his last comment. Orion truly doubted anything would come out of this, and he really didn't care. He had always known he just couldn't compete with the average smooth stallion. Plus, he knew he was a stallion who although was clearly out of place here, had great goals and expectations for the world, and was not going to let anything get in the way of that.


"I am only going to consider maybe seeing her again, but that's it!" Orion replied sternly. "I apologize for my frustration but I have better things to focus on at the moment."


Orion and Scribes continued to walk just one more block before finally arriving at the hotel. Eventually they made their way to Orion's room.


"You can stay the night with me till we can find you a room of your own. So consider yourself, my roommate!" Orion said cheerily.


Orion's room was a bit messy. His desk was full of papers that including sketches, diagrams, and notes for his inventions and all his potential ideas. On his wall were posters of his business advertisements, and one poster of the Princess Twilight Sparkle. 

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(Did I mention Emerald is older than his listed age in this? Because he is. Around 17 or 18.




Emerald smiled grinned. "That sounds perfect. My father always takes me to places like that when I go travelling with him, and I just sort of feel at home there." He followed her, and as he did, he couldn't help but notice she looked just as good from the back as she did from the front. Maybe better.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"Your father?" Spark inquired, hoping to learn more. She wasn't very close to her parents, or even with her peers for that matter.


She felt his eyes trained on her, and tried to keep the blush off her face. She normally didn't get this much attention from anypony, none the less a stallion...

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