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open Revival of the Ancients

Drago Ryder

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Canter's ears perked up. "A-a test?" he replied in a nervous tone. He had not done well with tests in the past because of the pressure he felt, but he seemed calmer this time and he was surprised. He let go of Ivy and turned to Tempest. "Um alright." he stuttered. He knew he was ready, but he wasn't sure.


Frost sat at the kitchen table still in deep thought about the conversation he and Ember were having. Ember spoke up. "You don't think letting Tempest be the leader of this colony was bad do you?" she said as Frost shook his head mid sentence. "No, no. Tempest is a good pony he wouldn't be the tyrant type, but it's his counter part I'm worried about." he said thinking of how he and Tempest were similar in the fact that their souls had another side. He had Iustus and Tempest had Xena.

Edited by Frosty V
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Tempest simply nodded. "Your test will be on the manipulation of your own aura. I've already explained how to do this many times, and it is only limited to your own imagination. Let's try something simple. To start off, I want you to simply let your aura surround you."


(I'm assuming you want Canter to be able to control his aura? Also, I'll need a character page for said pony.)

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Orion smiled as he flies over the plains on the opposite side of the mountain. "This is perfect." He thought to himself, smiling. "Dark and I are expecting hatchlings, and Tempest's project is expanding. As long as he doesn't harm Dark or the eggs, once their laid, I see no problem." The dragon then noticed a a group of deer and quickly grabbed four of them, on in each talon. He then started to fly back to the nest.


Clayton smiled as he worked on a painting. His business had boomed as more and more ponies took a fancy to his artwork. This certain buyer requested a painting of two dragons, or in this case Dark and Orion, flying gracefully through the air, and it was planned to be paid for and picked up tomorrow.


(Just imagine a eagle catching a fish.)

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Dark heard the beating of wings outside the cave. "I wonder if that's Orion." She thought, getting ready to fight if it was an intruder. She knew that she would be vulnerable, due to pregnancy, but her instincts drove her to defend the nest.


Cynthia sighed as she entered the palace. She noticed Canter and shrugged, before trotting towards her room.

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Canter laid down his books and began to summon his aura. It slowly began to surround him, it stayed that way for a few seconds before he began to power it down. Canter panted. "That's the best I've done do far he said as he looked back up at Tempest pretty proud of himself.


(The page will be up ASAP or when I get my laptop back.)

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lightning was in front of the palace, he walked up to the door and asked if tempest was busy and waited for an answer, diamond walked up to firedash's house and knocked "is anyone home." she asked while still knocking, lightning was looking at the palace wow they did a really good job on the architectural designhe thought.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Orion landed in the cave and gently dropped the four, deer in front of the dragoness. "I brought you some dinner." He said, nervously as he gently pushed the animals closer to Dark.


Clayton sighed as he finished the painting and exited his shop. "I wonder what Tempest is up to." He thought. The unicorn then shrugged and began to walk around the market.

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Dark smiled slightly and began to eat one of the deer. "You can have the other two." She said, in between bites. The black dragon had grown accustomed to eating meat when she started living with Orion.


The cyan pegesus nodded and smiled. "That's good. We need to work on keeping it up longer, though. That can be solved through meditation." He said. "Now, we can move onto the next part of the test."


(The rest of the test might as well be the magic spells that Canter has already learned, as well as a few other aura abilities. This includes healing and the aura sight.)

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Canter nodded in agreement. "Ok I'm ready." he said in a boastful tone as he readied him self for the next part of the test. He had been studing all week for this and he wasn't going to let his teacher down.


Frost stood up from the table. "I think I'll take a walk to the palace market." he said as he grabbed his bags and trotted out the door. "I just need to clear my head." he thought


(you might want to remind me about aura sight, that's the main one I forgot)

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Orion smiled slightly and slowly ate his two deer. He then smiled and walked around the cave, being careful not to wander to close to Dark and her meal. When he was sure it was safe, he walked over to her and nuzzled her.


Clayton smiled slightly as he walked through the market. He had bought a new chisel, as well as some other art supplies. "I wonder if I should visit the royal family." He thought, laughing slightly.

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Tempest smiled slightly and nodded. "You can begin whenever you wish." He said.


Dark smiled slightly as she finished her deer. She then nuzzled Orion back and purred in content. "I never would've imagined I would be resting in a different cave, with the one I love." She said.


(Aura sight is the ability to see the aura of any living thing. It is very useful when the user is unaware of his surroundings.)

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Canter closed his eyes and his aura began to glow in a blue light around his horn, he could sense the aura of Tempest and Ivy in the room, there aura almost over powered the aura of everything else with in his range, but he could still make out a few guards and what appeared to be Cynthia, but he wasnt sure. He also could since the aura of his father who was just below him in the market. It was strange, as if it was dark and light aura mixing together in harmony, it was strange. He opened his eyes to reveal a bright white which slowly faded back to his original color. He looked up at Tempest and smiled "How was that?" he asked

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Tempest nodded and smiled. "You passed with flying colors." He said. "I'm sure your dad will be proud."


Ivy smiled as she watched Tempest and Canter. "I might as well see what the market is selling." She thought, before trotting out of the palace.


Cynthia sighed as she grew boared. "I wonder what Firedash and Diamond are up to." She thought. The young filly then exited the palace and trotted through the market.


Three figures wearing cloaks trotted through a the mountains near Dragonforge. "Are you sure that this plan will work?" One asked.


The leader of the group nodded and smiled darkly. "Soon, Xena will be ours, and we will use his power for what it was intended for." He said.

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Orion smiled as he nudged Dark playfully. "You are so cute when you purr." He said. "I agree, though. I never would've thought that I would be hundreds of miles away from my first nest, with the dragoness of my dreams, and I certainly never expected to be a expecting father."

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Frost walked through the market when he ran into Ivy. "Hey there Ivy! I hope my son isn't giving your husband to much trouble." he said as Canter came running out of the palace. "Dad! Dad! I passed my first test!" he squealed as Frost picked him up and put him on his back. "Thats wonderful Canter! How about we get some food and have a celebration dinner tonight, but right now you should go home and tell mommy." he finished as he put Canter down so he could run home to tell Ember the great news. Frost turned back to Ivy. I couldn't have asked for better teachers." he said smiling widely

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As Rut-Light walked the street he saw one of his friends, Ivy Sol.  He trotted towards the secondary ruler of this place he now calls home.  "Hey Ivy, whats up?  So, being a ruler of an entire kingdom along with your husband; what the feeling like?  Then again...oh wait I forgot, um have you seen Tempest anywhere?"

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Ivy smiled and nodded. "Tempest did most of the work." She said. "I only helped out when he had to go to those summits with Celestia, Luna, Discord, Cadence, and any other royalty." 


Tempest sighed as he sat on his throne. He had been having headaches and his insomnia wasn't exactly helping.


The three ponies in the mountains disappeared. One appeared in Dark and Orion's cave. He was able to subdue Orion, and turned his attention to Dark. His horn then glowed.


The black dragoness backed into a corner, scared for her offspring and her life. "Tempest." She yelled, before she disappeared, along with the pony in her cave.


Cynthia noticed Diamond and smiled. "Hey, Diamond. What've you been up to?" She asked.

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Orion regained conciousness and groaned. He then remembered what happened and took to the air. He started to fly to Dragonforge. "This can't be happening." He thought. The dragon then landed on one of the larger balconies of the palace. "Tempest, we have a problem." He said.

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Frost smilied. "Any help at all is appreciated he said as he went in his way to retrieve his groceries and return home. Iustus decided to make conversation. "You don't honestly expect Tempest to keep with a parliament monarchy, Xena won't allow it, he almost runs off power." Frost shook his head. "Honestly if he disagrees to a parliament the only one who would object would most likely be me. Xena can cause a great amount of fear and if it gets out of hand things can go very wrong....very." he said as he opened the door to his home to find Ember, but no Canter.


Before he could say anything Ember cut in. "Canter told me the news and went out to tell his older friends." she said as she sat in her chair reading another book.


Canter finally ran into Cynthia and Diamond after looking for while. "Hey Cynthia, how's it going." he knew Cynthia fairly well since she had assisted Diamond in foal sitting him when Frost and Ember left for diplomatic purposes.

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Tempest glanced at Orion and opened the door. "What happened? Is Dark about to lay the eggs?" He asked.


Cynthia noticed Canter and smiled. "Hey,Canter." She said. "I haven't been very busy. To be honest, I was actually looking for Firedash and Diamond."


The pony with Dark appeared in what looked like a cave. "You'll be our guest, until Tempest arrives." He said.


The second pony appeared behind Ivy and knocked her out with a point blank aura sphere. He then grabbed her and disappeared.

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Canter smilied "I just wanted to say that I past your dad's test today and now I'm one step closer to being a true aura pony." he said bouncing with excitment. Frost walked up behind Canter and startled him "Canter you I'm glad you told mom were you we're going, but next time make sure it's not to far." he said a bit concerned as he trotted off before turning back to Cynthia. "Make sure my son dosent cause any trouble ok? Have fun!" he said as he became out of earshot.

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Rut-Light stood there for a split second while his mind just figured out what happened, "Ivy!  Damn it, Tempest is NOT going to be happy about this at all!"  He started to sprint as fast as his old hooves would allow him to, "Now who in the name of Luna would kidnap such a beautiful pony like her?"  As he arrived at the castle Rut-Light saw Orion there looking shocked, that means they got Dark as well; and she was due to have kids.  He gathered his strength and yelled to Tempest who was on a patio 42 feet above, "TEMPEST!  SOMEPONY TOOK IVY!!"

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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diamond looked at Cynthia "not much just looking for you and firedash so we can hang out." she said as canter walked up to them, she walked over to him "hey canter can i have a hug." she asked, lightning left the palace and went to find Clayton "i haven't seen him in awhile, plus i can ask if he can make me a painting, can you find him sparkles." he said as sparkles flew off to find him, she came back a few minutes later and got lightning to follow her.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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After Firedash get done reading her Daring Do book. "Mom and Dad can I play with my two friends?"

"Sure Daughter and have fun." FIreblaze and Dash saying.

"Ok Mom and Dad bye." Then FIredash went out of the door and head to see her friends.

(Going to sleep for work so I will post tomorow after work)

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