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open Mysterious tournament


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Tempest sighed as he watched the fight. "To think that I would have a entertaining fight, at the least." He thought to himself. The cyan pegesus then shrugged and sighed. Tempest then went back to meditating, as well as practicing a few more techniques that he was able to utilize with his aura.

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crimson merely smirked and dodged her attack before wrapping her in a headlock attempting to put her to sleep, "sorry miss lunar, but my father is a shadow elemental, so I couldn't be less afraid of the dark! To tell you the truth, there are many scarier things to be afraid of than  afraid of rather than simple darkness...trust me, I should know...sweet dreams miss lunar!" whispered crimson as he sqeezed on her windpipe just hard enough to induce unconsciousness.


((this is just a warm up attack, but lets see what lunar can do to counter it...this should be amusing! also, hey Yami, will Juri be flirting with crimson the whole time during this tournament? or was that wink just to see crimsons reaction? I'm curious...))

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crimson merely smirked and dodged her attack before wrapping her in a headlock attempting to put her to sleep, "sorry miss lunar, but my father is a shadow elemental, so I couldn't be less afraid of the dark! To tell you the truth, there are many scarier things to be afraid of than afraid of rather than simple darkness...trust me, I should know...sweet dreams miss lunar!" whispered crimson as he sqeezed on her windpipe just hard enough to induce unconsciousness.


((this is just a warm up attack, but lets see what lunar can do to counter it...this should be amusing! also, hey Yami, will Juri be flirting with crimson the whole time during this tournament? or was that wink just to see crimsons reaction? I'm curious...))

Her training kicked in as soon as his arms locked around her neck. She drove an elbow sharply into his ribs, using the momentary, and inevitable, limpness of his limps to bring her head out. "Well, that's good. Because I don't practice shadow magic." Illusion and teleportation, however, are very easy parlor tricks. She brought her fist up into his chin to create some distance between the two of them.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Moonlight Fire narrowed her eyes as she watched the fight. The one called Lunar seemed to have an edge, her type of magic still unknown. Although, the cloaked one Crimson had a powerful magic aura coming from him. The unicorn shook her head and looked for a way to practice her magic. Moonlight glanced at a small cut she had on her upper leg, and slowly closed her eyes, concentrating her magic.


The cut sealed up, leaving no trace except for a slight redness. She nodded with satisfaction and continued to watch the fight.

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Nuclear coughed, clearing her throat and got up from her seat.


'This is insane. I can't believe Pallete got herself involved in this... She can't really defend herself...'


She trotted over to some screens to watch the current fight, sitting next to Moonlight.


@@Moonlight Fire,


"Hey." greeted the black and yellow maned mare, not taking her eyes of the screen.


She wanted someone to talk to, at least for while to get her mind off this nightmare that everypony had been thrust into.

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Moonlight peered away from the screen to see a mare sit next to her. It was Nucleur, Moonlight had observed her fight with Blazing. "Hey. I'm Moonlight. Pretty interesting fight, huh?" she asked politely, making conversation while watching the fight. The unicorn glanced back at Nucleur. She seems fairly nice, she thought, before turning back to the screens.

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A small grin appeared on the eccentric mare's face, happy that somepony was willing to talk.


"Yeah, I guess if you ignore the fact that one of them is gonna die." replied Nuclear bluntly, not sugar-coating her observations.


She didn't mean anything rude by her remark, it was just how she saw things at that moment.


"Like, how did they manage to get to our loved ones anyway?" she asked aloud, her ears twitching warily.

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Nuclear folded her forelegs in front of her and sighed sadly.


"I can't say the same about my friend, Pallete Puddle... She's a bit spazzy and her talent is with paints..."


The mare stretched, popping her neck.


"The only thing she could've done most likely is splashed paint in their eyes or something."


She chuckled at the thought.

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crimson grunted as lunar hit him in the face, causing him to jump back a few feet away, grinning at her, "nice moves miss lunar, it looks like I underestimated you. this fight might actually be fun" said crimson before teleporting behind lunar attempting to sweep kick her legs out from under her, but he still doesn't hit her.

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crimson grunted as lunar hit him in the face, causing him to jump back a few feet away, grinning at her, "nice moves miss lunar, it looks like I underestimated you. this fight might actually be fun" said crimson before teleporting behind lunar attempting to sweep kick her legs out from under her, but he still doesn't hit her.

Lunar expected something like this, and bucked backwards pretty hard. She jumped away, with her back to a wall. I'd hope so. I got through the top of my class at the PIA, before they hung me out to die a traitors death. As far as they're concerned, I'm dead. As far as I'm concerned, they're gunna be.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Tempest glanced at the other fighters in the room. "The only thing I know for sure is that my family is here." He said. "I sensed their aura's when the boat reached the dock." The cyan pegesus's demeanor then changed to show the full force of his rage. "I don't know about any of you, but I don't intend on leaving this place without them."

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crimson rolled out of the way of her attack and skidded to a halt, looking at her with a raised eyebrow, "so your main goal is a revenge plot? isn't that just a little bit dangerous, not to mention cliché? I know how you feel, but revenge isn't always the answer...this im sure of..." said crimson before quickly flitting in front of lunar, grabbing her and throwing her to the ground, holding his hoof over her throat, "it would be a lot easier on everypony if you would just quit while your ahead, your no match for me..." said crimson.

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"So you read minds, Crimson?" she asks.(I wrote those in italics for a reason) "I believe you'll find I'm every bit your match and better. Either way it doesn't matter; the rules of this engagement is quite clear. Either you will be lying dead on the floor, or I will. There is not alternative. Failure means your own death, and the death of the ones they stole from you." Her horn flash in a brilliant display of light, and suddenly there were five Lunar surrounding him. One of them said, "I will not leave a pony to suffer an agonizingly slow death unless they were my enemy," as they began to close in. The same one added, "You are not my enemy."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Moonlight gave a chuckle to Nucleur's statement. "Ah, I see." The unicorn then hardened her gaze at the cyan pegasus that had just talked. "I did as well, but I have no idea where they might be being held. And unfortunately, I feel the same way," she said, gazing around at the other fighters. Taking somepony's life was the last thing Moonlight wanted to do, for she knew more than anybody the signifigance of a life.


But for Whiplash, I am prepared to do so, she thought.

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@, @@Moonlight Fire,


Nuclear huffed, looking at the pegasus. "I don't have any fancy smancy aura sensing tricks, but I know that Pallete is here...."


She looked up at the television screens, a sad look in her eyes.


"She always woke me up with the smell of burning toast that was a different color each day..."

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Moonlight glanced sadly at Nucleur, wishing there was a way she could comfort the mare. Moonlight had surprised herself, she never usually felt emotionaly towards other ponies, but this wretched tournament must be doing something to her. "Don't worry, I'm sure Pallete is fine. Hopefully, all of our loved ones are fine," she remarked reassuringly. Moonlight Fire was painfully reminded of Whiplash, wishing more than anything her bothersome friend was here right now.


"She used to annoy me more than anypony, but I miss her so much," she whispered, sitting down.

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crimson looked calm as lunar surrounded him with clones, attempting to corner him, "there are three problems with your statement, 1. your not as good as I am, not even close. 2. there is another way this ends, with me knocking you out and me winning. and 3. while its true that you may not be my enemy, im still gonna have to kick your ass regardless, my marefreind's life is on the line! so im sorry, even though I hate to hit mares, im gonna have to end this NOW!" said crimson before igniting his leg in flames and doing a sweep kick in a perfect circle around him, sending up a blazing, circular wall of flames around him, making sure to make the flames only hot enough to leave second degree burns at best.

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(Isn't it in the rules that only death would win?)


"You're confident, but you speak without any knowledge of my abilities. This is called elitist syndrome. It kills many strong ponies." The horn of two different pony's horns flash, and a large bucket of water is dumped on him.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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crimson smirks at lunars comment but before he could reply, she used magic to dump water on his head, causing him to stand there with a blank expression for a moment before breaking out laughing, "do you REALLY think that a freaking bucket of tap water would even make my flames hiss? now who's the one who's speaking without any knowledge of abilities?! why don't I give you a taste of my more hotter flames...take this!" said crimson before flitting infront of her, "meteor punch!" said crimson before punching lunar in the stomach with a flaming hoof with enough force to knock her off her hooves.


((really? I didn't notice that actually...))

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crimson smirks at lunars comment but before he could reply, she used magic to dump water on his head, causing him to stand there with a blank expression for a moment before breaking out laughing, "do you REALLY think that a freaking bucket of tap water would even make my flames hiss? now who's the one who's speaking without any knowledge of abilities?! why don't I give you a taste of my more hotter flames...take this!" said crimson before flitting infront of her, "meteor punch!" said crimson before punching lunar in the stomach with a flaming hoof with enough force to knock her off her hooves.


((really? I didn't notice that actually...))

He passed through the illussion and all five Lunars flicked out. As he passed through, he felt some of his energy drained, and converted into a bright flash of light directly in front of his eye. In the momentary blindness from the teleportation flash, she punched him square in the nose. "You boast and boast." She take out a pair of hoofcuffs from a back pouch. And throws it at his legs with another teleportation. They seem to be magically seeking his ankles.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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crimson curses as the flash of light blinds him, giving lunar enough time to punch him and cuff him, he barely felt the punch, but he was pissed about being cuffed, quickly snapping his eyes open and roaring in rage, sending out a wave of fire in all directions, melting the hoofcuffs. "GAAH! THATS IT! YOU JUST PISSED ME OFF! you can underestimate me, you can blind me, you can even punch me! but don't you DARE try to restrain me!! my freedom is just as important to me as my friends are! ENOUGH GAMES! IF I HAVE TO BURN YOU TO A CRISP TO SAVE WHIPLASH, THEN I WILL! BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN I'LL ENJOY IT!! RAGESTAR!!" yelled crimson before his body ignited in golden flames. crimson then flitted in front of the real lunar (he can sense body heat) before punching her in the face with a flaming hoof, "METEOR PUNCH!!" yelled crimson, sounding more sad than angry. "im sorry violet...I couldn't keep your promise...but I have no choice! if I don't kill her, then whiplash is as good as dead!" thought crimson.

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crimson curses as the flash of light blinds him, giving lunar enough time to punch him and cuff him, he barely felt the punch, but he was pissed about being cuffed, quickly snapping his eyes open and roaring in rage, sending out a wave of fire in all directions, melting the hoofcuffs. "GAAH! THATS IT! YOU JUST PISSED ME OFF! you can underestimate me, you can blind me, you can even punch me! but don't you DARE try to restrain me!! my freedom is just as important to me as my friends are! ENOUGH GAMES! IF I HAVE TO BURN YOU TO A CRISP TO SAVE WHIPLASH, THEN I WILL! BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN I'LL ENJOY IT!! RAGESTAR!!" yelled crimson before his body ignited in golden flames. crimson then flitted in front of the real lunar (he can sense body heat) before punching her in the face with a flaming hoof, "METEOR PUNCH!!" yelled crimson, sounding more sad than angry. "im sorry violet...I couldn't keep your promise...but I have no choice! if I don't kill her, then whiplash is as good as dead!" thought crimson.

She grinned wickedly, "Bingo. Word gets around Crimson," she says, putting a ball of energy infront of her, and blowing it as he got near. She blew it a little close, and was sent flying back into a wall. Her hair was singed from the heat of his flames, and her back was bruised. She drew her knife upon landing, a little winded. She used her training to regain control of her breath, and advance upon Crimson.


(You're at a disadvantage. I know your moves, and you don't know mine.)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Tempest glared at Nuclear and smirked. "Aura detection is the least of my several, abilities." He said, smiling darkly. The cyan pegesus then sighed and began to think of Ivy and the moments he enjoyed the most with her. "I swear that I won't let you down, and I'm not one to break a promise." He said to himself.

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