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There was once a young draconequus in Equestria who was percieved as an outcast by all other ponies. He was ridiculed and ignored, sometimes even physically attacked.

So he became a nomad, travelling from place to place to avoid being ridiculed for more than a day.

He stayed in towns and villages, cities and tribes.

Nowhere, was he accepted

But when he made his way to a place called Ponyville, it was different.

He had heard of the Elements of Harmony, and how they were kind and friendy ponies.

But alas, when he got there, they had left on a journey.

But he stayed regardless, for it was something he did in every town. 

The ponies there still didn't accept him.

Except for a select few...




Solus lay in a small make shift hut he had made for his stay in the town known as Ponyville. He had been excited to see the marveled Elements of Harmony, for he thought they would understand what he was going through. When he found out they were away, it broke his heart. The ponies in this town were just like all the others. Solus sighed. Nearly 63 years I've been doing this. I'm surprised I haven't run out of places to get chased out of yet. The draconequus chuckled to himself, but it wasn't because he thought it was funny. He pitied himself, laughing at the fool he had become. He would never be accepted in these places. Soon he would have to find a land other than Equestria to go get ridiculed in as well. Solus knew he would have to go to the town soon to get traveling supplies, he had been running low. But he dreaded doing so, as he knew that the shop owners would close down at the sight of him at their door. Maybe they'll at least let me get some food and water. He continued to lay in the "hut" for a little while longer, enjoying the coolness and quiet of the Everfree Forest.

Edited by Ampharos
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Aqua sat, glaring down at her old prosthetic leg, then walked around ponyville, Away from her house in canterlot to see her reltive that had passed away, she was grief sicken and heartbroken, she walked around the edges of ponyville, which ponies did not do often, she then realized that her leg ran out of spectra, fell and slept on her side.

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Candy Spirits walked out of her small flat, somewhat bored. Bored. She usually was bored in Ponyville, it was better than Baltimare, but frankly...nothing interesting ever happened, nothing interesting to her at least. Top news this week was that Roseluck sold more flowers than usual. She started walking throughout the street. "I could probably use some exercise..." she mumbled to herself. She noticed the streets were more empty than normal, or really than ever before. She ignored it, "Might just be a lazy day for some of these ponies." and kept walking on.

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Gears trotted out of the house connected to the main hardware store. He had come to Ponyville, because his guardians had thought that maybe he'd remember something if he visited the town. So far he hadn't remembered anything or found anything familiar at all. It was pretty interesting though. The towns ponies were pretty friendly and some foals had even come up to him and asked him about his wings. He had been more than happy to answer them of course, as he never found the subject of his wings painful.


He headed towards Sugarcube Corner, as the other day a friendly mare had suggested that he go check their pastries out.

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Candy continued her walk, sort of hoping something truly interesting would happen for a change. She sighed, "Guess I'll never-" She couldn't help but stop, when she came off of the edge of town, there was a small sort of...shack that hadn't been there before. It seemed to house something, or somepony sort of large, but it wasn't the most well-put-together shack...she went around the other side, where she almost screamed at who- what she saw. She was trembling in fear, but also continuing to approach out of curiosity. She poked at the creature's leg, "H-h-hello?" she said, then sucking her lips in.

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