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private The Canterlot Caravan


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Moonlight Fire nodded to Bardic. "That's alright, I have plenty to share," she said. She observed the rich forest they were walking through and marveled at all the flora. "There must be some great herbs here," she murmured to herself as the group continued.

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Driftwood saw the symbol, remembering it instantly, it was most definitely the Hippocamp seal. "That seal was a very old family seal of my caretaker's" he began, "it hasn't been used for centuries, but my guardian and I used to use it when we left notes in the house for each other when I was a colt. It was a sort of in joke." he explained. "I thought that the symbol held no value or meaning to anypony else. Obviously that isn't true."




"I don't know the true intentions of any of these ponies..." Driftwood said to Bardic in a lower voice. "as long as they are traveling with me however, I will be keeping an eye on them. I doubt that I will even sleep tonight."


The group were fast approaching the forest, they were now walking past an open plot of grass and the town's buildings were becoming fewer as they walked.

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Moonlight Fire couldn't help but smile at the optimistic pony. Her personality was in such deep contrast to her own. "Of course not. I brought food, water bottles, and a small tarp in case we need it. Not to mention all my medical books and herbs," she replied. Her back was aching as if to remind her.

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Jaeger trotted up next to the cart "Forests.....Celestia why did it have to be a forest of all things." he mumbled to himself as he looked down and noticed that his legs were shaking quite a lot. He looked up to make sure nopony saw him in his grief. "Your the highest payed merc in Equestria, suck it up." he told himself sternly.

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@@Spiritual Nightmare,

Bardic shook his head. "Do not put too much stock in a weapon: a battle not fought suffers no losses." He smiled. 


@@Moonlight Fire

"You sound to have packed well. Most resourceful - I should have packed more practically myself in all honesty. Books and ink may allow me to perform my role, yet perhaps I should have invested in more food..."

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@,@@Moonlight Fire,

(Cinder, congratulations. You just made the best statement ever X3)

I nodded, struck with shock by how much  Midnight was carrying and how awesome Bardic's statement was. "Yeah...I guess so, but I never said that only having a pocket knife was bad. It could get a pony out of a jiffy anytime." I smiled, acting a bit like Pinkie Pie now that I've noticed.

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Moonlight nodded to Bardic. "That's alright, I have plenty of food to share." She studied the lush forest they were walking through, full of green flora. "There must be lots of herbs here," she marverled quietly to herself as the group continued to walk on.

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Driftwood overheard Bardic mention food, "the forest we are entering is bountiful, we will be camping, there so you could forage for food."


Ahead of them, the entrance of the forest stood as a wall of trees. The sound of wind in their branches could be heard as well as the singing of a bird now and then.


Chapter 2: The River in the Woods

Zone: the forest


Driftwood walked into the woods, the trees were very old and tall and provided shade over the ponies. The whole forest was rich with greenery, many kinds of bushes, plants, and trees grew there.


"This is a large forest, and as many times as I have been through it I do not know it all as well as I should. I don't know what dangers lurk here, though I can't say I have ever found any."

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"D-Danger? Don't worry, we're the Caravan of Canterlot! We can take anything that comes at us!" I stated, happily jumping up and down. It was so exciting to be in the forest, although there was it's dangers, and I only have the Magical Trinket of Fire...

Come to think of it...I don't think I can wield this! I think only Unicorns can,...oh whale. "FURTHER INTO THE FOREST WE GO!" 

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The pale mare smiled again at Lightning Chaser, but then quickly wiped it off. She had never smiled this much in ages!


Although the thought of dangers made Moonlight Fire's heart pound, she raised her head and continued to walk as if nothing had fazed her.

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@@Spiritual Nightmare,






"I only have the Magical Trinket of Fire... Come to think of it...I don't think I can wield this! I think only Unicorns can...


Why can I not stop laughing at this? I can just imagine him looking at it like "Oh... Well this sucks."



"I meant no offense, no doubt if this journey is a long one we shall encounter hardship that will require those of us who place faith in steel." He smiled again at the excitable pony. "Myself? I favor words over war."

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1
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Jaeger shook his head quickly "H-hey mabey we should um camp outside t-the f-f-forest until day light...yeah you know it could be an inconvienice to trot around in the dark." he said with his ears down and shivering like a maniac now. So much things began to fall out of his saddlebags

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(I love you for that, oh god XD )

I sighed, looking at the trinket some more. Well...this sucks. I said, putting on a frown. I quickly smiled again as I heard  [input Cinderscribe's OC name here XD]. "What if...oh my gosh oh my gosh! What if we met a Manticore?! THAT'D BE AWESOME!" I yelled, jumping faster up and down.

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Moonlight looked at Jaegur, and saif gruffly, "Need some help?" she started picking his things up and placing them in, noticing how shaky his legs were. "Are you alright..?" Moonlight asked, genuinely concerned. The poor pony looked as if he was having a heart attack with the way he was shaking.

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Jaeger looked at moonlight and tried to stop shaking "Heh I'm fine, I was just throwing out some ideas you know." he said as he shook with the same force as before. "T-thank you." he said. At the same time a squirrel jumped on a branch and made it russel "Dear Celestia!!!" he said loudly as he drew his knife and hurled it at the trees making it stab into the bark.

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@@Spiritual Nightmare,


A Manticore... Driftwood held back a chuckle, "I don't think there will be anything like that here. The most perilous thing you might find here is a snake if we travel the way I am most familiar with."


Driftwood knew that he would be traveling a slightly different route through the forest this time, he may have known that there was little danger on his normal track, but ahead, when the caravan would be due to take a different way through the forest... there could have been anything. But it wasn't highly likely to be any more threatening than the rest of the forest he knew.


@@Frosty V,


Driftwood scolded the jittery pony "calm down!" he said, his voice raised slightly. "If you can't handle this place you should turn back now. What is it about the forest you find so unnerving?" He asked, using his calm yet serious voice again.

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Jaeger stopped shaking and nodded "Sorry..flash backs of bad expirences it won't happen again I promise." he said as he walked to the tree and retrieve his knife. "Sorry little buddy." he whispered to the squirrel and trotted back to the group "Let's just get this over with." he mumbled

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"The knives are exactly the reason I think he should calm down, being aware of the unknown is one thing, possibly endangering your comrades is another."


The forest was dense, they had been walking in it for only a few minutes and they were already completely encompassed in trees. It was still only midday and there was plenty of ground to cover, this particular forest was home to a vast variety of foliage, at this point, they were passing many fruit bearing trees- apple trees and pear trees being the most common, but there was no shortage of berry bushes either.

  • Brohoof 1
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"WOWZERS!" I exclaimed, looking at all of the fruit-bearing trees. "There's apple, oranges, bananas, berries...everything I could ever want!" I said, bouncing and picking up the apples and oranges that I passed by. When I tried to grab the 5th banana I saw, I accidentally fell down, giggling all the while. I quickly got up and hopped alongside the 'Caravan of Canterlot'. 

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"Be careful with the darker berries. They're poisonous when consumed," the pale unicorn warned, displaying her medical knowledge. She eyed the fruits, feeling disgruntled about the dark forest. It seemed to get thicker and darker by the minute, and she was hoping to get out of it as soon as possible.

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Whiterunner was running through the trees, something was following him and there was no time to turn back and see what was it, he had a package to deliver and he was running a bit late 'I hope my client doesn't get mad at me' he thought as he kept running.


Whiterunner finally reached the path and he stumbled into a group of ponies, without anything to do, he asked "By any chance are you guys heading to Canterlot?"

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Jaeger looked up from the book he was reading, he was surprised that the pony had not startled him "Yeah thats where we're going." he said with a pause " Are you all right you look a little shook up." he said thinking he had no room to talk given his recent out burst

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