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open Constellation Crusaders Reboot


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" I donjt know he said he was the element of misery. That could mean tthere is another set og element"s. She shuddered thinkihg what force could possibly includ# misery. "What Imv really wondering is why the princess neds to talk to me about tyis, mean why does it pertain to me?"

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Auora sighed and shrugged "no idea my love..."he says and softly kisses her cheek again and lets her go in by herself,slowly sitting on his haunches and yawning at Luna's door. Misery growled as he hammered away "damn ponies,think they can contain the likes of ME?!?! I WILL SHOW THEM MISERY!!!"

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Sparkshower entered Lunas study. " You wanted rto se me princess? " she asked " Ah sparkshower" Luna replied" Please come and sit down." Sparkshow34 made her way to the desk and took a seat. Luna continued " there is a force that mos5 ponies do not know of, those that do know of them, know th#mas the elemhents of chaos"

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Aurora yawns softly and stretches his wings,he them preens the molted feathers softly. Misery starts laughing at his work,and evil,psychotic laugh,he growled in joy as he picked up his element and slowly placed it around his neck,smiling as his eyes glowed the dark grey his necklace did.

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Sparkshowers eyes widened, so that's what misery was talking about, she thought. Luna continued. "Most do not know of them as they do not know that they are the reason I became nightmare moon in the first place, In many ways they are exactly the opposite of the elements of Harmony, instead of seeking the qualities in ponies they CREATE the qualities, also unlike the elements of harmony they do not need ponies to function. My sister banished them While I was on the moon, Casting them in a cave where nopony can enter. But the elements can move on their own and they have broken out recently. That's wherew you come in, I have established a new branch of the royal Gaurd, they are the highest branch ,and my most trusted advisors. I want you to join."

Sparkshower Jumped up" Of course I will thank you Luna, but I was wondering are pegasi allowed to join?"

Luna said"Of course, they will be partnered to the unicorns as well as earth ponies.Why?"

S[parkshower twiddled her hooves "Well I was wondering If perhaps Aurora could be my partnerd."

Luna started "Of course, Yes Aurora may join as well, I knew there wa someone I was forgetting."

Sparkshower nodded "You may be excused" Luna said. Sparkshower walked over to the door bopened it and once she was outside she flung her front legs around Aurora "We've been promoted" she squealed.

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Aurora blushed and gasped,falling back,the door wide open so Luna could see,he smiled and hugged back as he blushed,some guards looking to them a little oddly "...what branch?"he asked and snuggled Spark tight,smiling warmly at her. Misery as still chuckling darkly as he put all the elements on himself,his eyes flashing brightly before he roared and stopped his hoof "I AM A GOD!!!"he yelled out.

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Sparkshower giggled "It's a whole new branch... and the highest one of all." She took Aurora to the side where nopny could hear and explained why the new branch had been created, and all that entailed. "I don't know everything, but I suppose we'll find out in a week and a half."

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Aurora smiled and chuckled softly "I've never seen you so excited before!"he smiles and looks around before he kisses her deeply,puling her in and holding her tight as he kisses her,he softly uses tounge,this promotion could use a...celebration...if you know what I mean...

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(ooc sometimes Sparks picks up on auroras thoughts) Sparks melted into the kiss, that too had never lost it's kick. "What's that you said aurora?" she said smiling Sparkshower had the same idea, and with the energy she had gained from the excitement, she managed to teleport them back to their house without any inconveniences.

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Aurora blushes and opens his eyes,softly seperating to speak,sayin quietly and softly "I said...I think we could use a celebration."he says and softly rubs Spark's sides with his iris' turn to a deep pink color,he smiled with (lust) in his eyes this...as his first time ever emplying this...so...it is basically a hit or miss here,still,he has to swing to know. ((OOC: ok))

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Sparkshowers breath caught and a blush crept over her face " What kind of a celebration?" she asked seductively. She smiled in a flirtatious way. "I'm guessing you're thinking a party for two?" She wasn't quite sure if she was saying it right as she had never tried to suggest something like that either.

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Aurora blushed and nodded slowly "mmmhm..."he said and pulled her closer,kissing her again deeply and lovingly,softly rubbing her back,having his eyes open half way,this making the scene looking...well...steamy. He kept kissing her and softly rubbing her back,massing her softly and lovingly.

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Suddenly, a bright blue flash erupt across the room and Aurora is thrown about 10 feet back to see Cosmo hovering over them shouting, "NO! BAD PEGASUS! BAD BAD BAD!!!" effectively killing any romantic mood in the room. Turning to Sparkshower, he added, "You'll see me in about a week and I'll have no idea who you are!!!" With that, he disappeared in another blue flash.

( :) )

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Sparkshower was angry, "Who the buck was that????? He is sooooooo going to pay for that." Sparkshower went to the kitchen and got herself some iced coffe. She really needed it right now. (ooc I think next time we should just skip to the end nof it on the rp's and just move the actual stuff to a pm or sometrhing people like to cockblock to much."

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( -_- awesome mood kill bro XDDD) 


Aurora gasped and blinked,looking very confused,his eyes sifted from pink to red and he growled,his eyes having a whisp of red coming out them,his voice deeper and more evil sounding "HEY!!!"he growls,teleporting to track the unicorn.

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(XD this wasn't spontaneous. Spark showers my friend irl and we've been planning this. I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity)

Cosmo felt a strangeness as he helped Coral cook.his guardian spirit, Fade, spoke to him, "Cosmo... I think I just sensed... you."

"Maybe because I'm right here?"

"No, more like... Nevermind."

Cosmo dropped the subject before he dropped the pot, and Fade grinned thinking, "So my young master learns time travel huh... Hehehe" his laughter making Cosmo suspicious.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Aurora growled and traced the magic and he teleprted infront of Cosmo,his voice and eyes like a large,blazing fire of hatred and anger "YOU!!"he growls and lifts his wing to whip out a pistol and put it in his face,he could see the bullet in the barrel,the grooves and lands that made the bullet twist,the angry pegasus weilding it as he looked past the gun slightly "Your going down..."he says in a dark voice.

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Aurora growled and traced the magic and he teleprted infront of Cosmo,his voice and eyes like a large,blazing fire of hatred and anger "YOU!!"he growls and lifts his wing to whip out a pistol and put it in his face,he could see the bullet in the barrel,the grooves and lands that made the bullet twist,the angry pegasus weilding it as he looked past the gun slightly "Your going down..."he says in a dark voice.

(This was after Cosmo left the circus)

Cosmo simply stared at Aurora who quickly realized, his entire limb was locked in place by Telekinesis. "The only enemies I have are criminals and monsters, so I hope we're having a misunderstanding... Or it's not me who's going down." Cosmo said as he unsheathed Altair, his katana.

(Aurora should notice that Cosmo looked about 10 years older before, when he mastered and cast the spell.)

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Aurora blinked and stared at him with seething anger,his inner voice whispered to him,it was an evil,dark sounding voice that had many different tones,from a furious growl to a seething hiss "Aurora...calm down...he is NOT the one you are looking for...this is just a test..."it says to him in a hissing tone,he then blinks once,his heart rate dropping and his eyes widening to where he could see more than red,he blinked and looked at the pony "...you look younger..."he says,his eyes slowly changing to their normal multiple colors,he sighed softly,turning the gun in a way to where he could examine it and the barrel "...I'm sorry."he says and puts back his pistol and lowers his wings,he too could harness magic,it was powerful,very powerful...he just hasent figured it out yet...

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Aurora blinked and stared at him with seething anger,his inner voice whispered to him,it was an evil,dark sounding voice that had many different tones,from a furious growl to a seething hiss "Aurora...calm down...he is NOT the one you are looking for...this is just a test..."it says to him in a hissing tone,he then blinks once,his heart rate dropping and his eyes widening to where he could see more than red,he blinked and looked at the pony "...you look younger..."he says,his eyes slowly changing to their normal multiple colors,he sighed softly,turning the gun in a way to where he could examine it and the barrel "...I'm sorry."he says and puts back his pistol and lowers his wings,he too could harness magic,it was powerful,very powerful...he just hasent figured it out yet...

Cosmo nodded and researched his sword, "I'm not sure who you saw, but I'm always glad to solve these encounters peacefully. Now, I'm not sure who you are, but I've seen you around the castle somewhat recently... Wait a second... Aurora Lights? You were one of the candates Luna gave me for a new branch of the royal guard she recently created!"

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Sparkshower teleported and followed aurora. When gshe cosmo she tackled and held him up the wall " Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" She fwaited for his answer very impatiently" ( really breech you hadc to do it now of alltimes? Really really.)

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Aurora blinked and stopped her "calm down...might have been a rouge changer...they looked different...and yes,I know...I was told this earlier today by the Princess herself..."he says and blinks,looking to his mare-friend once more. Misery growled and slowly opened the door "Luna and Celestia shall bow before my power!"he yelled and teleported to the kingdom.

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Sparkshower teleported and followed aurora. When gshe cosmo she tackled and held him up the wall " Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" She fwaited for his answer very impatiently" ( really breech you hadc to do it now of alltimes? Really really.)

Aurora blinked and stopped her "calm down...might have been a rouge changer...they looked different...and yes,I know...I was told this earlier today by the Princess herself..."he says and blinks,looking to his mare-friend once more. Misery growled and slowly opened the door "Luna and Celestia shall bow before my power!"he yelled and teleported to the kingdom.

(Was there a more perfect time?)

Cosmo raised an eyebrow as he was held against the wall, "What? Did somebody interrupt you 2 in bed? And in case you didn't notice, this is my room, in Canterlot Castle. So unless Luna's screwing with me... Which would be incrediblely likely..." Cosmo stared at Sparkshower, not recognizing her, and expecting her to transform into a laughing Princess Luna.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Aurora blinked and looked to Cosmo "try again...Luna is serious now...this is Sparkshower...my Mare-friend...and yes,we were in bed."he says and looks away,just now noticing the other pony in the room and he looks back "did I catch YOU two in the bed?"he asks as he slowly walks to a book shelf and he glances over all the books and his eyes rest on one "...Dark Empire..."he murmurs and slowly touches it "may I read this?"he asks Cosmo. 

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Sparkshower began to ponder over what the iunicorn had said " but I wont knuouw you" she muttere and suddnly it came to her " Time travel of course that must be it.". She began yto ponder ovte3 what this might mean. She turned to fthe unicorn " what reason might you have to time travel? "

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