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open Equestria University: Third Time's the Charm


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Mare Dorms:

Dorm 1: Wind Symphony & Starry Night

Dorm 2: Psych Ward & Azura

Dorm 3: Ace o' Spades & Lola Lovely 

Dorm 4: Crescendo Clef & Electra Una

Stallion Dorms:

Dorm 5: Camou Flage & Descant

Dorm 6: Blaze Finder & Pelate Overcast

Dorm 7: Scribe Shield & Blazing

Dorm 8: Volt Switch & Back Track


Blaze Finder walked onto the campus. He hadn't really been too interested in going to college, but he realized it would be the best decision for him. He had been about to walk into the building when he saw a familiar face.  

"Volt?! How's it been, mate? Haven't seen you in bloody ages!"


Volt Switch looked up to see an orange stallion he had met when his family moved to Trottingham fro a short period of time. "Oh hey Blaze! What were the odds we'd be going to the same university?" "Pretty slim, I'd reckon. C'mon let's get our schedules and crap."


The two stallions walked into the school, receiving their schedules and dorms. They were told to go straight to their dorms to get acquainted with their room mates. "Ah bollocks, we're not in the same Dorm. I'm with some guys named Pelate." "Yea I'm with somepony named Back Track. We should probably get going though. See you around?" "Yea." 


The stallions made their way to their dorms, each finding that the room was empty. They both put their things to the right side of their respective rooms and began to wait for their room mates.

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"This is stupid. You're stupid. Why did I let you talk me into this?" Symphony grumbled, glaring hatefully at the ground ahead of her as the two ponies made their way through the halls. "You do realise I'm not going to forgive you for this?"


"Just give it a chance!" Scribe rolled his eyes and shoved the mare sideways with a hoof, only to receive a solid kick to the underside in retaliation. "Oof! Okay, I get it! There's no point leaving now though, right? We're already here!"


The unicorn winced, not from the second kick or the wing that followed it, but from the efforts of casting the barrier spell to stop them.


Enrolling had been Scribes idea: he was hoping to make at least a small improvement to his magical aptitude. Signing Symphony up as well had seemed like a good idea at the time: though he was having doubts now.


"I guess this is where we split up: you're down that way, dorm one with a Miss... 'Starry Night.' I'm right down the other side. Meet me here later okay?"


With that, he turned sharply, tugging on one of the fastenings on his armor as he barged into the room and slumped down onto a bed.


Symphony watched her friend depart and muttered incoherently under her breath as she too found her room. Instead of slumping down, however, she began to systematically search am every corner. 'Just in case.'

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Electra walked silently through the hallway to her dorm while reading the map carefully.


As the clutz she is, she tripped on her own hoof a few times. This way too nerve wracking for her.


"Dorm 4...dorm 4. Where the heck is dorm 4?" She mumbled. When she finally found her dorm, she trotted in to find she was there first.


She plopped down on her bed and started un-packing.

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"This is stupid. You're stupid. Why did I let you talk me into this?" Symphony grumbled, glaring hatefully at the ground ahead of her as the two ponies made their way through the halls. "You do realise I'm not going to forgive you for this?"


"Just give it a chance!" Scribe rolled his eyes and shoved the mare sideways with a hoof, only to receive a solid kick to the underside in retaliation. "Oof! Okay, I get it! There's no point leaving now though, right? We're already here!"


The unicorn winced, not from the second kick or the wing that followed it, but from the efforts of casting the barrier spell to stop them.


Enrolling had been Scribes idea: he was hoping to make at least a small improvement to his magical aptitude. Signing Symphony up as well had seemed like a good idea at the time: though he was having doubts now.


"I guess this is where we split up: you're down that way, dorm one with a Miss... 'Starry Night.' I'm right down the other side. Meet me here later okay?"


With that, he turned sharply, tugging on one of the fastenings on his armor as he barged into the room and slumped down onto a bed.


Symphony watched her friend depart and muttered incoherently under her breath as she too found her room. Instead of slumping down, however, she began to systematically search am every corner. 'Just in case.'

Blazing walked onto the campus, only somewhat ready for whatever was going to happen.  You know, maybe I'll have a chance to be smart for once! He thought sarcastically. He laughed a little bit then started walking towards the dorm he was supposed to go to. "Let's just hope my roommate doesn't suck." He said to himself. He opened the door and walked inside. There was already another stallion on a bed. "I'm gonna assume you're my roommate, right?" He asked.

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"Either that, or one of us is in the wrong room." Shrugged scribe before rolling off of the bed and onto his hooves again, nodding at the newcomer.


"Scribe Shield." He introduced himself, checking the paper with his and Symphony's dorm details on it for reference. "You'll be... Blazing Hoop? Wait, no, that's a smudge. Blazing... Hoof?"


'Oh for Celestias sake... of course it's 'Hoof'! What else would he be called? Idiot...' His mind lectured silently.


"Uh, I mean, 'course it is... pleased to meet you and everything." He shrugged with a slight grin.

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"Either that, or one of us is in the wrong room." Shrugged scribe before rolling off of the bed and onto his hooves again, nodding at the newcomer.


"Scribe Shield." He introduced himself, checking the paper with his and Symphony's dorm details on it for reference. "You'll be... Blazing Hoop? Wait, no, that's a smudge. Blazing... Hoof?"


'Oh for Celestias sake... of course it's 'Hoof'! What else would he be called? Idiot...' His mind lectured silently.


"Uh, I mean, 'course it is... pleased to meet you and everything." He shrugged with a slight grin.

Blazing mentally laughed a little bit, something that didn't usually happen with the way he acted. "Well this is off to an interesting start." He laughed. "Anyway... You're right, I'm Blazing Hoof." He said, returning to seriousness. "Nice to meet you." He added happily. It was almost unnatural for him to be this happy.

Edited by Blazing Hoof
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Camou walks up to his dorm, making sure the dorm number is correct.

"Ah here we are, dorm 5, I can't wait to start class and complete my education." He joyfully opens his door, and gets his suitcase unpacked. He hangs his lucky scarf on the back of the door so he won't lose it.

Finally, he organizes his books in a neat stack on his nightstand
"I hope my room mate has a high level of intelligence, not that it's a bad thing if he doesn't, but it would be great to have another pony to relate to, plus I wouldn't be forced to race with them or something."

He grabs one of his books and lies on his bed and starts reading. 

Edited by ChikoritaBrony
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Starry trotted to where the dorm sheet was, she was with Lola Lovely. She had met her on the way here. They looked they the sheet and sighed. It would be cool for them to be in the same dorm but sadly they weren't. Starry looked at the sheet as her glasses fell off her muzzle. "Ah!" The glasses shattered as they hit the floor. Lola gave her an extra pair of hers. "Thanks, I'll see you later." "See ya." they trotted to their dorms quickly.

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Crescendo smiled as she walked into her dorm, seeing her roommate was already there.  "Hello," she smiled at the other mare as she set her bags down.


Psych Ward found her way into the hall of dorms, frowning as she realized that each room help two ponies.  She would be sharing with someone?  Not good.  Not good at all.  She stood at the still closed door, not sure whether or not to enter.

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Scribe returned to his position on the bed, shuffled about uncomfortably as he tried and failed to relax - in no small part due to his choice of clothing being completely unsuitable for relaxation.


"So, where you from Hoop?" He asked over his shoulder as he pulled out a pile of books from his saddlebag by mouth and looked over them with a puzzled expression.




Symphony, satisfied that she knew every crack and shadow of the room, proceeded to place her belongings securely in place around the bed closest the window. She looked out for a moment to get a better idea of the layout of the place, memorising what she saw and smirking to herself.


'At least this place is big enough that I might find something interesting to investigate. And plenty of crowds to get lost in too.' She thought to herself.

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@@Psych Ward


Electra decided to take a break from unpacking. The moment she sat down on her bed, a Pegasus walked in and said Hello.


"Hi! My name is Electra Una. So..I'm guessing we're roommates!" Electra exclaimed very enthusiastically.


Normally Electra wasn't this excited, but this was her chance to finally make a friend.

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It had been around noon when Back Track had entered the campus and began looking for his dorm. There were so many dormitories that it would take quite a while for him to find which was the correct building. Personally, the young colt wanted to just wander around the campus and find the computer lab or the library. Still, he had to find his dorm first before going off and exploring the campus.


Unfortunately, the unicorn was living with another. The stallion had no idea who this pony was in the first time. Then again, he wasn't good at social contact.


"I don't know why but I'm dreading being with somepony I don't even know? Is he good guy? Is he a jock? Oh Celestia, who is this Volt Switch," He thought to himself as he began to trot upstairs towards his dorm room. Every step, it made him even more nervous but he still had to get it over with.


The unicorn opened the door to see Volt Switch. There was an awkward silence before somepony could say anything.


"H-Hello, ummmm I'm Back Track. You must be Volt Switch I believe?" He asked in a nervous tone. Back Track wanted this to be over soon and be by himself.

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Scribe returned to his position on the bed, shuffled about uncomfortably as he tried and failed to relax - in no small part due to his choice of clothing being completely unsuitable for relaxation.


"So, where you from Hoop?" He asked over his shoulder as he pulled out a pile of books from his saddlebag by mouth and looked over them with a puzzled expression.

"Well I was living in Baltimare, but I just recently moved to Ponyville becau-" He cut himself off, trying not to go into detail. "Well that's not important." He said. You idiot! Don't tell him that! His mind shouted at him. He had to think of a lie of some sort to cover up for his mistake.

Edited by Blazing Hoof
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Crescendo nodded, glad her roommate seemed nice.  "It's wonderful to meet you," she smiled.  "My name's Crescendo Clef."  She dragged her stuff over to the other bed, promptly beginning to unpack.  She sighed in dismay as she noticed her piano had not yet arrived.



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@@Psych Ward


Electra heard Crescendo Clef give out a sigh. As the naturally friendly and caring pony Electra was, she asked her new roommate why she was upset. She wanted to make a good impression on her possible friend.


"Is there something wrong?" Electra asked.

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Crescendo shook her head.  "I had just hoped my piano would have arrived by now," she said.  "It's nothing to worry about though.  It should get here eventually."  She went back to her bags, pulling out books on music and techniques, along with a small black case.

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"Ponyville?" Scribe echoed, looking around. "Huh, strange how I've not seen you around. To be fair though, I don't get out around the village even when I'm at home, which isn't all that often anyway." He shrugged with a grin. "Small world Huh?"


Scribe wasn't the most perceptive pony. Nor was he the most intelligent but the blunt break in his roommates sentence was enough to raise even his suspicions.


"What was that? Because...?" He asked, cocking his head enquiringly.

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"Ponyville?" Scribe echoed, looking around. "Huh, strange how I've not seen you around. To be fair though, I don't get out around the village even when I'm at home, which isn't all that often anyway." He shrugged with a grin. "Small world Huh?"


Scribe wasn't the most perceptive pony. Nor was he the most intelligent but the blunt break in his roommates sentence was enough to raise even his suspicions.


"What was that? Because...?" He asked, cocking his head enquiringly.

"It's nothing..." Blazing said. He didn't want to say anything about why he moved to Ponyville yet, so he had to hide it. It was something personal that he could only tell ponies he trusted completely. The problem with that was there weren't many ponies he did trust. Oh screw it, no point in hiding it then. He thought.

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"Huh, if you're sure." The unicorn shrugged dismissively, returning to unpacking and wondering exactly why he had a copy of 'Sorcery and You - A Guide to Advanced Spellcraft' when he was barely capable of lifting objects telekinetically, let alone do anything that would be classed as 'advanced'.

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"Huh, if you're sure." The unicorn shrugged dismissively, returning to unpacking and wondering exactly why he had a copy of 'Sorcery and You - A Guide to Advanced Spellcraft' when he was barely capable of lifting objects telekinetically, let alone do anything that would be classed as 'advanced'.

Blazing instantly noticed the book and asked, "You can do advanced level magic?" He was slightly jealous, seeing as he couldn't do any magic at all, even just the simplest forms of it. What did I do to deserve this anyway? Being completely magicless... He wondered. He decided it was best to stop worrying about it and just move on.

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"What? Oh, that?" Scribe snorted at the concept. "Depends, do you want to see me pass out in a really impressive yet useless way? Nah, I was just wondering why I've even got a copy of this..."


Throwing the book back into the saddlebag, he grinned. "I, uh, tend to rely more on the whole 'hit things 'till they stop being a problem' method. Surprisingly effective actually - magic's never really been my thing. Whole family were earth ponies you see."

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"What? Oh, that?" Scribe snorted at the concept. "Depends, do you want to see me pass out in a really impressive yet useless way? Nah, I was just wondering why I've even got a copy of this..."


Throwing the book back into the saddlebag, he grinned. "I, uh, tend to rely more on the whole 'hit things 'till they stop being a problem' method. Surprisingly effective actually - magic's never really been my thing. Whole family were earth ponies you see."

"I understand completely." Blazing said. "My entire family may be full of unicorns as far as I know, but I can't use magic at all." He said. "It's just not right..." He said sadly. He had always hated himself for not having magic, and he had a bad habit of just bringing it up at terrible times.

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Psych Ward decided to confront her roommate later and went back to roaming the halls, hoping to not run into anyone.  She payed attention to the signs on the walls so she wouldn't get lost.  She perked up when she saw the sign for the library, reminding herself to check that out later.

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Volt nodded and smiled, "fixing" his hopelessly messy mane. "Yup I'm Volt. I'm assuming you're Back Track? It's nice to meet ya bud." The yellow pegasus stood up and extended his foreleg for a hoofshake. This pony didn't seem so bad, but Volt wanted to start off on the right hoof.


Or the left rather, since his right hoof was pointing towards the stallion in front of him.

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"Uhhh yeah, nice to meet you," He responded back, meeting his hoof with his own and shaking it. After that he tried cleaning his hoof real quickly before unloading his saddlebacks. Back Track carefully pulling out each piece of equipment such as laptop, tablet, external hard drive and loads of other equipment placing each piece carefully.

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