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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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"Alright" Deranged said as he headed to LSugar Cube Corner and headed up stairs before his horn glowed and he noticed Equinox was completely fine and in a coma. Deranged Teleported back to Pinkamena. "He's fine draining all of his magic worked and nothing horrid will happen to him." Deranged said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Well, that was straight and to the point. :P)


Pinkamena watched as Deranged left and shortly returned as he teleported back. "Thank you." She happily said to him. She felt relief that it actually worked and he would return back to normal. Now she just had to wait for Equinox to wake.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"No problem...I am surprised how there was no internal or external damage to him " Deranged said as he heard Twilight open the door. "Oh...hi Pinkamena what are you doing here" Twilight asked. "It's fine now Twilight she just needed me for something" Deranged said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena was even more relieved when Deranged said that Equinox had no damage to him at all. Twilight then opened the door and came out and greeted her. "Hello Twilight. I just came to ask something of Deranged, that's all." Pinkamena said to Twilight.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Oh okay then" Twilight said sounding tired and looked worn out. "Twilight you really need to take a rest you look h-" "Deranged I don't need your damn bullshit alright" Twilight said before going back in and slamming the door. "See what I mean...she's become more....whats the word...insensetive or something" Deranged said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena was utterly shocked by Twilight's snappy attitude towards Deranged. "Jeez, she really needs to get away from whatever is causing her to do that." She said after Twilight slammed the door shut. "That is definately not the normal Twilight." She added as she looked at Deranged.

Pinkamena was utterly shocked by Twilight's snappy attitude towards Deranged. "Jeez, she really needs to get away from whatever is causing her to do that." She said after Twilight slammed the door shut. "That is definately not the normal Twilight." She added as she looked at Deranged.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"I swear I tried to take the orb away and she shot me with a magic bolt" Deranged said. "That damn orb is scary and I don't want her near it...I really hope she doesn't try to absorb it because if she does..." Deranged said. "I'll have to drain her magic..." Deranged said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"If you can't get that orb away from her, have you tried to get anyone else's help to get it away from her. I.e. The princesses?" Pinkamena asked Deranged. "If something like that is truly that dangerous, they'll get it away from her and hopefully be able to at least seal it away from the world." She added.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Oh what goo will the princesses will be..." Deranged said. "But you're right I need to get their help but the thing is....I don't trust either of them...Equinox might rust Luna and Twilight trusts Celestia but there is no way in hell I will ever trust them" Deranged said. "They barely helped with the crisis with the damn book..."

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"That may be true, but what other options do we have?" Pinkamena asked Deranged. "If you can't get the orb away from her, there's no way I would be able to. You don't have to trust them, you just have to wait and see if they would help Equinox and Twilight." She added.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"They won't help Equinox wake up" Deranged said. "Damn it I'm getting that orb myself and destroying it" Deranged said. "Locking that damn orb won't do shot it will just be one big burden and somepony will still steal it" Deranged said as he looked at the sky.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Fine. You do it your way and I am going to do it my way. I'm not going to just stand by and let one of my best friends just destroy herself." Pinkamena promptly said to Deranged. She then turned around and started to walk away from him. 'I know they'll help. We've done so much for them.' She thought as she headed for the train station.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Deranged went into the house before seeing the orb and summoning his katana. "Twilight...step away from the orb it need to be destroyed" Deranged said. "You lay a single hoof on this and I won't hesitate to seal you in tarturaus" Twilight said. "The demons will welcome me there....step away or I will hurt you...and I don't want to" Deranged said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Just realized this rp is now just over a year old.)


Pinkamena rushed to the train station and hurried onto a train as it was about to leave. She went into the passenger compartment and took a seat and stared out the window. She knew the train ride would be a while and she hoped she would make it to the princesses on time.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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  • 1 month later...

(Yeah I noticed that also)


Deranged swung the katana at the orb but was stopped by a dark aura. "Deranged back off now" Twilight said threateningly before striking Deranged at hi forelegs knocking him down before Twilight picked him back up. "Go now or you will regret messing with me" 


(Sorry it took so long to reply to this)

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(It's all good. And using the magic power of time skip, to evade redundancy, the train is in canterlot.)


As the train began to dock in the Canterlot station, Pinkamena got up and went to the doors. When they opened, she burst out of the train and ran towards the castle, knocking over a few others along the way. Reaching the castle, a guard ordered her to stop, but she just shoved him aside and continued into the castle. "Where are they...?" She asked herself as she looked around.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Deranged looked at Twilight. "Twilight stop this now before you lose control of the power...if you keep doing this y-" Deranged was silenced when he was thrown into a wall. "I can control this magic...this is nothing" twilight said. "Pinkamena...hurry" Deranged muttered before being thrown into another wall.



Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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After finding no one in the foyer, she decided that the next place to looked would be the throne room. She ran up the large staircase and down a hallway, passing by another guard that tried to stop her. She came up to the large doorway and burst open the doors. "Princess Celestia?"


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Deranged sttod up slowly before being grabbed by the throat. " Deranged...you're decade now" Twilight said before impaling him completely before dropping him to the ground. "Now that he is out of the way I can continue with what I was doing" Twilight said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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  • 2 months later...

When Pinkamena burst into the throne room, the echo of the door resonated through out the whole room. "Princess Celestia?" She repeated as she walked in and was looking around the empty room. "Where is she...?" She muttered as she looked up at the throne. Her next thought was to try Luna and find her in her room. So, she ran out of the throne room and charged towards Luna's room. Upon getting to the door, she opened it and called out for Luna within.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"What is it Pinkamena" Luna answered. "Is my student Equinox in trouble or is it something else" Luna asked.



Deranged looked at Twilight as he slowly bled out oon the ground. " Twilight...I loved you and now you do e this" Deranged said as he closed his eyes and sighes

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(Prepare for a read. (And maybe a laugh.))


When Luna answered her, Pinkamena sighed internally with relief. She thought on how to explain it quick and took a deep breath. "Ok. When we went to the Equinox world and killed all those that you ordered us to kill, Equinox began to seem different. After we finished there, we tried to portal back home but we ended up in the canterlot throne room and when we went looking around we found you frozenandthentwolittlegirlscameandthenhadoneoftheirservantsattackusandputusindungeoncellswherewebrokeoutandthenanotherservantcameandEquinoxjustcrushedherwithouteventhinkingaboutitandtossingthebodytothesideandleftthecastleandEquinoxwasledtoaforestwherewewereagainattackedbutwefoughtthemoffandfoundawaytoleavethereandgetbacktotheportalinthecastleandwhenwegotbacktherewasaweirdmagicstartingtotakeoverEquinoxandTwilightdraineditoutofhim..." Pinkamena sputtered out as she gasped for a breath. "And now Equinox is in a coma, and Twilight is acting extremely different now that she is memessing with that magic that was drained out of Equinox." She ended.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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" Alright..." Luna said. " Honestly Equinox needs to stop being so rash...but now Twilight is messing with his magic? That's not right" Luna said. "Let's go Pinkamena" Luna said leaving the castle and opened her wings. "Hold on we are going to take off" Luna said worried about Twilight

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"He didn't used to be this rash when I first met him." Pinkamena replied to Luna. "Was he this rash when he was your student?" She then asked as she got on and held onto Luna. She didn't know much of his past other than what she had learned with her and Equinox's fight against Deranged and his father.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Honestly no he wasn't...but he was always in check because of Deranged" Luna said before taking of and going really fast. "He was always silent and calm... Deranged apparently kept his magic in check" Luna said as she landed and saw Deranged impaled. "Deranged is...he's dead" Luna said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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