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ooc The Changling Challenge [SIGNUPS CLOSED]


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All the changlings that were there during the Canterlot invasion were near-professionals. But what about the trainees? They need practice too, right? Queen Chrysalis calls all the newest of her offspring to a meeting. Everyone must take the place of a single pony for 1 week, or 7 days. We are using canon ponies, mane six, Derpy, princesses, cutie mark crusaders... It all depends on how many roleplayers we have. You can choose who you want to play and I will assign a name to your changling. I will name my female changling, who is attempting to play Derpy, Konochu, which is Japanese for insect. They will all basically be insect in different languages.











•RP'er - Changling Name - Changling Gender - Character•

•Haruka - Konochu - Female - Derpy•

•Noble - Rovar - Male - Celestia•

•Silent Dawn - Hashura - Female - Twilight Sparkle•

•Shawn Park - Ensek- Male - Pinkie Pie•

•Darklord67 - Poka - Male - Shining Armor•

•Cherry Bob omb - Skordyum - Female - Sweetie Belle•

•Blue Bay - Bosek - Male - Apple Jack•

•Minath-chan - Serangga - Female - Rainbow Dash•

•Lightning Sparkle - Kita - Female - Lightning Dust•

DAY ONE Monday

Edited by Death Voice Penguin


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Who is the cannon ponies

Canon ponies are the ponies in the show that most people know. Things like the mane six etc.

I'll have my changeling attempt to play celestia.:)

Alright, your male changling is Rovar.

I'll try to be Fluttershy

Fluttershy sounds good to me. I officially dub your female changling Kita.


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I have know idea who I want to be

Oh, that's fine. I'll just assign you a character if you can't decide. How about Twilight Sparkle? Maybe Rainbow Dash? Anyway, your male is named Poka.


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Wait, I'm a female changeling? How the hell did you know I like RPing as females? This is gonna be new...

Hehe, new... Right...

  • Brohoof 1


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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I'll have my changeling attempt to play celestia. :)


I'm going to be pretty blunt: I don't think there's any possible way a changeling could successfully masquerade as Celestia, much less successfully incapacitate her to begin with. Especially not a rookie.


Am I the only one that sees this as impossibly absurd, even for a joke RP?


As for my own participation, I shall consider it. I don't particularly enjoy taking on canon roles, however perhaps you may sway my opinion. Is there any story arc, or crisis that we shall be responding to, or would it simply be a 'take on a canon role for seven days, and try not to be captured. Good luck' sort of deal?

Edited by Durandal


Signature by Blue Moon

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I'll have my assigned changeling try to be umm... 

Either Twilight or Rainbow.


i'm not quite sure how this will work but i'll try.

female please c:

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm going to be pretty blunt: I don't think there's any possible way a changeling could successfully masquerade as Celestia, much less successfully incapacitate her to begin with. Especially not a rookie.


Am I the only one that sees this as impossibly absurd, even for a joke RP?


As for my own participation, I shall consider it. I don't particularly enjoy taking on canon roles, however perhaps you may sway my opinion. Is there any story arc, or crisis that we shall be responding to, or would it simply be a 'take on a canon role for seven days, and try not to be captured. Good luck' sort of deal?

The latter, although I guess we'll just let what happens happens. Que Sera Sera, and whatnot.

I'll have my assigned changeling try to be umm... 

Either Twilight or Rainbow.


i'm not quite sure how this will work but i'll try.

female please c:

Twilight is alright. Since you asked, your changling is female. Her name is Hashura.

I wish there was a male pony

There are quite a few, actually. Doctor Hooves, Big Mac, Shining Armor, things like that. I don't mean to rush, but I can't add you to the OP until I know which pony you are. :/


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I have been wanting to do roleplay for a while, but have not yet been able to get into a game.  Are beginners okay in this one?  I would love to play Pinkie Pie.    :) 

Sure, no prob. Your changling is male, named Ensek.

, @Noble, , @Shawn Parks,

I'm gonna start up the Roleplay thread in the morning, if has his mind made up. :)


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I shall choose Sweety belle, cuz i think i can pull it off.

Female changeling please!

(picklebarrel kumquat picklebarrel kumquat picklebarrel kumquat picklebarrel kumquat)

Ok, you have a female named Skordyum. I'll add you to the OP right now.


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What time will we start cause I be doing something in the morningLater I will be free

I'll post it right now, actually. Glad people are joining!

Well, I'm awfully bad at role playing, but I guess I'll give it a shot anyway. I would go for Applejack then.

Alrighty. Male. Bosek. Apple Jack. :)

This sounds fun! Could I join? I would like to replace Rainbow Dash~! Female Changeling please~

Oki Doki Loki! Yours is a female (since you asked) named Serangga.

, , , @Blue Bay, , , , @Noble

I've set up the RP thread!


Ugh, I never want to mention again! D:


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Sorry about the OOC post in the game.  I didn't realize that the planning thread had become a OOC thread.  This is my first time trying roleplay on the forums.


It's fine, there's a first time for everything. I didn't even know what OOC stood for my first time roleplaying. Don't worry, I'm not mad at you. :)
  • Brohoof 1


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Wait, I'm kinda confused, did this all start on the fictional sunday evening before monday or in the early morning hours of said monday?

. Sunday evening. It's Monday now. I admit the time stream is kinda hard to follow in this roleplay.


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