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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

fan fiction My Little Pony: Super Stars


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I'm giving this a rating of PG-13 for some scenes of violence later on (just in case).


This was bound to happen sooner or later.


Alrighty. Time for me to attempt this one. And this time, I’m not going to have as big of a foreword as I usually do, because I’m pretty sure you’ll figure out what this is rather quickly (if you haven’t already from the title).


This is a My Little Pony Magical Girl satire. Kind of like Care Bear Stars, but with Ponies as the cute animal sidekicks, and no transforming boys this time (well, except one). I warned you this was coming, and here it is. This is a representation of what I (and a lot of people on youtube) think MLP COULD BE if it were made into an anime (as evidenced by the plethora of fan videos set to different Magical Girl themes such as Sailor Moon and Pretty Cure).


This plot follows our pony friends from the latest series, though this essentially takes place in an alternate (and comparatively much darker) universe. Some of the decors in FIM actually SCREAM out Magical Girl, so they were the easiest ones to do. Plus, there were no established human characters as of the time of this writing (to my knowledge anyway), so I didn’t have to do as much research on the major characters as I usually do.


Anyway, for the most part, all of the villains came from previous MLP series’, with the exception of a select few (you’ll meet them soon, folks). I don’t claim ownership of ANY part of MLP, nor do I WANT ownership (who am I kidding, I’d take it if I was offered it). Since the new Friendship is Magic series is essentially being done by a lot of the people that created Powerpuff Girls (actually, most of them), it’s probably as good as MLP is ever going to get on TV. This is just what I imagine it COULD become if certain people were in charge of the show. Take it as you will, folks. For all you Bronies out there, don’t fear. This Fic has silly and cute moments, just like the show, just with a more serious edge. I’m simply trying to prove that MLP can be just as exciting and action packed as any other Magical Girl series out there.


That said, I am prone to mistakes when writing Fics. If you find something that you think I could improve on, ranging from grammar to description, or even something character-related, by all means, let me know. I'm always open to suggestions.


Just to forewarn, this will be written in the old transcript format that I’m probably infamous for by now. Basically, it's written in a manner similar to what you would see from an actual TV series. Honestly, that’s probably a good thing, since writing a story format Fic of MLP would almost require me by law to include pictures and for that… Never mind. Just trust me on this, it’s better this way.



Name: - Speaker Name for Dialogue

<> - Scene

{} – Inner Monologue




<A dark forest, it is nighttime, likely past midnight. Several police officers are looking around for something. One officer walks near a tree and takes some pictures. He then walks past the tree. He looks as if he’s seen something, though the angle of view prevents any details from being discerned.>


Officer: <the one by the tree> Hey! There’s somethin’ over here!


<Two more officers head to where the first officer is, the first to arrive is a female, and the other is another man with a slightly darker tan.>


Female Officer: <pointing a flashlight toward the direction the first officer is looking> Is anyone out there?!


Officer 2: <the other male officer> If you can hear us, come out slowly!


Female Officer: We won’t hurt you! We just have some questions!


????: <a female voice> Do you mean that?!


Officer: Yeah! We just wanna know why you’re here! That’s all!


????: <after a few seconds of silence> You promise you won’t freak out?!


Officer 2: Yeah! We promise! We’re trained to expect the unexpected!


????: <a few more moments of silence> Alright! I’m comin’ out! But you might be surprised! And if you try to capture me, I’ll take off and you’ll never be able to keep up with me! Deal?!


<The two male officers look at each other, then slowly turn back toward the direction of the voice.>


Officer: Yeah! That’s fine! Don’t worry! I’ve seen everything! There ain’t nothin’ that’ll surprise me!


????: Alright! You asked for it!


<A silhouette slowly comes into view. As its shape becomes more defined, it becomes more and more obvious that it is not human.>


Female Officer: <a look of disbelief> What in the name of all that’s holy…


<What can best be described as a 3-foot-tall sky-blue winged pony with a rainbow colored mane and tail comes into view. She stops about 10 feet short of the officers and smiles.>


Pony: Hi there.


<The three officers immediately draw their weapons, as if on instinct.>


Officer: D-don’t move!


Female Officer: Stay right there!


Pony: Now didn’t I tell you not to try and capture me?


<The strange pony suddenly flies past the officers in a blur of rainbow light, and takes off into the sky. In less than a second, all that can be seen in the distance is a rainbow trail. The officers turn around just in time to see the trail disappear. The two male officers exchange glances once more.>


Officer 2: What was THAT?


Officer: It was just a cat. Got it?


Female Officer: What on Earth is going on?


Officer 1 & 2: <in sync> Just a cat!!


<The scene zooms out to an aerial view, which shows a city next to the forest that the officers were just at. At that moment, a narrative begins.>



It is possible that the ponies of Equestria had never before known the world of humans. That is, until the Nightmarian Empire took control of their world…


<A black Pegasus with a red stripe going from her head to tail is seen. Her mane is silver, while her tail is red. She is standing in front of a throne that looks to be made for a pony. Several minions can be seen in front of her, though no discernable features are visible.>


In one fell swoop, the ponies were captured, and turned into Nightmares, slaves of the wicked Nightmare Queen.


<Several black horses with fiery red manes can be seen performing laborious tasks for various undistinguished shadowy figures.>


However, one hope yet remained. Princess Celestia, the Keeper of the Sun, entrusted a small band of ponies with the final hope for Equestria.


<A large pale lavender Pegasus with a pastel colored mane and tail is seen with several indistinguishable ponies.>


The ponies quickly escaped, but were separated from Princess Celestia. They were on their own.


<A montage of a blast of light is shown dividing the smaller ponies from Princess Celestia.>


Without the guidance of Princess Celestia, the ponies were left to search the ends of the Earth for the Chosen Ones, the ones who would have the power to fight the Nightmarian Empire and save Equestria. The task before them was unlike anything they had ever experienced before... For how could such a small group of ponies find the means to stop the unstoppable Empire?


















Act 01: The New Moon’s Gift! The First Fusion!


<The interior of a middle school gym. Several male students are seen practicing with kendo sticks. One student however, is female. This student of fourteen sports short red hair and green eyes, but otherwise is dressed in the black and white uniform that they all wear, except instead of pants, she wears a skirt. One boy about the same age lunges forward, only to be knocked back by a well executed block.>


Boy: Not bad, Trixie.


Trixie: You know, you can call me Trix.


Boy: Sorry. I’m not good with abbreviated names...


Trixie: Nobody seems to want to do that... Oh well. You ready to go again?


<The two go right back at it. Outside, a bell can be heard, as the school lets out for the day. The red-headed Trixie is seen running out in front of the crowd.>


Trixie: Finally, a Friday. Two whole days off...


<Without warning, she plows right into an older student. This boy stands about six inches taller than Trixie and sports short, brown hair and blue eyes.>


Boy: <a somewhat snarky tone> Hey, where’s the fire?


Trixie: Terry Giliam... It would figure that I would run into you...


Terry: Well, if you’d watch where you’re going, maybe that wouldn’t happen so much.


Trixie: What’s THAT supposed to mean?


Terry: Isn’t it obvious? You’re an ace in sports, but you really DO lack brains.


Trixie: That’s not true! I do TOO have a brain!


Terry: Then why do you consistently fail written tests?


Trixie: <a sweatdrop> That’s...


Terry: Maybe you should just go back to grade school. At least there, you’d have a chance with the tests.


Trixie: Just shut up, you... you... YOU IDIOT!


Terry: Oooooh! Big comeback...


Trixie: Just leave me alone!!


<Trixie runs past Terry, intentionally hitting him in the shoulder as she goes by.>


Terry: <looking toward the direction Trixie ran, a sigh> She really IS hopeless... But still... Why am I always compelled to pick on her whenever I see her?


????: That was really mean, ya know.


<Terry turns around to see the pony from before staring at him.>


Terry: <falling on his rear, with a WTF look> GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!


Pony: <sweatdrop> Why does everyone I meet do that?


<The pony flies off in the direction Trixie went. Suddenly, without warning, a small pink dragon-like creature with green scales appears in the bottom-right corner of the screen and begins addressing the viewer.>


Dragon: Hey there. My name’s Spike, and I’m here to tell you why people are freaking out at the sight of this pony.


<A bulleted list of three numbers appears on the screen.>


Spike: I like to call this segment: Why Everyone’s Freaking Out!


<Those very words appear at the top of the screen.>


Spike: This can be explained by telling you the three distinctions between Equestrian ponies and Earth ponies. First off, this is an Earth pony.


<A live-action picture of a normal Earth pony is seen.>


Spike: And this is an Equestrian pony.


<A picture of our wandering pony is seen.>


Spike: So right away, the first reason, she looks nothing like an Earth pony. Secondly, Earth ponies don’t fly or use magic. Equestrian Pegasi can do both. Finally, Earth ponies don’t talk. But Equestrian ponies do.


<All three of these are now listed on screen.>


Spike: So put all these together, and it’s easy to see why everyone’s freaking out. Either that, or they’ve just never seen My Little Pony before. So now you know why people are freaking out. Now back to the story.


<The dragon and text disappears and the scene transitions to a typical 2-floor house with a garage on the right side of it. Trixie is seen running up to the front door and entering the building.>


Trixie: <inside the house> I’m home!


<A woman (presumably Trixie’s mom) with long curly red hair pokes her head out of the kitchen.>


Trixie’s Mom: Dad called. He’ll be home a little late tonight!


Trixie: Well, it IS a Friday. He usually has his meetings at the end of the week.


Trixie’s Mom: So, how did the Science test go?


<Trixie begins taking her shoes off.>


Trixie: I only managed a C...


Trixie’s Mom: Well, at least it’s better than last time.


Trixie: Yeah, I guess... That Terry is impossible though...


Trixie’s Mom: He giving you a hard time again?


Trixie: You could say that. I just don’t get what his deal is!


Trixie’s Mom: Maybe he just likes you.


<Trixie nearly falls over in response.>


Trixie: He doesn’t like me!


Trixie’s Mom: Well, he could. When I was your age, I met an adorable boy with short brown hair named Connor. And he used to tease me all the time. Now...


Trixie: I know, I know! Now Mandy Jacobs is married to Connor Jacobs and that’s why my last name is Jacobs. You’ve told me this story a hundred times.


Mandy: And yet, you won’t even talk to him.


Trixie: I’ve tried, believe me. It doesn’t work. Anyway, I’ve gotta get ready.


Mandy: Oh yeah. That’s right. You’re going with Anne and Amy to the mall, aren’t you?


Trixie: Yep. We’ll probably be there ‘til after Dad gets home.


Mandy: Well, you be careful. There’s been more of those crazy people talking about pony sightings lately.


Trixie: What? AGAIN?! Gee, these people should call the tabloids...


<Trixie heads upstairs. The scene pans to the living room window, where our pony friend seems to be watching Trixie from the outside.>


Pony: I feel something from her... Could it be?


<The scene transitions to a dark violet castle of some sort. Inside, a throne room that seems to be made for ponies is seen. The black Pegasus with the red stripe and silver mane and red tail is seen again standing in the throne area. She seems to be looking through a mirror, which is showing her Trixie’s house.>


Nightmare Queen: What? THAT’S what Princess Celestia gave them? The keys to the Celestial Fusion?! The ultimate power of Equestria?! If that’s the case... Nightmare Moon! I require your presence!


<In a plume of violet smoke, a jet black armored Pegasus with a blue mane and tail shows up. She immediately bows before the Nightmare Queen.>


Nightmare Moon: I am here, your excellency.


Nightmare Queen: Rise, my subject. That pony they call Rainbow Dash... She seems to have found someone of interest.


Nightmare Moon: <standing up> That red-headed child?


Nightmare Queen: Exactly! It seems we can only detect their location when they’re close to each other. But as soon as she approached that house, I was able to track her down.


Nightmare Moon: Which must mean that child is a chosen one! That would explain the increase in magical power.


Nightmare Queen: That’s exactly what I thought too. As you know, I am unable to leave this castle, lest the magic that keeps it bound to the darkness be released. So I need you to keep an eye on those two. If the situation warrants, I authorize you to use a Nightmarian Warrior.


Nightmare Moon: I understand.


Nightmare Queen: <narrowing her eyes> If need be... show no mercy.


<Nightmare Moon disappears in a plume of smoke, as the Nightmare Queen turns back toward the mirror.>


Nightmare Queen: I cannot underestimate these ponies... Many have already made that very mistake... I must begin taking measures, to ensure they cannot undo that which I have done...


<The scene transitions to the interior main center of a massive mall complex that spans three floors. Trixie is seen wearing a green shirt and blue jeans. She appears to be waiting for someone.>


Trixie: I hope they remembered where we were supposed to meet...


<The strange rainbow Pegasus from before is now hiding next to a fountain in the middle of the open area about 20 feet from Trixie. Strangely, she looks significantly smaller than before, only standing about six inches tall.>


Pony: I should’ve done this before... Maybe now people won’t freak out when I show up.


<Two girls about Trixie’s age walk up to her. One has sandy blonde hair and wears blue jeans and a yellow shirt. The other one has blue hair, wears a pink shirt and green jeans.>


Trixie: Ahh, speak of the devil.


Blonde Girl: <a slight southern accent> Hey there. It’s been awhile, sugah.


Blue-Haired Girl: Uh, hi.


<The pony’s eyes widen in response.>


Pony: That girl’s magic power just went through the roof... She MUST be the one...


Trixie: So, where should we go? Any ideas?


Blonde Girl: Well, I wanted to go to the Halloween Store, but Amy wants to visit the pet store.


Amy: <the blue-haired girl> We’ve GOTTA see the animals, since we’re here.


Trixie: How about this? We’ve got the whole evening. We’ll go to both stores. That alright with YOU Anne?


Anne: <the blonde> I reckon that’ll be fine. We’ll hit both stores, then the arcade! There’s a new fightin’ game there I’ve been dying to try out.


Trixie: You read my mind.


Pony: <still hiding> Wow, they act just like WE do... Twilight could write a whole report on these humans...


<As the trio walks down the main hall, the pony cautiously flies after them, being careful to hide behind objects to avoid being seen. Eventually, the trio gets to the Halloween Store. They go in, followed by the pony, who is now walking. The store is lined with decorations and costumes, and is far bigger than most mall stores. The pony hides among some of the decorations as the trio begins looking at various costumes and make-up kits on the shelves. Soon, they begin closing in on the pony’s position.>


Anne: Well, would ya look at that?


<Anne is transfixed on the decorations that look like spiders and pumpkins, right across from where the strange pony is. Trixie promptly heads to where she is. The blue Pegasus stiffens and tries to hide, but there isn’t much room to maneuver where she is.>


Pony: <whispering> Oh gee... They’re gonna freak out if they see me...


Amy: Oh, how cute!


<The pony didn’t even notice that Amy is even closer, looking at the decorations that are right next to her. Finally, Amy moves and is face to face with her. She stiffens and tries to stay still.>


Amy: <looking at the pony> Oh, that’s so adorable!


<Both Trixie and Anne turn to look at the pony.>


Trixie: Uh... It is, but...


Anne: This doesn’t look much like a Halloween decoration.


Trixie: <with a laugh> Unless you’re Amy, that is.


<Trixie picks up the pony.>


Trixie: Let’s just... <noticing that it’s warm to the touch> What the...


<Trixie turns the pony upside down and then rightside up, as she tries her hardest to stay still.>


Annie: Somethin’ wrong, sugah?


Trixie: Amy, did you pick this up before?


Amy: Nope. I just looked at it.


Trixie: <looking over the small pony> This thing’s warm to the touch, but I don’t see any switches on it. It’s also soft. Maybe if I...


<Trixie starts squeezing the poor pony’s face as she finds it harder and harder to bear. Soon, the inevitable happens.>


Pony: <as she’s being squeezed> A.... A.... Th... Th... THAT’S ENOUGH!!!


<The pony has just enough time to say those words before she figures out what she’s just done. Her eyes widen as she looks up at Trixie. Trixie, Amy and Anne are all giving WTF looks.>


Pony: <still being squeezed> Um... Uh... Please don’t run... And could you please... stop... squeezing me... so hard...?


<Trixie abruptly lets go of the pony, causing her to instinctively start flying (or in this case, hovering). There is a rather awkward pause as the three girls stare at the pony.>


Trixie: <trying to figure out what to say> ... Sooooooooo... Yyyyyyyyou can talk.


Pony: Yeah, I can talk. Wait. You’re not afraid of me?


Trixie: Not really. I mean, you kind of surprised me, but I wouldn’t exactly call you ‘scary’.


Amy: <rushing toward the pony> Oh, I want one! You’re so CUTE!!!


Pony: Uh... <a nervous laugh> Thanks, I guess...


<Trixie slowly looks around and notices that several people are now staring at them with looks of disbelief.>


Trixie: Oh! We need to get out of here!


<The other two girls and pony give a nod and take off, heading toward one of the back hallways to get out of the crowd. Once out of sight, the four are finally able to relax.>


Anne: Phew. I thought we’d be skinned alive back there.


Amy: <still transfixed on the pony> So, do you have a name?


Trixie: Yeah. I was kind of wondering that myself.


Pony: The name’s Rainbow Dash.


Trixie: I’m Trixie.


Amy: My name’s Amy.


Anne: You can call me Anne. Just don’t call me Annie, ya hear?


Trixie: So I guess the next question would be, where are you from?


Rainbow Dash: I’m from a place called Equestria.


Trixie: Equestria... Did either of YOU ever hear of that place?


Amy: Nope.


Anne: I’ve never heard of a place like THAT.


Rainbow Dash: You probably wouldn’t have. Humans have never been there.


Anne: Well, where is it, sugah?


Rainbow Dash: That’s kind of hard to explain... Um... If you look out at the stars on the night of a full moon, you’ll see the North Star. Two stars to the west of that is Equestria.


Trixie: Hmm...


<All three give WTF looks simultaneously.>


Trixie, Anne & Amy: <in sync> EHHHHHHHH?!


Trixie: You mean to tell me that you’re an alien from outer space?!


Rainbow Dash: Um... I guess that’s one way of putting it. Though from our point of view, you’re the aliens.


Trixie: Oh... Good point... So, what brings you here?


Rainbow Dash: I’m searching for someone. Actually, we all are.


Trixie: We? You mean there’s more of you?


Rainbow Dash: Yep. We’re looking for people called the Chosen Ones. And I think you might be one of ‘em.


Trixie: Wha?! ME? Wait a second. Chosen for what?


Rainbow Dash: Well, that’s...


Nightmare Moon: <from offscreen> ...Something you’ll never know about, unfortunately!


<The group turns to see Nightmare Moon standing in the hallway. Now that there is a better view, it is clear that Nightmare Moon is a few feet taller than the three girls, standing about 7 feet high. She looks down at the group and narrows her eyes menacingly.>


Nightmare Moon: So that red-headed girl is the one the Nightmare Queen wants me to eliminate.


Trixie: Wait... You mean... ME?! Why me?!


Nightmare Moon: Unfortunately for you, that’s something you’ll never find OUT!!!


<Nightmare Moon points her head toward Trixie. Rainbow Dash quickly gets between her and the evil mare and in a flash, grows to three feet tall.>


Trixie: You grew...


Rainbow Dash: There’s no time! Stay behind me!


<The three cooperate, and Rainbow Dash flies forward at breakneck speeds, slamming into Nightmare Moon, and knocking her back out into the main hall of the mall. Dozens of bystanders look on in disbelief as Nightmare Moon gets up and launches what looks like a bolt of black lightning at Rainbow Dash. The agile pony easily dodges the attack, as it slams into the wall, causing a blast that sends fragments flying in all directions. The bystanders start running and screaming in a panic.>


Nightmare Moon: Do you really THINK you stand a chance against ME?! It took all SIX of you to defeat me the last time we fought! What do you hope to accomplish without the Elements of Harmony?!


Rainbow Dash: I don’t know... But I CAN’T let you hurt the friends I just made here!


<As Rainbow Dash is speaking, Trixie, Amy and Anne run out of the hall and stop about 20 feet away from the fight.>


Trixie: Rainbow...


<Rainbow Dash tilts her head back to see Trixie.>


Rainbow Dash: Don’t worry. I won’t let her hurt you.


Nightmare Moon: <with a smug smile> Is that a fact?


<Without warning, a ball of purple energy collides with Rainbow Dash, knocking her off her feet. Trixie looks toward the side, where the blast came from and sees a creature that can best be described as a green troll that stands about 6 feet high. His hand, still aimed at Rainbow Dash’s former position, is seen still smoking from the blast. Trixie has enough time to turn back toward Rainbow Dash as the pony hits the floor. The other two look on in disbelief.>


Trixie: Rainbow!!!


<Trixie runs to Rainbow Dash, and kneels beside her.>


Trixie: <eyes tearing up> Why... Why did you do all this for me? We just met... Why protect someone you barely even know?


Rainbow Dash: <obviously in a certain degree of pain> I had to... That’s just... the way we are... You would’ve done the same... for either of them.


Trixie: Rainbow...


Rainbow Dash: Don’t worry... It’s what we were destined to do...


Trixie: I may not know everything that happened to you guys... But I DO know one thing... You aren’t alone anymore... You don’t have to do everything by yourself...


Rainbow Dash: Trixie...


Trixie: You said I was a Chosen One, right?


<Trixie stands up and turns toward Nightmare Moon.>


Trixie: I think I might understand what you mean by that now...


Rainbow Dash: Trixie?


Trixie: I must have been chosen... to defeat creatures like her!!!


<Trixie points to Nightmare Moon.>


Nightmare Moon: <laughing> You? Defeat ME?! Don’t make me laugh! What can one puny human like yourself possibly do?


Anne: Trix! Ya might wanna reconsider this!


Amy: I don’t know what’s going on anymore!


Trixie: Don’t talk down to us when you know nothing about us!


Nightmare Moon: Oh please... You don’t even possess MAGIC, let alone speed. What can you possibly do to stop ME?! Nightmarian! She’s all yours.


<The troll from before suddenly leaps forward and lands right between Trixie and Nightmare Moon. He turns to face Trixie, and his eyes begin glowing red.>


Nightmare Moon: You say you’re willing to fight us? Well, here’s your chance.


Trixie: Uh... Rainbow?


Rainbow Dash: <finally getting to her feet> Trixie, if you ARE a Chosen One - and I hope you are – then concentrate!


Trixie: I thought you said I WAS a Chosen One!


Rainbow Dash: I said I THINK you’re one of them!


Trixie: We really need to work on your definition of the word ‘think’!


Rainbow Dash: This REALLY isn’t the time for this!


Trixie: ALRIGHT! What do I concentrate on?


Rainbow Dash: Just think of something you really care about and concentrate!


Trixie: Concentrate on something I care about...


Nightmare Moon: No, you don’t!


<Another blast comes straight for Rainbow Dash. Trixie instinctively pushes her out of the way and takes the blast, head-on. As the smoke clears, it becomes evident that the attack didn’t even hit Trixie. Her arms are crossed in front of her, as she slowly moves them from her face.>


Nightmare Moon: That’s impossible!


Rainbow Dash: I think she’s got it... The power of a Chosen One...


<Trixie notices that she is now holding an amulet in her right hand, and in the middle of it is a red jewel. She seems to be more aware of the situation than Amy or Anne are.>


Nightmare Moon: No! That’s one of the Elements of Harmony!


Trixie: <as if mocking Nightmare Moon> Is that a fact? <turning to Rainbow Dash> Hey, Rainbow! Whaddya say we take out the trash?!


Rainbow Dash: Sounds good to me.


Nightmare Moon: <taking a step back> W... What are you going to do with that?!


Anne: Yeah, I wanna know that myself, sugah.


Trixie: Watch and learn... is what I’d like to say, but the problem is, I really don’t know what to do...


<Everyone, including Nightmare Moon and the Nightmarian Soldier facefaults. As everyone is picking themselves up...>


Rainbow Dash: You just have to hold the amulet close to your heart and concentrate. It’ll do the rest. At least, that’s what I was told.


Trixie: Well... Here goes nothing...


<Trixie closes her eyes and does as Rainbow Dash says. In a few seconds, the amulet starts to glow. She opens her eyes, which now have the same violet shade as Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash also begins to glow. Suddenly, a pillar of prismatic light engulfs the two. Inside the pillar, the two look farther away than they just were. They begin running toward each other at a full sprint.>


Trixie: CELESTIAL...


Rainbow Dash: FUSION!!!


<The two collide into a burst of rainbow light, which then fires upward like a blast of lightning. As it shoots upward, the rainbow light recedes, and Trixie is seen shimmering like the aforementioned rainbow (except for her face, which looks normal). She extends her right arm, and in a flash, it is covered just under the elbow by a light blue glove.>


Trixie: With the Spirit of Loyalty...


<Trixie extends her left arm, and the same thing happens.>


Trixie: And the Power of Friendship...


<With a flash on each of her feet, she is now wearing red boots with small light blue wings at the heels. She spins around and in another flash, she is wearing a prismatic dress that goes down to her knees.>


Trixie: Two Worlds Unite!!!


<As she says those words, her hair becomes longer and in a flash is now the same color as Rainbow Dash’s mane. The amulet embeds itself in the center of her dress. Outside of the pillar, a silhouette of Trixie is seen impacting the ground in a shockwave. The shockwave is so powerful that it almost knocks Amy and Anne over. Finally, Trixie’s new form is visible to everyone.>


Rainbow Dash: <aka Trixie> Emissary of Friendship and Magic from across time and space! Rainbow Dash!


<The new form of Rainbow Dash points to the Nightmarians.>


Rainbow Dash: And by the Elements of Harmony... Prepare to be defeated!!!


<Anne and Amy can only look on in disbelief at what just happened.>


Anne: Whoa...


????: <coming from Rainbow Dash’s amulet> I know. Way past cool, eh?


Rainbow Dash: Is that YOU, Rainbow Dash?


RD Amulet: Yeah. Or more like, my spirit. I gave you my power, so I’m hanging out here until you’re done.


Rainbow Dash: You mean I have... ALL of your power?


RD Amulet: That’s right. Now use it to defeat these creeps!


Nightmare Moon: I don’t think so!


Rainbow Dash: Nobody asked YOU!!


Nightmare Moon: <a dumbfounded expression> Huh?


<The Nightmarian Soldier points his palm toward Rainbow Dash and fires another ball of violet energy. Rainbow Dash jumps clear in the air to avoid it and is now hovering.>


Rainbow Dash: I can FLY TOO?!


RD Amulet: That’s right. You can do anything I can do, and then some. But... The Princess said YOU’D know what to do now!


Rainbow Dash: You’re right!


<Rainbow Dash lands and dashes toward the Nightmarian at top speed, charging right into him and knocking him into Nightmare Moon. The two struggle to regain their composure.>


Nightmare Moon: You’ll pay for that! Nigtmarian! Use your FULL POWER!!!


<The troll-like Nightmarian roars and suddenly enlarges himself by several feet, particularly in the muscle department.>


Nightmare Moon: Well, it’s been fun. But even I know when to make my exit. Have fun with my PET!


<In a flash of violet and black smoke, Nightmare Moon is gone, and all that’s left is one big and angry troll-like creature.>


Rainbow Dash: Alright. Now it’s just one on one!


<The Nightmarian charges, and once again, Rainbow Dash jumps out of the way, this time, to the side. She quickly turns toward the creature.>


Rainbow Dash: I think it’s about time I did something about this thing, before he trashes the ENTIRE mall!


Anne: Yeah, good idea sug’.


RD Amulet: I’m ready when YOU are!


Rainbow Dash: Let’s do this, then!


<Rainbow Dash concentrates, and in a flash, the Rainbow Dash in the amulet materializes in front of her. The human Rainbow Dash cups her hands together and aims them at the Nightmarian, just as Rainbow Dash herself rears up. They both begin glowing.>


Rainbow Dash: <Trixie> Our Bonds of Friendship!!!


Rainbow Dash: <the pony> And Our Spirit of Magic!!!


Both Rainbow Dashes: <together> Will Overcome All Evil!!!


<Rainbow Dash, the pony, begins charging and glowing brighter, as the human Rainbow Dash brings her hands up, as if she has a sword.>


Both Rainbow Dashes: <together> PRISMATIC FINAL WAVE!!!!!


<The human Rainbow Dash thrusts her hands down in a slashing motion, causing a blade of rainbow energy to shoot forward, connecting with Rainbow Dash. The pony speeds up and becomes a beam of rainbow light, impaling the troll-like Nightmarian at full force and stopping several feet behind it.>


Both Rainbow Dashes: Evil Minion of the Nightmarian Empire!!! <The pony Rainbow Dash turns to face the troll, as the human Rainbow Dash points to the creature.> Return to the Darkness, From Where You Came!!!


<As they finish, the troll appears to convulse as electricity and sparks flow out of it. Finally, it falls to the ground, exploding in a fiery blast. Amy and Anne look on in amazement at what their friend just did. Even Rainbow Dash, the pony, is impressed.>


Anne: Oh my stars... Trixie... That was amazing...


Amy: And you look so cute too.


Rainbow Dash: <the pony> I have to admit, I really wasn’t expecting THIS kind of power from one of the Chosen Ones.


Rainbow Dash: <Trixie> That’s great and all, but...


Rainbow Dash: <the pony> But what?


Rainbow Dash: <Trixie> How do I turn back?


Rainbow Dash: <the pony> Oh, that? Well, you just...


Rainbow Dash: <Trixie> Just what?


Rainbow Dash: <the pony> Actually... <sweatdrop> She never told me how to change you back...




<A transition takes both Rainbow Dashs back to Trixie’s house. Night has fallen on the neighborhood.>


Rainbow Dash: <the pony> You sure about this?


Rainbow Dash: <Trixie> Well, they’ll have to know sooner or later. And I don’t have much choice in the matter now. Might as well tell them now. It’ll be one less thing to worry about later.


<Rainbow Dash (Trixie) knocks on the door. In a few seconds, Mandy opens the door and stops cold in her tracks. She stands there, stunned at what she sees, the transformed Trixie and Rainbow Dash standing there, staring at her.>


Rainbow Dash: <Trixie> Hi Mom.


Rainbow Dash: <the pony> Hi there.


Mandy: <with a look of disbelief> ... ... ...


Rainbow Dash: <Trixie> You’ll never believe what happened to me today.


<Mandy promptly faints with the door still wide open. The Rainbow Dashs look at each other.>


Rainbow Dash: <Trixie> That went better than I thought it would.


Connor: <Trixie’s father, from offscreen> Is that you, Trixie?


Rainbow Dash: <Trixie> Uh...


<The scene shifts once more back to the Nightmarian Castle, where the Nightmare Queen is none too happy at the recent turn of events.>


Nightmare Queen: <looking at the mirror> They’re far more formidable than I could’ve imagined... Even the ponies THEMSELVES were never THIS powerful...


<Nightmare Moon appears in the familiar plume of smoke.>


Nightmare Moon: <kneeling, nervous> Forgive me, my Queen. I couldn’t stop them...


Nightmare Queen: <a sigh> Blaming you will accomplish nothing. It is clear that BOTH of us underestimated them.


Nightmare Moon: <standing up> What should we do?


Nightmare Queen: <smirking> You leave that to ME... In the mean time, I’ll leave you in charge of our current operation. Do what you can to delay them. I have a ‘Princess’ to attend to.


Nightmare Moon: I understand.


<Nightmare Moon disappears, as the Nightmare Queen looks back at the mirror. Trixie’s two friends are shown in the mirror walking home together.>


Nightmare Moon: I wonder if Rainbow Dash is aware of their full potential?


<On that note, the scene fades out and the episode comes to a close.>




Next Episode

NO WAY! Lily, the Student President is a Chosen One? This is getting weird! First me, NOW our Student President! If this keeps up, we’ll have to show up at parties and sign autographs!


Lilly: I’m WHAT?!


Twilight Sparkle: Well, you’re a Chosen One.


Next time on


Act 02: Twilight Sparkle Appears! The Class President Transforms?!

Lilly: I don’t want to be a Chosen One...







Hey there, fellow MLP fans and Bronies. Act 2 is finally here! And in it, stuff happens.




<The living room of Trixie’s house. Trixie is FINALLY back to her normal form, and Mandy and Connor are sitting down. Connor is wearing a gray suit and a black tie. His short brown hair is combed straight back. Rainbow Dash is standing next to Trixie. The two parents seem to have finally come to some semblance of what’s going on.>


Mandy: <awkwardly, looking at Rainbow Dash> Ok... So... She’s basically an alien pony from a far off planet?


Rainbow Dash: Yeah. Kind of.


Connor: And you’re a warrior who was chosen to fight the forces of evil, and she gives you the power to transform into an ally of justice.


Trixie: <realizing how far fetched the story sounds> Y-yeah. That’s pretty much what’s going on...


<At about that moment, a young boy with short spiked brown hair comes running down the stairs. At best, he is 10 years old, and wears a blue pair of shorts and a red shirt.>


Boy: Hey, Sis! What’s...


<The boy notices the blue Pegasus with rainbow colored hair standing in the living room.>


Boy: Uh... What in the world...


<Rainbow Dash turns to see the boy.>


Rainbow Dash: Oh, you must be Trixie’s younger brother, Tim. I’m Rainbow Dash.


Tim: I see that... <running up to Rainbow Dash at fast-forward speed> EHHHHHH?! Y-you talk?!


Trixie: Sheesh... If he’s like this already, just wait ‘til I tell him what I did at the Mall today...


Tim: <regaining his composure> Wait. The Mall? The news is all OVER that place! Apparently, there was a huge explosion there!


Trixie: Yeah... Remember how I said I was chosen to fight evil? Well, someone evil showed up there, and I had to fight her.


Connor: <as Tim’s mouth is hanging open in an OMG-fashion> Which is why you looked so weird just a few minutes ago?


Trixie: Yeah. It kind of... just happened...


Rainbow Dash: <turning back to Trixie’s parents> Anyway, now we need to find the other Chosen Ones before the Nightmarian Empire does. Otherwise, there’s no telling what they’ll do to this world.


Tim: <still looking in shock> You’re not kidding, are you?


Rainbow Dash: Not this time.


Trixie: So, how many other Chosen Ones are there?


Rainbow Dash: Well, there were six of us, and we each got one key. So there should be five more...


Mandy: Wait. You mean there’s FIVE MORE TALKING PONIES OUT THERE?!


Rainbow Dash: That’s right.


<Silhouettes of five other ponies are seen, though specific details are hard to make out.>


Rainbow Dash: And they’re also searching for the Chosen Ones. We need to bring everybody together, before the Nightmare Queen finds a way to leave Equestria.


Trixie: So, what should we do first?


Connor: <a goofy expression> Wait a minute! You’re not saying you’re actually thinking about going along with all this!


Trixie: I don’t have a choice, Dad. I’m one of the Chosen Ones.


Rainbow Dash: That’s right. There are no replacements.


Mandy: Even still, we can’t put Trixie in that kind of danger! What if something were to happen to her?!


Trixie: Mom, if you just saw what I was able to do...


Mandy: <now screaming> NO!!! I don’t want to hear about it!!! <pointing in a similar fashion to how Trixie pointed at the Nightmarian earlier> I forbid you from taking part in this!!


Trixie: Mom...


Rainbow Dash: <sigh> Even if she doesn’t get involved now, eventually the Empire will come looking for her. She won’t be safe, no matter where she goes. She wouldn’t have been safe, even if she never transformed! That’s why you have to let us take care of this now!


Connor: <rather harshly> We don’t have to do ANYTHING! For one thing, what right do YOU have to come into our home and lay all this on us?! And then you have the NERVE to involve our daughter in your little war!


Trixie: It’s not like that!


Connor: TRIXIE JACOBS!! Do NOT interrupt me!


<Trixie is stunned to silence.>


Connor: Well? What GIVES you the right?! You can talk, right?! Why not answer me?!


Rainbow Dash: I... uh...


Connor: Yeah, that’s what I thought. We’re done here!


<Connor gets up and goes into the kitchen.>


Connor: <from the kitchen> Your pony friend can stay here tonight. But I want her out of here tomorrow!


<Trixie runs up the stairs in tears.>


Mandy: <looking at Rainbow Dash, with a sigh> It’s not that we don’t care about the situation... Please try to understand...


<Mandy goes into the kitchen with Connor.>


Tim: <still standing there> Well, for what it’s worth... I think it’s pretty cool.


Rainbow Dash: <a sigh> They couldn’t have made this easy, huh?


<Rainbow Dash flies upstairs. Tim looks into the kitchen and both Mandy and Connor are seen hugging.>


Tim: <a smirk, under his breath> Easier than you think


<Tim runs upstairs and down the hallway to Trixie’s room. He knocks on the door.>


Trixie: <from inside> Go away!


Tim: Fine, just listen. They’re doing their ‘Are you sure it’s ok?’, act.


<Trixie opens the door. Her face is red, but she seems to have stopped crying cold. Somehow, Rainbow Dash is beside her. The following morning, in the library of the Middle School, a black-haired girl of 15 is seen putting leaflets on the wall. She wears a short blue and white skirt and has a more studious demeanor about her. On the other side of the library, a miniature Spike can be seen standing on the table, next to a lavender-colored unicorn who is also shrunken down. Her mane and tail are a dark shade of purple with a pink streak.>


Spike: You think that’s her, Twilight?


Twilight Sparkle: I definitely sense magic in her.






Act 02: Twilight Sparkle Appears! The Class President Transforms?!


<The girl turns and looks around.>


Girl: Huh? I SWEAR I just heard somebody talking...


<Twilight Sparkle and Spike are now hiding behind some books that are stacked on a nearby table.>


Twilight Sparkle: <whispering> Maybe we should just say ‘Hi’ to her...


Spike: <whispering> No WAY! You remember what happened the last time we tried that?


<A flashback sequence begins. In it, Twilight Sparkle and Spike are heading down a sidewalk (with Spike on Twilight Sparkle, of course), as people are all giving funny looks. The duo stops in front of a police officer (yes, the same one with the slight Brooklyn accent from before).>


Twilight Sparkle: <looking up at the officer> Um, hello there. I’m Twilight Sparkle. Can you tell me if there’s anyone here that can use magic?


<The officer looks at the two for a moment, then screams. He then motions to Spike, still screaming. Then he motions to Twilight Sparkle and continues screaming. Then he motions to both of them, overall and continues screaming, before finally running away.>


Spike: Humans really ARE strange creatures.


<The flashback ends and we are back in the library. Twilight Sparkle and Spike are once again looking at the girl. She turns and heads out the door. They quickly follow suit, making sure to keep hidden. They head down a hallway, until the girl stops in front of the Principal’s office. The two Equestrians wisely wait outside, hiding under a bench that’s located next to the door.>


Twilight Sparkle: She HAS to be the one...


Spike: How are we gonna tell her?


Twilight Sparkle: Well, Princess Celestia always said, ‘When in doubt, make friends’.


Spike: <with a sigh> Somehow, I doubt she had this world in mind when she said that...


Twilight Sparkle: It’ll work out. Trust me. Oh. Here she comes.


<Right on cue, the door opens. A middle aged short bald man walks out, followed by the girl. The two Equestrians continue their pursuit. Outside of the school, they finally get to a place where the girl is by herself. She is sitting on a stone bench in front of the school.>


Twilight Sparkle: <standing behind a garden median about 10 feet away, they are now regular-size (3-feet tall for Twilight and a little over a foot for Spike)> I’m going for it.


Spike: Nice knowin’ ya.


<Twilight Sparkle walks out and toward the girl. As she closes in, the girl turns and finally notices the lavender pony approaching her.>


Girl: <standing up> Eeep!!


Twilight Sparkle: <stops walking forward> Wait. Don’t... run away...


Girl: <nervously> You... talk?


Twilight Sparkle: That’s right. I’m sorry if I scared you.


Girl: Oh... It’s alright, I guess.


Spike: <from behind the median> I don’t believe this...


<Spike comes out from behind the median.>


Girl: What the... <noticing Spike> A dragon?!


Spike: <not being modest at all> Not just any dragon. I’m the one and only Spike! You must’ve heard of me!


Twilight Sparkle: Oh, great...


Girl: Uh, no. I haven’t.


Spike: Really? You haven’t heard of the handsome mastermind behind the very ponies that saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon and Discord?


Girl: I can’t say I have.


Spike: <a sigh> Oh... I really thought you would have...


Twilight Sparkle: ANYWAY... My name’s Twilight Sparkle. But you can call me Twilight. What’s yours?


Girl: Oh. I’m Lilly. Lilly Rogers.


<An awkward moment of silence passes, while the three try to figure out what to say.>


Lilly: Soooo... Where did you two come from?


Twilight Sparkle: We come from a far away world called Equestria.


Lilly: Equestria... The etymology of that name means...


Twilight Sparkle: Horse Rider. And ironically, that is somewhat relevant to the situation.


Lilly: I see... So, why ARE you here?


Twilight Sparkle: Well... That’s kind of hard to explain. You might not believe me if I told you...


Lilly: You’re a talking pony who travels with a talking dragon. I think we’re past the concern about me not believing you.


Twilight Sparkle: Well... It’s like this. We used to live in this wonderful place called Equestria, where ponies of all kinds were able to live free and party all day and night. But, that peace was shattered...


Lilly: Shattered? By who?


Twilight Sparkle: The Nightmare Queen. She disguised herself as a citizen of Ponyville and led a coup against the royal family. She’s very powerful... The first thing she did was imprison Princess Luna and take over the palace... then...


<Twilight Sparkle starts shaking as she tells the rest of the story.>


Spike: Twilight...


Twilight Sparkle: It’s alright... This needs to be said... The Nightmare Queen established herself as the ruler of the Nightmarian Empire, and... She... <eyes tearing up> She turned most of the ponies in Equestria into Nightmares... slaves to the Nightmarian Empire... A handful of us barely escaped, thanks to Princess Celestia...


Lilly: Princess Celestia?


Twilight Sparkle: The rightful ruler of Equestria. She sacrificed her freedom to allow us to escape... giving us the keys to a power that may one day free Equestria from the Nightmarian Empire... but... I don’t know what I can do by myself...


<Twilight Sparkle starts to cry.>


Spike: Oh, Twilight...


Lilly: <kneeling besides Twilight Sparkle> Oh, you poor thing... You must’ve had to keep that bottled up inside you for the longest time...


Twilight Sparkle: <sobbing now> The thought of never seeing the friends I made again... I just couldn’t bear it...


Lilly: It’s okay. We’ll figure this out.


Twilight Sparkle: <looking at Lilly> You mean, you’ll help us?


Lilly: I don’t know how, but there has to be SOMETHING I can do.


Twilight Sparkle: <still in tears, but smiling again> Oh... Thank you, Lilly!


Lilly: You’ll never need to thank me for something like this. But you could smile a little more. You look alot prettier when you do.


Twilight Sparkle: <chuckling a bit> Thanks. I’ll try...


<The scene transitions to the Nightmare Queen’s palace, where the aforementioned Queen is looking into her mirror. The image of Twilight Sparkle talking to Lilly is seen.>


Nightmare Queen: I see... So Twilight Sparkle found another Chosen One...


<Nightmare Moon appears in a cloud of the familiar violet smoke.>


Nightmare Moon: You wanted to see me, your majesty?


Nightmare Queen: <turning to face Nightmare Moon> We’ve located the second child. This girl has a strong magical force within her.


Nightmare Moon: <looking at the mirror, smirking> I see... So you want me to... take care of her?


Nightmare Queen: That would be ideal... But don’t get in over your head. Remember what happened the last time.


Nightmare Moon: That last time... She was so powerful...


Nightmare Queen: Yes, she was. <narrowing her eyes> We must be more cautious around these Chosen Ones... Destroy her if you can... But don’t let her destroy you. I don’t need to remind you of what will happen if you do.


Nightmare Moon: ... I’ll never let that happen again...


Nightmare Queen: Do not worry. Things are steadily proceeding according to plan.


Nightmare Moon: <a malevolent grin> I understand...


<Nightmare Moon vanishes in a plume of violet smoke, as the Nightmare Queen turns back toward the mirror.>


Nightmare Queen: If she can just delay them a little longer...


<The scene transitions back to the school library, where Lilly and Twilight Sparkle are looking through some old books. Spike is seen yawning off to the side.>


Lilly: <flipping through the pages, finally getting to the end> Nothing here.


Twilight Sparkle: <telepathically flipping through another book> Nope... Nope... Nothing.


Spike: <a yawn> How long is this gonna take?


Twilight Sparkle: Well, maybe if you’d HELP us instead of complaining, this wouldn’t take as long.


<Spike immediately goes toward the bookshelf and grabs the most far-fetched fantasy books it has, including two D&D books, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and three Harry Potter books and another fantasy gaming book. He barely manages to get the pile of books – which is bigger than he is – back to the table.>


Spike: Alright. I’m helping.


<Spike pages through the fantasy gaming book. He stops on a page in the middle and is stunned to see what it contains.>


Spike: <a look of disbelief> H... Holy... Twilight!


Twilight Sparkle: I told you to HELP if you’re getting bored! <looking at Spike’s dumbfounded face> Spike? Are you alright there?


Spike: You really need to see this.


<Twilight Sparkle and Lilly head over to where Spike is. They look at the picture that Spike is transfixed on. It is a picture of a golden sun-shaped artifact with six gems embedded in it.>


Twilight Sparkle: <a look of surprise> That’s IT! Those are the Elements of Harmony!


Lilly: Those gems? Let me see this book...


<On the cover of the book, Lilly sees that the title is, Generic Universal Role Playing System, Unreleased Edition.>


Lilly: <a sweatdrop> No, there’s no way...


<She opens back up to the page in question.>


Lilly: Oh, it really IS here. <reading> The Elements of Harmony are a powerful magical force that represents Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Honesty, and a sixth Element that is unknown. Unknown?


Twilight Sparkle: That would be Magic...


Lilly: Oh. Wow. This description reads like stereo instructions. Listen to this. <continuing with the reading> The parameters and limits of the Elements of Harmony vary from being to being.


Twilight Sparkle: What is THAT supposed to mean?


Lilly: It must mean their powers are different, depending on who uses them. <continuing the reading> As with most segmented magical items, their true power is only realized when all six elements come together. When this happens, the result is a power beyond all imagination.


Twilight Sparkle: That would be the power that we used to defeat Nightmare Moon...


Lilly: Hey! There’s more. <reading on> But beware. The combined power of these elements is vastly different, depending on which plane it is used on, and the being that uses it. Nobody knows what would happen if the Elements of Harmony were combined on... <eyes widening> Earth... <putting the book down> That’s all it says...


Twilight Sparkle: I guess that’s as much information as we’re going to get out of that book.


Lilly: Why would a GURPS book have that kind of information?


Spike: Maybe someone here on Earth already knows about our world.


Twilight Sparkle: Well, either way, that book really didn’t give us any information on who the Chosen Ones are.


Lilly: I was meaning to ask you. What’s the deal with the Chosen Ones? They seem to be important to your mission. But, I really don’t know what they even ARE.


Twilight Sparkle: Well, the Chosen Ones are the ones we need to find. They have the power to fight against the Nightmarian Empire. So they’re basically the ones that will save our world.


Lilly: If you don’t know who they are, then how do you know when you find them?


Twilight Sparkle: We can sense the magical power of the Chosen Ones when they’re near. So we can tell when we’re close to one. It’s how I was able to find you.


Lilly: I see... <realizing what Twilight Sparkle just said> Wait, ME?! Did you just say I’M a Chosen One?


Spike: That’s right. You’re one of the six Chosen Ones. You’re practically radiating magic.


Lilly: I see... <looking down slightly> So that’s why...


Twilight Sparkle: That’s why what?


Lilly: That’s why you want to be friends with me... It makes sense now...


Twilight Sparkle: Huh? I-I don’t understand.


Lilly: You don’t have to pretend it’s not true. <a chuckle, sounding like she is choking back tears> It’s ok. Really, it is. It’s like this with everybody. They all act like my friends, but in truth, it’s only because I get good grades and they need help with their homework...


Twilight Sparkle: Lilly... That’s not true...


Lilly: It’s not? <looking at Twilight Sparkle> Can you honestly say it’s not true? If... If I didn’t have this magical power you claim I have, would you still want to be friends with me? Would you have even talked to me? Or would you have just hidden from me, like you did with everyone else?


Twilight Sparkle: I... uh...


Lilly: See? That IS the reason! Isn’t it?


Spike: Lilly...


Lilly: You just want to be friends with me, because I’m some ‘Chosen One’ who is destined to fight evil. Well... I... I didn’t ASK to be a Chosen One!!!


<Lilly bursts into tears and runs out of the library, and off the school campus. Twilight Sparkle and Spike simply stare in disbelief.>


Twilight Sparkle: <looking down slightly, as if coming to a realization> She... She’s right...


Spike: Huh? Twilight?


Twilight Sparkle: She’s right... That WAS the reason I talked to her... It was because she had the magical power of a Chosen One...


Spike: Twilight... You can’t help it if she has magical powers... That wasn’t your fault...


Twilight Sparkle: <looking at Spike> Yeah, it was... I messed up, Spike... I REALLY messed up...


Spike: But there’s no way you could have known that would happen!


Twilight Sparkle: It doesn’t matter if I knew or not... I became her friend because of her magical potential, not because of who she was... That’s not what friendship is supposed to be about...


Spike: Well... That might be true... But, we still need her. What happened here doesn’t change that. You know as well as I do that there are no replacements. We have to get her to join us, no matter what.


Twilight Sparkle: ... ... I won’t do it...


Spike: WHAT?!


Twilight Sparkle: I won’t force her to join our team.


Spike: Twilight, are you alright in the head? You remember what Princess Celestia said about the Nightmarian Empire, right? If we don’t gather the six Chosen Ones together, both OUR world and THIS one are doomed!


Twilight Sparkle: Then we’ll find another way!


Spike: There IS no other way! If you won’t get her to understand, I will!


Twilight Sparkle: Spike, please don’t...


Spike: SOMEONE has to!


<Spike runs off in the direction Lilly went.>


Twilight Sparkle: <yelling to Spike> If you try to force her into this... I’ll NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!


<Twilight Sparkle runs out of the library and off school grounds, in the same direction Lilly ran.>


Twilight Sparkle: Wait. I’ll just...


<Twilight Sparkle suddenly vanishes, and reappears next to Spike, still running. The two reach a park area, where there are relatively few bystanders.>


Spike: <still running> So you finally came to your senses?


Twilight Sparkle: I won’t let you force her into this!


<Twilight Sparkle tackles Spike, knocking him to the ground. Spike gets up and charges into Twilight Sparkle, knocking her down. The two roll on the ground until they end up by a bench. Sitting on the bench, we see Lilly.>


Lilly: <looking down at the quarreling duo> You two could really use a Friendship Counselor.


<Twilight Sparkle and Spike glare at Lilly for a moment. Afterward, the three burst out in laughter. Once the laughter subsides, Twilight and Spike both get up, as the few bystanders that are around stare on in disbelief.>


Twilight Sparkle: Lilly... I’m so sorry...


Lilly: It’s alright, Twilight. It’s like I said before...


Twilight Sparkle: No. That’s not what I mean. <a sigh> How do I put this? I still want to be friends with you. But... If you don’t want to be a Chosen One, that’s alright too.


Lilly: Twilight...


Twilight Sparkle: I don’t care if you’re a Chosen One, or if you have magical powers. I want to get to know you, for who YOU are.


Lilly: <smiling> Oh, Twilight... I feel the same way.


<Lilly hugs Twilight Sparkle, as Spike slaps his forehead. He removes his hand and looks back at the two.>


Spike: Well, I guess it’s a start...


Nightmare Moon: The start of your NIGHTMARE!!!


<As those words are spoken, a plume of purple smoke is seen behind Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Nightmare Moon appears in the smoke as it subsides. Twilight Sparkle and Spike both turn to face the evil pony.>


Twilight Sparkle: Nightmare Moon! Why don’t you leave us alone?!


Nightmare Moon: THAT is simple! <looking at Lilly> She is a Chosen One, and therefore, she has to DIE!


Twilight Sparkle: She doesn’t even WANT to be a Chosen One! There’s no REASON to go after her anymore!


Nightmare Moon: Do you really THINK I’ll fall for something like THAT?! Don’t kid yourself! Nightmarian Wizard! Come forth!


<Nightmare Moon has just enough time to say that, as a massive bolt of violet lightning slams into the ground about 10 feet to the right of her. The onlookers start running away in a panic. A shadowy female humanoid in a dark violet cloak is seen. Her eyes glow a shade of crimson.>


Twilight Sparkle: Stay behind me, Lilly! I’ll protect you, no matter what!


Lilly: Twilight...


Nightmare Moon: What can you possibly do without your friends?!


Twilight Sparkle: <closing her eyes> It’s true, that I was separated from my friends when we left Equestria... But...


<Twilight Sparkle looks at Lilly briefly, before turning back toward Nightmare Moon, with a look of resolve.>


Twilight Sparkle: I’ve made a new friend here on Earth. And I won’t let anyone hurt her, even if I have to defeat the ENTIRE Nightmarian Army myself!!!


Lilly: Twilight... Do... you mean that?


Twilight Sparkle: <looking back at Lilly> Every word of it.


Lilly: <looking down slightly> Um... About what I said before...


Twilight Sparkle: It’s alright. Just stay back, and let me handle this. I’ll stop her, somehow.


Lilly: That’s not what I meant...


<Lilly steps out in front of Twilight Sparkle. Nightmare Moon narrows her eyes.>


Twilight Sparkle: Lilly...


Spike: You mean...


Lilly: You wanted to protect me, even though I didn’t ask to be a Chosen One... You ARE a true friend. And I can see that now... That’s why...


Twilight Sparkle: That’s why what?


Lilly: That’s why... I think I’m ready to try being a Chosen One!


Nightmare Moon: You won’t get that chance!


<Nightmare Moon fires a blast of violet lightning right at Lilly. She puts her arms up to block it, and the blast deflects to her right, impacting the ground and causing a small explosion.>


Nightmare Moon: WHAT?!


Lilly: <bringing her arms down> Wow...


Twilight Sparkle: Are you sure you want to do this, Lilly?


Lilly: Friends help each other out when they need it. If I can help you in this way, then I’m willing to become a Chosen One to do it.


<Lilly’s right hand starts glowing. A blue bracelet with a violet gem materializes on her wrist.>


Nightmare Moon: No! Not another one!


Twilight Sparkle: <eyes widening> Another... one?


Nightmare Moon: <looking like she really wants to bite her tongue> So, you have one of the Elements of Harmony.


Lilly: That’s right! <looking at the bracelet> Hey, Twilight! Look at which one I got!


Twilight Sparkle: <a look of surprise> That’s the Element of Magic!


Lilly: <looking toward Nightmare Moon> And with this, I’ll bring you, AND your Nightmarian henchman down!


Nightmare Moon: My, my... How confident. Well then, why don’t you try and take us down?! That is... if you CAN!


Lilly: With pleasure. Twilight! Would you care to join me?


Twilight Sparkle: I thought you’d never ask.


<Lilly closes her eyes, and raises her right arm until the bracelet is eye level with her. She then opens her eyes, which now have the same violet shade as Twilight Sparkle. Both her and Twilight Sparkle are then engulfed in a pillar of lavender sparkling light. Inside the light, the two are farther away then they were outside of the pillar. They turn to face each other, as their bodies begin glowing.>




Twilight Sparkle: FUSION!!!


<Twilight Sparkle becomes a beam of pink and purple light and shoots toward Lilly. The light pierces Lilly’s chest, causing her entire body to lift off the ground a few inches and begin glowing in the same-colored light. She spins, and extends her right arm. In a flash, it is now covered to just under the elbow by a pink glove.>


Lilly: With the Spirit of Magic...


<She extends her left arm, and the same thing happens.>


Lilly: And the Power of Friendship...


<Lilly snap her fingers on her right hand and waves it across her body, catching some of the pink and violet light. She flings some of it at her feet, and in a flash on each foot, she is wearing purple boots. She then throws the rest of the light into the air, which showers down on her. In a shimmering light from top to bottom, she is covered in a lavender skirt, with the Element of Magic settling in the middle of a ribbon that sets in the middle of her chest area.>


Lilly: Two Worlds Unite!!!


<As she says that, some of the light hits her hair, giving it the purple and pink streaked color of Twilight Sparkle’s mane and extending it to her waist. Finally, purple earrings appear and hang down off her ears. Outside the pillar of light, the silhouette of Lilly is seen landing on the ground. The pillar subsides with a shockwave, revealing Lilly’s new form to everyone.>


Twilight Sparkle: <aka Lilly> Emissary of Friendship and Magic from across time and space! Twilight Sparkle!


<Twilight Sparkle points to Nightmare Moon.>


Twilight Sparkle: And by the Elements of Harmony... Prepare to be defeated!!!


<Spike looks on with amazement, as Nightmare Moon looks on with disgust.>


Nightmare Moon: <under her breath> It’s another one of those warriors...


Spike: Whoa! That’s so COOL!


TS Ribbon: <Twilight Sparkle’s voice> Lilly, you look AMAZING!


Twilight Sparkle: <looking over her new form> I feel like... this was meant to be...


<The Nightmarian Wizard, who up to now has been standing there, fires a purple flame right at Twilight Sparkle. As if on instinct, she jumps out of the way, doing a somersault in the air, and landing about 10 feet away from her previous position.>


Nightmare Moon: Impressive. But I wonder just how long you can keep up with this?


Twilight Sparkle: As long as it takes!


TS Ribbon: You should line them up for your finisher.


Twilight Sparkle: That thought had crossed my mind too.


Nightmare Moon: You think I’d be THAT foolish?!


<The Nightmarian Wizard charges toward Twilight Sparkle, and gets within inches of her, before she suddenly disappears. She reappears several feet away.>


Twilight Sparkle: Wow! I can teleport too!


TS Amulet: You can do anything I can do!


Twilight Sparkle: <with a grin> I see. How about we finish this?!


<The Wizard shoots another purple flame at Twilight Sparkle. She quickly teleports past it. Then, with a smile, she touches the Element of Magic.>


Twilight Sparkle: Let’s do this, Twilight!


<In a flash, Twilight Sparkle, the pony, appears next to Twilight Sparkle Lilly. Twilight Sparkle Lilly points her right palm out toward the Wizard. Both it, and Twilight Sparkle, the pony, begin to glow. Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle, the pony, teleports behind the Nightmarian Wizard. In a flash, there are four of them, one on each side of the creature. Nightmare Moon takes a few steps back in response.>


Nightmare Moon: <gritting her teeth, realizing the inevitable> I really hate this part...


Twilight Sparkle: <Lilly> Our Bonds of Friendship!!!


Twilight Sparkle: <the pony> And Our Spirit of Magic!!!


Both Twilight Sparkles: <together> Will Overcome All Evil!!!


<All of the Twilight Sparkle ponies begin glowing more brightly, as does Lilly’s hand.>


All Twilight Sparkles: <together> SPARKLING IMAGE ATTACK!!!


<The first three Twilight Sparkle ponies each charge into the Nightmarian Wizard one at a time, with lightning speed, disappearing afterward. Just as the fourth one, in front of Twilight Sparkle (Lilly), begins charging, she fires a massive pink and purple blast from her palm, which connects with Twilight Sparkle (the pony). Becoming a pink and purple beam of light in and of herself, she blasts through the creature, leaving it sparking. She stops with the creature behind her.>


Both Twilight Sparkles: Evil Minion of the Nightmarian Empire!!! <The pony Twilight Sparkle turns to face the Wizard, as the human Twilight Sparkle points to the creature.> Return to the Darkness, From Where You Came!!!


<Just as they finish their speech, the creature falls to the ground in an explosion that vaporizes it. Nightmare Moon can only look on in disgust at what just happened.>


Nightmare Moon: This isn’t over, Twilight! Just wait until the Nightmare Queen gets her hands on the Elements of Harmony!


<Nightmare Moon disappears in the familiar plume of smoke, leaving the two Twilight Sparkles and Spike by themselves. Twilight Sparkle Lilly closes her eyes and concentrates. In a flash, she is back to normal.>


Twilight Sparkle: Wow. How did you know to do that?


Lilly: Well, I concentrated and the bracelet appeared. So it was just logical that I could do the same thing to turn back.


Spike: <who was silent until now> That... was... SO AWESOME!!!


Twilight Sparkle: I have to admit, you did very well for the first time.


Lilly: <scratching the back of her head> Heh... Thanks... <looking up slightly at the sky> But... What did she mean about the Nightmare Queen getting her hands on the Elements of Harmony?


Twilight Sparkle: Well... If I was the bad guy, I’d probably want them too. As it stands, the Elements of Harmony are the biggest threat to the Nightmare Queen... But...


Lilly: But what?


Twilight Sparkle: <looking confused> How could SHE find them if she’s confined to Equestria?


Lilly: And don’t I possess one of them?


Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, you do... There’s no question about it... But how is that possible? ... Oh, I wish Princess Celestia were here... She’d know the answer to these questions...


Lilly: It’s alright. We still have time. We’ll figure this out.


Twilight Sparkle: <with a nod> Yeah. But we’ll need to find the other Chosen Ones first.


Spike: You just leave that to ME! I’ll sniff ‘em out!


Twilight Sparkle: <with a mischievous grin> So says the one who hid during the whole fight.


Spike: I didn’t hide! I made a tactical judgment call, and decided to stay out of the way.


Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, sure...


<Lilly starts laughing, as she and Twilight Sparkle start walking off.>


Spike: I’m serious! When I get going, I can do alot more than you think I can!


<The scene shifts to an aerial view of the trio, as the conversation continues.>


Twilight Sparkle: I’ll believe THAT when I SEE it.


Spike: Oh, just you wait! <under his breath> You have NO idea what I’m capable of...


Twilight Sparkle: What did you say?!


Spike: Oh, nothing... <noticing that the others are starting to get away from him> Hey! Wait up!


<The aerial scene fades out with Spike running to catch up with the others.>




Next Episode

THAT’S a fashion sense?! Either this girl is crazy, or this world has a very strange taste in accessories. I guess it’s up to me to show her how to truly be fashionable.


Rarity: You need some SERIOUS help with your outfit, darling!


Krissie: I never ASKED you for your opinion on my outfit...


Next time on...


Act 03: Rarity’s Greatest Crisis! The Case of the Goth Chick!

Rarity: The Element of Generosity?! You CAN’T be serious!







Hey there fans and Bronies. MLPSS!!! Yes, we’re using an acronym for it now. That can only mean one thing. We’ve reached Episode 3!




<The interior living room of Trixie’s house. Mandy and Connor are sitting opposite of Trixie. Rainbow Dash is floating next to Trixie, with Tim sitting off to the side. Rainbow Dash is now smaller, only about a foot or so tall.>


Mandy: Alright Trixie. We’ve talked it over, and we’re willing to make a few concessions.


<Trixie and Rainbow Dash both lean forward slightly with looks of anticipation.>


Connor: <raising an eyebrow> Though this is still unquestionably the most unusual situation we’ve ever encountered – <looking at Rainbow Dash> in more ways than one -, we’ve agreed that Rainbow Dash can stay here as long as she needs a place to stay.


<Rainbow Dash and Trixie look at each other, then look back and nod in agreement.>


Mandy: And... If these ponies need you to fight some galactic evil that threatens the universe, um... We won’t stop you from doing that.


Connor: But only under ONE condition!


Trixie: Ok... W-What’s the condition?


Mandy: You HAVE TO get your friends to help you. I don’t want you fighting those things on your own anymore.


<Trixie and Rainbow Dash both give a slight nod, then...>


Trixie & Rainbow Dash: <close in with WTF looks, together> EHHHHHHHH?!



The world of Equestria has been enslaved by the evil Nightmarian Empire... But in the darkest hour, six ponies were given the keys to their world’s survival... Now they fight alongside six Chosen Ones to defeat this evil force and return peace to the entire universe... They are...






<A girl with almost pale blonde hair is seen casually walking down the sidewalk. She wears a black dress that goes down to her knees, as well as black shoes. In addition, two black spiked bracelets are seen on her wrists, and her earrings are noticeably – you guessed it – black, and skull-shaped. As she walks down the sidewalk, a shrunken white unicorn with a royal purple mane and tail is seen. She subtly sneaks along the sidewalk to keep up with the girl.>


Pony: <whispering, staring in disbelief> Good, GOSH... This girl needs some fashion advice, something FIERCE...


<The pony continues following the girl until the two are well away from the camera.>



Act 03: Rarity’s Greatest Crisis! The Case of the Goth Chick!


<The pony continues to follow the girl. She eventually stops at a tattoo parlor and looks around. The pony quickly hides behind a trash bin to avoid being seen.>


Girl: <yelling> Alright! Who’s there?! Come out!


Pony: <whispering> She can’t POSSIBLY mean me... can she?


Girl: I said come out! If you don’t, I’ll scream!


<The pony reluctantly shows herself to the girl. In a flash, she is the normal near-3-foot-tall (at the top of the head) size.>


Girl: <looking utterly confused> What in the...


Pony: Um... You... are dressed... in a very unusual manner.


Girl: <tries to speak, but nothing comes out of her mouth, then with a confused look> Is that right?


Pony: If you want, I can give you a few pointers, dear. Because let me tell you, that attire is absolutely dreadful.


Girl: <still dumbfounded> {Ok. She’s a talking pony... and she is giving you advice on how to dress...} <as if hit by a revelation> I’ve got it! <claps her hands together, then points both index fingers toward the pony> This is a dream!


Pony: <looking confused> Uh... What?


Girl: This has to be a dream! That’s why I’m talking to a pony. There’s no other logical explanation.


Pony: I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I can ASSURE you this isn’t a dream.


Girl: Alright then. Prove it.


Pony: Why don’t you try biting your lower lip? If it doesn’t hurt, then this is a dream.


<The girl bites her lower lip to test that theory out.>


Girl: <wincing> OW... <eyes widening, as the pony stands there smirking> Huh?! Wait! This isn’t a dream!


Pony: That’s what I was trying to tell you...


Girl: Holy... I’m talking to a talking pony! For REAL!


Pony: <hanging her head down for a second, with a sigh> Yes. I’m a talking pony. But you can call me Rarity.


Girl: <with a giggle> Rarity... I guess that makes sense, since you’re probably the first talking pony in the history of the world.


Rarity: Well, one of the first.


Girl: Huh?


Rarity: <a sigh> It’s a long story. Anyway, what do they call you?


Krissie: Me? My name’s Krissie. <looking at the tattoo parlor, then back at Rarity> Sheesh, I was just about to go into that place. What was I thinking?


Rarity: Well, it’s a good thing I stopped you... <looking over Krissie> You know, with a few tweaks, I can really make you look fabulous.


Krissie: Thanks, but no thanks. I like these clothes the way they are.


Rarity: <sweat-drop> Well, suit yourself.


Krissie: More importantly, why are you here?


Rarity: Well, that’s... really hard to explain...


Krissie: Try me.


Rarity: Alright. We came from a far away world called Equestria, and we’re here looking for a group of chosen warriors who have the power to fight the dreadful Nightmarian Empire, which is currently hunting us as we speak. This Empire took over our world, and only these Chosen Ones can free it.


Krissie: Ahh... I see... <really non-tactfully> Well... Sucks to be you.


Rarity: <head hanging down, a sigh> ...


Krissie: So, how do you know when you’ve found one of these ‘Chosen Ones’?


Rarity: Well, they radiate an enormous amount of magical energy when we get close to them. And speaking of which...


<A distant shot of the parking lot of the tattoo parlor they are standing in front of.>


Krissie: <as the area shakes in response> EHHHHHHHHH?!!!


<The focus returns to the front of the tattoo parlor. Rarity looks like she was blown back by the scream, as she is upside-down, with her back propped up against the wall.>


Krissie: Y-you ok there?


Rarity: <in a daze> Ehhh... Couldn’t... be better...


<Across the parking lot, Nightmare Moon is seen hiding in the shadow of several trees. She is staring intently at the duo.>


Nightmare Moon: You can say that now... But when I’m finished with you... ‘Fashion’ will be the least of your concerns...


<Nightmare Moon levitates into the air and flies off. The scene shifts to the Nightmare Queen’s castle, where another strange creature is seen. This rather large creature is shrouded in a cloak, so definitive details are impossible to make out. But his voice is unquestionably male.>


Creature: <in a slightly irritated tone> You know, I just don’t understand why you tolerate Nightmare Moon’s constant incompetence!


Nightmare Queen: Despite her numerous failures, she is doing one thing right. She is distracting those ponies from my real plan.


Creature: I know... I know... I just want you to remember, that I can step in if you need me to. You know you want to...


Nightmare Queen: I’ll be sure to hold you to that when the time comes, Discord. In the meantime, make sure the necessary arrangements are in order. We must be ready to move to the next phase.


Discord: <with a bow, obvious sarcasm> At once, your heinous highness...


<Discord walks out of the throne room, as the Nightmare Queen turns to look back at the mirror, which is showing Rarity and Krissie.>


Nightmare Queen: <narrowing her eyes> This will be three of them if Nightmare Moon fails to silence Rarity...


<The scene transitions to show Discord walking down a dark hallway, and into a massive laboratory of some sort. Three female ponies are seen working at various stations. The closest one is a violet Pegasus with a black mane and tail. The next closest is a red unicorn with a green mane and tail. The furthest one from Discord is a pale gray earth pony with a white mane and tail.>


Discord: Insidia, how is Phase 1 proceeding?


Insidia: <the pale gray pony> Everything is proceeding on schedule. We should be able to move up to Phase 2 starting tomorrow.


Discord: Excellent. Dominia! Exile!


Dominia: <the red unicorn> Yes, sir.


Exile: <the violet Pegasus> What is it?


Discord: Apparently, two of those <mockingly> ‘Chosen Ones’ have been found. We need to find a way to do something about this.


Dominia & Exile: <together> Understood.


<Discord leaves, and the trio of ponies immediately turn toward each other.>


Exile: That stupid Discord... If he wasn’t the Queen’s favorite...


Insidia: Well as they say, even the mighty fall eventually.


Dominia: Hmph! He isn’t even smart enough to figure out that we’ve been working on Phase 2 for a week now. <with a smirk> Isn’t that right... Your Majesty?


<The trio turns toward a massive test tube. Inside of it, Princess Celestia is seen hooked up to several machines. The scene transitions to a dark violet room with a bed that has black sheets on it. The walls are plastered with posters of various metal bands, and some indistinguishable metal music is playing loudly.>


Rarity: <barely heard above the music> Krissie!


Krissie: Huh?!




Krissie: OH!!!


<Krissie turns the song down to a much lower volume.>


Rarity: Thank you. That was hurting my ears.


Krissie: Sorry about that. I’m not used to having anyone in my room.


Rarity: I can see that...


Krissie: Anyway, you said I was a Chosen One back there.


Rarity: That’s right. You were chosen to fight against the Nightmarian Empire.


Krissie: <tightening her lips slightly> And I don’t suppose that’s something I can turn down, is it?


Rarity: I’m afraid not. You are one of the Chosen warriors destined to fight against the Nightmare Queen. You cannot be replaced. And I don’t need to remind you that they’ll come after you, even if you don’t accept this fact.


Krissie: Well, I didn’t ASK to be some ‘Chosen One’.


Rarity: <a sigh> I know. But unfortunately, that is how these things go... <looking around> Are you SURE you don’t want me to help you make this place look better?


Krissie: Yes, I’m quite sure!


Rarity: ALRIGHT! Alright, I just wanted to make sure.


Krissie: Anyway, I’ll be gone for about an hour.


Rarity: <looking worried> Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?


Krissie: You know how weird it would look to my friends for me to be hanging out with a talking alien pony? I have enough trouble with people as it is. I don’t need you to make it more complicated.


Rarity: <nodding in an admitting fashion> Alright. You have a point.


Krissie: Don’t worry so much. I’ll be back around 8. Just stay here until I get back, and then we’ll talk about this ‘Chosen One’ stuff, alright?


Rarity: <a sigh> Alright...


<Krissie walks out of the room, and out the front door. Rarity watches her leave, unable to really do anything about it. She sits next to the bed.>


Rarity: I wish... <eyes tearing up> I wish... things would just go back to the way they were...


<Rarity gets up and heads to the window. She moves the curtain aside and looks out toward the street.>


Rarity: I... I don’t know what to do...


<Suddenly, a vision of Krissie getting attacked by Nightmare Moon is seen for but a second. Rarity’s eyes widen.>


Rarity: Nightmare Moon! But why could I see Krissie?


<Rarity looks around, but sees nothing.>


Rarity: I’ve got to find Krissie. If anything happens to her...


<Rarity is seen bolting out the front door of Krissie’s house. She starts running in the direction Krissie went, past countless onlookers, several houses and eventually past an elementary school, until she finally gets to a four-way intersection. She stops at the crosswalk.>


Rarity: The problem is, <sweat-drop> I have absolutely no idea where she went.


<The scene transitions to the font of a roadside convenience store. Krissie is standing on the sidewalk, along with two other similarly dressed girls. One has long black hair and black eye shadow, and the other is another blonde with what looks like black eye shadow tears under her eyes. Undistinguishable metal music is heard playing from a nearby boom box.>


Krissie: So, you think these ‘pony’ sightings are for real, Steph?


Steph: <the other blonde> I bet it’s a sign of the apocalypse. What do you think, Beth?


Beth: <the black-haired girl> You think EVERYTHING’S a sign of the apocalypse... This is probably all a big hoax.


<As the trio continues talking, Krissie sees Rarity in shrunken form, looking at her from the outside window sill of a restaurant across the street. Krissie motions to the Rarity to leave, but she continues to watch. Beth notices Krissie’s gestures.>


Beth: Um... What ARE you doing?


Krissie: <immediately stopping> Uh, nothing. Just... There was a fly and...


Steph: You’re definitely the softest of us three...


Krissie: Shut up.


<Krissie turns back toward the window, and Rarity is no longer there. She breathes a sigh of relief, before turning to see the pony on a window sill even closer to them now. Her eye begins twitching as she tries to act naturally.>


Beth: Are you alright? You really look like you need to sit down.


Krissie: I’m... fine... It’s just a chill... <nervously> I just... need to move over here.


<Krissie positions herself in front of the window sill, so the two can’t see Rarity.>


Steph: Whatever... <looking up at the moon> Hey, check that out.


<The other two girls look up. A shadow of a pony can be seen flying in front of the moon, ET-style. The shadow stops and turns to face the trio. It begins to get bigger. Soon, bluish violet eyes can be seen.>


Krissie: What in the... <thinking back to what Rarity said> EVERYONE, DUCK!!!


<Just as Krissie says that, a violet bolt of lightning barely misses her and slams into the store behind her, shattering the windows. Rarity barely avoids the shrapnel, as she jumps down to the sidewalk. The shadow of the pony that fired the lightning bolt comes into view and is revealed to be Nightmare Moon. Steph and Beth both run down the street in a panic.>


Nightmare Moon: <looking down the street, then back at Krissie> Your friends are wise to run.


<Rarity immediately returns to her normal size and walks toward Nightmare Moon.>


Rarity: This is between you and me! Leave her out of this!!!


Nightmare Moon: I’m afraid I can’t do that. See, she’s one of those accursed Chosen Ones. If I left her alone, she could eventually become a threat to the Nightmarian Empire. And as you of anyone else should know, I can’t ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN!!!


<Nightmare Moon fires a lightning bolt right at Krissie. Rarity quickly knocks Krissie out of the way, taking the hit herself. She is thrown to the ground.>


Krissie: <looking back at Rarity> Rarity...


Rarity: <wincing> It’s alright... I... can still... protect you...


Nightmare Moon: That’s what YOU think!!! Nightmarian Warlord! Come forth!!!


<In a flash of violet energy, a massive 8-foot-tall muscular minotaur-like creature appears. The creature immediately grabs Rarity by the neck and lifts her up.>


Nightmare Moon: Unfortunately for you, I’m not going to allow any more of these ‘Chosen Ones’ to be discovered. Nightmarian! Finish her off!


Krissie: S... Stop it...


<The minotaur-like creature throws Rarity like a rag doll into the side door of a parked car. She slams into it with enough force to knock the door off the hinges. She lands next to it, and lies there motionless. The minotaur then slowly walks toward where Rarity landed.>


Krissie: <turning to Nightmare Moon> Stop it! That’s enough!


Nightmare Moon: <with a grin> I don’t think so. We both know those ponies are far more resilient than this. Nightmarian! Rip her to shreds!


<The creature grabs Rarity by the mane and lifts her limp body up once more.>


Krissie: STOP!!! <getting down on her knees> Please... Stop... <eyes tearing up> I... I can’t take it anymore... I... I’ll do anything you want...


Nightmare Moon: Is that so?


Krissie: Yes...


Nightmare Moon: Will you surrender and come with me?


Krissie: I... uh...


Nightmare Moon: Will you surrender yourself in order to save your friend’s life? Or will you let her DIE right here?!


Krissie: <shaking> ...


<The creature grabs Rarity’s back with its other hand.>


Krissie: ALRIGHT!!! I’ll go with you... Just... leave her alone...


Nightmare Moon: Fine then...


<The creature drops Rarity, who lands with a thud.>


Nightmare Moon: I’m glad to see you finally see to reason. <with a smirk> Let us leave this place.


<Krissie is enveloped in a globe of energy and lifted into the air. Nightmare Moon takes off, as does the minotaur-like creature, leaving a battered Rarity, who is just now regaining consciousness.>


Rarity: <barely able to speak> N... No... Don’t... go... with... them...


<Rarity struggles to her feet and manages to take two steps toward the direction Nightmare Moon went, before collapsing again.>


Rarity: I... I have to... help Krissie... <trembling> S... Someone... Please... Help me...


<Rarity’s eyes slowly close as she lapses into unconsciousness.>


????: <a female voice> Hey. Can you hear me?


????: <another female voice> Oh my, she’s still out of it. Whatever that creature was really did a number on her...


<Rarity’s eyes slowly open to see a blonde woman that appears to be in her mid to late thirties. She is dressed like a cowgirl. More amazing is the pink Pegasus standing next to the woman. This pink Pegasus has a rainbow mane and tail, much like Rainbow Dash’s and stands at about the same height. Looking around, the trio appears to be in a barn of some sort.>


Rarity: <weakly> Rainbow... Dash? Is that you?


Pony: Rainbow Dash? Who’s that?


Woman: I have no idea. I don’t remember any ponies by THAT name...


<Rarity notices that she is able to get up, and has no visible injuries on her, whatsoever.>


Rarity: <looking herself over> What in the world?


Woman: I AM surprised though... It’s been YEARS since Otherworldly Ponies have come to Earth...


Rarity: Otherworldly... <coming to a realization> Wait a minute... You aren’t surprised to see me?


Woman: Actually, I’m probably the only human on Earth that WOULDN’T be surprised to see a talking pony.


Pony: That’s no joke. I constantly have to hide. The whole thing’s so darn tiring.


Rarity: I see... <looking down slightly> I guess I couldn’t save her after all...


Pony: Whaddya mean?


Rarity: I met a girl named Krissie. She’s quite strange, but not a bad person...


Woman: What happened?


Rarity: Nightmare Moon attacked us... She... She sacrificed herself to save me...


Woman: Oh my... That’s terrible...


Rarity: And I was supposed to protect her, so she could become a Chosen One and help fight against these creeps... <eyes tearing up> But now...


Woman: I wonder if there’s anything we could do to help?


Pony: How long ago did this happen?


Rarity: I went unconscious just after it happened... It was around 8pm... I don’t know what time it is now...


Woman: <eyes lighting up> There might still be time to save her.


Rarity: R-really?


Pony: You were only out for about a half hour. When we got to you, it was only 8pm.


Rarity: Then it might not be too late! I have to get to her.


Woman: <to the unknown pony> You think you could...


Pony: <with a smirk> Yeah. That shouldn’t be a problem.


<The strange pony grabs Rarity with her front hooves and lifts into the air. The two fly off into the distance.>


Woman: <looking at the duo, with a smile> The power of friendship is still strong, even in this turbulent world...


<The ponies land in a forest, where Nightmare Moon, the strange minotaur, and Krissie are waiting. Krissie appears to be tied to a tree by rope. Nightmare Moon turns to see the two ponies.>


Nightmare Moon: Well, well... Isn’t THIS a surprise? TWO Equestrian ponies for the price of one...


Pony: <with a chuckle> So, THAT’S what they’re calling it nowadays...


Krissie: <from the tree> Rarity! Run!!!


Rarity: I’m afraid not, Krissie! You might not want to be a Chosen One, but you’re my friend, nonetheless! And friends don’t abandon each other!


Krissie: Rarity... You... still want to be my friend, even after I blew you off so nonchalantly before?


Rarity: I don’t care about that. What matters is here and now.


Krissie: Oh, Rarity... I... I’m so sorry...


Nightmare Moon: Oh please... I think I just vomited a little...


Pony: <to Nightmare Moon> You know... You could stand to learn a thing or two from them!


Nightmare Moon: I’ll teach YOU a thing or two! Nightmarian! Dispatch these two ponies!


<The minotaur creature charges forward. Both Rarity and the mysterious pony easily jump out of the way. The mysterious pony takes to the sky, as Nightmare Moon does the same.>


Nightmare Moon: You won’t get away that easily...


Pony: Who said anything about getting away?


<The pony charges straight at Nightmare Moon, slamming into her and knocking her back several feet.>


Nightmare Moon: Why you little PEST!!!


Pony: I’m way more of a pest than you take me for, sugah. Would you like to go another round?


<On the ground, Rarity dodges another charge, that puts her right next to the tied up Krissie. She quickly jerks her head in an upward motion, slicing clean through the ropes holding the girl in place.>


Krissie: Rarity! I... I uh...


Rarity: Save it for after this is over.


Krissie: No... I mean... I want to help you.


Rarity: Huh? Are you sure, darling? I mean I don’t want to force you.


Krissie: You said I was a Chosen One, right? Any way you look at it, I’ll have to fight these monsters sooner or later. Besides... <cracking her knuckles> Friends help each other, right?


Rarity: Krissie...


<Nightmare Moon lands, followed by the mysterious pony. She grins menacingly at Krissie in response to what she said.>


Nightmare Moon: So, you want to fight against our Empire too? Be my GUEST!!!


<Nightmare Moon fires a bolt of lightning right at Krissie. She almost instinctively dodges out of the way, as the tree she was just tied to is split by the impact.>


Krissie: You think I’ll go down without a fight?! You’ve got another thing coming!


<Krissie charges right toward Nightmare Moon, catching the evil mare completely off guard. Her right arm begins glowing as she punches the Pegasus right in the snout, sending her head reeling back.>


Krissie: Had enough?!


<The minotaur jumps between Krissie and Nightmare Moon.>


Krissie: Guess not!


Pony: Whoa... And I thought I’d seen EVERYTHING...


<Suddenly, a bracelet with a violet gem materializes on Krissie’s right wrist.>


Nightmare Moon: No! It CAN’T BE!!!


Rarity: <noticing the bracelet> That’s... the Element of Generosity!


Pony: <a look of amazement> That can’t be... what I think it is...


Krissie: <looking at the bracelet> I should complain about the bracelet not being black... But, for some reason, I’m fine with it.


Rarity: Well, it looks like your powers have awakened, Krissie. What do you want to do NOW, darling?


Krissie: <with a smirk> Isn’t it obvious?


<Krissie closes her eyes and raises her bracelet until it’s eye level with her. She then opens her eyes, which have the same blue shade as Rarity. Both her and Rarity are then engulfed in the familiar pillar of light, though it is a lighter shade this time. Inside the light, the two are farther away than before, as they turn to face each other, bodies glowing.>


Krissie: CELESTIAL...


Rarity: FUSION!!!


<Krissie aims her right arm toward Rarity, who aims her horn toward Krissie. The two fire a royal purple beam at each other. The two beams impact halfway between Krissie and Rarity, causing a swirling vortex of energy to appear. They each dash to the vortex, disappearing into it. Krissie emerges on the other side of the vortex, covered in the purple light. Still inches in the air, she extends her right arm. In a flash, she is wearing a dark violet glove that goes up to just under her elbow.>


Krissie: With the Spirit of Generosity...


<She extends her left arm, and the same thing happens.>


Krissie: And the Power of Friendship...


<Krissie crosses her arms in an ‘X’ fashion. She then throws both arms out at 45 degree downward angles to their respective sides, causing a blur of purple light to wash over her body. In a flash, she is now wearing a black dress that resembles armor, with white fabric seams. As the light hits her feet, a flash of light on each foot causes black boots to appear on her.>


Krissie: Two Worlds Unite!!!


<Krissie swishes her hair, which shimmers with purple light that changes it to the royal purple color of Rarity’s mane. Finally, a purple spiked collar materializes on her neck, with the Element of Generosity resting right in the middle of it. The pillar of light subsides in a shockwave, revealing Krissie standing and facing Nightmare Moon and the minotaur creature.>


Rarity: Emissary of Generosity and Magic from across time and space! Rarity!


<Rarity points to Nightmare Moon and the minotaur.>


Rarity: And by the Elements of Harmony... Prepare to be defeated!!!


Pony: Oh my stars... it’s the Legendary Power...


Rarity: <looking herself over> I should be a little more freaked out... But somehow... <a smirk> this feels right.


Nightmare Moon: Oh for the love of... Nightmarian! Get rid of this pest!


<The minotaur charges forward. Rarity is easily able to sidestep out of the way. She spins and delivers a kick right to the creature’s chest, sending it reeling back about a foot or so.>


Nightmare Moon: <clenching her teeth> You stupid creature!!! I said to get RID OF HER!!!


Rarity: <glancing toward Nightmare Moon> Don’t go anywhere. You’re next.


Nightmare Moon: Tch... I don’t have TIME for this...


<Nightmare Moon disappears in the familiar plume of smoke, leaving the minotaur on its own.>


Rarity: Fine. That just leaves one enemy.


R Collar: <Rarity’s voice can be heard coming from the collar> Then let’s hurry up and finish this freak.


<Rarity concentrates, and in a flash, the pony Rarity appears next to her.>


Rarity: <Krissie> You ready?


Rarity: <the pony> Any time.


<The two turn toward the minotaur. They both begin glowing in a white light. Rarity the pony begins walking toward the creature, leaving a carpet of energy behind her. Rarity (Krissie) starts walking behind the pony. They gradually start picking up the pace and glowing more brightly.>


Rarity: <Krissie> Our Bonds of Friendship...


Rarity: <the pony> And Our Spirit of Magic...


Both Raritys: <together> Will Overcome All Evil!!!


<The two are soon running at full speed, and glowing until they become images of light.>


Both Raritys: <together> DAZZLING TWIN ATTACK!!!


<Rarity the pony is the first to impact the creature, blasting through it in an explosion of energy. Less than a second later, Rarity (Krissie) stops right in front of the creature, punching it and sending it flying several feet. It stands up, convulsing.>


Both Raritys: <together> Evil Minion of the Nightmarian Empire!!! <The pony Rarity turns to face the Wizard, as the human Rarity points to the creature.> Return to the Darkness, From Where You Came!!!


<In an explosive blast, the creature falls and is vaporized. The mysterious pony looks on in amazement.>


Pony: That was incredible...


<Rarity (Krissie) concentrates and in a flash, returns to her normal form.>


Krissie: Well, I guess that’s that.


Rarity: <to Krissie> I have to admit, you did exceptionally well.


Pony: I agree. Those were some amazin’ moves you had.


Krissie: Well, I DO know martial arts. I just don’t like using them unless I really have to.


Pony: Well, since things seem to be back to normal here, I think it’s high time I got back to where I belong.


Rarity: That reminds me... <turning to the pony> I don’t think you ever gave me your name.


Pony: Oh me? My name’s Firefly.


<For an instant, Rarity is able to see a pony fitting Firefly’s description with a younger version of the blonde woman from before.>


Firefly: You alright, sugah?


Rarity: <a weak smile> Yes... I think I’ll be alright from now on... Thank you, for everything...


Firefly: If you ever need anything, I won’t be far away.


<Firefly takes off, flying into the distance.>


Krissie: <watching Firefly disappear from sight> Who in the world was THAT?


Rarity: She saved me...


Krissie: Really? But you know... <looking back into the sky> I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of her...


Rarity: The thought occurred to me as well...




Next Episode

Hey there! It’s MEEEEEEEEEE! The one and only Pinkie Pie, here to tell you about the next episode. It will be in a word... AWESOOOOOME!!! So awesome in fact, that words can’t DESCRIBE the amount of awesomeness in it! If it were any more awesome, it would be illegal!


Mina: Saying an episode is awesome, doesn’t really constitute a description...


Pinkie Pie: But it DOES show them how AWESOME it’ll be! It’ll be so super awesome that you won’t even know what to DO after seeing it!!!



Next time on


Act 04: Pinkie Pie’s Transformation! So Awesome, It Should Be Illegal!

Mina: Believe it or not, that IS the title of the episode...

Edited by SBaby

A Winner Is You!!!
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