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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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(I wouldn't be surprised that you did.)


When Selene mentioned something about being salesponies at the store, the pony behind the counter got confused a little.


"Yeah. We're gonna sell everything all for really cheap because that will bring everypony to buy this stuff." Scootaloo said cheerfully.


At this, the pony behind the counter began to choke on his drink and start to cough.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Again I really think this isn't a good idea" Selene said. "After all there must be something easier and again...I don't think we are old enough" Selene said.


"You're right your not retail is something very important you can't just sell everything at a cheap price". Blaze said

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"Alright, fine." Applebloom sighed. "Ah guess we'll just have to do something else then." She added.

"What else would there be to do that we could do right now?" Scootaloo asked them.

"Ah dunno." Replied Applebloom.

"Maybe we could help out the gardens at the park..." Sweetie Belle said as she trailed off when she remembered something. "The park! I totally forgot." She said hurriedly. "I just remembered I had plans there. Sorry guys, I got to go." She finished as she quickly left the store.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Umm...what does Sweetie Belle need to do exactly" Selene asked. "Do you guys why she left in such a hurry" Selene asked as Blaze Wing left the store. "What about painting or something? " Selene sggested


"Normalcy...seems so odd thinking about it now" Equinox sighed as he soon fell asleep on the couch.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Darn, I was hoping she would forget and stay with us the whole day." Scootaloo said jokingly.

"Really Scootaloo?" She asked semi-sarcastically, then turned to Selene. "She had plans with Button today by the way she ran outta here." She explained to Selene.

"And when did someone say painting? That could sound like a good idea." Scootaloo added.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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" Oh..." Selene said. "So she already has someone" He thought. "Also I was the one who suggested painting" Selene spoke. "Just thought it would be a good idea that's all" Selene added as he left the store with the two. " After all there is various different ways of painting maybe we are good with one of them..." Selene said looking at the sky.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"You sound disappointed." Scootaloo said suspiciously. "What do you like her or something?" She said, poking fun at Selene.

"So where would we paint at?" Applebloom asked, completely ignoring Scootaloo's attempt to make fun of Selene. "We could probably find some paint buckets at the farm." She added.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"N-no" Selene said. "Anyways yeah might find some paint buckets at the farm" Selene said with his mind half on other thoughts. "I'll follow behind you guys my mind is on other things at the moments alright" Selene said before glaring at Scootaloo. "You also need to stop assuming alright" Selene said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Why are you getting so defensive about it? That only makes it more true." Scootaloo teased and stuck out her tongue at Selene.

"Alright. We'll head there right now. If anything, I can try to get Big Mac to help us with anything we can't do." Applebloom said as she started to head towards Sweet Apple Acres.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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Selene started walking before he made Scootaloo trip. "Just because someone gets defensive doesn't mean it's true..." Selene said. "Anyways...lead the way Applebl-" Selene soon stopped before looking around and saw somepony. "Actually head on without me...I'll catch up with you later" Selene said heading off in his own direction.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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As Selene tripped her, Scootaloo out of natural reaction began to flutter her wings. But, to her dismay, they did nothing and she faceplanted into the ground. Applebloom chuckled at it as Scootaloo got up As Selene said he would meet up with them later as he had something to do.

"Okay...?" Applebloom said, kind of confused by the suddenness of it.

"That hurt you jerk." Scootaloo said, rubbing her face as she saw Selene leave. "Where's he going?" She asked.

"Not sure. He just said he had to do something and that he'll meet us at the farm." Applebloom answered as she continued to the farm.

"Alright?" Scootaloo said, now slightly confused as well.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Selene stopped and sighed. "I thought I saw somepony but I guess it was just me..." Selene thought to himself. "Well...guess I w-" Selene soon stopped when he saw Silver Spoon again. "I wonder if this time she'll speak to me this time"  Selene thought. "Hey Silver Spoon" Selene called out.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Silver Spoon was now walking along the street on her way home after the encounter with Selene and the CMC. She had calmed her nerves and was feeling better, until it was interrupted by someone calling her name. She looked over in the direction the voice came from, and her heart nearly stopped when she saw who it was. She began to think on a good place to run and hide to avoid him. 'Stop it. I need to confront him.' She thought determinedly, though her body reaction said otherwise. "Uh... Hi?"


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"I've been meaning to ask how you have been lately but when I asked before you kinda...ran off" Selene said. "Why did you run off anyways? Were you in a rush or something...also sorry or bumping into you earlier also" He said looking down and rubbing the back of his neck.

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Silver Spoon stood there and though for a second. She had the feeling of wanting to run away again. 'Come on, you can do this.' She thought. "I uh... Ran off because I was uh... Busy with things." She stammered as she tried to make an excuse. She was fidgeting with her hoof. "Uhm, it's okay that you bumped into me." She said nervously. 'Come on, here's my chance.' She thought. "Uh... Selene? Do you think... Maybe that you would..." She started. "That you would excuse me because I have to go." She said abruptly as she turned around, her face now blushing, and began to walk away.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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(As Sweetie Belle would say: OH COME ON)


"Oh...okay then...hey if you want we can hang out some time" Selene said. "I mean ever since that incident...you been avoiding me..." Selene said. "Well see you later then" Selene said as he started to head off towards the farm to meet up with Applebloom and Scootaloo.

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(I totally had that thought in my head.)


"Yeah. Sure. Bye." Silver Spoon said hastily as her quick walk picked up to a trot and into a gallop until Selene was out of her sight. Once out of sight, she stopped to catch her breath and calm herself. Though she felt disappointed, she was smiling because she had actually been able to talk to him without running away immediately.


Applebloom and Scootaloo had made it to Sweet Apple Acres and was now looking around in the barn for some paint. "Big Mac said there was some in here, but ah don't see it. Any luck up there?" She called up to Scootaloo.

"None yet." Scootaloo replied back from up in the hayloft. "How long do you think Selene will be? He kinda ran off randomly." She asked.

"Don't know, but it seemed kinda important." Applebloom replied.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Selene sighed as he arrived at the farm and went to the barn. "Okay I'm here" Selene called out. "Are you guys looking for the paint or something" Selene said as he looked around before seeing it in the way back and sighed. "Hey I think I found the pain actually" Selene said going over to the buckets and picking one up.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Took you long enough." Scootaloo called out from the loft.

"Yeah. We're looking for the paint. Wanna give us a helping hoof?" Applebloom asked Selene. Shortly afterwards, Selene had said he found them and Applebloom came over and grabbed another bucket. Scootaloo hopped down from the loft and went up to them. "Nice job." She said as she grabbed another. "Now wrat are we goin tah paint?" She asked, her mouth muffled by the bucket handle.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Hmm...I wonder about something" Selene said. "I have an idea" Selene said placing the bucket down. "If we can make a few stencils we can make something that looks amazing" Selene said. "Like a...A large flower or something...I don't know" Selene said as he sighed to himself.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hmm... I don't think we have any stencils here, but we can use other things instead. Like a milk container for a circle and other stuff." Applebloom suggested.

"Yeah, that could work. Let's make the best flower Ponyville has ever seen!" Scootaloo said enthusiastically.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"How about a black and pink lily" Selene suggested. "I know how to make a stencil for the petals...we may need a lot if we are going to make it detailed...and I really need to stop listening to Equinox when it comes drawing" Selene said remembering lessons that Equinox used to give him for drawing

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"We could do that." Scootaloo agreed.

"Yeah." Applebloom said. "I'll get a milk container. Selene can draw out petals. And Scootaloo, you can find something for the stem." She added and began to head over to the stables.

"Gotcha." Scootaloo said as she headed out to look for a large stick or something.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Selene concentrated a bit before forming stencils as he let out a deep breath before sitting down. "I got the stencils..." Selene said as he smiled. "Next time though I might just bring them my self...I'm not used to doing long ranged teleportation of multiple objects" Selene said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(My continuity alarm is going off.)


Applebloom had returned and brought a milk can with her. "There. Now we can make the circle." She said. "Has Scootaloo gotten back yet?" She asked.

"Ah'm right herr." Scootaloo replied, dragging a good sized branch by her teeth into the barn. She then dropped it and breathed heavily. "That thing is heavy." She panted.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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