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Razor continued attacking the hudra with her sword. She screamed to Icy "Whats the plan then?" Shouldnt we have planned this earlier? She dodged attacks and made them. Not doing very much to hurt it, but wasnt dying either. Suddenly the hydras tail swung at Razor Grass, knocking her to the ground


EDIT: Ignore all this. I was ninjad. XD

Edited by The Pinkeh Pie ♪
  • Brohoof 1


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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Equinox smiled. "Not bad" Equinox said as he opened the menu and got an item. "Hydra scale...interesting" He said to himself as he sheathed his sword and looked at his starts. "Starting to wonder if I should put points on speed..." He said to himself as he did and placed points on katana usage. "Man lvl 80...just to dual wield" He said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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*Malik checked his inventory and rolled his eyes.*

"Hay! Anyone want a nice sword? Dropped from the boss and I can't use it. Its called Elucidator, one handed, some nice stats. Whoever wants it can come claim it."

*He scrolled though his inventory a bit more and "ooh'd" at some nice bracers, quickly equipping them.*


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"Wow you two are good you wouldn't happen to be in a guild would you? Cause if you want I think joining us would just make things easier and we was planning on fight the floor boss tommorow also I'm train to be a blacksmith if you want any weapons or upgrades on your weapons." Lighting said Ryn and Malik "Name Lighting by the way what's yours?"

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"I want that blade" Equinox said as he heard about Elucidator, It was a legendary blade. "I would like to have that blade...the Elucidator" He said as he went up to Malik. "Do you want anything for it in return" He asked as he was the only one who used swords. "Besides...that is a legendary blade also"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Nice to meet you Lightning. My name is Malik, and this is Kirri."

*He said pointing out the female scythe wielding gryphon.*

"And while I thank you for the offer, I have to decline on the weapons."

*He drew his bastard sword. The blade, hilt, and guard, were all beautifully crafted and intricately and designed.*

"Wildheit here is the only weapon I am allowed to use anymore. Soulbound weapon type, only available to beta-testers, but it increases in strength as I do, so it is very useful."


"We are not in a guild, to answer your first question."

*Kirri said stepping in.*

"I also believe joining your guild would be beneficial to all of us."

*She said elbowing Malik.*


"Oh yeah! Sure! Just the two of us solo-ing gets boring after a while."

*Malik got an idea.*

"Hey! Lets all head out and get a few rounds of drinks to celebrate our win here! My treat!"

*Malik said exitedly.*


"Its all yours E."

*Malik brought out the sword and handed it to Equinox.*

"No trade necessary, Its useless to me anyway."

Edited by Erperler


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"Well ok then I can still make you some armor and sharpen your blade from time to time can't let it go dull after all. Anyway I'll skip the party I was sleeping when I got the message so now I just go back to the inn." Lighting sent Malik and Rynn the guild invites. He then went to the inn and fell asleep

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  On 2013-10-14 at 5:54 AM, Erperler said:
"Its all yours E." *Malik brought out the sword and handed it to Equinox.* "No trade necessary, Its useless to me anyway."


"Thanks" Equinox said equipping the blade and swung it around a bit. "It feels great...perfect actually" He said sheathing the blade on his blade. "Been wanting this blade for a while...I didn't think it would be dropped by the Hydra though" He said as he looked at Lighting. "Hey lets get out of the dungeon theres a town on the next floor plus I heard it's a markettown so you could get some materials there also" Equinox said to Lighting  

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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*Malik and Kirri both accepted the guild invites.*


"Come on, anyone? Drinks? I'm paying!"

*Malik said hopefully.*


"You do know we don't have to go get drunk after every boss fight, right?"

*Kirri asked him. Malik looked slightly offended.*


"What? Its a reward for a job well done! Besides, my brother doesn't let me drink anymore in the real world, so I gotta take what I can get."

*Malik huffed. Kirri sighed and collapsed her scythe, placing it on her belt, Malik chuckled and looked away.*

"Besides, you can't deny that you like to go out drinking. Especially after last time when you-"

*Malik swiftly received a strong punch in the face from Kirri for this. Malik fell to the ground and Rynn stood over him with an angry look on her face. She then smiled a slightly creepy smile.*


"Not in front of the kids."

*She said.*


"Y-yes ma'am."

*Malik mumbled, dazed.*

Edited by Erperler


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Equinox continued looking through his inventory and saw a scythe. "Huh...I got a scythe..." He said as he had the stats to equip it. "Maybe I'll use it later to see how it feels to use one" He said to himself. 


Meanwhile Shinx was in the dungeon killing monsters trying to level up before fighting the boss. "I wonder what the boss is in this dungeon" She said to her self as wisp kept healing her incase she went low on health

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Razor felt bad she wasnt too much use in the battle. She walked up to where her guild was gathered and askes "Umm... i have some potions if anyone needs it." She saw Malik and Rynn and said "Hi. Umm you two did really well in the battle. I think that with you both we might be the strongest guild!" She actually didnt believe that but it might boost someones confidence "And I never got to introduce myself properly. I'm Razor Grass."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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"We may need more people if we ever fight the labyrinth boss on floor 25 that unless we figure out who is using a shield" Equinox said looking at everypony. "We can die easily if we fight it like we are now unless we hav a few teams..." He thought to himself as he went to put points on -one handed sword- and saw an odd one. "Darkness Blade...what is that" He asked himself seeing it locked needing to master -one handed sword to unlock it-

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Casey had been fighting with everybody against the boss. When they finally beat it she was happy. "Nice fighting out there." Casey said  kindly to Malik and Rynn. She was ready to celebrate. "Why don't we all go out to eat to celebrate?" Casey suggested to everypony.

I love Supernatural! :D

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"Now she has the right idea!"

*Malik said pointing to Casey, having recovered from Kirri's punch.*

"Come on guys! Like I said, I'll pay for everything!"


"Spend your level up points first. You always forget to do that."

*Kirri told him, she was in her menu spending her points. She put points into scythe mastery and smiled when she noticed it maxed out, finally.*



*Malik opened up his menu and put points into evasion and defense, having already mastered the bastard sword skill.*

"Okay, now, lets all go get some celebratory food and drink!"

Edited by Erperler


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Icy looked at her skills. it was a good thing she reclassed herself back to a dancer, even though she hated the fact she was almost useless in the fight. A new skill opened up for her. -Dance of Death- by giving up her own hp, she increase her power and allies for as long as she can keep up the dance. The closer her health bar got to 0 the bigger the bonuses she and her allies would gain.She decided to not tell anyone this skill. 
"Better they don't know" she said to herself. She put point into her skill, speed, and evasion. She made a quick glance at the stuff she gained from the boss, She got a Hydra scale and a Ruined Blade. As far as she cared it was non-useable and had to be forged by a black smith. She looked at Equinox. He tried to hard to get away from her, but she wouldn't let him get away from her sights to easily.
She sent a message to Lighting.
"I found a Ruined Blade. I can't use it so i was wondering if you want it" she sent her message.

"If your buying I'll join you then" she said with a smile.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Lighting was still in his room at the inn trying to sleep for the night. When the recived a message from Icy

  On 2013-10-16 at 4:49 AM, Snowy Storm said:

"I found a Ruined Blade. I can't use it so i was wondering if you want it" .

He decided to respond to it typing "I'll take it later I'm trying to sleep for the night ok see you in the morning ok." He sent the message and tried going back to sleep but he kept having nightmares about what happened to his friend.

Edited by supersonicfan91
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"I guess i'll buy or Malik can buy. If we're going let's go!" Casey said excitedly to Icy. She was planning to get some yummy pasta and butterscotch beer. Casey messaged Lighting to see if he wanted to go eat out to celebrate. She also was planning to get some strawberry cake to eat for dessert.

I love Supernatural! :D

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"You guys go ahead" Equinox said as he went onward to the next area. "Floor 25 boss...the boss blocking our way to the next part of the game...we won't be able to defeat it...well we can have Me and Malik attack while Icy and Rynn take care of its minion then have Casey and Lighting help them...Razor and Shinx can be back up in case any of us come close to dying. Then once he gets to its last HP bar it will switch to a Talwar and use katana attacks...that's when we finish it before it moves...though its gonna be a difficult battle at least its not as hard as lvl 49 dungeon boss.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Lighting heard another message and checked it after reading it over he said "why not can't seem to sleep with all the messages I'm getting." He said as he equipped his weapon and armor and then flew off to meet with them and landed near the place they were gonna eat at.

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Casey smiled. She hadn't had strawberry cake and butterscotch beer in a while for dessert. She licked her lips. "I can't wait to eat!" she thought happily. She sat at a table waiting for everypony to sit down with her. She ordered pasta and butterscotch beer to start out with.

I love Supernatural! :D

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A lone figure stood atop the highest point in the Beginner Town. His black robes hiding his dark gray coat, black and blue mane and tail and the wings attached to his sides. Through the moonlight that shows his face, a glowing red eye looked out to the town below. "It seems everyone is growing accustom to the fate that befalls us all" he says in his mind. Then the figure leaps down from his vantage point. Disappearing into the night.

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Razor wanted to eat with her guild members but couldnt have them paying for another one of her meals so she decided to go to her inn. On the way there she spotted a red pony with a navy blue mane standing suspiciously under a streetlight. Alone. In the dark. But though this was a creepy situation for Razor what scared her more was that she recognized this pony. The stange mark on his side made her remember what little if him she had seen not many days before. "The theif." She remembered and decided she should either charge at him or stalk. Stalking seemed better. Razor hid quietly and waited for him to move.


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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The figure emerges from an ally way. He looks around and spots his contract, a red stallion with a navy blue mane standing under a street lamp. He approaches the figure. "Are you the one called Night Blade?" The stallion asks. Night Blade just nods in agreement, his face masked by his hood. "Let's continue this conversation somewhere else." The stallion leads Night Blade to another ally. Unknown to him, an ambush lies ahead

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Lighting was eating with his teammates when he saw the two stallions and noticed Razor was watching them like she knew them "Sorry gotta go check on something later."  he told his team leaving with some garlic bread in his mouth.  when he reached Razor he asked her "what's going on do you know thouse two I notice how you were looking at them did they do something?"

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"Who are they?" Casey thought curiously. She peered out the window. "This is getting curious with all the things happening to the players." she thought eating another delicious slice of pepperoni pizza and drinking some orange juice. She moved on to her teramisu.

I love Supernatural! :D

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