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Frost chuckled. "I'm aware I'm not hurt, it would take a lot more than that." he said sarcastically as Moon Beam said he would have gotten mad at her if she had asked. "Are you kidding? I'm here to help, it's kinda hard to help when Ive got to ponies breathing down my neck if I so much as look at you guys." he said raising his voice before calming and returning to sit. He put his face in his hoof and sighed "Celestia Frost, how are you gonnabefriend these ponies anyway? Their to stubborn to see past their own snouts. Then again I used to be that way to." he thought shaking his head. He looked up when Moon Beam asked him to play nice. "Your just giving ME th-"he was cut off when she said she would mention this to Steel. "Got it." he said in an icy tone looking away from her. When Moon Beam asked if he was going to help her find Steel or just sit there he stood up and created platforms out of magic so he was able to walk next to Moon Beam as she flew. After a minute he had had enough. "Look, I-I'm sorry. I'm not the best pony to travel with. As soon as we find Steel if you wish for me to leave I shall." he said chocking back a sob, he did not want to leave, he saw a bright future with Moon and Steel, they could great friends. "Sadness, I've only felt it once before, but it still intrudes me." he thought

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"Are you kidding me? You have amazing fighting skills. You're a good addition to the team, even though Steel doesn't see that. I know, I probably sound like I'm kissing up to you or something, but I'm serious. You're a good fighter, I'd be honored if you stayed with us on this journey." Moon Beam said, looking at Frost and smiling. Now that she knew she could relax, she was being herself. "Hey, I'm sorry I'm being such a jerk, it's just, that whole thing back there really scared me. I felt like I had to defend myself from the both of you, and I'm still a bit on edge." Moon Beam's eyes shifted back to silver as she talked, since she didn't have to keep her guard up as much. However, she kept the blades on her wings just invade Steel wasn't actually Steel. "Alright, so how are we going to do this? I mean, I could clear out the clouds in groups so like its not all of them at once and wait until we see him fall or something." she said, kind of chickling at the end. "I mean, I could catch him so he would hit the ground but, that's the easiest way I can think of." she said as she scanned the clouds briefly.

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Frost smiled. "T-thank you.....Moon Beam." it was odd for him to use that term, he rarely ever used since he had never stayed around long enough for somepony to be kind to him, he would always do his duty and leave, but with Steel and Moon Beam, this was different. He decided he would stay and help them with their quest, maybe stay long after, friends were hard to come by when it came to him. When she apologized for being a jerk and how she was only defending herself he nodded. "It's fine, there is no need for apology, I wasn't the best companion for a while either you know." he said with an awkward chuckle. When she proposed her ideas as how to find Steel among the clouds, not being a Pegasus he was open and willing to try any idea. "Sounds good, I can use my magic to clear some clouds to, I'll go ahead and start over there you can start there if you like." he said pointing in the given directions. "Yes, you'll have to catch him when he falls, I need my magic to keep myself from falling to my doom. It's kinda hard to do both." he said with a chuckle as his face went serious. "Be careful when you do though, Spawn is cruel and dangerous. Be mindful of that." he warned her

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"Oh so, Spawn is his name. But, yes, I kind of noticed." Moon Beam said while she began clearing some clouds. She was careful to always look under the clouds after she cleared it just in case Steel had been in it. She was scared of the fact that if she didn't see him when he fell, he would plummet to the earth. As she kicked the clouds away, she thought. "What if he is Spawn when I find him, and he tries to kill me? I'll be helpless against him. I mean, Frost would help me, right? He seems trustworthy enough.." she thought to herself. She glanced over at the Frost, who was using his magic to clear some of the clouds away. He would check to see if Steel had fallen, and when he didn't see him he would go straight back to clearing more clouds. He didn't notice Moon Beam looking at him, or maybe he did and he was just sort of ignoring it. She went back to the clouds. "But, what if Steel is Spawn, and he can never change back? He'd be that demon forever.. I would never be able to see Steel again, or have him by my side.." her eyes started to tear up, and her vision was blurred. She kicked another cloud, and due to the tears in her eyes she almost didn't see Steel falling fast, unconscious. "Steel!" she yelled, flying as fast as she could towards him. Luckily, she was fast enough to get under him and catch him before he could reach the ground. She lighted down with Steel on her back, and rolled him off onto the ground. "Steel, wake up. Steel!" she tried to shake him awake.

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In his Mind

"spawn thus us my body and in in controle!" steel yelled and he satbbed spawn again and again "I am your master now" spawn could only look up at steel as he tried but failed to use the fire on his hooves to heal him steel noticed ad laughed " you fool we are in the void and yor powers won't work here"steel said as things began to fade to black. Steel heard moonbeam and felt her shake him, he moaned then opened his eyes "moonbeam?... What's going on you should have left me in the clouds, spawn could have easily taken over and hurt you or frost or worse send you both to hell" stel said as he stood up "I'm sorry you had to find out this way an I suppose you want to know more so I'll tell you, that was spawn or the soul of spawn originally he was like demonblood and made scrap with the devil only difference is spawns power was so great he was able to escape the void years ago and he now lives within my dagger or did until I touched it when my grandfather died"steel said as he pulled out the ornate dagger "now he lives inside me and is always trying to take over my body and when I due he will returne to the blade until somepony else touches it than they will bare this demon soul and so on and so forth till one spawn is killed using the holy blade which will also kill his host or two no one touches the blade when I die"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost started to clear some clouds and check each one carefully to make sure Steel had not fallen. If he hadn't he would move onto the next one. He repeated this process over and over, taking the occasional glance over his shoulder to make sure Moon Bean was either fine, or to see if she had found anything. He turned and continued his cloud clearing for a few minutes until he heard Moon scream Steel's name. He turned around quickly to see Steel begin to plummet and Moon follow quickly after. Once she had caught him and brought him down to the ground gracefully. He created a slide out of magic and slid down to Moon Beam's side. His tattoos began to glow, being at the ready to attack if it was Spawn who was still in control of the body. When Steel woke up he let his aura retreat into his body and he sat on his rump letting out a sigh of relief. "Good to see your awake." he said with a smile as he walked over and held out his hoof for a shake. "Now, how about you and I shake on being friends, looks like we're going to be spending a lot of time around each other." he smiled

Edited by Frosty V
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Steel shook his as he explained spawn and how he came to be and why he was inside of him "now if I die near you do not touch the blade unless you have something suc as cloth as a barrier spawn can't go into you if you do not touch the dagger with your body"steel said as he out the dagger away "now then let's get going we be able to talk to celestia or Luna till tomorrow since it will be so late when we get there but we can stay at my place I have plenty of room" steel said as he walked over to his bags an put them on an waited fr moonbeam and frost to get ready -you think you in controle just wait till you get angry again I'll members waiting I'll always be here ready for you to slip up-speak thought steel just ignored him then he decided to reply- I guess I just won't get mad then it will be easy knowing if I do I'll have a psychopath controlling my body-steel thought in replay as he kept a blank look on his face even if he would be nice to frost he would never let him in no one had ever be able to get in until he met moonbeam

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam smiled as Steel got up as walked to his bags. "Good, he's okay." she thought. She was just about to walk over to Steel when she remembered the dagger that he had given her. Her eyes went wide and immediately turned and began running for the canopy. "I'll be back!" she yelled. She entered the canopy and saw the dagger lieing in the grass. "Did I drop you when I ran away from Spawn?" Moon Beam said as she twirled the knife in her hoof. She smiled, then looked at the little bed she had made the night before. "Hmm, it's a shame this is going to waste, I did such a good job on it... I know there will be opportunities to do this again in the future though." she said softly as she got up and picked up the comforter that was sprawled across the bed. She folded it, then threw it on her back and walked towards the entrance. "Wait!" she said out loud, then ran for the back of the canopy. She made a little opening and stuck her head out. She picked a purple gardenia flower, and swapped the feathers she had carefully tucked behind her ear for the flower. She sat down and quickly wove the two feathers into the braid on her tail. She flicked her tail a bit, making sure they were both secure and looked good. She smiled, then joined Frost and Steel once again. "Okay, sorry. Now I'm ready." she looked at Frost and smiled brightly, then at Steel. She bit her lip and smiled even more. "I missed you, Steel. I'm glad you're back." she thought.

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Steel wathced moonbeam then back to frost "so chainmonk can you teach me how to fight with chained daggers"steel asked when moonbeam smiled at frost and ten her hennotuced she bit her lip"now what's got you nerves?" stel asked he as he lifted into the air and hovered a foot if the ground and pulled out his daggers " don't worry I always have then out in case something or somepony hostile comes my way"steel said as he looked at the black dagger in his left hoof he seen te red pentagram flash and then it was gone he wondered if moonbeam or frost noticed this he hope they hadn't -although with out spawns hell magic it won't banish or cut anything it's still best they not know I carry such a cursed blade and fight with it all the time-steel thought kroon his thoughts from his face he wore a face that showed nothing at all only that he was watching his surroundings and was ready for a fight -I'll play nice with frost but if he calls me lover boy again he will pay dearly-steel thought his face still bit showing his thoughts

-lover boy, I'll have to remember that fr when want to mad"spawn thought

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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When Steel asked what had Moon Beam so nervous, she turned away and rolled her eyes. She had heard Steel begin to fly, so she did the same. She looked him over while he took out his daggers. "Ugh.. Great, he's already gone back to being a plothole. That was quick." she thought as she quietly let out a sort of laugh. "Well, if he's going to be that way, so am I." she thought. She quickly changed her expression, and she looked as cold and mean as he did. Then, she thought about Frost. "I won't be mean to him, since he isn't mean to me, even when Steel is around." she thought as she looked at him. She lighted down next to him, and motioned for him to come closer. She put her hoof up to her mouth and whispered into his ear "Looks like Steel has gone back to being a huge plot again." She pulled her hoof down and backed up. She looked at Frost and giggled, then glanced at Steel. Quickly, her face went blank. "So uh, are we going to get a move on?" she asked, sounding impatient and aggravated with him. "Im sorry.." she thought, not letting her emotions show on her face. She didn't want Steel to know what she was really thinking. She wanted to act just as he did when he was cold to her.

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Steel noticed how moonbeam was acting "moonbeam like I said I can read ponies like twilight sparkle reads books even when they try to hide it, the only times I have had any problems reading somepony is when I was around my grandfather and he's the one that taught me"steel said as he started flying to canterlot he was annoyed with moonbeam -Maybe solitude us best-steel thought

-yea maybe it is steel you know u spent my life alone and iv been thinking maybe it's time we start working together I can allow to summon my companion he is a nightmare although they loo horrid they are actually rather nice-spawn thought -you don't say how about when I tell you to you summon him and give me control-steel thought as he shifted just enough for the he'll fire to neon his hooves leaving his eyes and voice the same-alright steel that's what I like to hear so I'll summon him and give you control want will you give me- spawn thought

-I'll let make sure that when die a weak minded stallion touches the blade so to will be free to do with them-steel thought

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost looked over at Steel when he asked if Frost would be willing to train him in his fighting style. His eyes went wide. He had never trained anyone before and was going to tell Steel that he wasn't really the best teacher, but as he thought that over he began to realize that he was really the only one, to his knowledge who wielded such weapons. He looked down at his tattoos and then back to Steel. "Uh...ummm...sure. I would be happy to teach you." he said beginning awkwardly, but finishing with a smile. He saw Moon Beam telling him to come closer. He leaned in and when she tild him about Steel going back to be a huge plot, he couldnt helo but let out a small giggle. He then reached into his bags and pulled out two older looking chains with wooden blades on the ends, he had used these in his sparring days back in Canterlot when he had trained with the Royal Guard. He slung them over Steels back. "Try them on." he said as he remembered that those were the only pair that came with braces to be put on at the top of the fore legs, his were magically transfused with his body and he wasn't sure if Steel would be up for that sort of thing. "Once you feel comfortable wearing and carrying them we shall begin, take your time." he said as he walked along giving Moon Beam and Sterl room to talk, Steel had a look on his face that.......unsettled Frost

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When Steel said that he could read anypony, Moon Beam didn't care. "So what he knows. I'm still going to be a jerk." she thought, turning away from Steel. She decided to that she wasn't going to fly with Steel, but instead walk. Since she still had the blades at the ends of her wings and she wasn't very used to having them there, and it felt a bit different to fly with them.


As she walked, she didn't bother to look at Steel, or even talk to him. It didn't really seem like he wanted her company anyway. She noticed Frost kind of deprecate himself from her and Steel. She rolled her eyes and kept walking ahead. "Great. Now I have two ponies that arent going to talk to me." she thought. She slowed her pace a bit to fall behind Steel. Once she was behind him, she noticed the fire on his hooves and stopped. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. She grabbed the dagger Steel had given her and opened her wings, ready to defend herself if she needed to. She slowly took a step back, not knowing what to do. She didn't want to say anything, so she sat there in silence, watching Steel.

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Steel heard the lack of movement and knew it was because of his hooves "don't worry I'm still me spawn isn't in controle"steel said as he flew on -maybe I should be nicer to both of them, but then again life alone was easier whatdo you think spawn-steel thought

-well personally I know you care about he alot although i don't know why from what iv seen she's rather cold like you, niceness isnt a show if weakness but often conceived as one so-spawn thought -well spawn thanks for your help-steel though as he put his daggers away and stopped the fire on his hooves, he put the chains in his bag and turned "look I'm sorry for being so cold to you, to both of you ok" steel said "ill try t be nicer to you guys I promise" steel added before he turned "when get to canterlot if you want you can stay at my place it's an old warehouse by I own it and iv made like home, you guys will have the whole third floor, the second and fifth are off limits you can go to the fourth but it's just a bunch of training equipment and weights" steel was ready to get to canterlot

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Even though Steel said it was just him, she didn't relax. She sat there with her wings open and her dagger ready. Then, when the fire on his hooves vanished, she eased up, but still held on to the dagger. She got up and started walking, and when Steel said that he would try to be nicer to her and Frost, she huffed and rolled her eyes. "You say that now, but it seems like its pretty tough for you to be nice." Moon Beam thought. As she walked, she made sure to stay at least a couple feet away from Steel. She didn't want to get hurt if Spawn came around, and she also didn't really want to be near Steel at the moment. The only time she looked at him was when he offered to let her and Frost stay at his house in Canterlot, and even then it was for a split second.


Moon Beam glanced over at Frost, who had been fairly quiet. "Hey, Frost? Is everything okay?" she asked, looking a bit concerned. Since she wasnt paying attention to what was ahead of her, she stepped in a small hole, causing her to trip suddenly. She let out a sort of sqeal as she fell and hit the ground hard. She tried to get up, but she felt an unbearable pain in her side. Moon Beam managed to push herself over slightly and looked for what was causing the sharp pain. She immediately saw what it was, and her eyes went wide and she began to cry. One of the blades from her wings was stuck in her side. She opened her mouth, as if to scream, but no sound came out. Suddenly, she fell to the ground, unconscious.

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Steel cursed when he saw what had happend he landed by moonbeam and carefully pulled the blade out and when general how bad it was he knew what he had to do "frost do you remember your fight with spawn and what happend when you sliced him, the fire on his hooves heals him and if dine correctly can heal somepony else but I'll pass out once this is done" steel said as he used his free hoof to reach into his bag and pull out two needles "when I pass out inject me with one and moonbeam with one it's adrenaline we will wake up instantly" steel gave frost the needels and let his hoof shift to fire and put it in moonbeam the fire began to glow as it traveled onto moonbeam steel yelled in agony as a wound appered on his side that matched moonbeams once it appeared moonbeams healed instantly and steel passed out as he began to bleed from his side

((the wound transfer, it's a great trick and can save ones life in exchange for another as you have just seen with steel and moonbeam btw frost wake up moonbeam first l))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost bowed his head at Steel when he offered to let him and Moon Beam stay with him as guests. "Thank you Steel, I would be honored to stay in your home. It will give us a better space for your training, if that's what you want." he said with a smile, finally happy he had been able to get Steel to be somewhat happy in his presence. He then heard Moon Beam say his name and ask of he was alright. Honestly he wasn't, he wanted to protect these to ponies so they did not have the same fate his mother had, not being saved in the slightest.


He was about to answer her question when she tripped and fell, it sounded like it was painful, but all he could do was stand there. He barely knew the mare and didn't want to jump in of she wasn't all that hurt. He looked as Steel came over and held her, looking over her wound. He told Frost to hit them both with adrenaline after he had completed his wound transfer. Frost took the needles and waited. Once Steel had completed the transfer he knelt down and stabbed the needle into Moon's flank and injected the adrenaline. He waited for her to wake as he moved over to Steel to begin stitching up his wound with a needle and thread from his aid kit.

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Moon Beam winced when she woke up, just now feeling the sting from the needle. Her vision was blurry, and all she saw was blobs of color. She heard something moving next to her, and squinted trying to see what it was. She saw a figure on the ground, motionless, with a figure moving above it. After a lot of squinting and blinking, she now knew that those two figures were Steel and Frost. Steel was lieing on the ground, while Frost was stitching his wound. "Wha-.. What happened?!" she yelled, jumping up. She suddenly felt dizzy, and she swayed a bit and almost fell. "Woah.." she said softly, as she regained her balance.


Moon Beam stared as Frost stitched the huge wound on Steel's side. "What happened to him? Why is there a giant cut on his side?! Wait.. What happened to the cut that was..." Moon Beam looked down and realized the wound that was on her side was gone. She looked at Steel's cut, then back at where hers was. "Did he?.." her eyes went wide and she was about cry. "Why would you let him do that?! Are you kidding me?! That crazy plothole! What was he thinking? What were you thinking letting him go through with this?! Ugh.." she sat down and closed her eyes. She breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm herself. "I'm sorry. I know it wasn't your fault just.. That stupid stallion..." she apologized. She kept her head down, and bit her lip. "Why you freaking idiot?" she said softly to herself. She walked over to Steel and sat down. Part of his mane was over his face, so she carefully moved it away. "You're so dumb.." she said, then softly kissed him on the cheek. "Please be careful." she told Frost as she watched him stitch Steel's wound.

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As Frost was beginning to stitch up Steel's wound, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that Moon Beam slowly was beginning to wake before she got up quicker than she had woke. He kept his eyes on his work as she came to see what was going on. He gave her time to run the events and wound through her head. He listened as she came to a conclusion and sat down next to Steel as he stitched his wound. He let her get her thoughts out and he kept quite. When he figured she was done he looked up for a split second to see what exactly her condition was. She seemed to have a mixture of confusion, anger, and sadness. Feelings that become very dangerous when combined. He hesitated for a moment before answering, "Moon, calm down. This was his decision. It was a stupid decision, but it was his all the same." he said shaking his head, turning his gaze back to his work. "We've barely made it to Canterlot and I'm already playing doctor." he hissed under his breath. He looked back at Moon. "You know why he did this. His feelings are the ones that come in few, but come strong..,.......love. Something I wish I still had." he said trailing off, once again turning to Steel. Once he had finished the last stitch he ripped the excess lose with his teeth before pulling out the adrenalin. "Time to wake up." he said as he plunged the needle into Steel's flank.

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Steel woke up and shook his head causing his mane to fall into his face he pushed it back and stood up wincing from the pain hebpeachedninto his bag and pulled out a pill and took it then reached into his bag again and pulled out another needle and injected himself in the wound "hey thanks for patting me up frost" steel said ae he enered a state of hyper sense allowing him to see and smell better forth mist part but all his senses where in overdrive "we will start again as soon as the pain pill kicks in ok"steel said then heblooked at moonbeams side to make sure the transfer had web completed -good it was if it hadn't then I'd be screwed-steel thought while he waited for the pill to take effect he drank some water and ate a few oats "you guys want some" steel said as he held out the water and bag of oats


((hyper sense happens when there is a large amount of adrenaline in your body it heightens your senses to the point of "superhuman" but it only lasts while your adrenaline is pumping. Once adrenaline leaves the body you will be very tired and after so long of fighting sleep you will pass out))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam kept her head down as Steel got up and got some things from his bag. She just stared at the ground, not saying a word. When he offered her and Frost oats and water, she simply shook her head then got up to gather her things. As she walked she kept her head down. Once she had her dagger and blanket together, she opened one wing and inspected it. "Damn.." she muttered. There was a space where a blade was supposed to be. She looked over at where she had fallen and saw the silver blade lieing in the grass. "What am I supposed to do now? I can't fight with a missing blade.. I mean, I could do another spell, but that would take a bit of energy." she said softly to herself. She grabbed the dagger and started twirling it in her hoof as she thought. "Wait!" she said, as she ran off towards a group of trees. She sat in the middle of a group of trees where she was hidden enough for Steel and Frost to not see her. "Now, let's see if I can still do this." she said softly as she dug a small hole and put the flower she had behind her ear into the hole. She closed her eyes and focused all her energy and power. Suddenly, the hole with the flower started to slowly fill with water. Moon Beam opened her eyes and saw that the hole was now full of water. She smiled with delight before touching the flower lightly with her hoof. It began to glow a lumiscent purple, and so did the empty spot on her wing. Soon, there was another blade on her wing. "Well, I might as well add a few more, just incase." she said, before closing her eyes to focus. Her wings began to glow in various spots on her wings, and blades soon appeared in those spots. "Nice." she said happily as she inspected her wings. She picked up the flower and tucked it back behind her ear. It was still glowing lightly, meaning there was still some energy in it. The flower would now help keep her power strong. She walked out of the group of trees and joined Frost and Steel once again.

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Frost smiled when Steel offered him some of his oats and water, but shook his head. "Nono, you need them more than I do." he said shaking his hoof at the offered refreshments. "but thank you anyway." he finished still smiling as he pulled out his own container from his saddle bags and some tea bags. He lit a small fire with his blades and sustained it in mid-air with his magic. He levitate the container over the flame and added his water and tea bag, he waited for it to brew before pouring it into a tea cup and began to sip away at the beverage, putting all the other supplies and equitment back in the saddle bags. He would take a sip from the cup every minute or so until he looked around and saw Moon Beam walking back towards him and Steel. He had been so focused on his tea he had not realized that she had left in the first place. He layed down his tea cup and put on the best smile he could muster, trying to get used to the whole "happy" attitude. "So where have you been? Ahhh I see your blades are back in order." he said turning back to his tea and taking a sip.

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Steel watched as moonbeam walked away and when frost replied that steel needed more then he I'd he just smiled -if only you knew with in two weeks this wound will be nothing but a scar-steel thought then when moonbeam came back with more blades on her wings and the flower behind her ear glowing "so you guys ready the pills have started working"steel said as he took flight "i want to get to canterlot Brits te adrenaline where's off we will feel tired and shakey and possibly nausea so it would be best to get there an be at my place before that happens we have a few hours and moonbeam please be careful i can only transfer wounds some many times before it takes a toll on me and Id prefer that you not get hurt ok" steel kept his eyes forward as he flew he heard movement in the distance and knew that it was just rabbits or another small animals looking for food he didn't bother to tell the others because frost wouldn't be able to hear it and if moonbeam cared about it she would hopefully say somethig

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost walked along the path through the woods, he looked up at Steel and Moin Beam flying above him. Steele ear kept twitching, suggesting that he was still hearing things from a distance, if the some of the adrenilane was still present in his body he couldn't tell. He looked from side to side, observing his surroundings, being able to hold "pure magic" as his teachers had called it allowed him to extend his normal sinces, but differently than most would expect. He couldn't see better as in clearer, but he could see beyond sight, basically saying he could see the life or aura that would radiate of of a creature, but when it came to hearing, only vibrations could be heard from a distance, making it harder to determen a creature down to the species. He continued to look around, occasionally looking back up at Steel and Moon. A denser part of the forest was coming up, higher, larger trees made him happy, not to mention it gave him enough cover to enjoy himself without Steel or Moon being able to spot him "having fun". As soon as he was under the cover of the trees his tattoos once again turned into there true forms. He began to sing and jump from limb to limb, chuckling happily as he did.

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As Moon Beam was flying, she kept hearing small things that sounded like squirrels or bunnies scurrying around. It was bothering her, since she wasn't used to being able to hear so well. She kept shaking her ears and head slightly every once in a while. "This is extremely annoying. I can't wait until it wears off." she thought.


Soon they neared a thicker part of the forest, which Moon Beam and Steel could easily fly over. However, Frost would have to walk through. She glanced down at him, and he looked pretty happy. She simply shrugged and kept on flying. As soon as Frost entered the thicker area of trees, she could hear him laughing and singing. She smiled to herself, and thought "This is pretty much the first time he has been generally happy this hole time."


As she flew, Moon Beam tried to stay a small distance away from Steel. She didn't really want to talk to him, since she didn't want to possibly start anything. However, she was getting a bit bored and the awkward silence was kind of bothering her. So, she decided to say something. "Uuh, hey.." she said awkwardly, looking at him.

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