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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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Tempest landed on the summit on one of the tallest mountains of Equestria, panting from exhaustion. He then heard Minath's message, and nodded. "I will see if you are correct." He said through his telepathic bond with Minath. "I don't know if I could ever truely forgive myself for what I did, though." The cyan alicorn them sat in the snow and meditated. He drifted through his subconscious and came to the barrier between Luna's thoughts and his own. "Thankfully the aura beasts are sleeping." He thought, as he floated through. Tempest then saw every moment of Luna's life, including her time as Nightmare Moon. The cyan alicorn smiled slightly as he saw himself joining her royal guard. He then shook his head to clear his thoughts, and pressed onwards. He saw when Luna's mind was taken over by Caras. "This is it." He thought, as he watched the battle between himself and Luna and braced himself for what was about to come.


(Is it ok if I control Luna for a post?)

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(Yes it is ok)


(Where are you three.)


With plans going very well and with everything coming together perfectly, Caras and Xecha had time to go have some fun.


"Listen Xecha, their are a few ponies that are still in the city. I don't know where they are but its time to hunt them down."


"Yes Let's"


One house at a time, the duo tore apart ever building in the Crystal empire. They found the hiding groups and slaughtered them with ease.


"With the Crystal empire now a ghost city, I thinks its finally time to go to Canterlot."


"Agreed Caras, I shall go first."


"Then I guess I will see you their."


Xecha went to Canterlot is split seconds and moved inside the castle to look for someone else to haunt, Caras trailed behind as he flew from the Crystal empire the Canterlot City.

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(Thanks. As for the others, they're probably busy.)


Tempest was about to give up, when he noticed a growing light within the pool of Luna's memories. "What is this?" He thought, as he shielded his eyes. When the light dimmed, Tempest saw a image of Luna within his mind.


Luna smiled as she saw Tempest. "Tempest, I'm sorry that you had to deal with the psychological damage caused by my death. There was noting you could've done, even with the power of your aura. You did what was neccesary, and that is why I gave you my power. Please, do not be saddened by my death. I will always be with you." Luna then changed into a ball of light, that extended into a strong and wrapped around Tempest.


The cyan alicorn smiled, as he felt the pain of Luna's death ease. "Thank you, Luna." He said, as he regained consciousness. He gazed out into the star filled sky, and a thought passed through his mind. "I think it's time to bring hope back to this world." Tempest then fired a beam of energy into the air, and exploded. The resulting release of energy caused light to splay across the night sky. The cyan alicorn smiled, before flying towards Canterlot. "I'm back, and I am far from giving up." He said.


(For the lights, think of the Aurora borealis.)

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(I have to narrate over this.)


As the lights flew over the skies of Equestria, everyone in all the corners of the land could see the lights, it filled everyone with a sense of hope and joy. And everyone was filled with a fighting spirit.


With the winter season closing and the snow starting to come in from the north, the cities had to prepare for a has war torn winter.


(Its winter time in the RP world now.)

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Tempest soon arrived at Canerlot and hovered in the air. He then felt a surge of power grow within him, and took on his celestial form. "Inhabitants of this world, a great evil has been brought unto our lands. This monster has destroyed entire towns, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, and has desecrated the very laws of life and death. Today, that will change. Today, we take the fight to Caras and those who have allied themselves with him. If we come together, not as separate countries or species, but as one world, we will prevail." He said in the royal Canterlot voice. His voice was also mixed with the voices of the aura beasts that dwelled within his mind. The cyan alicorn then landed on the ground and trotted within the palace.

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Xecha was inside the castle when Tempest scent was found near the front door. Xecha moved to the front of the castle and stood in the shadows, and waited for Tempest to arive.


Caras had landed just outside Canterlot. He was me with the resistance of guards. Caras did kill them all quickly but he took a hit in the side. After the guards where dead, Caras chraged hs magic and sent a shockwave of power, destroying the front gate.

"Canterlot City, the capital of Equestria, home to the last two royals of the world. Let's change that last one."

Caras walked through the city and killed anyone who tried to stop him, or got in his way.


(Someone may just die in this attack.)

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Tempest trotted into his room, and entered his personal armoury and meditation room. He then grabbed a bow, a quiver of about thirty arrows, and a pair of dual swords, all of which he had made out of his own aura. He then sensed Caras's aura and smirked. "This just made my job a whole lot easier." He thought, as he teleported to the roof a nearby building.

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Caras walked through the streets of Canterlot, killing all who got in his path. Upon arriving at the Castle doors, Caras punched the doors causing the to break apart.


"Tempest, where are you?! Its time that you finally died!" Caras shouted into the Castle hoping that Tempest would show up.




Xecha followed along side of Caras hoping that Tempest would be here soon, Xechas blood lust had go on too long, and the cold weather was not helping him along.


"I'm going to kill him, painfully and slowly as I can. As soon as my teeth are inside his neck, his life is over."


(Xecha has a new ability, Paralysing serum, injected via his bite. Effects last 2-3 hours.)

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Tempest rolled his eyes as he heard Caras's threat. He then teleported in front of the throne. "You are a fool for coming here Caras." He said, as he drew his bow and shot two arrows, one for each demon.


Xena shook his head. "Tempest, be careful. I don't know what they're planning, but it can't be good." He said.


The cyan alicorn nodded. "I will." He thought, as his bow and quiver disappeared. He then formed his dual swords and charged at Caras, seeing him as the bigger threat.


Dark heard the explosions, and walked into the throne room only to see Tempest, Caras, and some other pony. "This can't be good." She thought, before quickly hiding behind a pillar. She would watch the fight and assist in case Tempest needed it.


(For what Caras plans to do, it makes sense.)

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(Sorry I have been away, I have been busy since I am back in school now, so free time is low.)


Caras turned into smoke and let the arrows pass through him, Xecha had moved out of the way long before the arrow had come close to him.


"I do not see this as foolish, but wise. If only you and your friends where not so blind to see the reality that is around you. Look around, your eyes may be opened to a few things. Example, how many times have you beat me in a fight. A fair few times. But what have I done, mostly on my own? I have killed Celestia, made you kill Luna, drove half the population into hiding and living in fear and the other half lie dead or wounded. Open your eyes! You cannot win this war against me. You are not strong warriors! You may be strong for this time period, but the warriors of old I fought against in the Conquest 10000 years ago where far superior to anyone alive today. I am giving you a chance now Tempest, and I recommend that you consider. Put down your weapons and surrender, and your life, and the life of your family and friends, will be spared. Resist, and your family pays the price. You have 5 minuets to make up your mind."


Caras offer was legitimate, he was offering them a way out alive. But the main purpose of the speech wa to serve as a distraction. Xecha became one with the shadows and moved along the walls and floor to a location behind Tempest, ready to stike in less then seconds notice if needed.


(Again, sorry for the lack of activity from myself.)

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Tempest stopped, and thought over Caras's offer. He felt his anger building, but he didn't show it. "If he knows where they are, then I may not even have a choice." He thought, before turning his thoughts to his family and friends. What would they think of all of this. The cyan alicorn's body then began to shake with unbridled rage. "No. You have done nothing to make me trust you, so you can take your offer and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Need I remind you who's the real villain here." He yelled. The cyan alicorn then made his aura surround him as the floor beneath him cracked. The amount of power that was surging around him hadn't even been witnessed by any living thing for eons. "You may have been around longer than most ponies, but trust me when I say that you have no idea what you are dealing with." Tempest then shot a bolt of light at Caras.


Dark was slightly surprised by the turn of events, and was even more shocked with what was happening with Tempest. "I have to find the others." She thought, before running out of the room and into the halls of the palace.


(It's ok. Minath is sick. As for Sole and Rage, I have no idea.)

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Caras moved out of the way before trying one last time to convince Tempest to surrender


"Tempest I advise you to listen to reason. You are being irrational and not thinking straight. You don't you talk with Nephyar, surely he has the ability to see if a demon is telling a lie or not, considering what he is of course. Consider all the outcomes before making a choice."


Xecha only became more hungry for Tempests life energy after this display of power. Aside from having many life forms inside of him, which in itself was a good meal. The amount of power that Tempest was showing, would make Xecha drool over how appetising it would be, if Xecha produced Saliva. Xecha was now just waiting for a signal from Caras, saying it was ok to attack.

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Tempest grit his teeth in frustration. He then turned his thoughts inwards. "What do you think, Neypher? Can he be trusted?" He thought.


The ten headed snake sighed. "I don't know. Considering what he's done and his past, I say we shouldn't trust him. Of Caras is telling the truth though, we may not have much of a choice." He said.


Xena shook his head. "No. He's just trying to fool you, Tempest. Kill him before anypony else is harmed." He said.


The cyan alicorn thought over what the two aura beasts said. After a few minutes, he simply smirked and glared at Caras. "If you think that I'll simply let you crimes against this world slide, then you are sadly mistaken." He said. "It's sad really. In another life, we could've been allies." Tempest's body then began to give off a dark light as his body partially turned into an aura beast. His fur had gone pure black and was much thicker. Tempest's teeth seemed to have sharpened themselves, and the rest of his body took on the appearence of a mixture of Tempest and Xena

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"I was hoping that we may have come to an agreement. And I would have let you live, but it seems we are destined to kill each other."


Caras gave a tiny nod to Xecha who took that as a signal that he could attack.


Xecha lunged out of the shadows and sunk his teeth into Tempest neck, injecting him with the paralysing venom.


"Soon, my prey. Soon the pain of living will pass. And the freedom of death will welcome you with open arms. Do not fight your fate, mighty warrior. I said, I would kill you. Soon."




Caras trotted up to Xecha and Tempest and spoke in the old language of the bat.


'So young, yet so old at the same time. Brave, but un-wise. Its a shame you did not come to see reason. I would have spared you. But now your death shall be slow and painful. Once I have done, what I need to do.'


Caras backed away and begain to try and enter Tempest mind, and the minds of the beasts within.

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((Sorry for leaving again guys, I've had a little trouble getting online and thanks to school snow days and stuff like that. Also, thanks for the brief recap. Hopefully this post makes sense.))


Sole and discord had heard caras' message, but didn't hesitate or trust him. They knew what they had to do. "Let's go son, it's time to stop him. Looks like tempest needs saving too." Discord said, as sole gave a nod and followed him. "We're back with a new bag of tricks you bastard!" Sole yelled to caras as the flew toward him.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest felt a sharp pain course through his neck, and grit his teeth in pain. The cyan alicorn felt the effects of the paralysis venom, and struggled to move. He was, however, able to stop Caras from getting to far into his mind. "I'm not going down that easily." He muttered, as his aura began destroying the venom, but that would take to long.


Dark heard Tempest, and ran back to the throne room. She then charged at Xecha, hoping to knock him off of Tempest.

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Caras made a shockwave to stop Sole and blast him back across the room.


"Well, its about time someone else showed up. Xecha and I where getting board of just tormenting Tempest. However fun it is, it all stops at some point." Caras looked over to also see Discord was here also. "Just the man I was looking for, you have overstayed your welcome in this world, draconequus. It is time for you to die." Caras summoned the corrupted elements and equipped all six.




Xehca sensed the danger from the dragon and activated his defence ability. Now nothing but dark magic can touch him. Xecha could not feeling the paralysing venom taking full effect in Tempests body. There are a few possible reasons for this but one answer for all of them. Inject more venom until what ever is reducing its strength, gives up. "You are strong, and the beasts inside of you are kind hearted. But your mind is misplaced, warrior. Cannot stop me. In all my years of killing, everyone I have set out to kill dies by my powers. You will be no exception. Your time is drawing near."


(You cannot touch Xecha, if he has been alerted to a hostile. Due to the use of his abilities, preventing all contact, besides dark magic.)

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Tempest noticed Sole, Dark, and Discord. "Damn it. I didn't want them involved." He thought. The cyan alicorn then turned his attention to Xecha. "I will never stop fighting as long evil still exists." He said, as his aura began to swirl around him. "I will battle on."

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@,@@Child Of Darkness, @,


(((Sorry for the delay, I haven't been feeling well of late.)))


Minath heard the sounds of crashing and jumped out of her bed. She appearified her armor on her body and quickly checked Celestia's ley lines,finding dark magic and other foul presences. The process took about a second before she teleported where everyone was, in a flash of light so bright it activated her Celestial form, and blinded everyone nearby. Before Caras had a chance to react or regain his eyesight (she figured Caras being made of basically dark magic and smoke, dark < light, so it would take a moment longer to regain his eyesight) she pulled out her glaved ax, newly embeded with god magic runes. She swung it at Caras, and with a pure magical force tried to temporarily make him stay in his regular form so he had to take the hit.


(((Sorry if it seems like I'm godmodding, but Minath is fully rested, in her Celestial Form, peeved off, and has the element of surprised. She's kinda OP at the moment.))

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(Nice to see you back Minath, hope you are feeling much better.)


Caras was blinded by the bright light, he could not see anything. So his first reaction was to fly up. So he did. When his eyes finally came to adjust to the light, he saw that it was Minath, in her Celestial form.


"Minath, there you are. Seems like almost everyone has turned up. Just two are nowhere to be seen. But this time, Minath, you will stay out of this. My fight is with Discord, and Discord alone." Caras dropped to the ground and put up a barrier, separating Discord and Himself from everyone else.


"This is your end, Discord. This time, you will not escape, no one can help you. Its just me and you this time. And this time, you will not get away."




Xecha still sat with Tempest within his jaws, ever so slowly tightening his grip of the Cyan alicorn, injecting twice as much venom of the amount being destroyed by the aura beasts.


"You are mistake, you are a misguided fool. Their will always be evil in this world. It only takes different forms, and it always effected by a persons views. For what may seem evil to one, may not be to another. So if you are destroying evil in all its forms, you are just killing your own world. Your judgment is false. You see me as evil, but I eat what I eat, not by choice, but by instinct and force. I cannot eat anything else and I can die of starvation. Is it so wrong to just try and survive?" Xecha once again moved his jaws closer together, almost crushing the Alicorns neck.


(Posts of mine may be this size for a while as I have two characters to run.)

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@@Child Of Darkness,@,


Minath cursed mentally as Caras locked himself in a bubble with Discord. She felt a twinge in her mind and turned to see Tempest in a difficult situation. Appearifiying next to Xecha, she hit him with the side of her glave ax, pushing him away. She bent by Tempest's side, trying to cure the poison with him.

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(Minath, you may need to read his profile. Because one of his abilities is active, preventing any attack. You need dark magic.)


Minaths weapon passed through Xecha but its magic effect was strong enough to make release Tempest from his jaws. Xecha stood up and looked at Minath, just looking. Realising that Minath did not was not connected to dark/ demon, Xecha would, for the first time in years, use words.


"Minath. Your fate. Is locked. Tempest. Luck, seems to be on your side."


After the words were spoken, Xecha sank into the shadows and vanished.

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@@Child Of Darkness,


Minath ignored the thing's words and looked back at Tempest


(((I was thinking the runes would like, carry)))




Minath looked at Tempest and tried to bend bother her magic and Celestia's to heal the poison off of Tempest. With the Aura Beasts, Tempest, and herself, the poison must wear off soon.

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Tempest lost unconsciousness from the bite, and his aura, along the beasts within his mind, were just barely keeping him alive when he felt Minath's healing energy. He could feel the poison being destroyed, and his body was slowly being returned to his control. The white streak returned to his mane and tail, and Tempest's aura was receding into his body.


Dark noticed Minath trying to heal Tempest, and landed next to her. "I can help." She said, as the magic within her caused her paws to glow. She then began to heal Tempest.

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Discord glared at caras "so you want to go Mano e Mano eh? Well, whichever one of us wins... At least it'll put an end to our little feud." He said, as his body began to glow "just know that this time will be different. With that sturdy barrier up I can use my full power more freely, without worrying about hurting anypony else." With that he shot a giant beam of pure chaos energy at caras.


Sole cursed as the fight began, but didn't interfere. He knew that something like this would happen. "Minath, how's tempest holding up? He doesn't look so good." He commented


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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