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open Equestrian Summer Beach Hotel (Romance)

Misty Rose

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Gears walked towards an area full of resorts, and looked for the one that would be his.

Hmmm.... Hey, that's the one!

He trotted over, and walked inside nonchalantly. He approached the counter casually.


"Oh, well I had one this free trip an-"

"What is your name?"

"Oh... It's Gr- Gears. Just Gears."

The mare at the counter looked at her computer monitor for a moment, and the turned back to him.

"Alright, Room 1001, Top Floor."

Gears nodded and ran over to the elevator which was pryed open, with no elevator to be found.

He smiled, and pulled a propeller hat out of his satchel.

He put it on, and jumped into the shaft, upwards and slowly gaining speed.

"Okay... 2...3...5....9...Twel-"

His head hit the elevator with a thud, and he was out cold.

Luckily, his satchel had a fail-safe parachute.

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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As Night Star was finally waking up from that long night of fun and excitement, he decided to go to the bathroom listening to Louder, which was dubstep." My goodness! That was an awsome night! But maybe I had a little bit more to drink, but hey, new ponies are coming in today!" Night Star said to himself.

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Sparkling Blue heads back into the hotel, using the elevator taking her up to room. '' That was such a very fun day spent at the beach, now I better go get some sleep. Since, I spent so much time having fun in this amazing hotel.'' Brushing her teeth with her toothbrush, turning off her television, and going into her hotel bedroom. Falling asleep in her bed.


'' What a great night.''

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As Night Star was putting every single one of his belongings away, he decided to go for a stroll on the beach, with his swim trunks on him, he decided to swim in the water and have some fun with the others and after that, his dark blue mane was all wet as he swam in the water.

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Arthüs looked up.

"Yeah everything is alright. I ended up paying for my room, and the elevators go out of service."

Arthüs said softly.


"I would try to complain but alot of this vacation is free already. And I'd hate to overstay my welcome."


"So how are you?" Arthüs said with a smile.

Edited by Scooter


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Darktist looked around... so many guests... he shook his mane nervously, and held up a sign with 'free hugs' painted in black with a shy.Japanese emoticon. hopefully someone would talk to him... anyone? He called out quietly "hello everypony? does anypony require assistance or a hug?"

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As Night Star walked out of the beach, he decided to dry himself of but not his mane, so he could get the other pony's. That was when he went to a table his phone rang." Hey Vinyl." "Hey, um I need to tell you something." "Sure thing!" "Im breaking up with you now." Then she hang up and Night Star just hit his hoof on the table with a loud bang.

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Gears woke up in the basement, in a dusty old shaft, a piece of rope breaking his fall.

He lifted his hat up, and looked for any wounds or bruises.

A slight bruise, but is guess the hat took up some of the damage.

He got up, and put the hat in his satchel.

He then looked at his piliot's cap. One of the goggle's was broken.

Well buck. Guess I'm gonna have to go without the cap for a while.

He placed the cap with his things, and began to make his way upstairs, arriving in the lobby soon after. He wasn't paying much attention, and was bound to bump into somepony.

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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"I'm good, it does suck that the elevators are broken. Especially when your room is on the ninth floor." Flower Lily smiled softly at the stallion. "I'm Flower Lily, but you call me Lily." She looked up at all of the flights of stairs.  She sighed. "It's going to be a loong trip."

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After seeing Ocelot have a little too many coconut drinks and walk away, Pink decided to just walk down to the beach and relax a little. She hoped she would meet somepony new to talk to.

Hmm, I sure hope Ocelot is ok by tomorrow, I sure would love to talk to him again.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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"I'm good, it does suck that the elevators are broken. Especially when your room is on the ninth floor." Flower Lily smiled softly at the stallion. "I'm Flower Lily, but you call me Lily." She looked up at all of the flights of stairs. She sighed. "It's going to be a loong trip."

Arthüs looked up the stairs. Then looked back at Lily. If only we could fly. That would simplify things.

"My names Arthüs." Arthüs replied.

Arthüs heard a thud. What the heck?

Arthüs put it out of his thoughts soon after.


"I agree....Mares first." Arthüs said smiling.

oh well here we go!


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Flower Lily started trotting up the stairs. Trying to be nice and also trying to start a conversation she smiled. "Have you been to the beach yet? It's delightful. I would be swimming but I need my bikini first." She blushed a little after saying that, normally ponies wouldn't wear clothes to go swimming but  was from Canterlot, it what they did.

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After seeing Ocelot have a little too many coconut drinks and walk away, Pink decided to just walk down to the beach and relax a little. She hoped she would meet somepony new to talk to.

Hmm, I sure hope Ocelot is ok by tomorrow, I sure would love to talk to him again.

Ocelot trotted towards Pink, and held her hoof. Hey Pink Mist i'm sorry about that, I feel much better now. It sure looks pretty out here, would you be interested in walking with me? The sound of waves splashing against the shore felt soothing, sea foam crawled through the sand and poked their legs.


Check out my OC Ocelot at: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ocelot-r3834

~Im always looking talented artists across the forums~   *Sig by Kyoshi*


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Sparkling Blue wakes up out of her bed, trotting out of her room locking her door behind her. '' What a good sleep, I don't know where to go now since I'm having too much fun. Oh I know, I'll head down to the buffet. I'm getting so hungry right about now.'' Heading down to the buffet, looking at all of the different food for the guests. Grabbing a plate of hay and cupcakes, sitting down at a table. '' I'm getting ready to chow down.'' Eating her hay and cupcakes, starts to dance randomly.

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As Night Star got up to go to his room, he pushed a chair to the ground and went on a full on sprint to his room. When he got there, he locked the door and started crying a bit." Why me, she was the one and now, she's gone and I am single." Night Star said, trying to calm himself by listening to dubstep.

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Flower Lily started trotting up the stairs. Trying to be nice and also trying to start a conversation she smiled. "Have you been to the beach yet? It's delightful. I would be swimming but I need my bikini first." She blushed a little after saying that, normally ponies wouldn't wear clothes to go swimming but was from Canterlot, it what they did.


"As a matter a fact I have not." Arthüs said.

"I would swim as a colt but i didn't have anyplace to actually swim at." Trying to have a decent conversation.

"So I'd have be to honest and say I've forgotten how to swim." He said, then feeling stupid for saying so. Arthüs hoped she had not heard that.

Edited by Scooter


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Darktist sighed and galloped out of the room with tears in his eyes. nothing seemed to work, nobody noticed him... not even the faintest attention. "Why am I always the lonely one?!" he cried, and continued out to the beach, sitting down with his head hanging.

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She smiled at Arthüs. "Hey, maybe I can help teach you. In Canterlot as a filly the only place I knew was the beach." Lily tried not to mess up her words, hopefully he thought that she lived at a house. Truth was that the only place she knew as a filly was she did know the beach. She lived there, in her little box house. Lily tried not to think about it.

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She smiled at Arthüs. "Hey, maybe I can help teach you. In Canterlot as a filly the only place I knew was the beach." Lily tried not to mess up her words, hopefully he thought that she lived at a house. Truth was that the only place she knew as a filly was she did know the beach. She lived there, in her little box house. Lily tried not to think about it.


Arthüs replied.

"Okay, that would be fun sometime." Arthüs said with a smile. Arthüs felt something churn in his stomach.

Change is okay, he thought. It's always good to do new things. What could possibly go wrong.


Arthüs looked at lily.

"Did you ever have swimming lessons, or did you teach yourself?." Arthüs said with a smile.


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Ocelot trotted towards Pink, and held her hoof. Hey Pink Mist i'm sorry about that, I feel much better now. It sure looks pretty out here, would you be interested in walking with me? The sound of waves splashing against the shore felt soothing, sea foam crawled through the sand and poked their legs.



Pink Mist turned around at the sound of a pony's voice. It was Ocelot offering to walk with her.

Why of course, I'd like to walk with you. You know I was just thinking about you right now. Pink walked along the shore with the handsome stallion by her side. They really had alot in common so far, and she was glad for that.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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As Night Star was going out of his room and toward the roof, he pushed Pink Mist and Ocelot out of the way as he walked to the top of the building. When he reached the roof, he remembered all the friends he made and saw the beautiful scenery and just looked of in the distance.

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Ocelot's blood started to boil, and he got angered very easily. His Lion fangs came out of his muzzle and he was ready to pounce night star. But he thought for a moment and just turned around. Forget him... are you alright Pink?  He smiled at her and tried to comfort her.


Check out my OC Ocelot at: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ocelot-r3834

~Im always looking talented artists across the forums~   *Sig by Kyoshi*


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Gears stomach started to rumble, and he did have a bit of a headache.

Well, I suppose I could get something to eat... There's a buffet for a reason..."

Gears trotted down to the buffet, and made his way to the table full of food. After grabbing a plate of hay and a smoothie, he went over to an empty table and sat down. He took a quick glance around the area, and could make out a few ponies. One of them was just there, dancing.

There sure are a lot of wacko's these days."

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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Gears stomach started to rumble, and he did have a bit of a headache.

Well, I suppose I could get something to eat... There's a buffet for a reason..."

Gears trotted down to the buffet, and made his way to the table full of food. After grabbing a plate of hay and a smoothie, he went over to an empty table and sat down. He took a quick glance around the area, and could make out a few ponies. One of them was just there, dancing.

There sure are a lot of wacko's these days."



(( OOC - Entrance of Scott. Scott is a 10 yr old colt. He works in the buffet room serving food to ever pony that is hungry, his mother works in the kitchen as a chief. Scott hasn't gotten his cutie mark yet. He has had little time to look for a special talent, because his mother dragged him to the hotel to work as soon as she could. ))


^^^~ Scott ~^^^

"Hey you!" Scott said.

"Want to try our new cream filling cupcakes? They were sent to us from Sugarcube corner!" Scott said smiling.

Edited by Scooter


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"I taught myself. There wasn't really anypony who would or could teach me." She sighed, but softly enough that he couldn't hear. They were almost halfway up the stairs. Lily looked outside the window area of the stairs. It sure was pretty. Looking back at him smiling. "So, did you enter a competition to get here? Or was it the ad on the tv?" Her voice was as smooth as silk, she wasn't trying for it to be though, it was just like that.

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