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Pondah was still quivering behind his hideaway bin as a gust of wind roared. After some deep breaths, he felt a bit more composed and began to slowly move from behind his cover. Just as his face was fully revealed, another gust of wind tore down the alley. Pondah's face was turned to the wind and he took a buffeting. Just as he thought the barrage had ended, a chunky stack of papers caught Pondah straight on the face causing him to fall. 


"Ahhh!" ​he screamed as he wrestled blindly and franticallywith a piece of paper that was pinned to his face.



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  • Brohoof 1
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Rounding the corner, Bubble was greeted with the sight of a pony and the notebook. Actually, it was more like one entity: as if the pony was fighting or dancing with the notebook or... or something.


"Hey, that's mine!" she shouted, before correcting herself. "Well, no, technically it's not... but it's more mine than yours!"

Never quite forgotten.

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In his panic, all structured thought had gone out of the window and Pondah was unable to put a face to a name. "Who's there?" ​he shouted hysterically. "Don't touch my mane!" ​Pondah was now on his back, still trying to get the notebook off of his face. Rolling in the dirt, Pondah gathered more and more dust on his coat until he was a grey blob whilst still wrestling with the clean notebook.

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Stopping her shouting, Bubble watched the panicked shape rolling on the ground.


"...Ponder?" She asked tentatively. "Is that you?"


Of course, even if it was, there was still the question of why he had stolen the notebook. And why he was talking about his mane. And why he was rolling in the dirt. There were quite a lot of questions actually.


She ripped a couple of the stray pages away that were covering his face, noticing that one was her picture of the hotel and a second was a page or complex scribbling and calculations in her sisters writing, with the words 'Just guess' scrawled over it. The entire thing was a bested, smudged and stained old thing already, but now it looked like...


Well, it had seen better days.

Never quite forgotten.

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Hearing his name being mispronounced alerted him instantly to who's book it was. When the pages were peeled away, it only confirmed his suspicions. "Bubble? What's happening?" ​he said, still shaky from his papery assault. "I was down this alley hiding next to something. Yes, next to, not under and I thought it was safe to come out but I was hit in the face and then I went blind and started to panic and then... and then..." 


​Meeting a familiar face only caused Pondah to become even more panicked. 'W... what if she did this? I thought she could tolerate me but what if it was a facade? I don't think she's the sort to attack ponies but she did almost throw that black vial at me. What if she's a murderer? I could be next!'


​The thoughts of being attacked and murdered shot through Pondah's mind, reducing him to a sweating, shaking and nervous wreck on the floor.

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Kaz left the scene after the strange stallion ran off into the alley and headed towards the shops. "I don't even know what I need to buy apart from the surprise. I hope he appreciates the thought I put into it." Kaz thought to himself whilst his mind constantly fixated itself on Bass.

  • Brohoof 1

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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"Uhm..." She thought for a moment. "You're rolling on the ground and getting dirty, I lost my sisters notebook and you... found it. Oh! and you don't want me to touch your mane! I think thats everything."

Why was Pondah cowering from her? Was she on fire or something? there wasn't really any other way that she could think of that she might look intimidating.


"Uhm... Are you okay?" She asked, holding out a hoof, disregarding the notepad for the time being.

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Hearing Bubble's innocent tones reduced Pondah's panic and he regained the ability to talk properly and understandably. "I'm... a tad shaken." he replied. Pondah took Bubble's hoof in his own and used it to help get himself upright. He was still slightly shaky on his hooves. "I'm feeling better now you here though."


​​ Pondah began to rub himself down and ran a hoof through his mane to try and get some of the dust out of it.

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"Oh! I didn't mean to frighten you." She said, picking up the more-battered-than-before notebook and setting it aside, placing a rock on one corner to prevent it escaping again. Reaching out to help dust him down, she remembered what she had just said, regarding his mane, and stopped.


"Sorry I... hit you with a notebook." She said apologetically. "It was an accident! there was this gust of wind and then I couldn't catch it and it hit you! I guess. I'm glad you're not hurt!"

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Pondah had now stopped shaking and was no longer frightened and giddy. When Bubble apologised, a smile crept across Pondah's face. "Hey now," ​Pondah said quietly. "Accidents happen. Nopony has died or been injured so everything's fine. Will you need help fixing that notebook up? I've got a spare long time that needs to be filled."

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"Okay! That would be nice" Bubble grinned briefly before looking back at the woe-begone book. "I hope none of the important pages are missing or damaged..."


She gathered up the loose pages that she could find and set them beside, under another rock.


"It was a bit beaten anyway but...." She shrugged. "Why were you hiding in an alley anyway?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"Well..." Pondah replied.  "It may sound strange but a stallion from the club a few days ago tried to do things with my mane and I didn't know what they were. I was worried he might cut or do something whilst I was distracted." 


Pondah continued rubbing his body until most of the dust had gone. 'I'm going to need another dip today.'


​Pondah wanted to go about the rest of his day on a good note but he didn't want to be alone. "Umm... Bubble. Is it ok if I go around wib you? I felt safe yesterday when I was with you." ​Pondah looked away to prevent eye-contact in case he was rejected or either party became embarrassed.

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"Sure! Of course you can!" Chirped the mare brightly, happy to have some company again and the Pondah didn't hold her accident against her: not like the colt who had shouted at her in the café yesterday... and she didn't even know what she had done wrong then!


"We should probably get out of the wind though, so that I don't lose any more of the pages. And do you want to get a shower or something?" She asked, motioning to the scuffs and scrapes that he had managed to achieve: they didn't look serious but in an alley like this... "It's pretty dirty around here is all."

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Pondah smiled as Bubble returned to her regular, cheery self. "A shower sounds good to me."  Pondah said. "Heck, a dunk in the pond again wouldn't be bad. Anything to seem slightly more presentable. Where will I even get a shower?"


​Pondah was now completely steady and sane now and he felt ready to go back out into the world. "After you, Bubble."

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"Well the hotel is just back there" Bubble shrugged cheerfully as she shoved the pad and papers into her saddlebags, making certain that her bags were fastened securely this time.


"Theres a shower in my room, if you want? Or we could just go throw you in the pond again if you like..." She happily asked as the two of them left the alley.. "... I don't know how much of an improvement that might be though."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"You know what?"  Pondah asked. "Let's just slip me into the pond again. Now, in your absence, I started to work out my way around the area. There's a pond not dissimilar our previous one near a park over there. It seemed fairly clean and there's a tonne of berries around there for if you get hungry."


Pondah followed behind Bubble giving fairly precise directions to reach the park in very short time. The park hadn't changed in the short time he had left it. The trees protected the area from the wind like leafy ramparts and the grass was covered in a fine layer of crystalline dew. 


"Are you joining the plunge?"  Pondah asked with a grin.

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Grinning, Bubble charged towards the water without thinking. "Oh!" She exclaimed, skidding to a halt with a gasp before removing the certainly-less than-waterproof bag from her back.


"That was close..." She said uneasily before dropping it by the bank and jumping in - sending water everywhere.


Resurfacing and noisily spraying another wave of water about, she grinned again.


"So you know your way around now then? Probably better than me!"

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Pondah took the full force of Bubble's splash and was knocked to the ground. "I'll take that as a yes." ​Pondah said with a chuckle. He took a much more reserved style of entry into the pool, slowly lowering himself into the water till his body was submerged. Ducking underwater, Pondah shook out his mane as the pond water became infused with dust, dirt and 'eau de recluse'. Then, he stuck his mouth above the water and replied to Bubble's statement. "I only know my way around this park area. That's the part I focused on."

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"Thats already more than me I think." Bubble explained, allowing herself to float up onto her back. "I only really know the places I have drawings of... and I think I've just lost most of them. Thats okay though, I can draw more!"


Looking up at the clear sky and beaming despite herself, she splashed idly about in the cold water while she silently wondered about why she found things like places and directions so hard to remember.

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Content with the cleanliness of his coat and mane, Pondah waded out of the pond and shook some of the water from himself to dry. "About repairing that book,"  Pondah began. "I won't be able to do the arty stuff as my art skills are an abomination. I'll be able to fix up or possibly improve the more knowledge-based things. Anything sciency should be right up my alley."


The sun and Pondah's efforts to dry himself made a formidable team and in very little time he was completely dry. "I'm ready when you're ready."  he announced to Bubble.



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Climbing back onto dry land and shaking her mane, Bubble grinned as she watched droplets of water fly everywhere. "The drawings are mine, I can do them again. Cinders sciency stuff might not make a lot of sense either... I think she makes up a lot of stuff as she goes along. She's brilliant! Everything always seems to blow up sooner or later though..."


Her grin was tainted with a half-frown.


"I hope I didn't lose anything important..."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"Hey now,"  Pondah said. "Even if you did lose something important, you're bound to find it again at some point. Whether you find the page of repeat what was on it, you can still get back the knowledge. But this Cinder sounds awfully... intriguing, shall I say. It sounds incredibly dangerous to mix and make things at random. 


The berry bushes that served breakfast earlier were incredibly close to pond. Pondah trotted over and picked a few more into his mouth. There were as juicy as ever and, judging by the amount there, nobody knew how good they were. Pondah addressed Bubble. "Hey, Bubble. Try some of these berries. They're great!"

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"What is it that she says? 'Science isn't an exact science!' That's it! I don't really get what she means but... well, she does!"


Frowning slightly still, but feeling much better for his reassurance, Cinder trotted happily up beside Pondah.


"Oh! They look great!" She said, any trace of unhappiness instantly evaporating as she helped herself to the ripe berries. "I... wonder why... nopony else seems to have... eaten them already?" She beamed happily.

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"I need this, OH AND THIS, maybe this... Hmm, no not that, but oh, this is cute!" Kaz could not focus one one thing and his mind was all over the place thinking of what to buy to try and create a special moment for himself and Bass. Kaz levitated a bottle of dark, blood red wine into his shopping basket and trotted towards the cashier, levitating the almost overflowing basket behind him.

  • Brohoof 1

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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Skycoaster awoke in his hospital bed, His ribs had been taped. He slowly got out of his bed, walking towards the door, seeing his chart. and begins looking at it. "Wow." He said to himself. "Concussion, bused ribs, and a cracked rib." As he took a few more steps, he could feel his ribs aching. "Buck, What did I get myself into."


He slowly walks back over to the bed, sitting on it, waiting for some...any news on when he could leave. Finally, a nurse comes in with some papers for him to sign. He was being discharged, but with strict orders to take it easy the next few days. "But...But...Ah, OK. I guess I'll just rest in my hotel." The nurse hands him a bottle of pills that he puts in his saddlebag.


"Thanks alot.Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope to never be in this place again, as he walks out the door and waves a hoof at the hospital staff.


He picked up his bottle and read it. "Take with food for pain." He winced a bit. "Yea, It's time for one of these babies." as he walked around slowly trying to find a place to eat.



He sees his little friend, but decides not to chase after him, just giving him a nod in respect for what he had done for him. Hoping that they would cross paths again sooner than later.


He eventually makes his way to the market, looking around for something to eat. The smells of the market were so distracting to him that he almost forgot about his injury, hovering for a few seconds before the pain kicked back in, forcing him to land. He began looking around, trying to figure out where to eat. That's when it hit him. "A local! I bet he knows the best places to eat!" he thought to himself. He trotted into the market to ask the white stallion a question.



"Um...Excuse me sir. I'm new in Baltimare. I was wondering if you knew any good places to...wow that's a lot of food. You having a party or something."

  • Brohoof 1

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