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open Revival of the Ancients

Drago Ryder

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Orion stood next to Dark and held the eggs that came out. He then glanced at Ivy. "What happened to Tempest back there?" He asked. "I haven't seen him like that since we got here." The dragon then cleaned the eggs and gently put them on the soft grass next to Dark.

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Dark smiled as the last of the eggs were laid. "I'm never going through that again." She muttered, laughing slightly.


Ivy smiled and made a basket out of grass. She then carefully put each egg in and smiled. "At least the eggs weren't harmed." She said.


Tempest noticed Ivy, Dark, and Orion in a clearing and landed behind Ivy. "So, shall we return to Dragon forge?" He asked.


The silver unicorn glanced at Tempest and smiled slightly. "We might as well." She said, as she and her husband got on Dark.


The dragoness then smiled and flew towards Dragonforge.

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Rut-Light was now back to normal and simply said out loud, "Yea you better run!  You wont take them alive as long as me and Tempest are around...oh god, they saw me didn't they?  Great, now they probably think i'm a freak."   As he started thinking about all thats happened he simply jumped off the cliff and died and fell faster and faster, gravity taking its effect on his body.  When he landed large pieces of the earth broke off and landed 20 feet away along with cracks forming and spreading to great lengths.  "...Holy shit, what just happened?  I mean that was at least a 60 foot drop.  Does the power to become a demon actually give me the strength and durability of one as well when i'm not turned?"  Rut-Light contemplated the thought as he trotted his way back to the Kingdom of the Aura.  


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Frost looked at Lighting then at Cynthia "Cynthia your aura sight is better than anypony I know. Would you be able to pinpoint their location." he asked as he motioned the captain to take a seat across from him. "This is a bad idea your sending a child and two stallions that will not face up against Xena." Iustus said mentally, but Frost shook his head. "It's the best we've got all they need to do is get them out, not kill." Frost replied

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Cynthia sighed. "I doubt I could see that far." She said. "I don't even know where they are."


A few of the royal guards noticed Dark and fired two cannons at Dark.


Dark dodged the shot, but was hit by the second, causing her to fall unconscious.


Tempest noticed this and flew under Dark. "Come on, Dark." He thought, as he tried to slow Dark's descent. He eventually was able to put Dark on the ground and started to heal her with his aura.


Ivy got off the dragoness and held the basket of eggs close to her, trying to protect then from anypony that might steal them.

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Orion noticed Dark and landed next to her. He honestly wanted to rip the heads off the ponies who shot the cannon, but that was unnecessary. He then stood next to Ivy, daring anypony to come near the eggs.


Clayton heard the cannonfire and sighed. "It seems we may already be to late." He said, as he grabbed his scythe and galloped towards the main gate to the city.

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Frost sensed the power reach its peak and then fade. "Stay here." he said as he ran out of the palace, through the market when he heard the cannon shots and burst throught the doors on the city wall. "Stand down!" he yelled.


(I'm guessing they were right outside the walls. You can ignor of nessesary.)

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Cynthia ignored Frost and followed him. "What did they shoot at?" She asked.


Tempest finished healing Dark and stood up. He then began to trot towards the city. His rage was evident and the only thing that was holding it back was his family.


Dark stood up and groaned. She then let Ivy to get on her back, before following Tempest.

Ivy sighed as she rode on Dark. "Thankfully the eggs were already laid, though Dark was still hurt." She thought. "I would hate to be the pony who fired those cannons." The silver unicorn then glanced ahead at Tempest.


Tempest noticed Frost and flew up to him. "Who fired those cannons?" He asked.


Cynthia decided that it was best to leave and headed back to the palace.

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Frost shook his head at Tempest. "I don't know who fired. No one knew that you had left except for me, Rut, Clayton, Fireblaze, Lighting, and the kids." he said still shaking his head. "I did not give the order to fire on any pony.....I swear." he said as he slumped his head and motioned for the guards to come to his side. He pulled one so the guards ear was close as it could be. "Find who fired the cannons....now." he hissed as the guard ran back into the market place and dissappeared into the crowd.

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Tempest sighed and facehoofed. He had a massive headache, and it was only getting worse. "Thankfully Dark's eggs were already laid, so that's one less concern." He said. "If you find who fired the shot, I'll be at the palace." The cyan pegesus then trotted away and towards the palace.


Dark and Ivy entered the city and the two made their way to the palace, being careful to avoid the crowds.

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Frost tilted his head back and almost screamed in anger. "Dammit! He puts me in charge for two hours and his foster daughter almost gets killed by cannon fire from the guards. Dammit!" he said gritting his teeth as he found the nearest guard and pointed to the tower. "Who was on duty in THAT tower." he growled as the guard shrunk back. "Mister Typhoon you startled me." he began as he stood back up. "You can look at the logs in the barracks, that's all I can do I'm sorry." he said as he trotted off.


(I don't know if this plays in to the story or not, if it isnt I'll just find two random guards and send them to the palace, or find a dead end....whatever you prefer.)

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Ivy and Dark entered the palace and couldn't find Tempest. The silver unicorn sighed and held out the basket of eggs. "I believe these belong to you." She said.


Dark smiled and took the handle of the basket in her moth. "Thank you." She said. The dragoness then flew back to her nest.


Ivy sighed and trotted into her room.


Tempest sighed as he trotted through the halls of his palace. He had a great deal if stress built up, and his insomnia wasn't helping. "Hopefully I don't lose it at the annual summit like last year." He thought, as he entered the main room.


(You can have it lead to a dead end.)

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lightning was following Clayton to the tower when he saw something disappear into thin air, he shrugged it off as magic and continued to follow Clayton, diamond returned with ember a few minutes later "i brought ember now i'm gonna go back to canter." she said running off before anyone could speak.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Frost came back from the barracks and noticed Diamond and Ember. "Thank you Diamond." he said as he walked up to Ember and kissed her on the cheek.


"I came as soon as I heard, is Canter alright, what's going on?" she said in a frenzy. Frost hugged her. "Canters fine dear. I've arranged for us to stay here for awhile. I don't want to be that far from Dragonforge with the recent events." he said as he waved and went to find Ivy. When he did he smiled. "What happened to you, where did you go, who took you?" he asked trying to limit his questions

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Ivy glanced at Frost and shrugged. "I don't know where I was. As for who kidnapped me, that would be Tempest's dad. He never really forgave Celestia for what she did." She said. "Tempest was able to beat him and free us, but I'm worried about him. He hasn't slept at all, recently, and the stress of running a kingdom and trying to keep Xena from taking over is taking a massive toll on his body." The silver unicorn then sighed. "There's also something else. When Tempest fought Storm Caller, his dad, he went through this transformation as Xena took over."

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Frost frowned at the news. "Well I never knew Tempest had a father for one. As for Xena, he could have told me about that. The only reason I suggested a parliament party was due to the fact that if Tempest ever needed a cool down session we were his fall back." he said as he planted his face in his hoof. "Now I'm guessing that Xena is more prone to coming out now that a metiphorical wound has been opened." he said blandly

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As Rut-Light trotted back into the city he had come to a conclusion; he had to test his theory, if it was true that the power to turn into a hellish being actually gives him the durability of one then he had to know for sure.  He walked into the city and eventually got to the palace, as he entered the palace; Rut-Light started to look for Tempest.  After a bit of searching and asking he finally found him and went on to ask him one of the weirdest things he ever did ask; Hey Tempest?  Sorry about the scene back there, but this is going to sound weird; can I speak to you in private for moment?  There's something I need to discuss with you."


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Ivy nodded and sighed. "He only seems to come out when Tempest's get's angry. Xena came close to taking over, earlier, and probably would have if Dark's eggs hadn't been laid." She said. "I guess I should elaborate on what Xena is. He isn't mentioned in many books, but the ones that do depict him as a twelve tailed, black furred wolf that desires power and destruction. Nopony knows exactly where he came from, exactly, but there have been some theories."


Tempest glanced at Rut and shrugged. "I don't see why not." He said. "What do you want to discuss?'

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Frost shook his head even harder. "This dosent seem like Tempest. If he knew that getting angry would make it easier for Xena to be released, why would he not find a way to suppres that." he asked. He knew about Tempest's strict meditation practices, but he didn't know if that would work forever. "Why would Tempest's dad mess with us if he's mad at Celestia?" he asked

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Okay, so you know that being I turned into back in that battle on the mountain?  I'm not sure if I told you this before or not but...I have the ability to turn into the stuff of nightmares.  When you and the others left I stayed there for a while and then just decided to, well, jump off the mountain.  You following me?  I wouldn't be here if I was normal.  Is it possible that...this power I posses actually gives me strength when i'm 'me' and not the transformed freak you think I am?"


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Ivy sighed. 'I don't know." She said. "Storm Caller might just be trying to bait Tempest into releasing Xena, but the only thing we can do is wait. Hopefully, he won't try to attack during the summit tomorrow.


Tempest shrugged. "To be honest, that wouldn't surprise me." He said. "My aura has the ability to heal me, so I guess that could also work for you."

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Rut-Light thought for a moment, then came up with possibly the stupidest idea anypony his age would ask the ruler of this kingdom.  "Hmm, I have to be sure...punch me.  Don't freak out; i'm not trying to get you to murder me I just want you to give me a medium powered punch.  I have to prove my theory of; transformations giving extra durability and strength."  He simply stood there and waited, "I may sound like i'm insane but it's for science."




Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Frost stood up. "Just make sure Tempest makes the proper defense arrangements." he said as he walked out, but stopped in the doorway and slightly looked over his shoulder at Ivy. "If Xena is released inside these walls....you know as well as I do the damage it will cause to this colony he has built. I don't want him or Xena or whomever to destroy it.....for his sake and yours." he finished as he closed the doors behind him. "Drama Queen." one of e guards muttered as Frost passed. He wheeled around, causing the gaurs to snap back to attention before he continued walking.

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diamond walked into frost's house and looked at canter "what would you like to do." she said as she walked up to him and smiled, lightning caught up to Clayton and looked at him "who do you think fired the cannons and do you think tempest would be okay with me punching him in the face." he said looking forward.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Canter looked up at Diamond and smiled. "Let's go to the palace to see my dad, I heard from my mom that he has a key to a secret garden or something. Then we can get the others and play hide and seek." he said joyfully to his favorite foal sitter with a little hop in his step.

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