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@@GingerJoy, ((OOC:Sorry for my late start. I was sleeping while you guys made all those posts. I am from Greece you see)) 

    Hearing Balloon's speech might have been re-assuring for the rest, but Selune was not worried in the first place. She knew what she had signed up for, and this situation was just another challange for her skills that she would take head-on. From the moment they arrived she felt a slight tingle in her horn. Common unicorn would have dismissed it as natural stimuli to a foreign environment, but she knew better. Focusing her eyesight and using her divination magic she could see the flow of ley-line energies, the ley-lines were large "veins" of magic that flowed like rivers through the sky. Through her studies she knew that many unicorn magicians used these sources of magical power to enhance their spells, so finding a large vein in the sky was something that piqued her interest. However she was not about to go to a fool's goose-chase so she decides to look out for Balloon, and ask for what is needed before she begins meddling with the subject. 

   When Balloon is finally free from the commotion of the ponies she takes her chance and approaches him. 

"Great speech Mister Balloon. I came here to report some of my findings to you, it seems that there is great magical activity around us. If possible i would like to suggest exploring the area around us for possible signs of civilization, as well as for sources of the ley-line energies i am seeing. But before i do that i would like to know what this community needs, knowing where i can be of assistance is better than going blind!"

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"allright then." Repsol saiod as he made his way to the machine.  it seemed like there where a few broken things. nothing too major to fix anyway. he opened the side of the machine and started removing some of the broken parts.

after a few minutes of fiddling around with re-wiring the broken stuff into a bypass, he closed the device up again.

"should be all fixed now. wasn't anything too major."

he gave the mare a convincing smile.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Balloon did a double take "Woah woah, steady on there! One thing at a time" He laughed "I'm joking. So you want to help out do you?"


He pulled out his notebook and flicked through a few pages.


"Normally I'd send you to Security Officer Everett about jobs, but I have something that needs doing" He hands his notebook to Selune "I need you to find old pony Otis. He's a green Pegasus with grey hair and I assigned him to keep track of our stockpile of supplies. You'll find him near the warehouse we built a few hours ago, just ask him how our supplies are doing and make note of it"

@@repsol rave, @,


"Oh wow!" Hearth said joyfully "I didn't think we'd get that working at all!"


She quickly fiddled with it to make sure it was working.


"Okay, now we can just take this thing down to the lake and we can check the water" She took the device off of the desk and put it on her back "Are we... umm... ready to go?"


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"Normally I'd send you to Security Officer Everett about jobs, but I have something that needs doing" He hands his notebook to Selune "I need you to find old pony Otis. He's a green Pegasus with grey hair and I assigned him to keep track of our stockpile of supplies. You'll find him near the warehouse we built a few hours ago, just ask him how our supplies are doing and make note of it"
Checking to make sure everything is okay Selune nodded.  
"I am on it sir!" Wanting to be the one to be helping others, she thanked the fact that she had joined a group where it made her feel usefull. Trotting quickly around the newset camp she searched for the person Balloon had mentioned. Soon he spotted the pegasus and aproached him carefully. Making sure that she is heard she comes close before calling his name.
"Mister Otis sir? Balloon sent me to check on the supplies."
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@@GingerJoy,@@repsol rave,

"I guess we are now, and I'm sorry we forgot to introduce our selves. I'm Fire Sharp and this is Repsol Rave."

Fire backed out of the tent so that Dr. Hearth could get out of the tent and headed for the river down the hill. She was so glad that she had Repsol with her to fix the equipment and he may even be able to fix more of the equipment that was broken in the crash after they had tested the water.

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Otis jumps and turns around "Damn! Sorry, you startled me" He sighed


He get's within talking distance of Selune "Check on the supplies you say? I'll be right back"


Trotting off into the crudely built warehouse, he double checks the supplies and comes back out.


"Right, make note of this. We've got plenty of food and water, too much for me to count. We got about a month's worth of medicine, providing nothing bad happens. So we got the basics covered" His voice drops in enthusiasm "We've got nothing to defend ourselves with. No guns, no explosives, not even kitchen cutlery"

@, @@repsol rave,


"It's very nice to meet you both" Hearth smiled as they headed down the hill "Apart from the other two doctors, I barely know anyone else here"


Within five minutes, the trio stopped by the edge of the river. Hearth put the machine down on the ground, pulled a hose out of it and dipped it into the water.


"It'll take a few minutes for the results to come up" Hearth said "So... What was your occupation back on the ship. When it was still in one piece of course... unless you don't want to talk about it, which is fine by me"


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@@GingerJoy, Selune listens carefully making a note using the pen with her horn. "I see... alright. Thank you for your help." she was about to leave when a brilliant idea sparked in her mind.  "Do you think we should remain hidden? Do we have any magical crystals here? Because i have an idea to help us remain hidden until we are ready to face the dangers outside." 

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"My job on the ship? I was a people liaison with the security on board. That wasn't what I usually do but the people needed a proper representatives when facing the officers, as well as someone with some sort of knowledge in the military. Originally I was just an ordinary soldier that was there for protection."

Fire looked down at the water of the river, just thinking of the role she played while she was on the ship.

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"Hidden crystals eh?" Otis scratched his chin "That could work. I can see Balloon going along with the idea... Tell you what, I'll go and ask Balloon if we can look for some. You wait over by the edge of the village and I'll take the note book to him as well. I'll come by in a few minutes and we can go search for some crystals"



"Ah, I see" Hearth couldn't really distinguish the difference between military and security, but she just nodded and smiled "Umm... Did you enjoy your job with the... erm..." Her tongue started to get tied in knots


'No, don't stumble now' She thought to herself 'You're a professional doctor, act like one!'


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"Did I enjoy my job as a liaison? Kinda,  I did like meeting new people and talking to them about what needed to be changed. Whether that was with the security ponies enforcing to many rules so that many of the others couldn't what was needed to be done. Or talking to people about how the military ponies acted to the other ponies, like they ruled the world or something like that. Though I was nervous very time I had to speak to a military officer about another solider, I didn't want to be labelled as a scapegoat. The security officers are kinda like pansies so I didn't have to worry about them."

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Hearth gave a surprised look "You had to deal with the military? I don't think I could even bear to look at one" she pouted




"That's odd" She kicked the machine "It's meant to give off three dings if the water is okay"


Ding! Ding! Ding!


Hearth recoiled in fright as she was caught unaware by the aggressive sounds.


"Umm... Well, it looks like the water is okay" She blushed


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"Gosh, it sounded like it wanted to kill you after you kicked. One day machines are going to rule the world, I tell yah. But at least the waters okay...And you are looking at someone whose military, so I guess you can't be that scared of us. But I will tell you, it's hard to stand up to a superior officer and tell them that one of their favourites is bullying some civilians." 


Fire gave Hearth a gentle smile to show that she meant what she said.

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Hearth eyed the machine with a hint of worry 'I hope that was a joke'


"I never took you for a military pony" Hearth smiled "You act a lot more gentle then they do. Less swearing as well"


She picked up the machine and set it on her back again.


"It looks like we're done here. Should we head back up?"


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((OOC: oh wow, looks like i missed a whole lot when i was asleep ))


"ehrm, i hate to be the one that brings in a delay, but do you mind if i take a quick look at the machine again? it wasn't supposed to give that first 'ding' sound." 

Repsol trotted over to the mare with the machine on her back.

"if that's okay with you ofcourse."


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave, @,


"Oh my... Of course!" She quickly sets the machine down on the ground again


"What do you think might be wrong with it?" Heard asked "If it's something to do with me kicking it, I'm awfully sorry. I don't want to be getting unreliable results from the machine and end up making everyone ill because the water is contaminated and..."

Hearth stopped to catch her breath, she almost fainted from not breathing.


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@@GingerJoy,@@repsol rave,

"Don't you go panicking now Dr. Hearth. I only have so much medical training and I don't want you fainting on us."

Fire laughed a little bit at her own joke and watched as Repsol headed over to the machinery, but also slightly worried that the water could be contaminated with a dodged up test.

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Repsol opened up the side of the machine again and eyed the inside with great interest. "oh it shouldn't be anything too major. the mechanics are all fine and the sensor modules are still reacting. otherwise it couldn't have made any sound at all."

he looks over the whole inside once more and finally comes to a conclusion.

"the results are good. probably just a broken relay in the sound board. so yeah, this water's clean as can be."


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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"Hidden crystals eh?" Otis scratched his chin "That could work. I can see Balloon going along with the idea... Tell you what, I'll go and ask Balloon if we can look for some. You wait over by the edge of the village and I'll take the note book to him as well. I'll come by in a few minutes and we can go search for some crystals"
Selune nodded and checked her backpack. There was her spellbook, and a family photo she was always keeping near her. After a couple of seconds day-dreaming about those she left behind she begins trotting towards her destination. She can't shake however the feeling that they are not alone around here. Surely if such an environment support their health system there would be at least somepony or something else living here. So she keeps her eyes open watching from the edge of the village while waiting for new instructions. 
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@, @@repsol rave,


"Thank Celestia" Hearth sighed


She put the machine on her back again, this time more carefully. Hearth was slightly paranoid that she might end up breaking it, but she tried to suppress the feeling.


"Let's go tell Balloon about the good news, I'm sure he has plans for the river"



A minute later, Otis walked over with a unicorn.


"Balloon said it's fine, he sent Snowdrop with me" He motioned over to Snowdrop, she was a light brown unicorn with dark brown hair


"What's up?" She greeted casually "I can use my horn to detect crystals. Pretty cool, am I right?"


Otis looked her "Strange child" he turned back to the other mare "You know, I don't think I caught your name?"


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@, @@repsol rave,


The trio started to walk up the hill.


Hearth perked up "D-do something? Sure!"

The machine nearly slid off her back, she quickly caught it and calmed herself.

"I mean, after I finish work of course. But I'd be more than happy to be with you guys, what do you have in mind?" She asked


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"sure i'd like to have something to do."  Repsol eyed the mare expectingly.

"anything is better then just standing around being bored out of your mind." he looked back at the machine on the other mare's back.

"we still need to find something to fix that relay with tough. otherwise the machine will just give random sounds with every E-message."


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave,@@GingerJoy,

"Well... I think that maybe we should explore just a tad bit more. You know, see a bit more of our new home and maybe get to know each other a bit better."

Fire looked at Repsol and at Hearth with one of her dazzling smiles. She was quite bored when she had nothing to do and she really did want to learn more about her new founded friends.

"Of course after your shift is over Doctor and Repsol, I think that I may have something to fix the relay."

Fire was trying to impress her friends and have some fun.

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@@repsol rave, @,


Hearth couldn't stop her smile getting wider and wider. She was finally socializing for once in her life, and bonus points for it not being through the internet.

'That's another we're going to have to make do without' she thought 'internet'


"If I finish my shift and you two could take a look at that relay, we could meet in the community square, where Balloon made his speech" She said


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"yeah that's a pretty good idea. do you think we can find a new relay somewhere around here tough? or even some conducting materials?" he eyed his surroundings quizzically before looking at Fire.

"maybe we could go to the crashsite and see what's left out there."


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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