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open Equestrian Summer Beach Hotel (Romance)

Misty Rose

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She jumped, shocked at first. Then smiled. "Oh, everything is alright. He did pass out but I do believe he is feeling a little better." She got out of bed and trotted towards the worker. "I'm Flower Lily, you can call me Lily" Looking back to Arthüs. "Poor thing." She looked back to the worker. "I don't believe you have me your name yet. if I may ask, what is it?" She smiled at him.

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"Oh, I'm... ummm.. I'm darktist ma'am, I mean Lily, here to help... its a good thing he's doing okay, but anyway, how are you finding your stay here? as an employee of the hotel it is my.duty to cater to everypony's needs, so if there is any way I can improve your experience please let me know"

Darktist smiled shyly back and stood to attention, taking periodic glances at the fallen pony to check for any activity in case he was needed. this pony Lily was very attractive, but he couldn't shake the feeling she alread had some kind of connection with the pony lying unconscious

Darktist smiled shyly back and stood to attention, taking periodic glances at the fallen pony to check for any activity in case he was needed. this pony Lily was very attractive, but he couldn't shake the feeling she alread had some kind of connection with the pony lying unconscious

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Arthüs woke up. And sat straight up. He noticed the two ponies were talking but kept too himself. And noticed the water to the side of the bed. And some food. He grabbed the water and drank it. Then reached into the bag she left there for him. And started to eat some food. While rubbing his sore. That's the last time I ever let that happen, she probably thinks I belong in the insane house by now... he thought.

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Sparkling Blue starts to trot to the buffet again, to get some quick food before she heads back to bed. '' I'm going to need some food before I head back to that wonderful bed of sweet dreams.'' Grabbing a tray of marshmallows and hot chocolate, dunking the marshmallows in the hot chocolate. Eating the delicious marshmallows. '' Delicious!''

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Arthüs was still munching down on his food. Man this stuff takes really good! he thought. He then reached for some of his water and continued to drink some of it. Arthüs finished off his water, and put it into a trash-can that was nearby. He looked up to see them still having a conversation. Hope they're having a good talk. Arthüs thought.


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Lily looked back again to see that Arthüs was awake. She smiled to him then turned her direction back to the Darkist. "My experience here has already been wonderful so far. If you are ever on break feel free to come by here and we can chat or something." She had a bright smile on her face.

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Arthüs noticed Lily looking back and waved.

Arthüs kept eating his food quietly. He was already feeling extremely better. man I owe lily one. he thought. He looked in her direction and smiled.


Arthüs then smiled in the direction of the the worker. And waved.


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As Night Star was feeling cold from the water and not drying of, he decided to go to the nearest room that he was closest to. As he knocked on the door, he noticed the room belonged to Pink Mist, he didnt know if she was there, but he still knocked the door.


OOC: Sorry I've been busy. Haven't been able to respond lately.


After her walk with Ocelot who she was really starting to like, Pink Mist was back in her room and about to go to sleep, when she heard knocking at the door. Huh I wonder who it is at this hour. Pink opened the door to see the pony who had pushed her and Ocelot earlier. She was still a little irked about it but she just guessed he was in a bad mood and came to apologize. 

Yes can I help you with anything?


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Darktist smiled at the two ponies, Lily's smile encouraging one of his own, and bowed before backing to the door "I'll leave you two alone then... I hope you end up feeling alright Mr, let me.know if you ever need help around the hotel, either of you" he opened the door, and quietly left.

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"Thanks for checking in!" Arthüs said.

Arthüs looked at lily after he closed the door. And his smile slowly disappeared. Arthüs spoke. "Sorry if I got in your way, Lily." Arthüs said.

"I'm going to go to my room now to unpack, so ill stop bugging you lily, thanks for helping me."

Arthüs felt bad for being a burden towards a mare he barley knew. Arthüs had a faint frown on his face.


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"Arthüs, you weren't ever a bother. I was glad I had gotten to meet you! If you must unpack, that is fine. My door open if you want to hang out sometime." She had a worried smile on her face. Was it something I said, or did? Lily wanted to hide. I was probably such a bother to my parents that it was the reason they put me in a basket and sent me away. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't, not in front  of ponies.

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"Arthüs, you weren't ever a bother. I was glad I had gotten to meet you! If you must unpack, that is fine. My door open if you want to hang out sometime." She had a worried smile on her face. Was it something I said, or did? Lily wanted to hide. I was probably such a bother to my parents that it was the reason they put me in a basket and sent me away. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't, not in front of ponies.


Arthüs didn't know what to say. He felt extremely bad for what he had said. With a look of disgretion all over his face.


Arthüs felt his stomach gurgle. He looked at Lily's eyes then couldn't think of anything to say.

Arthüs, you've done it now you moron he thought.


Arthüs walked over and kissed her on the cheek. "Sorry for doing that. I..." Arthüs said sadly. Arthüs turned away and put his head down slightly as he walked to the door.

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L-look, im sorry for pushing you and Ocelot but do you have a heater, I feel relly cold and all from coming from the water. But please do take my apology and accept it okay? S-so, how was your day before I pushed you two in the hallway and all that, I saw Ocelot getting pissed at me by the way.

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Lily blushed as Arthüs kissed her cheek, it felt warm against her fur. She put her hoof out trying to reach him, but he was gone the time she was going to say something. Lily looked outside to see that it was night. She sighed and put on her bikini and headed to the hot tub. She would be alone  and relaxing. She put a hoof in the water to see how hot it was, not that hot maybe 91 degrees? Lily sat in and relaxed, it was nice to relax.

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Arthüs was in his room now. He was walking with his head tilted slightly still. As he came by the TV. He got extremely mad and thrown his hoof into it. Braking the TV, and his hoof felt warm. He pulled out his hoof to see it was covered in blood. Arthüs went over and sat on his bed. Arthüs didn't know what to think. He's lost Lily. She possibly hates me now...Arthüs you fool! Arthüs stood up and smashed the mirror in the corner. Arthüs's left hoof was screaming with blood. He then closed his eyes. And he collapsed on the ground due to blood loss.


^ ^ ^~ Scott ~^ ^ ^


Scott is going up the Elevator headed for floor nine. "Why do ponies always have to complain about noise. There's ponies here trying to love. Or course there's going to be noise." Scott argued with himself. Scott got off the elevator, and started counting to find the room 901, 902, 903.. Scott was passing by another worker. "Hey @Darkstrider" Scott said to another employee.

"Mind helping me answer this noise complain at room 927?" Scott asked waiting for an answer.

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"What did I do? he probably hates me... I-I should go talk to him"

The steam and sweat hid her tears. She wiped them away,got out of the hot tub, got a towel, and headed into the hotel. She went up the elevator and trotted to what she believed was Arthüs's room, at least that's where he was trotting to. Lily knocked on the door as it slightly opened.

"Arthüs? Can I come in?"

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"What did I do? he probably hates me... I-I should go talk to him"

The steam and sweat hid her tears. She wiped them away,got out of the hot tub, got a towel, and headed into the hotel. She went up the elevator and trotted to what she believed was Arthüs's room, at least that's where he was trotting to. Lily knocked on the door as it slightly opened.

"Arthüs? Can I come in?"

^ ^ ^~ Scott ~^ ^ ^


The employee walked past him.

"Ahhh whatever..." Scott said rolling his eyes.


Scott kept walking down the hall. 915, 916.

not there yet. he thought. Scott started to trot down the hall. Till he saw the room 927. There was a mare standing in front of the door.


"Pardon me, but can I go in? I'm answering a noise complaint." Scott asked the mare.


Scott opened the door to find a stallion on the ground with blood everywhere and Scott ran for it.

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Lily watched as the colt trotted in, then she saw the blood, glass and broken TV. Then a stallion on the floor. She gasped and almost fainted. "Arthüs!" She ran to him and got down on her knees putting his head in her lap. "Arthüs, wake up, please!" Drops of her tears landed on his face. "I'm sorry..."

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Sparkling Blue heads out of the buffet, walking to the tiki ponies waving their hips back and forth. '' Well, this is going to be fun.'' Walking to the tiki ponies, swaying her hips back and forth. '' There has been a lot of drama lately, and I hear that there was a murder in Room 927. I guess this hotel isn't paradise after all.''

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Arthüs open his eyes when the tears hit his face. Arthüs saw Lily holding his head in her lap and her tears were rapidly coming out.


Arthüs heard lily say she was sorry.

I need to just say it. he thought.

"Lily, I love you.." Arthüs said.

Arthüs felt like a train hit him.

Why on earth would you admit to that Arthüs? She doesn't love you.. the moment he had when he said that he loved her drew his attention to such extent. That he forgot about his hoof.


(( OOC - Sorry about me changing a few things. I couldn't decide exactly what to say. ))

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Blind Noise was sitting in his Manehatten flat on the couch, aimlessly flipping through the channels, listening for a show that sounded good. He was blind, so he could only hear the random shows as they flicked past. He was on break from a recent tour around Equestria with DJ-Pon3, and desperately needed a vacation.


Suddenly, a commercial caught his ears.


"--Down to the Equestrian Summer Beach Hotel!"


Hey, that sounded like a nice place to go to for a small vacation. Then again, he would have to deal with other ponies, and Blind Noise was shy; extremely shy, like Fluttershy level of shy. Then again, he really needed to relax.

Alright, he was sold.

Picking up the phone, he called to make a reservation. Upon completing his reservation, he went to his room and began packing his things.


~One, two hour train and taxi ride later~


Blind Noise exited the taxi, tipped the driver, and took in the sounds of the beach resort. The lapping waves, the seagulls over head, and the sounds of distant ponies in conversations.


"It sounds perfect here." He said with a happy sigh. Using his magic, he released a sound wave to determine the area around him. Follwoing the path, he found himself at the main building and appraoched the front desk.


"Uhm...reservation for Blind Noise...?" he asked timidly to the receptionist.

"When put into a pair of hooves, anypony can change time for better, or for worse. That's why I use my time ablility to run a business, and not trying to take over the world, making slaves of everypony."

                                                                                                                           -Timeless Toaster to Doctor Whooves

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Lily giggled and kissed Arthüs. All of the nonsense seemed to go away, she blushed as this was her first kiss. If he did love her, then he would be the only pony she would ever kiss. She pulled away and just smiled at him, she picked him up and put him under his blankets on his bed before sitting right next to him. Lily didn't know what it was but it seemed that she loved him too.

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Lily giggled and kissed Arthüs. All of the nonsense seemed to go away, she blushed as this was her first kiss. If he did love her, then he would be the only pony she would ever kiss. She pulled away and just smiled at him, she picked him up and put him under his blankets on his bed before sitting right next to him. Lily didn't know what it was but it seemed that she loved him too.


Arthüs felt butterflies in his stomach when she kissed him. And this comfort feeling fell over him. He had never kissed anypony before.


Arthüs smiled "I'll make sure I don't kill myself this time." Arthüs said trying to make a joke. Arthüs put his hoof onto Lily's. and Arthüs looked at her eyes. And he smiled.

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Charcoal was sitting in her house simply reading a book.

*knock knock knock*

(Who could that be?) I thought as I got up to answer the door.

*knock knock knock knock kno-*

Opening the door I saw that it was my best friend caprisha. "Oh hey caprisha, what's up?" I asked her as she entered my house.

"Check out what I got today." Caprisha reached into her saddlebag and brought out a ticket of some sort.

"What is it?" I ask as she hoofs me the ticket.

"It's a ticket to a really fancy hotel a ways out. I am going to be busy from now until the ticket expires soooo."

"Oh no, no, no. You know this isn't my kind of thing. Besides you know my team is working on construction of the next expansion of town hall."

Caprisha rolls her eyes at my excuse. "Well yeah but it is not like you are the only one that is working on that. Besides you haven't had a vacation in three years."

"Well yeah buuut I-"

Cutting me off. "But nothing, come on charcoal you need to get out there. Have fun, meet a nice stallion, get freaking laid!"

I blush deeply "W-w-what?!?"

"Ok maybe not that last one. But you need to get out."

*sign* "I'm not going to convince you otherwise, am I?"

Shaking her head. "Nope."

*sign* Alright fine give me time to pac-"

"Already did it for you."she told me holding up my saddlebag and a few other bags in her magic.

"How did you do that?"

"You really need to keep better track of your stuff."

"Alright, I guess I will see you when I get back."

"Alright." One hug and one train ride later I made it to the hotel.


"Whew, here."

Picking up my bags I start walking to the receptionist. But before I could make it I run into a white unicorn stallion in front of the counter.

"Ow. Oh my gosh I am sooo sorry sir I didn't see you there."

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Charcoal was sitting in her house simply reading a book.

*knock knock knock*

(Who could that be?) I thought as I got up to answer the door.

*knock knock knock knock kno-*

Opening the door I saw that it was my best friend caprisha. "Oh hey caprisha, what's up?" I asked her as she entered my house.

"Check out what I got today." Caprisha reached into her saddlebag and brought out a ticket of some sort.

"What is it?" I ask as she hoofs me the ticket.

"It's a ticket to a really fancy hotel a ways out. I am going to be busy from now until the ticket expires soooo."

"Oh no, no, no. You know this isn't my kind of thing. Besides you know my team is working on construction of the next expansion of town hall."

Caprisha rolls her eyes at my excuse. "Well yeah but it is not like you are the only one that is working on that. Besides you haven't had a vacation in three years."

"Well yeah buuut I-"

Cutting me off. "But nothing, come on charcoal you need to get out there. Have fun, meet a nice stallion, get freaking laid!"

I blush deeply "W-w-what?!?"

"Ok maybe not that last one. But you need to get out."

*sign* "I'm not going to convince you otherwise, am I?"

Shaking her head. "Nope."

*sign* Alright fine give me time to pac-"

"Already did it for you."she told me holding up my saddlebag and a few other bags in her magic.

"How did you do that?"

"You really need to keep better track of your stuff."

"Alright, I guess I will see you when I get back."

"Alright." One hug and one train ride later I made it to the hotel.


"Whew, here."

Picking up my bags I start walking to the receptionist. But before I could make it I run into a white unicorn stallion in front of the counter.

"Ow. Oh my gosh I am sooo sorry sir I didn't see you there."

Blind Noise stumbles back a bit and looks down. He quitely talks.

"Oh, no, it's my fault. I didn't see you." he said backing away slowly as he uses his teeth to drag along his suitcase up the stairs and out of sight.

Once up the stairs, Blind Noise lets out a sigh and proceeds to his room.

"When put into a pair of hooves, anypony can change time for better, or for worse. That's why I use my time ablility to run a business, and not trying to take over the world, making slaves of everypony."

                                                                                                                           -Timeless Toaster to Doctor Whooves

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