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The Trotting Dead RP


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Josh put his herbs and notebook away then secured the scythe dagger and throwing weapons. He got up and walked over to fire horn "hey any idea how far away this place is?" Josh asked looking over at princess luna when she entered the room and spoke to everyone

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"We should be able to get on a boat from Baltimare to Bruchellia." Fire Horn said.

"I must warn you, there have been reports of bandits scouring the city for supplies, you may not be able to find a boat." Luna said.

"Damn, here i was thinking it would be simple." Fire Horn said.

"Also, i have a new addition to your team. Come on in, @Azura." Luna said.

Edited by ShyFlutters
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Stephan grab his sword and strapped his leather armor on tight. "Let's get 'em!" Stephan walked out the door and into the city. He felt like one of the royal guards, being strapped in armor and all. Although, if he was one, he'd get discounted armor. 

"How far is Baltimare from here?" Stephan asked. "It's been a long time."

Edited by Stevenearthpony


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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josh saw stephen leave and looked around the room at everyone. heading towards the door he threw the hood over his head a tightened it around him to hide himself then headed towards the outer layer of the castle to wait for everyone "are those burns painful stephen i have something for them if they hurt"

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"Baltimare is to the west of Canterlot, just by the waterside, Missy, you used to live there didn't you?" Fire Horn said.

"I'd still, rather not talk about it." Missy said.

"Fair enough." Fire Horn responded.

"Take caution, as i said, there are raiders there, bandits." Luna said.

"We'll be fine, Luna." Fire Horn said.
"And Missy." Luna said to Missy.

"Yes, Princess." Missy said.

"You're handling yourself very well, i'm sure Twilight Sparkle would be proud of you." Luna said and hugged Missy, Missy started blushing and hid behind Fire Horn, to Luna's delight as she giggled.

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Stephan bowed to the princess. "Dear Princess Luna, it is an absolute honor to be going on this epic quest." Stephan said humbly. "These ponies here have become my family, even after we were separated for eight years. I'd protect them with my life, because they'd do the same for me. They're some of the bravest, toughest, mightiest groups I've seen in my entire life. And, from all of the adventures and such that I've been through, I think that's saying a lot."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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"No bowing is necessary, it is I who should be bowing to you, you'd sacrifice all that you are, all that you have, for a group of ponies whom you barely know." Luna said. "I'd say you deserve to be prince of Equestria someday, but for now, you have your mission, i definitely expect to see you back here."

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Stephan smirked. "No problem. This  be a piece of cake. We'll be back once we cure this thing." Stephan flipped to the opposite direction and walked out of the palace. He was all ready to set off on an adventure. He waited for the other ponies to get ready before he did anything foolish.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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josh already outside the palace with his hood tightly fastened around him saw stephen exit and walked over to meet him. when he got closer to him josh notices the burns 'oh stphen i forgot to ask earlier about those im so sorry" he frowned "do they hurt im sure i have something in my bag to help with them if they do"

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(Alright, we're leaving now. Those who aren't active, aren't coming with.)


"Luna?" Missy asks Luna.

"Yes, Missy?" Luna responds.
"Thank you, also, if you ever see Twilight, tell her, tell her... tell her i love her, she was like a mother to me." Missy said.
"I will, but why?" Luna asks in response/

"In case i don't come back." Missy responds. She and Fire Horn walk out the palace doors.

"Goodbye, Princess." Starburst said. Luna laughs lightly.

"Take care." She says.

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@@Josh Riordan,

Stephan let out slight "heh" and shook his head. "I've been through worse. A few burns won't slow me down." Stephan slipped his Ghost mask on for hopefully the final time. He was ready to drop the persona for good and go back to his adventuring days. "Now, let's go do this. As a team."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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josh smiled widley happy everyone was back together again and in exitment for what was to come 'lets head off then" he ensured the scythe was there and that his hood was firmly attached to his head then stretched his wings and kept himself in the air just above stephen

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In the process of leaving, Zeta didn't await an answer once the group started to go. He made sure everything was once again secure before making heavy stomps out the door. But before getting out, he looked at Luna and gave her a wink.

"Haven't seen me ever since the outbreak, have you?" Then giving a hint of laughter. "My mood has changed completely ever since, going from dull to excited. But it hasn't changed the fact that i'm always under you and Celestia's command."


(( Just note, Zeta is one of their soldiers sent do to whatever mission they need done, since he was one of the superior ones in the equestrian army ))


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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"I wouldn't imagine your loyalties would change Zeta, once of my best soldiers, i know you'll protect this group, and they'll protect you, just come back alive." Luna said. "Every time my sister leaves me, i fear she may not return, my subjects are the only friends and family i have left."

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@@Josh Riordan,@,

Stephan slowed down and let Fire Horn take the lead. He felt weird not running through Equestria at super sonic speeds to get to Baltimare, but he just didn't remember where Baltimare was, or where anywhere was, for that matter. It's like he never adventured in his entire life. Before, he could pretty much tell you how far anywhere was from anywhere. Now, since the sword possessed him for eight years and wiped out a chunk of his memory, he just... forgot. Regardless, he followed behind. and watched the group's back.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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"You already know me so well." Replied Zeta, letting out a little smile as well. "For how long we all have survived this zombie problem, it shouldn't be a worry for us to come back. But you are technically right, since nopony will never know what happens next."

Finishing his sentence, he bowed down to Luna and walked to the rest of the group, proudly wearing the triple plated steel armor and having the Glaive by his side.


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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Princess Luna looked on in fear, as the group left, in fear, because she had no idea if they were ever coming back.


Fire Horn levitated a map in front of him. "We reach Baltimare by train, or maybe stop outside it, since the train line will be an active are for bandits." Missy was walking beside Grand.

"It's been a while since i've talked to another mare, generally around my age, so maybe we can bond, friend of my husband is my friend too." Missy said.

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josh overheard that the trainline could be host to bandits "why should we run around bandits? ive been out there for the last eight years and most of them are nothing more then cocky idiots who dont know how to fight properly. few of them have the desire to kill as far as i can tell to a year ago one had a gun pressed to my face but he couldnt seem to pull the trigger. would going through them not be faster?"

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"We don't know what kind of crazy bastards will be residing in that town, so, best be cautious, just to be sure." Fire Horn said.


(I want to make this a challenge for the survivors, they're going to have to have a stroke of insane luck, to get through Baltimare alive, with what i've got planned.)

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Ghost let out a slight "Heh" and smirked "No problem. The fools will never see it coming." Ghost said, feeling cocky as ever.

@@Josh Riordan,

 Ghost processed that thought. "It would definitely be quicker. I can speed us away from the area in a quick second. That is, if that's what we're gonna resort to."

Edited by Stevenearthpony


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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"I think we need to plan out our route through Baltimare, ir's going to be dangerous, there's no doubt about that." Fire Horn said.

"We can't be cocky, that's how we get ourselves killed."

"Well, we've got the best guys on our team, they've got salvaged weapons and supplies." Starburst said.

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"Well, we've survived a mass assassin, a crazy zebra alchemist, horde after horde of undead, and me and Josh survived a volcano a few hours ago." Stephan didn't remember a few things, but he sure as sugar remembered past events. "I'd say we can take on the entire world if we wanted to. But, you're right, Fire. We shouldn't be too cocky. That could lead us to our doom."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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"We should be able to get on a boat from Baltimare to Bruchellia." Fire Horn said.

"I must warn you, there have been reports of bandits scouring the city for supplies, you may not be able to find a boat." Luna said.

"Damn, here i was thinking it would be simple." Fire Horn said.

"Also, i have a new addition to your team. Come on in, @Azura." Luna said.

Azura didn't feel like joining a group but she didn't have any choice. She's been a lone wolf since the zombie outbreak and she hasn't been talking to anypony other than killing other survivors that thought shooting me was a good idea. I started bleeding out but a guard nearby managed to patch me up and brought me back here to Canterlot in one piece.


She looked at the group and knew that they weren't just ordinary ponies, but a strong team of survivors. "It's an honor to meet all of you." Pffft, as if she gives a damn, but she didn't want to give the ponies a bad first impression so she decided to be nice and polite. Azura even managed to crack a smile.


(OOC: Sorry for being late, but you didn't quite mention me. Instead of a mention, you only linked the word Azura to my profile.)


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


Avatar & Signature by me.

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