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open Revival of the Ancients

Drago Ryder

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diamond nodded at firedash "sure that will be fun." she said smiling, then she noticed tempest flying towards another ship "Cynthia is that your dad?" she asked pointing at tempest, lightning shook his head "i hate it when people fire at me." he said as he went to find diamond.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Orion smiled darkly and flew towards the boat, dodging cannon fire. He rammed into the boat, causing it to shift slightly. His horns easily penetrated the wooden hull. "This just got interesting." He thought. The dragon then flew back and shot fire at the ship.

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"DO they have to runned this moment." FIreblaze saying as he went Dragon form and then went into the air to brave fire at the ship as Rainbow Dash went and Help her love stop the ship form Firing on them.

Blade seeing this as he, Applejack, Sull and Futtershy get to safey. "Kids come in side." Skull saying.

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Tempest smirked and fired aura spheres at the ship.


Dark roared as she shot her own fire at the ship.


Ivy glanced at Clayton and nodded.


Cynthia nodded and went towards Skull. "Why is that ship attacking us?" She asked, obviously scared.


The ship started to take on water and began to slowly sink into the waves.

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Tempest smirked and fired aura spheres at the ship.


Dark roared as she shot her own fire at the ship.


Ivy glanced at Clayton and nodded.


Cynthia nodded and went towards Skull. "Why is that ship attacking us?" She asked, obviously scared.


The ship started to take on water and began to slowly sink into the waves.

"That I have no Ideal Cynthia." Skull saying.


"Tempest why that ship attack us?" Applejack saying


WHile FIreblaze and Rainbow Dash did a Sonic Rain/Fireboom on that ship do more damage to it.


Blade was making sure the kids were ok while Futtershy checking on her animals firends

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Tempest shrugged. "It was probably a pirate ship." He said.


In the last seconds of the ship sinking. it fired a cannonball in the direction of Dark Opal.


The cyan pegesus noticed the projectile and blocked the shot, his aura acting as a shield. He still felt some of the impact and blacked out, falling into the water.

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Rut-Light saw Tempest get hit with the cannon fire and fall into the ocean blue, he couldn't do anything about it for that would leave the ship without a driver so he did the only thing he could think of; give orders.  "Tempest!  Someone go in after him, someone else grab a rope ladder, quickly!"


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Dark noticed Tempest and dove into the water. It was freezing cold, and would kill her is she wasn't fast enough. "Where are you?" She thought. The black dragon then noticed Tempest slowly sinking into the darkness. She reached out and grabbed Tempest. Dark then turned and started to fly to the surface, slowly slipping into the darkness of unconsciousness.

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Orion dove into the water when he noticed Dark. He soon noticed her with Tempest in her grasp. He grabbed her free hand and flew out of the water with her in tow. He soon found a nearby small island and put her on the warm sand. "Are you ok?" He asked, worried about his new fiends life.

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Iustus laughed maniacally. "Ahhhh hahaha. Have at the you putred swine." he mocked as he fired multiple rounds from the BASS Cannon mounted on his back directly at the sinking pirate ship in a crazed frenzy having not seen any action for months. "Yo estoy loco!!" he screamed.


Ember sat in her cabin rolling her eyes at the screaming. "Sometimes you worry me Frost." she mumbled to herself.

Edited by Frosty V
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Tempest opened his eyes suddlenly and coughed up water. He then glanced at Orion and smiled. "Thank you." He said, as he noticed Dark's body. "I'm assuming that she dove in after me?" The cyan pegesus then sighed and looked around and noticed a few trees. "We can camp here. The others will find us, but for now we need to get Dark's body temperature back to normal." Tempest then began to gather leaves and dead branches.

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Frost looked over the edge of the boat to check on Tempest after Iustus had finished his rampage. "Ummm....guys? Where are they?" he said pointing over the side of the boat as he ran to the wheel. "Rut come on! Anchor us or something, we need to find them!" he said frantically.

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Orion nodded and blew a small amount of fire on the sand surround Dark. This would heat the sand and keep Dark warm. "I never thought I would actually meet a pony who cared about a dragon." He said. "I guess I shouldn't really judge a species based on the actions of a few. I'm sorry."

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Tempest smiled slight and nodded. "I should actually be the one apologizing. I saw you talking to Dark earlier, and I wasn't really please. At the time, I was worried that you would hurt Dark, but now I know that you mean no harm. I guess I took on some parental instincts when it came to Dark. By the way, what's your name?"

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Lion shrugged and smiled. He then lit the branches and leaves on fire, before sitting on the ground. "You can just call me Orion." He said. The dragon then sighed. "I actually don't trust ponies, because a group of the, killed my parents when I was young. As for Dark, I wouldn't dream of hurting her. She's one of the only dragons I actually know."

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Tempest smiled and sighed. "It's good to meet you, Orion. I assume you already know this, but I'm Tempest. As for the group of ponies, we actually caught them for illegally hunting dragons and several endangered species. I know that won't bring back your family, but it might bring you some closure."

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diamond ran around the boat and ran into Clayton and looked at him "have you seen my brother, his name is lightning." she said speedily, lightning was still looking for diamond when he saw Clayton "oh hey it's you, sorry what's your name and have you seen my sister." he said smiling, diamond heard lightning and ran to hug him "yay we're together again." she said as she hugged him.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Clayton smiled as he watched Lightning and Diamond. "My name is Clayton Ward, but most ponies call me Clayton." He said. "So, who are you?"


Orion then looked out into the ocean, but couldn't see the boats. "It seems we may be here for a while." He thought. The dragon then curled into a ball next to Dark.

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Tempest as he watched over Dark and Orion. He then glanced at the fire, hoping the smoke would attract the others. He fell asleep not to far from the sleeping dragons.


Ivy looked out into the ocean, using her aura sense to try and locate Dark and Tempest. She then noticed smoke from a nearby island. The silver unicorn then glanced at the others. "I found them." She said, pointing towards the island.

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Frost turned his haze to the silver unicorn. "What? Where?" he said as he looked over the shore line and then noticed the smoke. "Um...ok, so I think docking the ship would be a very bad strategic move, but that's my thoughts." he said lolling around "Who knows what lies in the dark." Iustus added.

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Ivy nodded and dove into the water. She then started to swim over to the island. "This had better be worth it." She thought.


Tempest woke up and sensed Ivy's aura approaching. He then smiled and fired a aura sphere into the air, which exploded in white light after it reached a certain height.


Dark slowly woke up and noticed Orion sleeping very close to her. She smiled and purred as she nuzzled him.

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Orion woke up and noticed Dark. "I'm glad your feeling ok." He said, before standing up and nuzzling Dark. "Do you think that you'll be able to fly? I can carry you if you want."


Clayton noticed the aura sphere and glanced at Frost. "We should bring the ship closer. They could need some medical attention." He said.

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Ivy nodded and dove into the water. She then started to swim over to the island. "This had better be worth it." She thought.


Tempest woke up and sensed Ivy's aura approaching. He then smiled and fired a aura sphere into the air, which exploded in white light after it reached a certain height.


Dark slowly woke up and noticed Orion sleeping very close to her. She smiled and purred as she nuzzled him.

Fireblaze, Rainbow Dash Ran up to Firedash as they hugging her. "Are you ok Daughter?"


"I am Fine mother." Firedash saying.


"We better find Tempest, Dark and Orion make sure they ok." Fireblaze saying


"Ivy do you know were your husben land?" Rainbow Dash saying? "I Can go and find him for you."


"Say here Daughter." Rainbow Dash and FIreblaze saying as they flew towards the island.


"Ok Mom and Dad." FireDash saying

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Dark smiled slightly and stretched. "I should be ok." She said.


Ivy glanced at Blaze and nodded. "I saw a aura sphere come from that island, so Tempest might be there." She said, as she trotted onto the shore.


Tempest glanced at Dark and Orion. "I'll just leave you two lovebirds to your own devices. I need to go look for Ivy and the others."


(Um, I don't think Orion has really introduced himself to the others, aside from Tempest and Dark.)

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As the ship got somewhat closer Frost found himself almost over the railing. He saw the fire and smiled. "Hey you guys! I brought my ride. Hope it's not to swagalisious for yah." he yelled laughing as he patted the boats hull. They were still far out on the island. "Can you get here on your own?" he yelled even louder.

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