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private The Canterlot Caravan


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Whiterunner didn't really have anything to set up because he left his bag when he was running, he also didn't remember the last time he slept so he decided to guard for the night. "Hey, i'm going to stay awake for the night in case those things back in the forest come back, we don't want to have any trouble"




"Also, me and my magic can light that up for you if you want"

Edited by Wheatley
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Moonlight's hooves ached as she slid into her structure. It really was huge. Her gaze landed on Bardic, who was sleeping in a pit. She sighed and despised herself for what she was about to do.


"Hey Bardic, my Tent is rather big and that pit doesn't seem too comfortable. Did you want to share my tent with me?" Moonlight called.

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Driftwood returned to his companions' camp with a bundle of branches tied around his back, he leaned to the side dumping them all on the ground in an open space near the other tents. In the centre of the tents, it seemed that one of his comrades had built a fire pit. He was about to suggest that they use his lighter to light it, but Whiterunner offered his magic before he could.


He started to construct a shelter from the branches, using an old method he had learned long ago which had served him well over the time he had spent traveling. After a while, he had a small, dry shelter. He laid his blanket on the floor within it and went to lie down by the fire pit.

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(I know T~T)


"That sounds like a great idea White, go do it!" I giggled, still hopping around until I managed to fall on my face, which then I stood up, shook my head and continued to bounce around the campfire, giggling. "This is going to be great! We could have smores, we can make smores and ever- HEY WATCHA MAKIN', DRIFTY?!" I asked, jumping over to the sandy pony.


(Thank Kaz for the wonderful banner owo)

My OCs

 Lightning Chaser: Pegasus, Darky: Baby Dragon

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@@Moonlight Fire,


Bardic was actually quite overwhelmed by the amount of support he was being offered: certainly he hadn't asked for it. Where he came from, while friends and companions would give anything if asked, the key part was the asking.


The mare was offering him shelter now as well: even though he could tell from the way she spoke that she outright seemed to dislike company - it was an unusual form of kindness.


"That is a most kind offer, but I do not wish to intrude." He smiled, not just at her but at the situation in general - some of the quirks of this place confused him, but maybe there were things he could learn from these ponies. "Already you have assisted me on more than one occasion, I do not wish to be a hindrance. Thank you all."

Never quite forgotten.

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Liberta was quickly left in the dust by the group, their banter never ceasing. To any other pony this would have been an irritation, yet to her it was relaxing. The emotions that these ponies juggled effortlessly were like a circus act right before her. Closing her eyes, she was able to concentrate on the conversation's intricate act, losing herself in it. It did much to soothe her nerves - these ponies were acting far too normal to be of any threat to her.


Perhaps they are unaware of my plight, Liberta pondered. They didn't seem to recognize her current form, and if she had been expected, there was little indication that she was missed. She couldn't allow them to know why she was truly here, however. It was simply too much of a gamble - though they were amiable now, if she revealed her letter could that change? She wouldn't risk it, not so soon. Observation was a much better route.


"Actually, Lightning Chaser, we will have to camp in the forest overnight. It's larger than what we can travel with only a few more hours of daylight remaining."


The words pierced through her thoughts like an arrow, stopping her cold in her tracks. She had become so entranced by the emotions around her that she had fallen behind. Biting her lip, she quickly caught up.


By the time she had arrived at their supposed 'campsight', a majority of the ponies were either in the middle of building makeshift shelters, or waiting by the campfire for the others. Given that she needed little more than the sleeping bag on her back, she went directly towards the fire.


With any luck, the ponies would return to their banter, swiftly forgetting her in their scramble to mingle.


Signature by Blue Moon

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Jaeger sat by the fire and nodded "We have to watch out for eachother even though we may not know one another, that's the start of a good friendship." he said with a smile



Jaeger noticed a pony walk up to the campsite he barely remembered "Hey, I was wondering were you had gone off to. Why don't you come sit by the fire and we can tell ghost stories or something." he said waving his hoof

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@@Spiritual Nightmare,


"I made a shelter, just like everypony else." he replied to Lightning, becoming more used to his giddiness. He looked at his right wing, and tried to stretch it out, but it hurt when he did so. He saw the strange unicorn they had left behind coming into the campsite. "Oh, it's you. Welcome back into the company." he said, resting his head on his hooves in front of him and stared into the fire.


It was now dusk, and the air was filled with the smell of burning wood and foliage. As the ponies around him chattered, Driftwood observed the group. They must have all had quite interesting lives, he had half a heart to ask everypony where they were from, but the thought of initiating a real conversation was not one he entertained for long. Instead, he continued to look into the embers.

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I, who was very chatty, decided to leave the other ponies alone. I think they don't like it when I talk to them, considering my voice and how fast I talked. I was just really excited to have these ponies as friends...not like I wanted any, but still, they're friends. I walked over to Drifty, sitting beside him. "How are you, Drifty?" I asked, careful to keep it from being too fast. 


(Thank Kaz for the wonderful banner owo)

My OCs

 Lightning Chaser: Pegasus, Darky: Baby Dragon

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@@Spiritual Nightmare,


"Fine." he replied. Of course, he wasn't fine, not physically anyway. His wing ached and felt stiff from lack of use, he just wasn't much for conversation, not that he disliked the company of Lightning or the others. He didn't feel as uneasy as he expected he would earlier in the day, the group seemed trustworthy, but Driftwood preferred his head over his heart and decided that he would stay up tonight.


There was now a little gathering around the fire, some in tents, some by the fire pit itself. They all seemed to be winding down and relaxed.

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"Are you sure you're fine? I mean. I'm sure your wings hurt and all, judging by how they aren't being used a lot. Also, I can tell because you keep fidgeting your wings, which is usually that type of sign. But anyways, do you think that we'll survive to Canterlot? I mean, not to not sound optimistic, but come on. Danger everywhere, the occasional rattle snakes..." 


(Thank Kaz for the wonderful banner owo)

My OCs

 Lightning Chaser: Pegasus, Darky: Baby Dragon

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@@Spiritual Nightmare,


"I broke my wing not so long ago, it's still healing..." Driftwood explained, looking at his wing. "but other than that I am fine." Dusk was soon becoming night, the sky could be seen a little through gaps in the trees above. Driftwood looked up. "Our mysterious friend in Canterlot seems to think we will make the journey, or perhaps he wants us to die on the way." He stopped talking and looked at Lightning, then continued. "I doubt that though. I think we will survive if we are careful, most of the ponies here have experience in long distance travel, if that eases your thoughts."

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I shook my head jokingly. "Nah, we'll be fine I guess. Say, wanna play a game? I mean, if you want to, but then again you don't have to, but that's only if you want to because mainly I LOVE playing games but usually I'm never this hyper I guess it's just meeting new friends and actually understanding them but anyways you you want to play a game?" 


(Thank Kaz for the wonderful banner owo)

My OCs

 Lightning Chaser: Pegasus, Darky: Baby Dragon

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@@Spiritual Nightmare,


He narrowed his eyes at the hyperactive pony. "A game? What sort of game? I don't know any games."


@@Moonlight Fire,


Moonlight Fire then approached him with some sort of herb, asking him to eat it to soothe his wing. He took the herb, and looked up at her. "Thank you." he said flatly, eating the herb. It took a minute or so, but his wing was starting to feel better.

Edited by TotalNeon
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I gasped, unbelieving the fact that Drift didn't know any games! "Where have you been? Under a rock? (ba dum tss) Seriously, you have GOT to get out more!  We could play hide-and-seek, we could play tag, we could play an infinite amount of games, if we wish  it so! What do you say? Hide and seek sound fine?"


(Thank Kaz for the wonderful banner owo)

My OCs

 Lightning Chaser: Pegasus, Darky: Baby Dragon

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Sitting down by the campfire, Liberta took a deep breath as she shut her eyes. Refocusing on the emotions around her, she became aware of a certain pony in particular - the one they referred to as Lightning. She hadn't noticed it before, but the stallion was a great well of emotion - the others couldn't see it, but excitement literally dripped out of the pony. She smiled, chuckling softly. She had been in the presence of ponies like Lightning before - their ability to quit literally pour out emotion oftentimes dazed her, causing her to stumble in conversation. The ponies were too busy being hyper to notice her change in behavior, however there were sharper minds at play here - though Lightning may not notice a shift in her behavior, she was certain others would.


But that was a bridge Liberta would cross when it came to her. This was supposed to be the trip that would end her troubles! She couldn't allow fear to latch onto her now, like it had done so much before. Taking another deep breath, she pushed the thoughts from her mind. If she constantly worried about the others she would be a wreck by the time she arrived in Canterlot. It was for her own benefit that she go with the flow.

Edited by Durandal


Signature by Blue Moon

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@@Spiritual Nightmare,


"I've been to a lot of places, I just haven't had time to learn about little foal games..." That said, Driftwood was strangely intrigued.

"I'm guessing that you hide and seek in the game hide 'n' seek" he said to Lightning bluntly. "Perhaps I will if some other ponies join. I don't think I have the energy to entertain you by myself."

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I then saw a lightbulb light up in my head. "By Celestia, that's an awesome idea! We'll all hide and somepony can seek, and we might be eaten alive!" I giggled, hopping over to the other ponies.



I waved as I walked over to Liberta. "Hi Liberta! You wanna play a game of hide and seek?" I asked, tapping her shoulder. 


(Thank Kaz for the wonderful banner owo)

My OCs

 Lightning Chaser: Pegasus, Darky: Baby Dragon

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(Bardic is a musician. I am not. Hence Bardic's songs are actual songs. I'll spoiler things to save taking up a load of space)


Bardic lay back, close to the fire and enjoyed the day coming to an end. He shivered against the bite of cold, despite the closeness of the heat source.


As his new companions started to grow quiet (except for the Pegasus, who was chattering away to Driftwood as usual), he decided to aid in the only real way he could: he started to sing softly.


"I burn to make you understand
One wrong word and it all may come crashing down
For the fates are devious by heart
They envy you your dreams, so they'll let you drown..."






Never quite forgotten.

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Lightning Chaser had wandered over to Soothing Serum, letting Driftwood listen to Bardic's song. It was soothing, and filled the camp's atmosphere with a sort of magic he could not pinpoint. "I've camped in many a forest over the years, but never have I had the pleasure of listening to singing like this." He said, not quite realising what he was saying, as though he was spellbound by the song.

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(@@Spiritual Nightmare, major issue: Liberta is her changeling name, Soothing Serum is her pony name. You would know her by Soothing Serum. If you knew her changeling name... Well, she'd certainly be ousted quickly.)


Liberta jumped as Lightning approached. Though she could sense him coming towards her, she had futilely hoped she wasn't his target in particular. Turning around to face the stallion, she was bombarded the the emotions he gave off. Doing her best to ignore the wave of emotions, she smiled bashfully.


"I-I don't see any reason not to," she responded softly. She normally excelled at hide and seek, however since she wasn't playing with her childhood friends, she imagined there were certain rules in place. Such as, 'not allowed to shapeshift to hide more effectively'. It made the game less fun to her, but she couldn't allow herself to be revealed because of a simple game.


Signature by Blue Moon

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Jaeger listened to Bardics song while he sat by the fire. He had never had an experience like this, he had always kept to himself and had never had any friends that didn't want to kill him right after they met. It was nice to be in a peaceful state of mind for once. "This is nice." he whispered as he looked at the stars

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