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open Equestria University Re-Roll


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"Well, alright, but I'm certainly going to point out that keeping highly flammable object on your person at all times is not helpful to you overcoming a tendency to be obsessed with lighting objects on fire," Light Eye joke. "After all, you don't see me carrying out something that could spark a cutie-mark-based obsession, do you?

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@@InfinityWhale, @@Ampharos,

Having grown bored of watching, as there was no more useful information to be gained, Steeleye decided to move his seat. His things disappeared into the folds of his bags, which were taken with him along with his noodles. He sat down nearby the one called Light Eye and another pony he had not seen until now. Part of his reasoning was that he wanted to keep an eye on her. But he was lonely and wanted to make some friends. "Hello... do you two mind if I sit here with you?" He said in a polite but friendly tone. "My name is Steeleye Sungazer... nice to meet you."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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I shrug "hey, I've done the same, just...I didn't spill my guts in a toilet..." I walk out of the stall and wash my hooves. "I can wait and when you come out, we can talk about this, I may not know you much but hey, I'm here to help" I smile, though I was disgusted at the same time. "And hey if you think that sucks, try being a crippled Pegasus." I say in a surprisingly calm voice.

Whirl Wake smiled and flushed the toilet. "Sorry to gross you out." He said, trotting out. "My name's Whirl Wake." He looked up and down the pegasus, noting the messed up left wing. "Meh, it's no big deal. I rarely use my wings anyways. What's your name, by the way?" He washed his hands and face, taking deep breaths.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Whirl Wake smiled and flushed the toilet. "Sorry to gross you out." He said, trotting out. "My name's Whirl Wake." He looked up and down the pegasus, noting the messed up left wing. "Meh, it's no big deal. I rarely use my wings anyways. What's your name, by the way?" He washed his hands and face, taking deep breaths.



I respond to his question "yea but that's your choice. My name is Pelate Overcast. So what's the problem, you seem pretty beat up" I walk out of the way so he can use the sink."I mean, you said you lost some friends, but how? I mean, was it an accident?" I cock an eyebrow.

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@@InfinityWhale, @@Ampharos,

"Well... I've been here for full courses before," he replied warily. "And I passed all of them with tolerable grades. I know the campus pretty well because of that. I suppose I could look around and see whats changed, but that'll get done in due time. So really, it looks like I ought to take the time I have and meet other students. You've already know my name and that I at least -try- to read Tarot cards, but I haven't really learned much about anyone else." He smiled a bit sheepishly.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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"Tarot cards? That's pretty interesting. You can start learning about everypony, starting with me! I'm a mechanic and a pyrotechnic... well I guess you could say i'm a pyromaniac. I kicked myself out of my old university cuz everypony mad fun of me for my little deformity. I mean seriously? It's my buckin ear for Celestia's sake you'd think they wouldn't care. So yea." 

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"I'm quite frankly very smart. I'd read books, I study nature, pretty any method of understand reality I've broached at one point or another, from science to tarot to magic and all the stops in between. What's left for me is to continue to learn as well as to make a mark using my special talent is. I'd tell you waht that is, but that would mean Flame boy here has one less chance to stare at my plot." She gave a wink.

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@@Ampharos, @@InfinityWhale,

"Well, he only needs one reason now doesn't he?" Steeleye joked. "Else there'd be something out of order in some fashion. Well... since you two told me a bit, I'll return the gesture." He looked at Blaze Finder. "Physical appearance is only a minor part of a pony. It may not seem that way to everypony, but I believe that what a stallion or mare truly looks like is composed of the actions they are a part of. I myself am an Equestrian Royal Guard soldier. Equestria doesn't have much in the way of a standing army, but I'm part of it. Well... I'm on leave right now to 'persue my studies'. I'll be taking some detailed extra curricular classes to help me with my... talent. As to what my 'special skill' is, that would be a rather broad term: Information. I learn things all the time, can quote things with ease, remember most everything. I'm here for the more 'magical' side of that. Tarot reading is a part of that by the way."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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I respond to his question "yea but that's your choice. My name is Pelate Overcast. So what's the problem, you seem pretty beat up" I walk out of the way so he can use the sink."I mean, you said you lost some friends, but how? I mean, was it an accident?" I cock an eyebrow.

Whirl Wake sighed again. "Well, I got mad at one of them, and I lost control. I practically gave her a speech just to make her feel bad." He wiped his forehead. "It happens occasionally. I get a little cross at someone, and I lose control, insulting them in every way I can think of. It's awful. I don't mean to do it." He thought back the about ten minutes before. "It's just like the fortune teller said, I-" He paused, anger once again taking a place in his mind. The fortune teller. 


'This is his fault.'


Whirl Wake grabbed a bar of soap and trotted out of the bathroom.


After grabbing a lime and a knife and galloping into a different bathroom, Whirl Wake cut the lime in half and made a small slit in one of the halves. He then got turned on the water and stuck the bar of soap underneath, making it wet. Dipping the wet soap bar into the slit, he watched as the liquid flew into the lime and mixed in with the acid in the fruit, slightly discoloring it. "Perfect ratio." 


((OOC: This little chemistry scene right here is completely made up, however I would still not suggest pouring lime juice mixed with soap into a person's drink.))

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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@, @@Ampharos,


Ciel smiled at her two possible new friends. Although she was a tad worried about Elipsis, the mare seemed a bit too down on herself. She lowered her head a bit when 'talents' were brought up. She had multiple skills, like painting and knitting or baking and mending dresses, but none of those were her special talent.

"Oh well, I don't really have something special..." She trailed off and shifted in position, but made sure to keep her tail on her flank and scooted closer to the wall so her other flank couldn't be seen. She turned to Elipsis eager to steer the conversation in another direction, "So what do you like doing?"

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@@Ampharos, @@InfinityWhale,


Whirl Wake took a deep breath and trotted back to the table where Steeleye, Blaze and Light. He sat down and looked at the two ponies who saw him before, looking like his normal self. "Hey guys, I wanna apologize again for earlier. It's... A curse, is one way to put it." He looked up and smiled. "How about I make it up to you by buying everyone at this table a drink?" His expression had the smallest iota of mischief in it, which he managed to conceal well.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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I made a doubtful face and walked out of the bathroom after washing my face, I saw Whirl Wake walk into another bathroom and suddenly was coming back with...drinks? I was very confused and I knew something was wrong, I walk back in th food Court after Whirl Wake, and I follow. I see him offer the drinks *this makes no sense, it doesn't take dive seconds to forgive some pony like this...*I look at Whirl Wake and ge seems slightly normal,* what do I do, what if this is bad. if I intervene and hes fine id look like a jerk, dammit, what do I do* I sit down too and look left and right "mind if I sit here with you guys?"




Elipsis made a sad face, "nothing much, I usually help ponies, but I mess up, and I ended up with a cutie mark I can't understand..." Elipsis looks at her flank in disappointment, "I don't know about you, but...it's not fun to get a cutie mark at something so stupid, I bet that's what it means, that I'm stupid..." Elipsis put her head on the table and frowns "I wish I was a blank flank again so I can do this over"

Edited by PelateOvercast
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Blaze had been about to make a comment about waht Light had said when a pony he had seen earlier came back and another pony sat with him. Blaze, being his incredibly analytical self, thought something seemed odd about the pony. But he couldn't quite place a hoof on what it was, so he accepted the offer. "Uh yea sure! Thanks man! I don't think we've really met yet. I'm Blaze Finder," he directed the sentence to both Pelate and Whirl Wake.



Remmy frowned. It seemed that her two potential friends at the table didn't seem to know they're talents. "Oh... Well I'm sure you guys will figure it out some day! Maybe even soon!"

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"Think nothing of it," Light Eye said. "No harm, no foul. Though I would appreciate a lemonade: I must admit to being absolute raptured with the taste of lemonade, and I would about kill for the purpose of getting myself more when I really want some."  She avoided everyone's gaze while saying this.

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Blaze snorted. "Jeez you're calling me a psycho? At least I'm obsessed with something that makes sense," the pegasus mumbled to himself. He shaped up the two stallions that had come over. Whirl Wake seemed alright, but he still felt something odd about him. And Pelate seemed a little reluctant to be here.

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I see everypony has no problem with Whirl giving out free drinks, but it still didn't seem right. *how can i do this without being suspicious.* "ummm, so you bought these drinks?" i ask "pretty generous if you ask me...the prices are pretty ridiculous here," i say looking at the menu.

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Nightshade finally made her way into the food court.  Sky ordered a daisy sandwich with hay fries and a wheat shake before sitting down at an empty table, not far from the other ponies.


Psych Ward contemplated leaving.  She didn't really have any business where she was.  But she didn't have any business anywhere else either.

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(BUUCK! Gone for one night, all of this happens! Sorry, was visiting my grandparents. Act like I was with Pelate the whole time XD)


Free drinks... I don't trust 'em.


Starry was really quiet, she didn't look at the menu or anything! She just kinda kept her head down and followed Pelate. Starry wasn't hungry, but when was she ever hungry? Starry went back to doing what she did when she first came to the cafeteria, listen to other ponies conversations. Of course this time she just had her head down and wasn't reading. She adjusted her glasses when they were on the tip of her nose.

Go to my profile for my ocs

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Blaze also noticed a mare he hadn't seen before. How he had missed her he had no idea. He tapped her shoulder lightly. "Hey I didn't see you before. Name's Blaze Finder. What's yours?" He gave her a smile. She seemed a little absorbed with what she was doing, which seemed to be staring at the floor.

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(BUUCK! Gone for one night, all of this happens! Sorry, was visiting my grandparents. Act like I was with Pelate the whole time XD)


Free drinks... I don't trust 'em.


Starry was really quiet, she didn't look at the menu or anything! She just kinda kept her head down and followed Pelate. Starry wasn't hungry, but when was she ever hungry? Starry went back to doing what she did when she first came to the cafeteria, listen to other ponies conversations. Of course this time she just had her head down and wasn't reading. She adjusted her glasses when they were on the tip of her nose.

@Starry Night

(Oh so you where with me)

I look st Starry Night, she looks uneasy I whisper to her "you don't trust him either do you?"






Elipsis wasn't very inpired, "I guess so, but I already HAVE a cutie mark that means nothing it seems." Elipsis sniffles and speaks again "but thanks for trying to help...at least I know you care." Elipsis makes a small smile at her new friends "so are we friends now? Or what?"

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@PelateOvercast, @Ampharos

She looked up at Pelate and replied as silently as he had asked her.


"I don't trust him or his drinks"


Starry looked at the stallion who had tapped her shoulder and asked her something. She smiled softly.


"I'm Starry Night, you can call me Star, or Starry,or Night... It doesn't really matter to me"


The stallion was sorta attractive, but so was Pelate... Dang school, with all these cute stallions!

Go to my profile for my ocs

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@PelateOvercast, @Ampharos

She looked up at Pelate and replied as silently as he had asked her.


"I don't trust him or his drinks"


Starry looked at the stallion who had tapped her shoulder and asked her something. She smiled softly.


"I'm Starry Night, you can call me Star, or Starry,or Night... It doesn't really matter to me"


The stallion was sorta attractive, but so was Pelate... Dang school, with all these cute stallions!

"I kinda want to leave, but if the drinks really are bad these ponies will get hurt...I have no clue what to do about it...." I run my hoof through my mane "I don't want to drink this stuff, but I also don't want to look like a jerk..." I give a concerned look at Star.


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"It's nice to meet you Star." Blaze glanced over her quickly. She was cute in a nerdy sort of way. Blaze didn't really care. He needed to learn more any mare he talked to before he would think of fancying them. He overheard what Pelate had said. "Why would these drinks be bad?" he asked quietly.

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