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open Sword Art Online: Pony style!


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"I rather we do it as a group mostly because I am close to level 10 cause I went out and trained for a bit last night while you guys were sleeping...sorry" Equinox said as he looked outside. "Plus I was hearing there is a rare monster out there at the moment that give double exp so you guys might want to be there" Equinox said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Ok then it was just an idea i felt like offering."  Lighting told Equinox "I hope that monster thing is real.  I not planing to fight forever I think I might be more helpful as a Blacksmith making weapons and armor for everyone and hire somepony as a supplier while I stay and work at the shop. I could probably supply the guild for free for getting me started I mean it can't be cheep starting a shop up. But if I have to fight to get there I will."

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Looking over her shoulder at her armaments, the basic shield and her cheap dagger which were the only two instruments she needed in order to take on the world, she nodded to Malik.  "Yeah, I'm ready."  She smiled and stuck out her hoof triumphantly.  "Lets head out and take on this game!"

(The next day.)


*Malik woke up in the Half-Glass Inn. He had slept well, despite the knowledge that he was trapped in this game. He didn't fully mind, he liked games and spent most of his life playing them anyway. In fact, when the beta for SAO was out, he had spent a lot more time in the game, then in real life. The only real issue to him, being trapped in the game would cause him to miss his brother's wedding. That pissed him off quite a bit. Once he had fully woken up, he left his room and knocked on the door to the room next to his, where Truffletop was.*

"Hey, time to wake up! We got work to do if we are to make any progress today."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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@  @supersonicfan91 


Casey woke up and headed to the front room of the inn. "Hey guys!" Casey said to Equinox and Lighting. She wondered who the guild leader would be.


Burning slept in her room and went into the front room of the inn she was staying in. She saw 3 ponies together.

Edited by Drawingpandapony

I love Supernatural! :D

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Blazing came to the main room as well. "So... Now what?" He asked. He was still a bit tired, but he knew that would end once he got out into battle or something like that. Again though, I can't get tired in battle, it's gonna get me killed... He thought. He didn't want to think about it, but he knew it was true.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Good morning Casey we were waiting for you cause there has been word of a rare monster that gives a lot of exp to the person or party taht kills it so we were waiting for you before we head on out" Equinox said with a smile then remembered something. "Also for our guild do you want to be the leader by any chance" Equinox asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"You ok?" Burning asked Blazing. He looked tired. "Do you want to rest some more?" Burning asked Blazing. She didn't want him to collapse in battle.


"Ooo! Cool! Yeah. I am quick at thinking up plans." Casey said. She thought she would be a cool leader. She really wanted to kill that monster too.

I love Supernatural! :D

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"Also you two should kill the monster cause while you two were asleep I went out to train a bit and got up to lvl 9 and im close to lvl 10 already" Equinox said as he scratched the back of his head with his hoof. "Sorry but I didn't mean to go ahead in level just want to get stronger so we can get out of this game" Equinox said

  • Brohoof 1

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"That's ok." Casey said. She was hungry though. "I'm gonna get some food." Casey said. She went to get some food and came back eating a apple. Casey equipped the long-sword she got. She was prepared to kill the monster. She couldn't wait to get XP. "Let's go then." Casey said.

I love Supernatural! :D

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(The next day.)


*Malik woke up in the Half-Glass Inn. He had slept well, despite the knowledge that he was trapped in this game. He didn't fully mind, he liked games and spent most of his life playing them anyway. In fact, when the beta for SAO was out, he had spent a lot more time in the game, then in real life. The only real issue to him, being trapped in the game would cause him to miss his brother's wedding. That pissed him off quite a bit. Once he had fully woken up, he left his room and knocked on the door to the room next to his, where Truffletop was.*

"Hey, time to wake up! We got work to do if we are to make any progress today."

Truffletop yawned, crawling out of her spot in bed slowly.  "Man... I really wish I could get five more minutes... Though adventure waits for nopony... Err, no one."  She giggled a bit at her last statement.  Making sure she had her equipment ready, she stood up ready to head out.

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"Yeah I am ready too I am ready to march at your command madam captain" Lighting said in a joking manor hoping to keep everypony in the party happy he always felt if your happy your just better at almost everything. He was hyped and ready to go out and help out.

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"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Blazing said. "If it's like any other video game I've played, I should be wide awake once we get into battle." He added. He thought back to a lot of the games he had played throughout his life, all of them were able to get him wide awake when he needed to be.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Truffletop yawned, crawling out of her spot in bed slowly. "Man... I really wish I could get five more minutes... Though adventure waits for nopony... Err, no one." She giggled a bit at her last statement. Making sure she had her equipment ready, she stood up ready to head out.

*Malik was there waiting for her.*

"So, I figure we will start out with the quests in town, they are fairly simple, so we should be able to get them all done in a couple hours. After that we should be a high enough level to tackle the first dungeon. I have heard that the first dungeon has a secret toom with a set of items that raise your level when you use them. I never found them in the beta, but I met someone who did."

*Malik explained the game plan for the day as they left the inn.*

"We didn't have time to turn in that first quest yesterday, so we should start with that, then head to the first questline."


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*Malik was there waiting for her.*

"So, I figure we will start out with the quests in town, they are fairly simple, so we should be able to get them all done in a couple hours. After that we should be a high enough level to tackle the first dungeon. I have heard that the first dungeon has a secret toom with a set of items that raise your level when you use them. I never found them in the beta, but I met someone who did."

*Malik explained the game plan for the day as they left the inn.*

"We didn't have time to turn in that first quest yesterday, so we should start with that, then head to the first questline."

Listening to Malik's plan, Truffletop listened for a while, nodding in agreement.  She replied, "Yeah, we'll want whatever quests give us the most experience.  I didn't really get much of a chance to level yet, I've kind of gotten that one quest from earlier as well as that boar kill."

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"You ready Casey" Equinox said as he looked at his skills again. "Level 80 is when I get Starburst Stream...that is going to be a while" Equinox said as he left the inn and waited outside for the others to come out so they can get going to finding that rare monster and get through the dungeon

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hey Equinox, what's the hurry just cause we're trapped here doesn't mean we have to try to speed run through this game like its a chore either. I want to get out to. But I think we all should only go up to the boss room then turn back we only get one live here I don't want to see anypony die cause they are trying to rush through this ok.

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Listening to Malik's plan, Truffletop listened for a while, nodding in agreement. She replied, "Yeah, we'll want whatever quests give us the most experience. I didn't really get much of a chance to level yet, I've kind of gotten that one quest from earlier as well as that boar kill."

"Luckily the questgiver is nearby."

*Malik said.*

"This town isn't very large, so it shouldn't be too difficult finding all of the quests. Plus, completion should be quick, since I managed to finish every quest on the first ten floors back in beta. I know my way around."

*Malik said, that small hint of basting showing itself again. After walking for a few minutes, they got to a butchers shop and Malik turned in the quest he did yesterday, which was very simply, killing ten boars and collecting their meat to bring to the butcher. The npc seemed greatful and labeled their quest completed, awarding enough experience for both Malik and Truffletop to level up. He also awarded the two of them three health potions each.*

"Okay, now off to the first questline."

*Malik said, moving quickly. He led them down a few buildings and into a shady looking shop. Malik talked to the npc inside, and he assigned the two of them to go to the forest to find four chests, each containing a special metal ingot.*

"These take a some skill to find, you ready for a bit of a hunt?"

*Malik asked Truffletop.*


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"Luckily the questgiver is nearby."

*Malik said.*

"This town isn't very large, so it shouldn't be too difficult finding all of the quests. Plus, completion should be quick, since I managed to finish every quest on the first ten floors back in beta. I know my way around."

*Malik said, that small hint of basting showing itself again. After walking for a few minutes, they got to a butchers shop and Malik turned in the quest he did yesterday, which was very simply, killing ten boars and collecting their meat to bring to the butcher. The npc seemed greatful and labeled their quest completed, awarding enough experience for both Malik and Truffletop to level up. He also awarded the two of them three health potions each.*

"Okay, now off to the first questline."

*Malik said, moving quickly. He led them down a few buildings and into a shady looking shop. Malik talked to the npc inside, and he assigned the two of them to go to the forest to find four chests, each containing a special metal ingot.*

"These take a some skill to find, you ready for a bit of a hunt?"

*Malik asked Truffletop.*

Truffletop nodded in response to Malik's comment.  "Well, less competition definitely means we'll have some elbow room."  Malik described the rewards for the quest he was turning in.  Once she got her potions and her new level, she grinned.  "Look's like I'm starting to make some progress."  Malik then told her the details of the next quest.  Listening in, it reminded her of the jobs she used to do back in Equestria.  She replied to him confidentally.  "Hunting is what I do best.  By the time we're done with these chests, this forest will have all its cases cracked!"

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Truffletop nodded in response to Malik's comment.  "Well, less competition definitely means we'll have some elbow room."  Malik described the rewards for the quest he was turning in.  Once she got her potions and her new level, she grinned.  "Look's like I'm starting to make some progress."  Malik then told her the details of the next quest.  Listening in, it reminded her of the jobs she used to do back in Equestria.  She replied to him confidentally.  "Hunting is what I do best.  By the time we're done with these chests, this forest will have all its cases cracked!"

"The thing about the chests is, they are hidden within different things in the forest. One of them is in a boulder, another is in a hollowed out tree stump, it takes more than just natural skill to find them, it takes points in your treasure hunting skill, so I advise you invest one or two of the skill points we just got into the treasure hunting skill. I know where they were in the beta, but I am sure that they moved them to avoid beta testers like me from just flying through without a care."

*Malik opened up his skills menu and put two of his three skill points into treasure hunting, and one into heath regeneration.*

"The rewards for this questline are well worth the investment of the points. Trust me, I know we will find them very useful."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"The thing about the chests is, they are hidden within different things in the forest. One of them is in a boulder, another is in a hollowed out tree stump, it takes more than just natural skill to find them, it takes points in your treasure hunting skill, so I advise you invest one or two of the skill points we just got into the treasure hunting skill. I know where they were in the beta, but I am sure that they moved them to avoid beta testers like me from just flying through without a care."

*Malik opened up his skills menu and put two of his three skill points into treasure hunting, and one into heath regeneration.*

"The rewards for this questline are well worth the investment of the points. Trust me, I know we will find them very useful."

Truffletop flipped her hoof pulling up the menu and flipping to her level up screen.  "Let's see... I have a few points here.  I think I'll go ahead and dump them all in treasure hunting.  It'll be a bit more natural for me that way, hehe.  Actually, lets put a point in alertness too.  That could be useful."

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"I'm ready." Casey said smiling. She was happy to be captain. No one really  picked her to be a leader at home. "I guess we don't have to hurry. Also, shouldn't we friend each other?" Casey said understanding what Lighting said. 


"Ok." Burning said. She was prepared to battle. "Why don't we explore the town more today?" Burning said.

I love Supernatural! :D

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"Okay." Blazing said. It wasn't as fun as battle, but they did need to get to know the town a little bit. Better we stay here rather than come close to getting killed again... He thought, trying to make it sound like a good thing.
(OOC: Sorry for the short post, I'm kinda busy right now)


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Truffletop flipped her hoof pulling up the menu and flipping to her level up screen.  "Let's see... I have a few points here.  I think I'll go ahead and dump them all in treasure hunting.  It'll be a bit more natural for me that way, hehe.  Actually, lets put a point in alertness too.  That could be useful."

"Alertness is useful. I took a couple hits from a stealthy monster in the beta due to lack of alertness."

*Malik thought back to the moment.*

"Probably should put some points into that next level."

*He said with a chuckle.*

"Especially since the game is true perma-death now. Don't want any monsters getting lucky shots in while Im not looking."

*The two of them headed off to the forest. It was dark and ominous and there were eerie sounds in all directions. Malik didn't look worried though, in fact, he seemed more comfortable and confident then he did in town. He looked around, his eyes glowing with the treasure hunting's locate ability obtained from the first point in the skill. He turned towards a set of boulders and walked over to them. He examined each one closely, looking for the glow of look seeable only with the locate ability. Finding one he was satisfied with, he picked it up and slammed it down on top of another larger boulder. The first boulder shattered and out fell a small chest.*

"Thats one."

*Malik said picking up the chest.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"Oh that's right I forgot me and Equinox do mention that earlier here's the invite." Lighting opened his menu and sent the invite to Casey "ok how should I address you with your new rank miss captain of the lighting hoofs guild." He said in a joking manor.

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"Alertness is useful. I took a couple hits from a stealthy monster in the beta due to lack of alertness."

*Malik thought back to the moment.*

"Probably should put some points into that next level."

*He said with a chuckle.*

"Especially since the game is true perma-death now. Don't want any monsters getting lucky shots in while Im not looking."

*The two of them headed off to the forest. It was dark and ominous and there were eerie sounds in all directions. Malik didn't look worried though, in fact, he seemed more comfortable and confident then he did in town. He looked around, his eyes glowing with the treasure hunting's locate ability obtained from the first point in the skill. He turned towards a set of boulders and walked over to them. He examined each one closely, looking for the glow of look seeable only with the locate ability. Finding one he was satisfied with, he picked it up and slammed it down on top of another larger boulder. The first boulder shattered and out fell a small chest.*

"Thats one."

*Malik said picking up the chest.*

Truffletop nodded in response to Malik's first comment.  "Yeah, I figure being able to detect danger is going to be crucial as we go on."  As they headed into the forest, Truffletop kept thinking to herself.  What kinds of monsters might we find in here anyway?  Hopefully nothing too dangerous... though we haven't seen anything so far.  Hearing a call, she turned to Malik.  "Awesome, we got the first chest... though the next one is probably going to be deeper.  I'll take the lead since I put a lot of points into my treasure hunting, I might spot something.  Are there any dangers I should know of?"

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