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open It's Dark In Baltimare


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'Well... on her own head be it.'


@@Snowy Storm,


"Scribe Shield. Usually just Scribe, sorry I... don't normally get along too well with other unicorns. Especially more... refined ones." he mumbled. "Uh, wow, guess I sounded pretty stupid just then didn't I? Ignore me, please."


He gestured around.


"Interesting place, just kind of, stumbled inside and took an intrest. You probably know a lot more than me about any of this."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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@@@Ampharos,  @@Snowy Storm,


"Well Dust, I would certainly be interested in meeting this friend of yours. It's also surprising to hear since hardly anyone knows about the true physics and functionality of electricity."


Orion then noticed another visitor following him. He was a unicorn, just like that mare. He found it interesting. He never had two unicorns visit before. 


More customers?... Well the more, the merrier! Orion thought to himself.


"I can see that most of you, with the exception of Dust, are not so familiar with the term, electricity. Well allow me to explain." Orion began to explain. "It is a very new form of energy. Similar to the sparks that a lightning strike naturally possesses, but very expensive. I had just discovered this form of energy about a week ago." 


Orion lead them to a special room of his. It was a little darker than the rest of his store and lighted by a few candles. Hanged up on the room's walls were some diagrams for proposed inventions, ideas and various tools. He lead them up to the front of the countertop as he pulled out his very first electrically powered invention.


"This right here is one I am very proud of. Took ages to make, but I have finally created what I call, a light bulb." Orion announced to his visitors, showing them the small glass orb. He then pulled out what appeared to be a candle holder with a switch attached to the side, and screwed the light bulb on to what he referred to as the socket. 


"Behold: the very first demonstration of electricity!"


He flipped the switch and the light bulb shined with a light unlike any other.

Edited by Dsanders17
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'Cinder would probably be amazed...' Scribe thought as he struggled to come up with a suitable reason to be excited by the 'light bulb' - even he could create light from his horn and he was terrible at magic.


"Oh! It's like... magic for Earth Ponies and Pegasi?" He said as he finally realized what he was seeing. 

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Dust looked at the newcomer. "Well that's not really right. As mah friend Volt would put it, 'It's not magic, it's science'. He tried explainin it to me, but it's kinda tricky ta understand. He's kind of an expert on electricity and lightnin an stuff. Ah probably wouldn't be able to put it as well as he could." Electricity was a tricky subject. In this day and age, not many ponies knew about the energy. Dust was kind of fascinated in the subject though. He thought it was interesting...

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"That's right Dust, it is not some form of basic magic for Earth Ponies. No magic involved in the slightest! Only science, a subject that just about anypony can understand if they tried and studied enough. This simple little light bulb is only the beginning guys! Who knows the applications this have for the population. No more, would Earth ponies have to deal with candles, and no more would the cities of Equestria be in total darkness at night." Orion explained as enthusiastically as he could.


"Speaking of applications for the population, I'm going to show you guys something even more fantastic!"


Orion then lead the group to the garage juxtaposed to his shop and with a click of a switch, the garage door was slowly lifting, revealing what appeared to be an bigger and longer and more cleverly designed chariot.


"This is the second prototype for an invention that I know will change the fate of equestrian transportation forever. The Automobile. I named this beauty right here, the Model E."

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"What do you mean by that? you're a unicorn as well if you haven't noticed" She sighed and let it go... again. Twice already she let things slide for this stallion. she would normally ignore stallions like him, who thought so poorly of Refined ponies, but something about him made her try to get to know him.

"Yes a lot of this stuff looks cool"


She looked in awe at the strange device. so many things to understand and learn. Regal would be more then happy to get to know this pony, if not support him.

-Truly this stallion is insane- Icy thought to herself. She smiled -well it is the insane who led the way I suppose-

"Science truly could be an art itself" Icy loved art and what she was seeing was an art in her eyes.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


"Indeed. Science is a beautiful art. And lucky for me, I have actually wrote and sent a letter to the one and only Twilight Sparkle to explain to her about all my latest inventions and ideas. Hopefully she may receive it and come by here soon to check out all that I have in store." Orion let out a soft sigh. "At least I hope so."


He had known Twilight for a while. In fact, he had even went and studied at the same school as her, but due to their major differences in beliefs regarding mechanics, physics, and functionality, they had never really been close. They were more rivals than friends really. When Orion had heard about all the achievements and fame she had been receiving, he had always been so eager to see her. For all he knew, with her knowledge, she could easily help him out with his engineering and inventing business.


"Anyways, this Model E automobile is similar to a regular old chariot. But the major difference is that this model requires no chariot pulling ponies to move. And it does not need to be activated by magic either. It's part electric as far as the wheels and brakes go, as well as steam-powered thanks to it's monster of an engine!" Orion exclaimed. "If goes mainstream to the public than no longer will stallions have to pull chariots around constantly. Plus, this here's Model E can go up to a top speed of 60 to 70 miles per hour!"

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"Still won't it still need a source of energy to run? I mean if it is moving it needs a source, plus how about cliffs and such? it doesn't have wings to fly and how could it reach Canterlot? plus so many flaws in it would only be useful in cities and even then it would only belong to those who could understand it" Regal made sure that Icy was well educated and she took pride in her knowledge as well.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


"Good questions. Well it's main source of energy is steam which is contained and powered through its front engine, much like the steam engines of trains but at a much smaller scale. And the energy won't run out till after at least two days of driving." Orion explained to the mare.


It's not really that complicated to understand once you get the hang of it. It has comfortable seating arrangement in which the driver would have to actually stand upright. Kind of odd I know, but that makes it so much easier for the driver to operate the simple controls, which are the main gear levers, the steering wheel, and the brakes. And it is meant for simplistic travel throughout the cities anyways."


Orion gave yet another one of his optimistic smiles.


"And don't even get me started on flight."

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Scribe noticed the look that the mare gave him - more like anger than haughty distaste - but before he could answer the pony was showing them something else.


'Twilight? Yeah, she'd probably like this kind of stuff. Probably understand it better than me anyway.' he thought.


"Now thats impressive." he said, looking at the new contraption: he was right, Cinder would love this place. Even he thought that some of these things looked amazing, and he only understood about a third of what the owner was saying!

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Dust was very impressed. Volt would definitely be ecstatic to meet this pony. Dust's stomach made large grumbling noise, causing him to blush and flatten his good ear. "Oh, uh, ahm sorry Orion. The things ya have here are mighty fantastic. But ahm afraid I need ta get some food in mah system. I might come on down another time to see if there's anything that I'd like to buy. It was nice meetin y'all." He had said the last part to the rest of the group there. He gave a nod in farewell and turned towards the door. After walking outside, he decided he would go to Applebuck's and get some coffee and maybe a pastry.

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'Food! Scribe you Idiot, food! Oh, and you still need to find a place to stay while your here.'


Scribe looked around after the earth pony but he was already gone.


"Uh, don't suppose either of you two know if theres a hotel or an inn or anything nearby?" He asked, reason winning out over his stomach. "I just got into town and, well, I don't have a clue where anything is. Should probably get that sorted before anything else."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Orion said his farewells to Dust as the stallion went out of his store. He kind of hoped he would see him again soon.


"Well it was nice meeting you Dust! This store ain't going anywhere anytime soon."


He then turned his attention towards the curious unicorn.


"Well the hotel I live in, is just a few blocks away from here. And since my break is in just five minutes, if you want I suppose I can take you over there. The hotel is kind of cheap frankly but it's also warm and friendly over there. Plus it has everything you need as far as its hospitality goes."

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"That would be great, thanks!" Scribe answered brightly: he had plenty of money but cheap was just fine by him - he couldn't stand the atmosphere of fancier places. "As long as they have coffee I'll be all set. I'll just have a look 'round while you finish your shift I guess."


As scribe turned to look about the shop he noticed the other unicorn again.


@@Snowy Storm

'Try again Scribe. Don't be a judgmental foal this time. She hasn't tried to belittle you or anything yet and she seemed pretty offended when you talked to her.'


 "Uh, excuse me?" The blundering colt said. "Icy, wasn't it? Do you have a minute? I, uh, might have... jumped to conclusions. About you. I do that a lot. Can we start over?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"Yes it was Icy" She considered his words.

"Yes we could start over if you wish" Icy turned away and began to walk towards the exit. 

"I have things to do, but if you have time later you can see me walking in the night, I have work to do" she bowed at Scribe


"Thank you for showing me around your store, I'll be back another time to buy something. Feel welcome to visit Regal store, it isn't as colorful as yours, but Regal would love to meet you" she said as she walked out the store.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Pacific Glow cantered through the streets of Baltimare. She had just left the bookstore, where she worked, and was on her way to the restaurant.  She was nearly at the restaurant, when she collided with a brown Earth Pony coming out of the door to the shop called Orion's Chamber of The Century.

Glow fell to the ground from force of the impact and quickly stood up, blushing. "Uh, sorry. I didn't see you."

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Dust was about to head in the direction of the coffee shop when he felt a mass of flesh collide into his rib cage. He turned to see a mare stand up and apologize. "Ya don't have ta apologize. Probably hurt you more than it hurt me ta be honest. So where ya headin in such a hurry?"

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@@Snowy Storm,@,


"It was nice meeting you Icy. This store ain't going anywhere, so your always welcomed to come by." Orion called out to the mare as he said his farewell.


Orion spent the rest of his shift shuffling his items around the shelves and trying to restore everything to where it would be neatly organized. He dusted off some of his smaller inventions and his automobile prototypes. He was relieved to finally have his break, just barely noon, and he didn't have to work again till later on tonight. He met up with the Unicorn who was still checking out some of his unique items.


"Well pal, my shift has ended. What do you say we head on out back to the nearby hotel?" Orion smiled and thought to himself for a minute. "Say, I don't think I even got your name."

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"Scribe Shield." he said before adding "Or just Scribe. Seriously, what kind of a name is 'Shield'?"


He followed Orion out of the store.


"I'll be honest, a lot of your stuff went way over my head. Sort of stuff a friend of mine would like but I'm not going to pretend I understand a lot if it."

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Pacific Glow waved a hoof in reply to him saying it probably hurt her.

"Oh, I'm fine, just startled is all. Anyway, I was headed to the nearest restaurant. It's my lunch break, and I was really hungry. I didn't really realize I was going so fast, though. Sorry again." She smiled apologetically.

"Err, I'm Pacific Glow. What's your name?" She asked, extending a hoof.

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He gave the mare a hoof bump. "Ahm Diamond Dust. Dust is fine too. Yea ah was just headin to Applebuck's to get some breakfast. Ah haven't been exactly... active recently so ah've been tryin ta get out more. Is that where you were headin?" Dust had remembered something just then. "Hey did ya hear that an eclipse is supposed ta happen soon (See @?)? I guess there's some kinda mumbo jumbo goin on about it up at the royal castle."

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"I'll call you Scribe. And in case you haven't got my name yet, it's Orion, Orion Skies." Orion gave him a warm-hearted hoofshake.


"And trust me, you are not the only visitor that has left my shopped all bewildered and confused. It's a complicated subject to understand for most really...physics, engineering, and the beauty of mechanics. To each stallion his own unique interests." Orion explained to him.


"And this friend sounds like he or she would be a great help to my business. I'm honestly struggling right now with getting my inventions and all these ideas of mine some decent publicity, so I kind of really need other brilliant minds to pitch in and help me out. You see Scribes, my goal is change, change for the good of ponies everywhere!" Orion happily expounded.


"I do hope you can understand what I'm saying right now." Orion gave a small laugh.

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Icy was in the basement of Regal's store working on on a new sculpture. She hated working with stone and marble, but rarely did her Ice sculpture sell, unless some noble was having a large party and wanted fancy things at it the would they sell and crazy too. She was sweating up a storm, luckily for her she kept the basement chilled. the sculpture was do in two weeks, but Icy had it almost finished. 

"Icy don't push yourself" Regal came in the door looking around. "Such hard work for a mare as pretty as you is bad, it'll ruin those pretty hooves of yours"

"Don't worry I got this" Icy said wiping sweat from her brow.

"Alright then, just take things easy" Regal went back up stairs. Icy was tried and she sat on the couch she had down there. "I'll just sit here for a while" she told herself looking over her work.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Yeah, I'm not completely dim." Scribe snorted back at Orion. "They would hate the idea where I come from, you know? Very stuck in their ways but that's farmers for you I guess."


Scribe pondered for a moment: he wanted to help this pony who was helping him but as for how...


"Publicity? Anything I can do to help? I travel about quite a lot... Not that it's usually by choice."

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"There's nothing wrong with living the old-fashioned basic lifestyle." Orion commented. "In fact, I respect those who embrace it. It's just, where I come from, back at Canterlot, the high-class society strongly advocates change and strive towards perfection. However it's easy to see that those ponies have the wrong idea of how to reach perfection. Their ways are totally arbitrary and unnecessary. I only try to come up with things that would not only benefit the ponies but also be essential for them too." 


Orion gave a kind glance towards the unicorn. He felt like this unicorn, although seems to have difficulty in understanding the true potential of Orion's goals, could be a reliable friend that would be of great help.


"I apologize if I talk too much. It's just I'm very passionate in this subject. I know a lot in this sort of field."


He then heard Scribe mention help. This really got his enthusiasm and excitement fired up.


"Well Scribes, any possible help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Since you travel, perhaps you can spread word of my business, and if you know anypony who is well avid in my sort of field, you could also help me get a partnership going.....that is of course, in case Twilight never gets back to me."

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