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private Dragon Riders of Yv'nerre

Acoustic Cloud

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Ever since the world's formation, it was destined for destruction.  At the formation, a single gem was laid to rest by the unknown powers that created the land..  That gem was sought by the leaders of old.  Soon, war broke out and the world's powers clashed in a mighty brawl for the ownership of the gem.

Alas, the loss was too great.  A stalemate was declared, and the gem was split in three and spread across the lands to keep such a war from happening again.  Little did anyone know that the gem was what kept the forces nature intact.  Now split in three, the world has slowly been losing its own balance.

Eons have passed and a new age has been ushered into the land of Yv'nerre (Ivv near).  Six dragon eggs have been gathered in Central Fdor.  Each of the six holds, Svenn's, Sydden's, Halik's, Tal's, Bard's, and Veryth's Hold, must send select citizens and soldiers by the thousands to discover whom shall be of the next riders. 

Those who are chosen by the hatchlings will then return to their holds to become guardians as they raise their dragons to become grand sentries of the holds.

As the world is sent closer to its own destruction, an ancient cult rises up called "The D'vyne".  They have found riders of their own and are bent on seeking the world's end as a redemption into a new time of perfection meaning they wish to keep the gem's shards apart by all means necessary.

Soon the six holds catch heed of this uprising and send out the riders to meet back in Fdor where their journey first started.  Now they must begin a new journey with each other and keep the world in balance by stopping the twisted minds of The D'vyne before the forces of nature are unleashed upon the inhabitants of the lands of Yv'nerre.

*   *   *



Hooves pattered across the country side.  A large wall of dust kicked up behind the brigade that now stood in front of the mighty doors to Tal's Hold.

A moment passed and all was silent aside from the soldiers' armor slightly scuffing around.  The gates began to draw out as thirty ponies pushed their bodies against the stone slabs that composed the door.

The forces entered the Hold and quickly marched to the innerworks, stopping at the door to Tal's Hall.  One stallion of a thinner stature quickly broke off from the soldiers and entered the room--note clenched firmly between his teeth.

"Ah, what brings a Fdor brigade to my humble Hold?" Tal stated with a grin.  The pony handed Tal the note without a word.  Tal's eyes jerked up from the note.  "You are dismissed." Tal said with a nod as the stallion before him exited.

A Decree from Fdor.


*   *   *


Fritzy noted the clamor outside as soldiers gathered up fit citizens into lines at the front gate.  A knock struck her door; she opened it to be met by a soldier.

"All able bodied ponies of fourteen and up must report to the courtyard immediately by order of Sir Tal."

Fritzy knew she couldn't denounce an order so she trotted her way down to the courtyard without another thought.  When she arrived, she was met by a group of at least a thousand strong.  "What in the world could this be for?" She muttered to herself only to be heard by a nearby colt.

"Didn't you hear? Six dragon eggs are being primed for 'selection'." He whispered.

"'Selection'? What do you mean by that?" She quickly murmured.  But before she had a chance to get a reply the head of the forces stepped into view.

"Some of you may have heard why I have gathered you here today." He said with a commanding voice, "Yes, Fdor has informed us that six eggs have been gathered and are ready to begin their selection.  We of course must present our finest citizens and soldiers in Central Fdor.  We will be sending you in groups accompanied by our forces to Fdor, you must grab only what you need and come back to the courtyard immediately for escortation."  The stallion finished his announcement and dismissed everyone to gather their things.  

Fritzy was still so lost, she hadn't heard the rumors.  But rumors or not, she headed back home to gather what she could and trotted back to the courtyard.

Officer-ranked soldiers began to split the masses into groups of fifty.  Fritzy was placed into the group at the head of the herd.  

As the groups were finished being situated the gates slid open.

"This is it." 


Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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The wind was whistling through the various cracks of his lonely shack.  Dim lights shown through the suffocating blizzard out the frozen windows.  


"What is going on this early?"  Winter thought to himself as he drifted into consciousness.  He had nearly fallen back asleep when he heard the sharp rapping of frantic hooves on his door.  shooting straight up in his bed he called for identification as he slipped on the vest he inherited from his father.  It wasn't much for warmth, but it was better than nothing.


Realizing it was his friend's voice on the other side of the door he opened it.


"Have you heard the news?" the azure pony gave no time for an answer, "They've discovered dragon eggs!  Now peacekeepers are organizing groups of ponies outside of Sydden's hall to make the journey to Central Fdor!"


"Why so early?" Winter asked as he began walking towards Sydden's Hall


"Why not!?  I mean these are dragons we're talking about, dragons!"  The two ponies arrived at the towns hall along with around 100 of the Hold's inhabitants; which is a lot for Sydden considering it was barely more than permafrost hills and caverns.


The group was stopped in mid conversation when Sydden himself burst from the hall's doorway. "Citizens of my glorious hold," his voice boomed through the blizzard, "I've called you here on this brisk morning for a very important message to the ponies.  Dragon eggs have been discovered, and they are being cared for in The Central Fdor!  I have received word from my advisers that we are to send ponies south in order to find the six destined dragon keepers! As you all know, we are short handed here in the north, and anypony that works a necessary industry must stay in order to keep the hold running!  The designated are prohibited from leaving their duty!  That being said, come dawn, this group of soldiers shall escort those who remain south for evaluation.  Now disperse!  Decide who shall go! And may the elders protect you on your journey!"


The sun rose, and Winter waved goodbye to his friend for the last time.  The gargantuan gates opened, and the quest began.

Edited by Duece
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Blaze woke up. He looked outside at the sun. It was barely peeking over the horizon. Why did I wake up so early? He shrugged and got off of his small cot. He put on his neck cloth, which had several items tucked into it. He opened his door to see dozens and dozens of ponies shuffiing towards the Grand Plaza. He shifted into the line and nudged the pony next to him. "Hey what's going on?" The mare looked back at him. "Dragon eggs," was all she said. Blaze looked ahead. Bard was on his podium, waiting for the ponies to shuffle in. 


"Hello everypony. As many of you have heard, dragon eggs are being held at Central Fdor. We will all be traveling there, along with the other Holds, to have one of you become the rider of one of these dragons. We will be heading off now." 


Several large stallions dressed in armor herded the massive amount of ponies to the gates of the Hold. The gates were opened, and the ponies began the trek to Central Fdor. Blaze was fairly excited. What if I become one? Would my dragon breath fire? That would be so cool!

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It was a quite, slow morning, a slight chill hung in the air as the sun peaked over the mountains and hills over the small village, peeking a ray of sunlight through the window of a modest wooden house.


Inside the house, crimson grunted in annoyence as a small ray of sunlight hit his face, he quickly pulled the blankets over his head in an attempt to shield his face from the bright rays of sun. "Morning already? Dangit! I should probably get up now...but my pellow seems a lot more comfortable right now, than going to work...maybe I can just keep sle-" crimsons words died in his throat as he heard a knock at the door. Crimson sighed before getting up and opening the door only to see a guard at the door.


The guard had a serious look on his face as he put his hoof on the ground after knocking, "please come with me as I will escort you and the rest of the able bodied townspeople to fdor for testing of potential dragon riders, now please follow the other candidates in an orderly fashion." Said the guard before nodding curtly and walking away.


Crimson groaned in annoyence, "this is gonna be a huge pain...but its better than working I guess..." mumbled crimson tiredly before grabbing his hat, cutlass, and cloak and quickly fastening them on. Crimson then cracked his neck and grinned, "better get moving..." said crimson before following the crowd.

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