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Princess Celestias four biggest failures


Celestias biggest mistake  

28 users have voted

  1. 1. pick one

    • Nightmare Moon
    • Losing to Chrysalis
    • Letting Sombra curse the empire
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • her hair

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So Celestia was pretty much a "god" when the show started but after three seasons I gotta say, she is no where near a god, as I found four mistakes Celestia made which caused conflict:


1) Letting NMM happen, now I know we don't know what happened and in season four we will find out how Luna turned into NMM but still Celestia should have noticed that her sisters is sad because Ponies sleep when her night arrives. Its not like they only see each other for a second once a day. And this caused the EoH to be useless for a thousand years and it forced Celestia to raise the sun and the moon at the same time for a long time not to mention Luna spended a thousand years corrupted.


2) Losing to Chrysalis, Now before you attack me for this, I need to say that unlike when NMM defeated Tia in the first episode Celestia wasnt expecting this, she let Chrysalis fool her into believing shes cadence, she did not trust Her own student and left her on her own after giving her the shoulder, not to mention that before this episode she once told Twilight to trust herself. So not only did she let Chrysalis surpass her in power, she coukd have cheap shotted Chrysalis while she was bragging about her plan by stabbing her with her horn, but instead she went the clean way and warned Chrysalis shes gonna attack her.


3) Letting Sombra curse the empire with him, so she and her sister, two alicorns, attacked Sombra who is just one Unicorn, combined there powers together and banished him into the ice prison, yet he STILL was able to curse the empire with him? How did they even let him do it, is he really that powerfull that he could curse an entire empire while fighting two gods? Did they get cocky and underrate him because hes one unicorn? Heck why did they turn him into shadows when it only made him stronger? He wasn't even touchable by Shinings magic because of it and it gave him a logia power.


4) Sunset Shimmer, so one of her students turned againts her? Why did she let it happen? Why dint she just order the gaurds to arrest Sunset because of her knowlage from her days as her student? Heck she even let her enter a portal to another world that has weapons such as guns and nukes and bombs and other stuff that the ponies would stand no chance againts(luckily Sunset was too stupid to realize this).


0) Why does she has her hair like that? Its sooooooo horrible, I mean who does she think she is? Grandma? Look at Lunas hair, its sooooooo FLAWLESS............


Anyway These are Celestias four biggest mistakes, IMO, do you think she made other mistakes? Which one of these four is the worst? When will I stop asking questions? Comment and vote.

  • Brohoof 1

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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1) Celestia and Luna have the day and night shift, respectively. It's not unreasonable to assume that while one was doing their duty of raising the sun/moon, the other was asleep. I imagine communication to be quite limited, which I would quite like to believe actually as it would make their reunion at the end of the 2-part pilot all the sweeter.


2) Chrysalis is the Queen of Changelings. She is a master of her craft. Celestia wouldn't have detected her general hostile attitude, because there's no way she'd keep up the same attitude in her presence. Celestia would be overseeing the wedding and Chrysalis needed to stay on good terms with her during any time they spent together; that's why Celestia never suspected anything. Furthermore, when Twilight and crew turned up apparently posing not nearly as much importance as Celestia, Chrysalis thought nothing of them and acted dismissive. I don't know where she was when Chrysalis revealed herself, though, you're right on that part.


3) This criticism seems much more like nitpicking; Sombra was tyrannical. There's enough evidence to show from both Crystal Empire episodes (the way he materialises from smoke, renders other unicorn magic useless, the invasion of other Crystal Ponies' minds) that he could very well match them for strength. An entire empire of Crystal Ponies, plus the Mane 6, Shining Armor and Cadance combined were the only things that could stop him in that episode; he's that strong of a character. So for even Celestia and Luna combined to be able to overthrow him is representative of even greater power. So what if he threw a curse on an empire? They banished him, and that's proof enough of their worth.


4) There is no evidence to suggest that Sunset Shimmer "turned against" Celestia. She was quoted to have simply abandoned her studies and left to do her own thing; Celestia even tried to help her when she clearly wasn't grasping lessons. It's hardly Celestia's fault that a particularly troublesome student wasn't immediately predicted to be a future source of danger; that's like ordering the guards on any old scrupulous citizen. It's also hardly her fault that Sunset wandered into the portal, Celestia isn't a psychic. Are you saying that she must predict the moves of everyone around her in order for her to have any success as a princess?


It seems like you have some type of prejudice against Celestia. In fact, to me, Celestia seems quite hated by this fandom in general, but for the life of me I can never see why.

Edited by Flipturn
  • Brohoof 7
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1) were It seems like you have some type of prejudice against Celestia. In fact, to me, Celestia seems quite hated by this fandom in general, but for the life of me I can never see why.

No actually its the other way around. Alot of bronies see her as a perfect god who does nothing wrong and is always right. Which makes her extremely boring, so I am trying to get people to understand that she isn't perfect and she IS intresting.

  • Brohoof 1

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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I think losing to Chrysalis was her biggest failure.


Mainly because as a Queen, you always have to be on-guard and prepared to defend your people. So, losing to someone like Chrysalis must've been very embarassing and shameful to everyone, especially considering her power as ruler. ^_^

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Her biggest failure was losing against Chrysalis. And if you're going to hate Celestia, try not to make it so damn obvious. Celestia is pretty hated around the fandom. If you assume she is loved, you haven't been to very many brony websites... just putting that out there. You just sound like that typical "NLR RULES!!! LUNA IZ DA BEST PRINCESS FO SURE!" kind of brony to me. Try to sound a little less unbiased in your post. 

Edited by WheatleyCore


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Celestia is a mother figure, not a goddess. She was never portrayed as a goddess.

The show deliberately leaves religion out in order to appeal to as many as possible.

Celestia is also a monarch in order to leave politics out.


Celestia's presence is a literary tool, allowing the writers to focus on other things far more important, such as a message, a moral, and simple slice of life stories.


I don't think Lauren Faust or the current writers ever intended Celestia to be a goddess.

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I did read the entire post but im going to do small quotes just to refrence what paragraph I'm talking about.




1) Letting NMM happen,


MY reasoning on why the EoH could only banish NMM is due to Celet no longer being at harmony and thu in tune with the elements themself.  Or atleast not all of them.  Having to battle some one as close to her heart as Luna must have had some sever Emotional weight.   Loyalty betrayed, Laughter gone, her own kindness being called in to question even having to fight this battle.   This also being a direct confrintaion with her sister, she could not just slap her with EoH  and say get over it.  So she locks her away untill new  bearers can be discovered.




2) Losing to Chrysalis,


Bronycurious did a huge video on the faults of that episode.  I dont agree with all the points presented there but here is my reasoning behind what happend.   Celestia was training Twilight.  If you noticed there are several times where she could of steped in asn fixed everything.  But that would not help to teach or train our little Alicorn in training.  Probly the 2min of her sitting back and watching she was planning how to handle this.   That  or she already knew and wanted to use this to further train Twilight.  I'd go in to it deeper than that but Im still trying my self to put together what her actual plan was and if it went the wrong way.




3) Letting Sombra curse the empire


I would really have to rewatch this episode because I don't recall the details Celestia reveals of that battle.  It does seem safe to guess that Sombra cursed teh empire when he took it over.   A failsafe if he was ever defeted.  He must have know that the 2 sisters were not just gonna sit and do nothing while he took over a kingdom.




4) Sunset Shimmer,


I have not had a chance to watch EG and have nothing to bring to this point. 




0) Why does she has her hair like that?


Hey! She has cosmic flowing hair.  Its awsome.



On the note of Equestria history I have been watching Ink Rose on youtube. 



It is alot of head cannon fan fic but very facinating to listen to.  She brings up a lot of good points and I do rather like her verson of Equstria's troubled past.

Other's more Talented than me.




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Her biggest failure was losing against Chrysalis. And if you're going to hate Celestia, try not to make it so damn obvious. Celestia is pretty hated around the fandom. If you assume she is loved, you haven't been to very many brony websites... just putting that out there. You just sound like that typical "NLR RULES!!! LUNA IZ DA BEST PRINCESS FO SURE!" kind of brony to me. Try to sound a little less unbiased in your post.


Sigh when did I say that I hate her? Like I said I am pointing out her flaws rather than nitpicking on them. Its like with Goku, a lot of people call him boring and never does anything wrong and never fails, amd its getting annoying. Also I am not a Luna fanboy, if Anything I find her annoying

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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Sigh when did I say that I hate her? Like I said I am pointing out her flaws rather than nitpicking on them. Its like with Goku, a lot of people call him boring and never does anything wrong and never fails, amd its getting annoying. Also I am not a Luna fanboy, if Anything I find her annoying

I think I assumed that (as others as well) because of the way you were mentioning her. For example, including things Celestia has screwed up on and they added something as out of place like her mane. Your post sounded a bit harsh in a way, I do suppose.


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So not only did she let Chrysalis surpass her in power, she coukd have cheap shotted Chrysalis while she was bragging about her plan by stabbing her with her horn, but instead she went the clean way and warned Chrysalis shes gonna attack her.


For some strange reason, I just found this hilarious.  I'm still laughing.


CHRYSALIS: "Brag, brag, brag, brag!  Bwahahahahaha--"


CELESTIA: *backstab!*


CHRYSALIS: "--AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...." *collapses twitching into a puddle of green bug juice*


MANE 6: :blink:






RAINBOW DASH (looking queasily at the green blood dripping from Celestia's horn): "Uh...alright, Princess?"


BRONIES: "Whelp.  Guess we gotta add "CelestiAssassin" to her list of monikers.  She's getting pretty damn scary this season!"


;)  Anyway, given that she's basically an idealized medieval monarch, she's probably operating under a code of honor that wouldn't allow for a sneaky assassination move, especially in public.  Her subjects would expect her to stay "clean," and would have lost all respect for her if she'd gone for the cheap shot.

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Celestia is not perfect, and when one considers it she hasn't really had the chance to be a hero either… at least not by herself. Despite all her power as an alicorn, despite all the wisdom she has gained over the years, despite how much she has grown in skill and ability... she never gets the spotlight and her flaws become clear.


* Celestia defeats Discord the first time they face each other… but only side by side with her sister Luna and because of the Elements of Harmony.

* Celestia defeats King Sombra…. but again only side by side with her sister Luna with or without the Elements of Harmony. Yet not before King Sombra cursed the crystal Empire to disappear.

* Celestia is forced to face Nightmare Moon, once her sister, but must use the Elements of Harmony to do so and at great cost. A bitter victory indeed, and one that will haunt Celestia for 1000 years with the question of how could she have not seen the signs or prevented her sister from falling into darkness.

* Celestia does not defeat Nightmare Moon on her return and it is hinted that she was imprisoned herself. She had to rely on her young student and the friends she would hopefully gain, rely on them to find the Elements of Harmony, to survive their encounters with Nightmare Moon, she had to rely on Twilight to unlock the powers of the elements before then using them to free Princess Luna from the darkness she had given herself to.

* Celestia is unable to do a thing about Discord on his return, and reasonably neither could Luna because the two of them were no longer connected to the Elements of Harmony. Celestia had to rely on her student and her friends yet again to stop Discord from plunging the world into chaos and madness. All Celestia could do, perhaps on her sister Luna's suggestion, was send her student all her friendship reports back to her incase Discord got to the new wielders of the Elements.

* Then there is Queen Chrysalis disguised as Celestia's niece, now officially shown to be adopted, and again being unable to see the signs that something was wrong until it was too late. Being so deceive by the changling queen that she herself believed that Twilight was in the wrong before redeeming herself by facing Chrysalis in defense of her subjects… yet failing because of how much power she had gained from the love taken from Shining Armour. In the end it was Princess Cadence and Shining Armour that saved the day not her.

* Lastly King Sombra, in which yet against she rely on her student to save the day, though the question of whether or not Celestia and her sister Luna could have faced this foe could be asked.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
  • Brohoof 2
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I think I assumed that (as others as well) because of the way you were mentioning her. For example, including things Celestia has screwed up on and they added something as out of place like her mane. Your post sounded a bit harsh in a way, I do suppose.

The mane thing was a joke of me trying to sound like a teenage girl so that you could laugh, nothing else.

And had I named thentitle of thread "why Celestia is not a mary sue" would things been better. I am just trying to unprove the idea of her being perfect.

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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No actually its the other way around. Alot of bronies see her as a perfect god who does nothing wrong and is always right. Which makes her extremely boring, so I am trying to get people to understand that she isn't perfect and she IS intresting.

I always thought the trollish nature of celestial was a jab at how people feel God does nothing.

she's hands off in her approach allowing for better or worse those under her to proceed and learn for them selves.


She does sit on her hands alot,

her level of incompetence is relative to how much you beleive she has planned.  Did she intend to lose to Chyrselias?  (Never occursed to me just now) so that her students could vanquish her?

Did shet intend for Sombre to come back as a future lesson for a later generation?

you could certainly make that case with discord, when he's brought back because of Celestial.


Celestial works in mysterious ways, if you find that frustrating LOL i think your suppose to.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Though I don't think Celestia is all that bad, I would have to say allowing Sombra to take over the Crystal Empire despite defeating him would be hurtful to their reputation and their empire politically. I mean, you've just lost a piece of your country, or rather in my opinion, your "colony", and the other countries at that time will dismiss your country as weak and unable to sustain itself.


If you still don't get what I mean, think of the British Empire losing their American colonies/United States during 1783.

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